scholarly journals Potensi Air Sulingan Beberapa Bagian Tanaman Kopi sebagai Atraktan terhadap Hama Penggerek Buah Kopi (Hypothenemus hampeii Ferr.) di Laboratorium

Agrikultura ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
SIska Rasiska ◽  
Deni Ariyono ◽  
Fitri Widiantini

ABSTRACT Potency of Distilled Water of Several Parts of Coffee Plant as Attractant of Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampeii Ferr.) in Laboratory Coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampeii Ferr.) is one of coffee plant pests, causing fruit damage up to 50 percent. One of control technicques to eliminate the adult female is the use of attractants obtained from parts of coffee plant. The aim of this research was to know the potency of distilled water of parts of coffee plant as attractant to control coffee berry borer. Research was done in the Laboratory of Entomology, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, from February to July 2015. Experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block Design. The treatments were control without distilled water (P0), coffee exocarp distilled water (P1), coffee berry distilled water (P2), coffee leaves distilled water (P3), and coffee branch distilled water (P4). Each treatment was replicated five times. The result showed that distilled water of coffee plant had a potency as attractant of coffee berry borer. Distilled water of coffee bean at the concentration of 4% had the strongest effect, attracting coffee berry borer of 8.8 female adult. The effectiveness of coffee plant distilled water in attracting coffee berry borer lasted three days. Keyword: Distilled water, Attractant, Coffee berry borer ABSTRAK Penggerek buah kopi (PBKo, Hypothenemus hampei Ferr.) merupakan hama utama tanaman kopi yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hingga 50%. Salah satu teknik pengendalian imago betina PBKo yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan senyawa atraktan yang terkandung di dalam bagian tanaman kopi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi air sulingan bagian tanaman kopi sebagai atraktan terhadap hama PBKo. Percobaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Entomologi, Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran pada bulan Februari 2015 sampai dengan Juli 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan perlakuan yaitu tanpa pemberian air sulingan (P0); air sulingan kulit buah kopi (P1), biji kopi (P2), daun kopi (P3), dan ranting kopi (P4) dengan konsentrasi masing-masing sebesar 2%, 4% dan 6%. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan air sulingan bagian tanaman kopi berpotensi sebagai atraktan terhadap hama PBKo. Rata-rata jumlah imago betina PBKo terbanyak yang tertarik yaitu pada air sulingan biji kopi pada konsentrasi 4% sebanyak 8,8 ekor betina. Masa aktif dari semua air sulingan yang berperan sebagai atraktan dalam menarik imago betina PBKo yaitu selama 3 hari. Kata kunci: Air sulingan, Aatraktan, Penggerek buah kopi

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-119
Winda Nuraini Situmorang Situmorang ◽  
Marheni ◽  
Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar

Coffeeberry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) is one of the dominant pests that are difficult to control. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness type and height of trap to control coffee berry borer in Sumbul, Dairi. The method used Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) which consisted of 2 treatments factor and four replications. The first factor was a type of trap (single funnel trap, multiple funnel trap, and mineral bottle) and the second factor was the height of trap (60; 120; 175; and 200 cm). The results showed that the type, height, and interactions were significant by coffee berry borer trapped. The best trap used by the mineral bottle with a height of 60 cm is 2.75 beetles. The type was of trap significant by the number of insects trapped and residue of attractant while height and interaction were nonsignificant. The best trap of insects trapped was a mineral bottle with height 175 cm is 21.8 individuals and the highest insect consisted of Formicidae amounted to 231 individuals with the residue of attractant is 0.73 ml.

Agrikultura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Sudarjat Sudarjat ◽  
Yadi Supriyadi ◽  
Ramdhani Ramdhani

ABSTRACTThe Augmentation of Parasitic Wasp Eretmocerus sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) to Control Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Hidroponic TomatoesSweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is one of the most important agricultural insect pests especially vegetables in Indonesia. One of techniques to control this pest is the used of parasitic wasp Eretmocerus sp. This research aimed to find out an effective dose and interval application of Eretmocerus sp. release against B. tabaci at hydroponic tomatoes. This research was carried at the green house, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design consisting of nine treatments and three replications. The treatments were the combination between doses (2, 4 and 8 pupae of Eretmocerus sp.) and interval applications (1, 2 and 3 weeks). The result showed that doses of Eretmocerus sp. released and interval application had effect on parasitization level in the fifth and sixth week after first release. The highest parasitization occurred at treatment of releasing 8 pupae at one week interval (24.63%). However, the parasitization level at first week until fifth week had no significant different among treatments. The low level of parasitization may be caused by high population of B. tabaci at the first release, high temperature in greenhouse, different host plant of Eretmocerus sp. between mass rearing and treatment, not enough number of the released Eretmocerus sp., and the attack of Oidium sp., the patogen of powdery mildew disease on tomato.Keywords: Augmentation, Eretmocerus sp., Hydroponic tomatoes, Bemisia tabaciABSTRAKBemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera; Aleyrodidae) atau lebih dikenal kutu kebul, merupakan salah satu hama penting yang menyerang beberapa komoditas pertanian khususnya sayuran di Indonesia. Salah satu teknik pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan yaitu dengan menggunakan parasitoid nimfa Eretmocerus sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis dan interval aplikasi pelepasan Eretmocerus sp. sehingga efektif dalam menekan populasi B. tabaci pada tanaman tomat hidroponik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Terdapat sembilan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan yang merupakan kombinasi perlakuan antara dosis (jumlah pupa yang dilepaskan) yaitu 2, 4, dan 8 pupa Eretmocerus sp. dengan interval aplikasi yaitu 1 minggu, 2 minggu dan 3 minggu sekali. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan dosis dan interval aplikasi mempengaruhi tingkat parasitisasi pada minggu kelima dan minggu keenam setelah pelepasan pertama dengan tingkat parasitisasi tertinggi mencapai 24,63% pada pelepasan 8 pupa dengan interval 1 minggu sekali. Akan tetapi, tingkat parasitisasi pada minggu pertama sampai minggu kelima masih sangat rendah pada seluruh perlakuan berkisar antara 2,49%-11,42% atau seluruh perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata. Rendahnya tingkat parasitisasi Eretmocerus sp. pada penelitian ini disebabkan oleh tingginya populasi B. tabaci pada perlakuan pertama, tingginya temperatur di dalam rumah kaca, perbedaan tanaman inang ketika perbanyakan dan percobaan, kurangnya jumlah Eretmocerus sp. yang dilepaskan, dan serangan jamur Oidium sp. penyebab penyakit embun tepung.Kata Kunci: Pelepasan, Eretmocerus sp., tomat hidroponik, Bemisia tabaci

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-73
Mariathas A. Dishan

One of the major constraints to coffee production throughout the world is the damage caused by the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB), Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari). The first report of the occurrence of CBB appears to be that of 1935 in Rathnapura District in Sri Lanka. It is now prevalent in all areas, at varying degree of damage to both Arabica and Robusta coffee. Damage on coffee berries bribes in heavy losses on economical production of coffee in developing countries, including Sri Lanka. The objective of this study was to identify the infestation level of CBB in six selected coffee cultivars and to assess the CBB populations in coffee fields. Six selected coffee cultivars were, Catimour, S4711, HDT of Arabica species and IMY, CCI, BS5 of Robusta species. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design, with six treatments and three blocks. Damage severity was recorded on fifty-four tagged coffee plants. Ten branches were selected from a coffee plant where each branch contained more than fifty berries. Data were collected on the same berry cluster, during three months at weekly intervals. Starting from zero damaged berries, the diameter of coffee berry was measured by using a Vernier calliper (0.1mm). Ninety coffee berries were randomly selected from each of Arabica and Robusta for measurements. The data were recorded continuously during the three months at weekly intervals. The results showed that there were significant CBB damage differences among the coffee cultivars. Among the selected cultivars BS5 was the least damage by CBB and HDT was the most susceptible cultivar and S4711 was also found to be susceptible but to a lesser extent. CBB populations were high in Arabica field than in Robusta field. When the diameter of the coffee berry increase, the level of infestation of CBB also increases.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 349
Sartono Putrasamedja ◽  
Wiwin Setiawati ◽  
L Lukman ◽  
Ahsol Hasyim

<p>Perkembangan varietas-varietas bawang merah di suatu daerah ditentukan oleh keserasian dengan lingkungan, potensi hasil, toleransi terhadap serangan organisme pengganggu tumbuhan (OPT), serta umur dan mutu hasil. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji penampilan beberapa klon bawang merah dan hubungannya dengan intensitas serangan OPT penting. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Brebes dan Tegal (Jawa Tengah) dari Bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2011. Perlakuan yang diuji ialah 10 klon bawang merah hasil silangan tahun 2004 dan 2005, serta dua varietas bawang merah sebagai pembanding (Bauji dan Bima Brebes). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Parameter yang diamati ialah pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan jumlah anakan), hasil panen, dan serangan OPT penting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon no. 2005/1 dapat beradaptasi dengan baik di Brebes dan Tegal, mampu menghasilkan produksi tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 9,95 dan 17,50 t/ha, mempunyai diameter umbi terbesar (1,87 dan 2,41 cm), bentuk umbi bulat, dan berwarna merah tua, sedangkan klon no. 2004/11 mempunyai pertumbuhan dan  produktivitas yang tinggi, relatif toleran terhadap serangan Spodoptera exigua, Alternaria porri, dan Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, diameter umbi (1,67 dan 1,96 cm), bentuk umbi bulat,  dan berwarna merah tua, sedangkan klon no. 2004/10 dan no. 2005/19 sangat rentan terhadap serangan hama S. exigua, penyakit A. porri, dan C. gloeosporioides. Klon-klon yang mempunyai tingkat serangan rendah/toleran terhadap OPT merupakan klon harapan bawang merah toleran/tahan OPT. Namun demikian, penggunaan pestisida sesuai dengan konsep pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT) masih tetap diperlukan terutama apabila serangan OPT tersebut mencapai ambang pengendalian yang ditetapkan.</p><p> </p><p>The development of shallots varieties in one location depends on the genetic adaptability, yield potential,  tolerance to pest and diseases, harvest date, yield and quality. The aim of study was to evaluate 10 clones and two local clones as check, Bima Brebes and Bauji were conducted in Brebes and Tegal (Central Java) from June to September 2011. The trial were laid out in a completely randomized block design and each treatment was replicated three times. The parameters used for evaluating these clones were plant height, no. of sprout,  no. of leaves, yield and pests and diseases incidence. The results showed that considering overall performance, clone no. 2005/1 gave the highest yield (9.95 and 17.50 t/ha), and diameter of bulb (1.87 and 2.41 cm) in Brebes and Tegal respectively, clone no. 2004/11 produced growth and good yield  and showed tolerance to Spodoptera exigua, Alternaria porri, and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, bulb diameter (1.67 and 1.96 cm) with dark red color,  while clone no. 2004/10 and no. 2005/19 were identified as the most susceptible clones to S. exigua, A. porri, and C. gloeosporioides. This suggests that some of shallots clones could be good candidates for the new varieties of shallots. However, the use of pesticides in IPM concept were still needed especially if the incidence of pests and diseases reach the action threshold.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Marida Santi Yudha Ika Bayu ◽  
Yusmani Prayogo ◽  
Gatut Wahyu Anggoro Susanto

The main constraints to increase mungbean production in Indonesia are pests and diseases. The application of integrated biological agents can improve the efficacy of controlling the mungbean pests and diseases. The study aimed to determine the efficacy of integrated biological agents to suppress mungbean pests and diseases. This field research was conducted from May to July 2018 using a randomized block design with seven treatments and four replicates. The treatments were: T1 = Trichol + NSP, T2 = Trichol + SlNPV, T3 = Trichol + NSP + SlNPV, T4 = Trichol + NSP + SlNPV + BeBas, T5 = Trichol + NSP + SlNPV + BeBas + GE, T6 = chemical pesticides, and T7 = control. The results showed that the highest efficacy occurred in T4 and T5 treatments which saved the yield loss from major pests and diseases attack, and did not differ significantly with chemical pesticides (T6). Treatments T4 was able to reduce the development of soil borne diseases by 3% and suppress Spodoptera litura attack by 9.8% as compared to chemical treatment. T4 was also more efficient than T5 because it uses less biological agents. The advantage of biological agents is compatible if they were used together with predators such as Oxyopes sp., Paederus sp. and Coccinella sp; and also Telenomus sp. and Trichogramma sp. parasitoids. On the other hand, the chemical pesticides (T6) killed all existing natural enemies. Therefore, T4 could be recommended for controlling mungbean pests and diseases.

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 61 ◽  
Yusuf Limbongan ◽  
Fadjry Djufry

<p>Local rice of Toraja Plateau, such as Pare Bau&amp;amp;rsquo;, Pare Kombong, Pare Lallodo, Pare Ambo&amp;amp;rsquo;, and Pare Lea, is one source of organic food which may improve national food security in the future. In order to determine the character and superiority of these five accsessions, characterization, and observation had been conducted in North Toraja and Tana Toraja district in 2011&amp;amp;ndash;2013. Observation was carried out on five genotypes of local superior rice and one genotype as check variety (Cisantana variety). The experiment used randomized block design that was repeated five times, therefore 30 plots were observed. The parameters of observations consist of the growth components, yield components, productivity, nutrient content, flavor and aroma, and resistance to pests and diseases. The results showed that the five accessions have morphological difference, sharp and distinctive aroma, delicious/fluffier taste, resistance to pest, good adaptability to the plateau (700&amp;amp;ndash;2.000 m above sea level), high protein content, low fiber and glucose content, high vitamin B content, and delicious rice. Heritability values for all components of quantitative trait were ranged from moderate to high.</p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Padi lokal dataran tinggi di Tana Toraja, antara lain Pare Bau&amp;rsquo;, Pare Kombong, Pare Lallodo, Pare Ambo&amp;rsquo;, dan Pare Lea, merupakan salah satu sumber pangan organik dalam rangka meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional pada masa yang akan datang. Untuk mengetahui karakter dan keunggulannya, telah dilakukan karakterisasi dan observasi kelima aksesi tersebut di Kabupaten Toraja Utara dan Tana Toraja tahun 2011&amp;ndash;2013. Observasi dilakukan terhadap lima genotipe padi unggul lokal serta satu genotipe pembanding, yaitu varietas Cisantana. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang diulang 5 kali sehingga terdapat 30 petak observasi. Pengamatan dilakukan pada komponen pertumbuhan, komponen hasil, produktivitas, kandungan gizi, rasa, dan aroma, ketahanan terhadap hama dan penyakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima aksesi berbeda secara morfologi, memiliki aroma yang tajam dan khas, rasa nasi yang enak/pulen, tahan terhadap OPT, daya adaptasinya baik pada dataran tinggi (700&amp;ndash;2.000 m dpl), kandungan protein tinggi, kandungan serat dan glukosa rendah, kandungan vitamin B tinggi, dan rasa nasi enak/enak sekali. Nilai heritabilitas untuk semua komponen kuantitatif berkisar antara kriteria sedang sampai tinggi.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
Rubiyo Rubiyo ◽  
Yovita anggita Dewi ◽  

Abstract. Rubiyo, Dewi YA, Imran, Salim A, Baharudin, Indrawanto C, Ratule MT. 2020. Evaluation of yield and pest and disease resistance of cocoa clones in Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 5698-5607. Cocoa is one of the main plantation commodities in Indonesia. It is an important source of foreign exchange and employment. Currently, Indonesian cocoa production and productivity, including in Southeast Sulawesi, are declining due to pests and diseases. In addition, there is a lack of high-quality and high-yielding clones. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of cocoa clones and resistance to cocoa pod borer (CPB) and cocoa pod rot (CPR) disease caused by the fungus Phytophthora palmivora. The study tested 12 cocoa clones, which included four high-yielding clones. The research location was in Lambandia Subdistrict, Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Clonal planting material was propagated by grafting in 2010. The study used a randomized block design and the treatments consisted of 20 plants of each cocoa clone with three replications. The clones were evaluated from 2018 to 2019. The observed variables included resistance to CPB and CPR. The results of the study based on the quality component showed that the clones MT, M04, and M01 had the highest average weight per one dry bean of 1.55 g, 1.64 g, and 1.24 g, respectively. Beans produced by clones MT, M01, and M04 had an average fat content of 53.36%, 52.72%, and 50.76%, respectively. Observations of the average number of pods with CPR showed that the lowest rate of attack (about 6%) was in BAL 209 and PT. Ladongi clones, with attack intensities of 20% and 18%, respectively; therefore, these clones were classified as resistant to CPR. Evaluation of the level of resistance to attack by CPB pests found two resistant clones, PT. Ladongi and Sulawesi 2, with light levels of attack on beans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
Iis Nur Asyiah ◽  
Imam Mudakir ◽  
Mohammad Hoesain ◽  
Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana ◽  
Achmad Djunaidy ◽  

Abstract. Asyiah IN, Mudakir I, Hoesain M, Pradana AP, Djunaidy A, Sari RF. 2020. Consortium of endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria effectively suppresses the population of Pratylenchus coffeae and promotes the growth of Robusta coffee. Biodiversitas 21: 4702-4708. Pratylenchus coffeae as the coffee-parasitic nematode can cause a yield loss from 28.7% to 78.4% on Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora A. Froehner). Environmentally friendly and sustainable efforts can be made to control this nematode by applying the antagonistic agents from the bacterial group. The application of antagonistic agents in a consortium has a better effectivity than a single application. This study was aimed to identify the effectivity of the consortium of endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria formulated on a cost-effective molasse medium against the P. coffeae population and growth of Robusta coffee in a greenhouse. A total of nine bacterial isolates of genus Bacillus and Pseudomonas were used during experiment. The formulation was prepared by mixing the bacterial suspension and 2% molasses with a ratio of 1:1 (v/v). The greenhouse assay was performed following the completely randomized block design pattern with five treatments and five replications. Robusta coffee plant clone BP 936 was treated with a 10 mL (109 CFU mL-1) bacterial consortium mixture while control was treated with 10 mL sterilized water. Each plant was inoculated with P. coffeae 50 J2 after a week of bacterial consortium application. The result showed that all bacterial consortiums were effective in suppressing the population of P. coffeae in soil and root of Robusta coffee. All consortiums gave a better result than control in suppressing the population of P. coffeae. The best suppression of nematodes was shown by the Cst 02 consortium with the suppression value of 62.5% in the root and 76.1% in the coffee plant rhizosphere. The application of bacterial consortium increases the plant height (28.02-44.51%), number of leaves (127.27-168.18%), and leaf area (278.8-425.57%). In this study, suppression of P. coffeae population by bacterial consortium showed a positive correlation with plant growth. This study presents the information of endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria consortium from Bacillus and Pseudomonas group that is effective in suppressing the population P. coffeae and improves the growth of Robusta coffee.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-465 ◽  
Ítala JB Nascimento ◽  
Glauber HS Nunes ◽  
Rui Sales Júnior ◽  
Katchen JP Silva ◽  
Izabel M Guimarães ◽  

The aims of the present study were to assess the reaction of melon accessions to crater rot, caused by Myrothecium roridum, and study the inheritance of resistance. In the first experiment, 30 melon accessions from northeastern Brazil were assessed in a randomized block design with two replicates. Each plot was formed by a row of 12 plants, from which three fruits were sampled and used for inoculation. Each fruit was inoculated at four equidistant sites on the surface. Ten wounds were made at each site to an approximate depth of 3.0 mm, to which 0.05 mL of conidial suspension was placed at a concentration of 10(6) spores mL-1 of sterilized distilled water with the aid of a pipette. The fruits were placed on Petri dishes and enveloped in polyethylene bags containing hydrophilic cotton, both of which were moistened with sterilized distilled water. Five days after inoculation, the injured area (in mm²) was assessed. Accessions A-9, A-14 and A-30 were resistant to the CMM-609 isolate of M. roridum. In the second experiment, the parents AF-682 and UFERSA-05 were used as standards of susceptibility and resistance, respectively. From these plants, generations F1, F2, RC11 and RC12 were obtained. The six populations were grown under field conditions in a randomized block design. Resistance to crater rot on the melon fruits exhibited complex inheritance, with six loci and the involvement of additive and dominance effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Fitri Yelli ◽  
Hanisah Hanisah ◽  
Rusdi Evizal ◽  
Sugiatno Sugiatno

Coffee husk is the main waste of coffee bean production using a dry processing system. Coffee husk is returned to the coffee plantation as mulch, or used as a mixture for nursery media and for making bio-charcoal. This study aims to determine the effect of the formulation of biochar, coffee husk, and soil on the growth of Arabica coffee seedlings. The experiment used a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 6 treatments with 4 replications. The treatments were the composition of the ratio of biochar: coffee husk: soil (v / v / v), namely: 0: 1: 2 (control, without biochar), 1: 1: 2, 1: 0: 2 (without coffee skin), 2: 1: 2, 1: 2: 2, and 1: 1: 1. The coffee husk biochar is made by a slow burning system in a stack. The results showed that: (1) The treatment of biochar composition, coffee husk and soil had an effect on the number of leaves, length x leaf width, crown dry weight, fresh weight quality index, and dry weight quality index; (2) biochar mixing treatment did not increase seedling growth. Mixing biochar with a composition of 1: 1: 2 reduces root growth; (3) the composition of biochar, coffee husk and soil 1: 1: 2 gave better seedling growth than the composition 0: 1: 2 (control without biochar) based on the quality index of fresh seedling and dry seedling.Keywords: Arabica, biochar, coffee husk, growth, seedling, quality indeces

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