2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-20 ◽  
Ömer Faruk

ABSTRACT Bordered by Taurus Mountains in the north and Syria - Iraq arid climate zone in the south, Southeastern Anatolia has wide steppe lands. As a conclusion to the phytosociological research done in accordance with Braun-Blanquet (1965) method in Kızılkuyu Wildlife Development Area, which was founded in these steppe lands, three associations belonging to steppe vegetation were found. Two of these associations are new to scientific world. Identified associations were generally found in slightly stony areas inappropriate to agricultural practices. The study area is in Irano-Turanian phytogeographic region and found in C7 square in Grid System (Davis 1965 - 1985).

David Anthony Bello

This article will explore some of the Qing Empire’s primary adaptations, mainly pastoral and agricultural, to the arid environments of southern, eastern and northern Xinjiang – that is, the Tarim, Hami-Turfan and Zünghar basins respectively. It first examines the region’s arid climate and its constraining implications for, first, agriculture as the empire’s standard form of territorial incorporation in the south and east; and, second, pastoralism and agro-pastoralism in the north. These relations were not purely social, but were conditioned within both human and natural parameters. Xinjiang’s general aridity informed Qing interactions with the territory’s diverse peoples, which presented both cultural and ecological – that is, environmental – obstacles and opportunities.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1047-1058 ◽  
A.-C. Chaboureau ◽  
Y. Donnadieu ◽  
P. Sepulchre ◽  
C. Robin ◽  
F. Guillocheau ◽  

Abstract. For a long time, evaporitic sequences have been interpreted as indicative of an arid climate. Such systematic interpretations led to the suggestion that the Central segment of the South Atlantic (20–0°) was characterized by an arid climate during the upper Aptian. Indeed, synchronous to this period that corresponds to the rifting and to the opening of this part of the South Atlantic, a large evaporitic sequence spreads out from the equator to 20° S. Using the fully ocean atmosphere coupled model FOAM, we test the potential for the Aptian geography to produce an arid area over the Central segment. Sensitivity to the altitude of the rift shoulders separating the Africa and the South America cratons, to the water depth of the Central segment and to the drainage pattern have been performed. Using seawater salinity as a diagnostic, our simulations show that the southern part of the Central segment is characterized by very high salinity in the case of catchment areas draining the water out of the Central segment. Conversely, whatever the boundary conditions used, the northern part of the Central segment remains humid and salinities are very low. Hence, we conclude that the evaporites deposited in the southern part of the Central segment may have been controlled by the climate favouring aridity and high saline waters. In contrast, the evaporites of the northern part can hardly be reconciled with the climatic conditions occurring there and may be due to hydrothermal sources. Our interpretations are in agreement with the gradient found in the mineralogical compositions of the evaporites from the North to the South, i.e. the northern evaporites are at least 4 times more concentrated than the southern one.

1968 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 57-92 ◽  
A. S. Hall

The region of Turkey whose Classical sites and monuments are discussed in this article lies wholly within the Western Taurus mountains, and consists of the eastern section of “the West Taurus Lake District”—as modern geographers now call it. The foothills of Taurus which extend around the south-western edge of the Konya Plain define both its northern and eastern limits; its western are established by the massive ranges which separate Lake Beyşehir from Lake Eğridir. Between these two mountainous regions, which join the main heights of Taurus further south, lies the rift valley occupied by Lake Beyşehir and the now partly-drained Lake Suğla.Here is to be found the borderland of Pisidia and Lycaonia, as indicated by Strabo. To the north-west and north lies Phrygia Paroreius; to the south, the borderland of Pamphylia and Cilicia Tracheia; and to the south-east, Isauria.

2002 ◽  
Vol 139 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-487 ◽  

Determination of the relationships between the southern, marine-dominated Miocene basins of south central Turkey and their continental hinterland in southern Turkey has traditionally been frustrated by the apparent absence of basin remnants within the Taurus Mountains. The Dikme basin, which seems to be an enclave of basin remnants within the Aladağ Mountains (Eastern Taurides), consists mainly of coarse-grained continental sediments of various facies. These mostly early–middle Miocene sediments were studied to determine the depositional environments and the factors controlling the basin formation and basin fill architecture, to attempt to close the information gap between the Adana Basin to the south and central Anatolian Miocene further to the north. A generally southwest-flowing axial fluvial system and interfingering coarse-grained marginal alluvial clastics derived from northwest and southeast were identified. The marginal facies to the northwest is bounded by a N 55° E-running structural lineament, that starts from the Ecemiş Fault Zone and in digital elevation models extends toward the north of the study area. Along this lineament, Miocene sediments onlap steep fault-line escarpments. Certain Miocene levels are tectonically disrupted, and an intraformational unconformity and boulder conglomerates are also well-developed in the Miocene sequence. The southeast boundary is similarly defined by a NE-trending fault that periodically elevated the adjacent Tufanbeyli autochthon, producing coarse clastics from this area. This boundary fault also induced fining-upwards vertical patterns and synsedimentary deformation in the marginal facies. Additionally, the central part of the basin exhibits a distinct fault-defined morphology characterized by small-scale (tens of metres to 150 m high) valley-and-sill topography. A thin marine interval was also encountered in the southernmost part of the basin, indicating that the clastic system originating around this area debouched into a Miocene sea situated further to the south. The proposed palaeogeography and basin fill model suggests that the Dikme basin and similar Miocene remnants, all controlled mainly by a northeast-running extensional or transtensional fault system, may have been parts of the terrestrial hinterland that supplied sediment to rapidly subsiding marine areas further south, such as the Adana Basin.

1967 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-220
H. Schroo

About 5, 500, 000 acres of cultivated land in the area are, to varying degrees, damaged by salinity and alkalinity due to waterlogging and under-irrigation in an arid, climate. Most juvenile sedimentary soils of the Indus Plain are calcareous and some of the salt-affected soils, especially in the south, are easily reclaimed because of their high content of divalent cations. In the north, much of the soil is difficult to reclaim because of alkalinity. These latter soils have very low contents of divalent cations, Ca- and Mg carbonates being the only source. Rapid and efficient reclamation will necessitate use of soil amendments. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-144 ◽  
A.-C. Chaboureau ◽  
Y. Donnadieu ◽  
P. Sepulchre ◽  
C. Robin ◽  
F. Guillocheau ◽  

Abstract. For a long time, evaporitic sequences have been interpreted as indicative of an arid climate. Such systematic interpretations led to the suggestion that the central segment of the South Atlantic (20°–0°) was characterized by an arid climate during the upper Aptian. Indeed, synchronous to this period that corresponds to the rifting and to the opening of this part of the South Atlantic, a large evaporitic sequence spreads out from the equator to 20° S. Using the fully ocean atmosphere coupled model FOAM, we test the potential for the Aptian geography to produce an arid area over the central segment. Sensitivity to the altitude of the rift shoulders separating the Africa and the South America cratons, to the water depth of the central segment and to the drainage pattern have been performed. Using seawater salinity as a diagnostic, our simulations show that the southern part of the central segment is characterized by very high salinity in the case of catchment areas draining the water out of the central segment. Conversely, whatever the boundary conditions used, the northern part of the central segment remains humid and salinities are very low. Hence, we conclude that the evaporites deposited in the southern part of the central segment may have been controlled by the climate favouring aridity and high saline waters. In contrast, the evaporites of the northern part can hardly be reconciled with the climatic conditions occurring there and may be due to hydrothermal sources. Our interpretations are in agreement with the gradient found in the mineralogical compositions of the evaporites from the north to the south, i.e. the northern evaporites are at least 4 times more concentrated than the southern one.

2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 201-204
Vojtech Rušin ◽  
Milan Minarovjech ◽  
Milan Rybanský

AbstractLong-term cyclic variations in the distribution of prominences and intensities of green (530.3 nm) and red (637.4 nm) coronal emission lines over solar cycles 18–23 are presented. Polar prominence branches will reach the poles at different epochs in cycle 23: the north branch at the beginning in 2002 and the south branch a year later (2003), respectively. The local maxima of intensities in the green line show both poleward- and equatorward-migrating branches. The poleward branches will reach the poles around cycle maxima like prominences, while the equatorward branches show a duration of 18 years and will end in cycle minima (2007). The red corona shows mostly equatorward branches. The possibility that these branches begin to develop at high latitudes in the preceding cycles cannot be excluded.

Esraa Aladdin Noori ◽  
Nasser Zain AlAbidine Ahmed

The Russian-American relations have undergone many stages of conflict and competition over cooperation that have left their mark on the international balance of power in the Middle East. The Iraqi and Syrian crises are a detailed development in the Middle East region. The Middle East region has allowed some regional and international conflicts to intensify, with the expansion of the geopolitical circle, which, if applied strategically to the Middle East region, covers the area between Afghanistan and East Asia, From the north to the Maghreb to the west and to the Sudan and the Greater Sahara to the south, its strategic importance will seem clear. It is the main lifeline of the Western world.

A., C. Prasetyo

Overpressure existence represents a geological hazard; therefore, an accurate pore pressure prediction is critical for well planning and drilling procedures, etc. Overpressure is a geological phenomenon usually generated by two mechanisms, loading (disequilibrium compaction) and unloading mechanisms (diagenesis and hydrocarbon generation) and they are all geological processes. This research was conducted based on analytical and descriptive methods integrated with well data including wireline log, laboratory test and well test data. This research was conducted based on quantitative estimate of pore pressures using the Eaton Method. The stages are determining shale intervals with GR logs, calculating vertical stress/overburden stress values, determining normal compaction trends, making cross plots of sonic logs against density logs, calculating geothermal gradients, analyzing hydrocarbon maturity, and calculating sedimentation rates with burial history. The research conducted an analysis method on the distribution of clay mineral composition to determine depositional environment and its relationship to overpressure. The wells include GAP-01, GAP-02, GAP-03, and GAP-04 which has an overpressure zone range at depth 8501-10988 ft. The pressure value within the 4 wells has a range between 4358-7451 Psi. Overpressure mechanism in the GAP field is caused by non-loading mechanism (clay mineral diagenesis and hydrocarbon maturation). Overpressure distribution is controlled by its stratigraphy. Therefore, it is possible overpressure is spread quite broadly, especially in the low morphology of the “GAP” Field. This relates to the delta depositional environment with thick shale. Based on clay minerals distribution, the northern part (GAP 02 & 03) has more clay mineral content compared to the south and this can be interpreted increasingly towards sea (low energy regime) and facies turned into pro-delta. Overpressure might be found shallower in the north than the south due to higher clay mineral content present to the north.

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