scholarly journals Health-related intensity profiles of Physical Education classes at different phases of the teaching/learning process

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
Michał Bronikowski ◽  
Małgorzata Bronikowska ◽  
Adam Kantanista ◽  
Monika Ciekot ◽  
Ida Laudańska-Krzemińska ◽  
Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 5-8
Javier Fernández-Rio ◽  
Antonio Méndez-Giménez

Los docentes buscamos estrategias de enseñanza que posibiliten optimizar el tiempo del que disponemos para maximizar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, ya que éstos sólo son capaces de captar y retener una cantidad limitada de información. Por lo tanto, la selección y transmisión de la información adecuada es uno de los elementos más importantes que un docente debe acometer para que los estudiantes reciban información precisa y efectiva sobre la habilidad a aprender. Una clave de enseñanza podría definirse como una frase corta y precisa (incluso palabras) que transmite de manera muy eficiente los elementos fundamentales de una acción/habilidad. Estas permiten a los estudiantes recordar la información transmitida con posterioridad, ya sea dentro o fuera de la misma clase, de una manera mucho más efectiva. Las claves pueden presentarse bajo diferentes formatos (verbal, no-verbal, motriz, visual…) y ser desarrolladas por el docente o por el discente. Así mismo, su uso en el marco de planteamientos de enseñanza entre iguales y de coevaluación permiten a los estudiantes repetir y ensayar mental, verbal y motrizmente la información retenida en las claves mientras practican o dan feedback a sus compañeros.Palabra clave: enseñanza entre iguales, coevaluación, estrategias de ensayo.Abstract: Teachers search for instructional strategies that would allow them to optimize the existing time to maximize students’ learning. They are capable of perceive and retain only a limited amount of information. Therefore, the selection and transmission of critical information is one of the most important teacher roles to make students receive accurate data on the skill to learn. A learning cue could be defined as a short, precise sentence (even words) that portrays effectively the important elements of a task/ability. Students can remember them effectively in and out of the class. Learning cues can be introduced in different formats (verbal, non-verbal, motor, visual...) and they can be developed by the teacher or the student. Its use in peer-teaching and peer-assessment procedures allow students to verbal, motor and mentally rehearse all the critical information provided by the cues, while they practice or give feedback to their classmates.Key words: peer-teaching, peer-assessment, rehersal strategies.

M. Carboneros Castro ◽  
N. Gutiérrez-Ruiz ◽  
M. Martínez-Quiles ◽  
K. Deliautaite ◽  
S. Angosto

La inteligencia emocional es un factor psicológico clave para generar un vínculo profesor-alumno y un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje óptimo. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el nivel de inteligencia emocional en docentes de Educación Física. La muestra constó de 94 maestros de Educación Física de diferentes colegios de la Región murciana. El cuestionario, utilizado de forma electrónica, fue el TMMS-24. Los resultados únicamente mostraron una correlación positiva entre la claridad y la reparación emocional, siendo esta última dimensión la que obtuvo mejores puntuaciones entre los participantes. En relación al género, las mujeres manifestaron puntuaciones superiores en la reparación emocional. Por otro lado, los maestros con una experiencia inferior a cinco años mostraron valores superiores en inteligencia emocional, mientras que los más expertos obtuvieron valores superiores en reparación emocional. El análisis de estos resultados ayuda a mejorar los procesos de formación de los docentes en este ámbito. Emotional intelligence is a key psychological factor to generate a teacher-student bond and an optimal teaching-learning process. Thus, the aim of this study was to know the level of emotional intelligence in Physical Education teachers. The sample consisted of 94 Physical Education teachers from different schools in the Region of Murcia. The questionnaire, used electronically, was the TMMS-24. The results only showed a positive correlation between clarity and emotional repair, with the latter dimension obtaining the highest scores among the participants. In relation to gender, females showed higher scores in emotional repair. On the other hand, teachers with less than five years' experience showed higher values in emotional intelligence, while the more experienced ones obtained higher values in emotional repair. The analysis of these results helps to improve teacher training about emotional intelligence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 445-454
M Subhan

The background of this research is the classical teaching-learning process that will face heterogeneous problems with students' abilities. Where the lack of creativity of a physical education teacher in packaging physical education learning materials is considered to be the cause, so many students do not complete KKM grades. The research objective to be achieved is to find out the application of the modification of wall media tools to improve learning outcomes of table tennis basic movements in class V of SDN 115 / II Bedaro. The study used a Class Action Research design which was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were Class V students of Bedaro 115 / II Elementary School, totaling 22 students. Table tennis learning outcome data obtained through performance tests, observation sheets are used to collect data on student activities in following the table tennis learning process with wall media modification methods. The results of this study were obtained based on an assessment of three aspects, namely psychomotor, affective, and cognitive. Table tennis learning through wall media can improve the learning outcomes of students in class V of Bedaro 115 / II Elementary School. This can be seen from the increase in learning outcomes from pre cycle, cycle I to cycle II. In the pre cycle which is 68.2%, cycle I is 71.8%, and cycle II is 83.3%. From the number of complete categories the number of students who completed was increased from 7 to 20 students in the second cycle, meaning that there was an increase in students in the complete category by 20.7% of the total number of students 22 of which 20 were declared complete. For physical education teachers in Elementary Schools can apply table tennis learning to the material using the modification tools of the wall media in Physical Education lessons.

Retos ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 381-386
Laura Fernández-García ◽  
Javier Fernández-Río

Es habitual que nuestros alumnos, en ciertos momentos, experimenten emociones que bloquean su aprendizaje. Una vez en esta situación, la mayoría no saben qué están sintiendo y tampoco saben cómo dominarlo. Por eso es crucial ofrecerles ayuda en la identificación y el manejo de sus emociones. De aquí surge el Proyecto Wonderwall, que sitúa al estudiante en el centro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través del desarrollo de las inteligencias intra e inter-personales. Fue denominado así porque todos los recursos desarrollados fueron presentados en una pared del aula, donde los alumnos podían acudir siempre que lo necesitaran, para trabajar las emociones, haciéndose preguntas a sí mismos para entender qué sentían y cómo controlar lo que sentían. Pretendía fomentar la autonomía del alumno en la gestión de sus emociones, de forma que sea él mismo el que logre alcanzar el estado emocional adecuado para el desarrollo de su aprendizaje El primer paso para enseñar a los alumnos a ser inteligentes emocionalmente es dejar que experimenten sus propias emociones, e identificar con ellos qué señales y rasgos caracterizan cada una de ellas para poder analizar si son positivas o negativas. Una vez que los alumnos saben cómo identificar sus emociones, pasamos a la fase más ambiciosa: el manejo de éstas. Se les ofrece a través de displays, diferentes pautas, estrategias de afrontamiento, para canalizar lo que sienten; siendo diferentes para cada emoción. Todas ellas con un alto componente motriz, que pueden ser fácilmente extrapoladas a diferentes contextos de la vida diaria.Abstract. It is common for our students to at times experience emotions that block their learning. When that happens, the majority do not recognize what their feelings are and how to control them. This is the reason why it is crucial to help them identify and handle their emotions. From this idea, the Project Wonderwall emerged, which situates students at the center of the teaching-learning process through the development of intra and inter-personal intelligences. The project name comes from the fact that all resources used were presented in one of the class walls. Students had the opportunity to go there whenever they needed, to work on their emotions, asking themselves questions to understand what they were feeling and how to control them. The goal was to promote students’ autonomy handling their emotions, as well as to help them achieve by themselves the correct emotional state to keep on learning. The first step to teach students to be emotionally intelligent is to let them experience their own emotions, and identify with them which signals and traits characterize each of them so to understand whether they are good or bad. Once students know how to identify their emotions, teachers can move to the most ambitious phase: how to handle them. Students are offered coping strategies, different guidelines for each feeling, and other methods to channel their emotions. They all involved high motor demands, which can be easily used in different daily life contexts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-131
Humberto Luís de Deus Inácio ◽  
Antonio Baena-Extremera

NTRODUÇÃO: Desde os anos 1990 a Educação Física espanhola registra o ensino das práticas corporais de aventura (PCAs) na escola, ainda que, por lá, tenham sido denominadas inicialmente como Atividades Físicas de Aventura na Natureza e, após 20 anos de debate, passaram a ser definidas como Atividades Físicas no Meio Natural.OBJETIVO: Este texto apresenta as metodologias e os processos avaliativos mais utilizados em aulas de Educação Física em seus níveis de primária e secundária em um extrato do contexto espanhol, quando o conteúdo são as Práticas Corporais de Aventura. MÉTODOS: Para tanto, triangulou dados de artigos encontrados em uma base dados especializada – a Outdoorpeactivies, e de registros de campo realizados in loco, durante acompanhamento de aulas.RESULTADOS: As análises apontam que as metodologias mais frequentes são: ‘3 dimensões do conteúdo’ (conceitual, procedimental e atitudinal) e ‘tecnicista’. Enquanto a avaliação mais frequente se dá pela participação do aluno na atividade e ainda por fichas de observação.CONCLUSÃO: Sobre metodologia de ensino da EF, os textos se alternam, predominantemente, entre propostas tecnicistas e as baseadas nas 3 dimensões do conteúdo. Alguns casos, de relatos de experiências, indicam o uso de materiais adaptados e/ou a aquisição de gestos técnicos de uma PCA como ferramenta para a apropriação de gestos técnicos de outra; Já nas avaliações, os dados obtidos indicam uma subvalorização desta etapa do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, sendo a ‘participação’ um critério bastante utilizado e valorizado.ABSTRACT. Adventure bodily practices in Spanish physical education: a study with focus on the methodologies and evaluation processes.BACKGROUND: Since the 1990s, Spanish Physical Education registers the teaching of adventure bodily practices at school. There, they were initially called Physical Adventure Activities in Nature and, after 20 years of debate, they became defined as Physical Activities in the Natural Environment.OBJECTIVE: This text presents the methodologies and evaluation processes most used in physical education classes at the primary and secondary levels in an extract from the Spanish context when the content is the Adventure Bodily Practices.METHODS: For that, we used articles found in a specialized data base - the Outdoorpeactivies, and field records conducted during class follow-up. RESULTS: The results indicate that the most frequent methodologies are the ‘3 dimensions of content’ (conceptual, procedural and attitudinal) and the ‘technicist’. While the most frequent evaluation is given by the participation of the student in the activity and also by observation cards. CONCLUSION: About EF teaching methodology, the texts alternate predominantly between technical proposals and those based on the 3 dimensions of the content. Some cases indicate the use of adapted materials and / or the acquisition of technical gestures from one Adventure Bodily Practice as a tool for the appropriation of technical gestures from another. In the evaluations, the data obtained indicate an underestimation of this stage of the teaching-learning process, with ‘participation’ a widely used and valued criterion.

Remigio Pérez Rabadán

Se trata de una propuesta de innovación que pretende ser realizada en el contexto de las actividades en el medio natural en relación con las tecnologías de la información y comunicación a través de la materia de Educación Física en un centro educativo de Educación Secundaria. Se pretende poder innovar en nuestro contexto educativo con la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías y poder comprobar los resultados, siendo así el centro de nuestro trabajo el diseño y evaluación de una aplicación que creemos mejora la experiencia de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. La intervención ha consistido, por tanto, en el desarrollo e implementación de una aplicación móvil (Orienta Educación Deportiva) basándonos para ello en el análisis de los criterios de diseño y usabilidad de varias aplicaciones relacionadas con la materia, que propone caminos interactivos y actualizados en el proceso educativo, con el fin de mejorar y enriquecer el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje del alumnado mediante el uso de dispositivos digitales.En consecuencia, cien alumnos han usado y evaluado esta aplicación durante el curso escolar 2019-2020. Para la evaluación, han cumplimentado un cuestionario sobre su usabilidad y experiencia en el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, así como expresado su opinión en relación al uso de la aplicación en orientación deportiva. Tras el análisis de los resultados obtenidos se puede observar que los alumnos valoran la aplicación de forma muy positiva en referencia a las características de la misma con valores de conformidad por encima del 85%, mostrando también un grado de adquisición de nuevos contenidos en su experiencia de aprendizaje con valores del 87%. La Educación Física está llamada a seguir procesos de inmersión digital, asociados al uso de tecnología, especialmente la móvil (Díaz,2019). Por lo que con la implantación de esta propuesta de innovación se intenta fomentar el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. This is an innovation proposal that aims to be carried out in the context of activities in the natural environment in relation to information and communication technologies through the subject of Physical Education in a Secondary High School. The aim is to be able to innovate in our educational context with the incorporation of new technologies and to be able to verify the results, thus being the center of our work the design and evaluation of an application that we believe improves the learning experience of students. The intervention has consisted, therefore, of the development and implementation of a mobile application (Orienta Educación Deportiva) based on the analysis of the design criteria and usability of various applications related to the subject, which proposes interactive and updated paths in the educational process, in order to improve and enrich the teaching-learning process of the students through the use of digital devices.Consequently, one hundred students have used and evaluated this application during the 2019-2020 school year. For the evaluation, they have completed a questionnaire about their usability and experience in the teaching-learning process, as well as expressed their opinion in relation to the use of the application in orientation. After analyzing the results obtained, it can be seen that the students value the application in a very positive way in reference to its characteristics, with conformity values above 85%, also demonstrating a degree of acquisition of new contents in their learning experience with values of 87%. The Physical Education is called to follow processes of digital immersion, associated with the use of technology, especially mobile (Díaz, 2019). Therefore, with the implementation of this innovation proposal, an attempt is made to promote the use of new technologies.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Gökhan Arıkan

This study aims to identify the perceptions of examination of student resistance behaviors towards physical education and sports teachers in the teaching-learning process. For this purpose to define students’ resistance behaviors. In education, students’ resistance to teaching-learning processes affects the entire school community. Resistance behaviors during the teaching-learning process cause students to fail and create an important problem for teachers and administrators for preventing the formation of efficient learning environments, increasing the number of students showing similar resistance, and developing negative thoughts regarding school and the school community. For this purpose, to examine how physical education and sports teachers perceive students’ resistance behaviors throughout the school. Therefore, this study was designed as a descriptive study that reveals the current situation for 157 physical education and sports teachers working in the center of Şanlıurfa. In the study, Student Resistance Behaviors Scale Teacher Form SRBS-T which is a five-point Likert scale consisting of 25 items and four identifying factors that are “Hostile Attitudes towards Teacher Authority,” “Hostile Attitudes towards Teacher,” “Constantly Being Angry” and “Passive Resistance” was used. In analyzing the data, a t-test test was used in pairwise comparisons, and One-Way ANOVA tests were used in multiple comparisons. Tukey test was conducted to determine where the difference was in the group. In the study, the findings were statistically significant in the sub-dimensions of “Hostile Attitudes towards Teacher” and seniority, “Passive Resistance” and “Passive Resistance” at the school level. İn this study showed that there is no significant difference between genders in the sub-scales of SRBS-T and total scores. In addition “Hostile Attitudes towards the Teacher” sub-dimension were found to be significantly different in teachers with 16-20 years of seniority from other teachers. In the “passive resistance” dimension, teachers with 11-15 years of seniority had significantly higher scores than other teachers.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 92-96
Luís Santos Rodríguez ◽  
Javier Fernández-Río

El estado actual de conocimientos pedagógicos aplicados a la Educación Física demanda nuevas formas de desarrollar todo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Desde nuestro punto de vista, éste debe estar presidido por la claridad y la objetividad, y el alumnado debe ser partícipe de él. Presentamos una propuesta práctica de metaevaluación para la materia de Educación Física dentro de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, cuyo eje central denominamos: «Cuaderno de Bitácora». El objetivo de este planteamiento fue convertir al alumnado en gestor de su propio proceso de desarrollo y aprendizaje, incluida la evaluación. A través de este cuaderno, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje «sobrepasa las paredes del aula» para convertirse en una herramienta que el alumnado usa dentro y fuera de la escuela. Las valoraciones efectuadas por el alumnado de la aplicación práctica de esta propuesta han sido muy positivas, ya que da «voz y voto» al verdadero protagonista de todo el proceso educativo: el alumno/a.Abstract: Current pedagogical knowledge applied to Physical Education demands new ways of conducting the whole teaching-learning process. From our point of view, this should be based on clarity and objectivity, and students should be part of it. We introduce a practical proposal of metha-assessment for Physical Education in secondary schools. The central element is called: «Logbook». Our goal was to make students principal actors of their own learning and development process, including assessment. Thanks to the use of this notebook, the teaching-learning process «exceeds the class’ walls» to become a tool that students can use in and out of school. Students’ responses after the application of this approach have been very positive, because it gives «voice» to the real main character of the whole educational process: the student.

Retos ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 317-322
Gustavo González-Calvo ◽  
Lucio Martínez-Álvarez ◽  
David Hortigüela-Alcalá

Uno de los elementos que más condicionan la práctica pedagógica, dentro de la Educación Física, tiene que ver con los espacios en que se desarrolla la tarea docente. En este artículo se expone el proceso reflexivo de un educador novel en el que se van revisando sus principios, propósitos y consecuencias de sus acciones en relación con la creación de espacios de enseñanza/aprendizaje seguros y educativos para todo el alumnado. El artículo adopta una metodología cualitativa, en forma de autoetnografía, para conocer la influencia que ejercen los espacios en los que se desarrolla la Educación Física en la concepción y afrontamiento de la materia. Los resultados reflejan cómo una de las mayores preocupaciones del docente tiene que ver con adaptar los espacios y los contextos en que se desarrollan las lecciones para reducir las contingenciasAbstract. One of the elements that most influence the pedagogical practice, within the Physical Education, has to do with the spaces in which the teaching task is developed. This article exposes the reflexive process of a novel educator in which he reviews his principles, purposes and consequences of their actions in relation to the creation of safe teaching and learning spaces for all students. The article adopts a qualitative methodology, in the form of autoethnography, to know the influence exerted by the spaces in which Physical Education develops in the conception and confrontation of the subject. The results reflect how one of the main concerns of the teacher has to do with adapting the spaces and contexts in which the lessons are developed to reduce contingencies.

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