scholarly journals Legal Redesignation of Central and Regional Authorities to Strengthen Sinergity in Public Services

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-48
Malicia Evendia ◽  
Ade Arif Firmansyah

This study aims to analyze and find the ideal legal design of the relationship of authority between the central and regional governments in order to strengthen synergy in public services. In essence, the granting of autonomy to the regions is directed at accelerating the realization of public welfare, through the implementation of government affairs. Concurrent government affairs as stipulated in Law no. 23/2014, is a governmental affair that is divided between the central government, provincial government and district/city governments. In practice, when problems occur in the implementation of concurrent affairs which fall under the central authority, the regional government is in a powerless position. This research uses normative legal research methods with statutory, case, and conceptual approaches. The results of this study indicate that: the absence of a legal instrument that accommodates and bridges central and regional authorities causes problems that occur in the community to continue and do not immediately find solutions. It is necessary to have legal instruments in the form of government regula-tions in bridging the authority of the central and regional governments to build synergy in public services, especially to resolve conflicts that occur in society so that government administration can run effectively.

1987 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-346 ◽  
R L King

This paper is a review of Italy's stuttering progress towards regional autonomy. At the unification of Italy in 1860, a centralised administrative structure was adopted, as prescribed by the Piedmontese Constitution of 1848. Centralisation of political power reached its apogee during the Fascist period. Regionalist sentiment resurfaced strongly after the last war and gained formal expression in the 1948 Republican Constitution, which provided for the creation of five ‘special’ and fourteen (later fifteen) ‘ordinary’ regions. The special regions—regions of special linguistic or political sensitivity (Valle d'Aosta, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sicily and Sardinia)—were established between 1948 and 1963, but delays orchestrated by the Christian Democrat-dominated central government, reluctant to relinquish its power, postponed the establishment of the ordinary regions until the 1970s, when pressure from the Socialist Party prevailed. The legislative powers of the regions are of three forms: Exclusive (available only to the special regions), complementary, and integrative, the order representing progressively diminishing elements of decisionmaking autonomy. Several regions in central Italy have elected Communist regional governments. However, hopes that the regional governments would be instrumental in ending corrupt and inept government and eradicating regional disequilibria, have mostly been misplaced, although some progress has been made, especially in the northern regions, in the fields of administrative reform, social service organisation, and regional economic planning. The principal reason for lack of progress is the continuing central government control over regional government funds. In many regions considerable amounts of unspent funds have accumulated owing to a combination of political stalemate at the regional level and central government veto. Special attention is given in this paper to the relationship between regional autonomy and (1) local government, and (2) regional planning. To conclude, the present state of play represents an uneasy compromise between the two contradictory historical forces of centralism and regionalism, present since unification. Although there has been a significant departure from the rigid centralisation of the past, the retention of most of the important powers by the central government frustrates the ambitions of the regions to really organise their own affairs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 241 ◽  
pp. 05001
Dwi Haryadi ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Darwance Darwance

A region’s development planning should be carried out by referring to the strategic issues faced by the region. Thus, strategic issues become the basis upon which regional governments formulate their policies and work programs. This study examined how each region in Bangka Belitung Islands Province positioned strategic issues of ecology in its regional development planning. The current writers examined eight regional governments’ Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RMTDP) documents; one of which belongs to the provincial government, while the rest belongs to the regency/city governments. This study found that ecological issues comprised an average 17.6% of the strategic issues in all of the planning documents, the highest of which was found in Belitung Regency’s planning document. In addition, the analysis revealed that the general focus of the strategic ecological issues was environmental damage, which was reported by three of the regions as a result of mining activities. This study provides an illustration of how each regional government is committed to take ecological issues seriously and include them in the strategic issues at the regional level.

Kosmik Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Danetta Leoni Andrea

The existence of the autonomous region gave birth to the relationship of authority between the Central Government with the regions. In this case, the relationship between the central authorities and the region will be discussed by the author is more specialize into the relationship of the authority in the field of education. Given that national education systems have an important role in feeding the nation of Indonesia considering also that at this time has entered the era of globalization, then the necessary higher education human resources capable of generating Indonesia quality in order to compete internationally. The existence of a connection between the central area can be seen from the governmental Affairs Division in the field of education which includes the management of education, curriculum, accreditation, educators and educational personnel, licensing education, as well as in terms of discussion and literature. As for the research methods used by the author is the juridical normative research, where the source of the data used is to use instrument-legal instruments related to local governance and National education systems as well as by using the results of the study of librarianship.Keywords: Education, The Relationship Of Authority, Regional Autonomy, Central Government, Regional Government.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 531
Nurus Zaman

<p><em>In this study, there are two (2) issues that were examined. First, how the Central Government and Local Government gained authority in the land sector. Second, how the meaning of the relationship of authority of the Central Government and Local Government in the area of land according to the 1945 Constitution, This study uses normative legal research. The results of research are: First, the authority of the Central Government in the land sector is the inherent nature of authority, because as the sole power in a unitary state. In the development of central government authority derived from attributive authority and Local Government authorities in the land sector sourced from attributive authority and discretionary. Second, the meaning of the relationship of authority between the central government and the regional government in the land sector as: (a) the relationship of subordination; (B) the relationship of supervision; and (c) the relationship of responsibility in achieving the objectives of the State.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 323-337
La ode Dedihasriadi

Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia implies that the natural resources which belong to the State are used for the prosperity of the people of Indonesia. Thus, in carrying out the mandate of the Constitution to create justice for the community and national economic development of employment including foreign workers, the government should provide a good mechanism and supervision so that there will be no gap between the mandate of the constitution and the acceleration of economic development involving foreign workers. Labor inspection done by a separate working unit in the agency whose scope of duties and responsibilities is in the field of employment is in the central government, provincial government, and district/ city government. This study used a normative-empirical approach, where the researcher examined the law and its implementation regarding the roles of district/ city governments in the supervision of foreign workers. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of the roles of district/ city governments in overseeing foreign workers in their regions. The results of the study showed that the roles of district/ city governments in carrying out the supervision of foreign workers in Indonesia were not regulated by laws of No. 23 of 2014 concerning regional government, PP No. 20 of 2018 concerning the use of foreign workers, and Minister of Manpower Regulation No.10 of 2018 concerning procedures for the use of foreign workers. Thus, its implementation made it difficult for district/ city governments to oversee the presence of foreign workers in their areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 240-258
FC Susila Adiyanta

AbstractThe aim of regional autonomy and decentralization of the authority of the regency and city governments is to shorten the bureaucracy and optimize public services. In reality the products of regional regulations overlap their competencies, contradict the substance and material content with other regional regulations that are parallel, as well as the existing regulations above, which have implications for the emergence of the complexity of licensing bureaucracy, and uncertainty of society and business in carrying out activities business and investment activities, interests of capital owners, and business / trade, regional and national competitiveness. This study highlights the problems related to the relationship between the central and regional governments as determinants of regulations that are codified for investment, product characteristics of regency / city government regulations that are conducive to investment competitiveness in the region, and the competence of district / city governments in setting conducive regulations for investment using an empirical approach. The conclusion of the results of this study is that the synergy between the central and regional governments is needed in designing conducive regulations to encourage the business and investment climate in the region, namely the product of regional regulations that do not conflict with the higher applicable regulations, efficient in tariff setting taxes, regional levies, and do not result in a high cost economy, do not result in double taxation with central taxes or with other regional taxes / levies, are not discriminatory, guarantee legal certainty and are equal in the eyes of the law, there is standard certainty services related to licensing); and regulations that are environmentally friendly, namely local regulations that support the management of natural resources well so that natural resources can be utilized optimally and sustainably. Recommendations in this study are: Central and regional governments must synergize and harmonize regulatory products at the central and municipal district levels, the regency and city governments must take the initiative to revise regulations on taxes and levies whose substance and material content are contrary to the regulations above, district governments and the city in formulating and determining the direction of reform policy and the implementation of governance in the regions must be oriented and refer to hierarchical relations between the central government and regional governments to support national development.Keywords: District /City Government, Regulation, Investment Abstrak Tujuan otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi kewenangan pada pemerintah kabupaten dan kota diantaranya adalah memperpendek birokrasi dan mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik. Pada kenyataannya produk peraturan daerah yang tumpang tindih kompetensinya, bertentangan substansi dan materi muatannya dengan peraturan-peraturan daerah lainnya yang sejajar, maupun dengan peraturan-peraturan yang ada diatasnya, yang berimplikasi pada munculnya kerumitan birokrasi perijinan, dan ketidakpastian masyarakat dan dunia usaha dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha serta aktivitas investasi, minat pemilik modal, dan daya saing usaha/ perdagangan, perekomian daerah maupun nasional. Penelitian ini menyoroti permasalahan-permasalahan terkait dengan relasi antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah sebagai faktor penentu regulasi yang kodusif bagi investasi, karakteristik produk regulasi pemerintah kabupaten/kota yang kondusif bagi daya saing investasi di daerah, dan kompetensi pemerintah kabupaten/kota dalam menetapkan regulasi yang kondusif bagi investasi dengan  menggunakan pendekatan empiris. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah  sinergi antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah diperlukan dalam merancang regulasi yang kondusif untuk mendorong iklim usaha dan investasi di daerah, yaitu diperlukan produk peraturan daerah yang sifatnya tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan-peraturan yang lebih tinggi yang berlaku, efisien dalam penetapan tarif pajak, retribusi daerah, dan tidak mengakibatkan ekonomi biaya tinggi, tidak mengakibatkan pungutan berganda (double taxation) dengan pajak-pajak Pusat  atau dengan pajak/retribusi daerah lainnya, tidak diskriminatif, menjamin kepastian hukum dan kedudukan yang sama di mata hukum, adanya kepastian standar pelayanan yang berkaitan dengan perizinan); dan perda yang ramah terhadap lingkungan, yaitu perda yang mendukung pengelelolaan sumber daya alam dengan baik agar sumber daya alam dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan berkelanjutan.  Rekomendasi pada penelitian ini yaitu: Pemerintah pusat dan daerah harus bersinergi dan mensikoronkan produk regulasi di tingkat pusat dan daerah kabupaten kota, pemerintah daerah kabupaten dan kota harus berinisiatif merevisi regulasi pajak dan retribusi yang substansi dan materi muatannya bertentangan dengan peraturan yang ada diatasnya, pemerintah kabupaten dan kota dalam merumuskan dan menetapkan arah kebijakan reformasi dan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di daerah harus berorientasi dan  mengacu pada hubungan hierarkhi antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah untuk mendukung pembangunan nasional. Kata Kunci: Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota, Regulasi, Investasi

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Sari Rusmita

This study aims to determine the effect of regional government characteristics on the financial performance of district / city regional governments in West Kalimantan. This research uses multiple regression. The dependent variable used is the regional financial performance which is proxied from the level of efficiency while the independent variables used are total assets, regional expenditure, DAU, PAD, and leverage as indicators of local government characteristics. The findings of this study indicate that regional spending and dependency of district / city regional governments in West Kalimantan on central government have an influence on the financial performance of district / city governments in West Kalimantan, while government size, prosperity and leverage have no influence on the financial performance of district governments / city in West Kalimantan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Mohklas, Devi Inanta Purwati

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh PAD, DAU, dan DAK terhadap Belanja Modal yang dimoderasi dengan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi. Implikasi manajerialnya adalah sebagai sumbang saran dalam konsep secara ilmiah bagi Pemerinta Daerah /Kabupaten Kota di Jawa Tengah, khusus dalam bidang ilmu akuntansi sektor publik dalam menentukan kebijakan belanja modal.Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) variabel dimana pada PAD, DAU dan DAK menjadi variabel bebas sedangkan BM variabel terikat, sedangkan PE sebagai variabel moderat. Teknik populasi dan sampel, seluruh Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dengan mengggunakan metode sampling jenuh, jumlah sampel: 175 data. Data penelitian ini berupa data sekunder yang berupa Laporan Realisasi APBD dan tabel PDRB provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2012- 2016. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis pengujian hipotesis dengan uji Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA).Hasil penelitain ini memberikan bukti bahwa; PAD, DAU dan DAK  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap belanja modal. PE tidak memoderasi  hubungan antara PAD, DAU namun dapat memoderasi DAK dengan BM.Kata Kunci:Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum, Dana Alokas Khusus, Belanja Modal, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi  AbstractCapital expenditure has an important role for the Regional Government, with the existence of the Capital Expenditures the Regional Government can improve public services and allocate them to the main objectives; welfare of the community. One of the efforts is; by optimizing the potential for PAD, so the proportion of Capital Expenditures is considered productive. Optimizing the receipt of PAD should be supported, pursued by regional governments by improving the quality of public services. PAD is one component of the source of state financial revenues in addition to other revenues, which can be in the form of; DAU and DAK.Regional autonomy is required to be more independent in managing the household budget, by being more independent in managing its economic resources which will add PAD. But the central government also continues to support local governments through DAU and DAK funds.In general, this study aims to test, analyze the influence of PAD, DAU and DAK on the BM of Regency / City Governments in Central Java with the PE variable dimederator. So that it can be seen whether PE can moderate in influencing BM. In particular, this study aims to provide input from District / City Governments in Central Java, in allocating PAD, DAU and DAK to BM.The variables in this study consist of 5 (five) variables where in PAD, DAU and DAK are independent variables while BM is the dependent variable, while PE is a moderate variable.Population and sample techniques, all regencies / cities in Central Java Province, using saturated sampling methods, number of samples: 175 data. This research data is in the form of secondary data in the form of APBD Realization Report and provincial Central Java GRDP table in 2012-2016. The collected data is analyzed first by testing the classical assumptions then testing the hypotheses using the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test.Keywords: Regional Original Revenue, General Allocation Funds, Special Alokas Funds, Capital Expenditures, Economic Growth

Yosica Mariana

Generally, activities conducted by people generate waste. The waste which increasingly rises causing a big problem. Therefore, the role of community in waste management will strongly support the process of solving the waste problem in the community. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of engagement and active participation of citizens, as reflected in the attitude of citizens in the activities related to the response to the waste problem in the community. A descriptive method was used in this study to describe the involvement and participation in the prevention of waste. The result showed that the paradigm of PSBM (community-based waste management) appeared sporadically and has not yet received the maximum support from regional governments. A paradigm which is “people pay, the government manages“, has grown within the community for years. It would hardly change people’s behaviour patterns in solving the waste problem in the community since changing the city into a city that is clean, comfortable and healthy involved many parties, including the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3218-3231
Meimoon Ibrahim, Ilyas Lamuda

Objective: This study aims to analyze how the effect of leadership variables on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening in the provincial government of Gorontalo-Indonesia. Methods: The approach used is explanatory research, pattern of research that seeks to explain the relationship of variables referred so that the relationship of these variables can be tested with a quantitative approach and hypothesis testing used is the method of Structural Equation Modeling, with analytical tools of Loading Factor and Critical Ratio which is preceded by a validity test and reliability test.  The sample was drawn randomly according to representative samples at the level of the position group as many as 5% employee population of the Provincial it. Results ;The results of the study show that leadership style has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction and leadership style has an effect on employees' performance, but job satisfaction has negative and non-significant effect on employee performance. Conclusion; Expected that this research could also be developed in other fields or a wider scope and not only because each region has different characteristics. So it is recommended that policy makers as bureaucratic managers to pay more attention to job satisfaction factors in order to further improve employee performance.

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