Eny Heri Manik

Every person legal problems with the status as a suspect, accused and convicted person is obliged to secure the protection and legal aid. Legal aid is a right for everyone, especially for those who are punished more than five years is mandatory for legal counsel. Various guarantee protection for legal support in any judicial process is not regulated in the criminal code, Act No. 18 of 2003 regarding advocates, law No. 16 of 2011 on legal aid and law No. 12 of 1996 on corretional services. Began to suspect the examination process stages can have legal counsel or advocate o the court proceedings even to convict the accused. Legal assistance in the Indonesia judiccial process has been set broadly, in the sense that all stages of the judicial process of seeking justice is guaranteed by law without exception, the prisoners declared in the form of sponsorhip such as the availability of legal remedies extensivelly and every level of the judicial process, means remission, leave nearing relase, conditional release, resocialization, assimilation and others. Indonesia criminal justice process is carried out in an integrated manner by law enforcment in the context of a fair process in order to realize the prupose of law is fair, useful and achieving legal certainty for all seekers of justice based on the “system” that has adopted the “Integrated criminal justice system”. Setiap orang tersangkut masalah hukum dengan status sebagai tersangka, terdakwa dan terpidana adalah wajib mendapat perlindungan dan bantuan hukum. Bantuan hukum merupakan hak bagi setiap orang, apalagi bagi mereka yang diancam pidana lebih dari lima tahun adalah wajib untuk didampingi penasehat hukum. Berbagai ketentuan jaminan perlindungan akan bantuan hukum dalam setiap proses peradilan telah diatur dalam KUHAP, UU NO. 18 Tahun 2003 tentang Advokat, UU No. 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum serta    UU No.12 Tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan. Mulai tahapan proses pemeriksaan tersangka oleh pihak penyidik (kepolisian) seseorang tersangka telah dapat didampingi kuasa hukum atau advokat, hingga ke proses persidangan bahkan sampai terdakwa menjadi narapidana. Bantuan hukum dalam proses peradilan Indonesia telah diatur secara luas dalam arti semua tahapan proses peradilan para pencari keadilan dijamin oleh Undang-Undang tanpa kecuali, bagi terpidana dicanangkan berupa penyantunan seperti tersedianya upaya hukum secara luas dan disetiap jenjang proses peradilan, sarana remisi, cuti menjelang bebas, pelepasan bersyarat, resosialisasi, asimilasi dan lain-lain. Peradilan pidana Indonesia dalam prosesnya dilakukan secara terpadu oleh penegak hukum dalam rangka proses yang adil guna terwujudnya tujuan hukum yang berkeadilan, bermanfaat dan terciptanya kepastian hukum bagi semua pencari keadilan berdasarkan “sistem” yang telah dianut yakni “sistem peradilan pidana terpadu”

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12

The problem of diversion is often used as a legal reason for the parties involved as a suspect in a crime committed by a minor, both for the purpose of defense and in an attempt to avoid a suspect from imprisonment stipulated in the provisions of the law. Diversi as stipulated in Article 1 point 7 of Law Number 11 Year 2012, on the Criminal Justice System of the Child, is the transfer of the settlement of child cases from the criminal justice process to proceedings outside the criminal justice.In the case of the transfer of cases of perpetrators of minor offenses, there have been various perceptions or differences of legal views, especially the understanding of "repetition of criminal acts". In criminal law theory the term repetition of a criminal offense is the same offense committed by a person more than once. In social life in society the perpetrator is called a residivist. In the process of investigating the application of the versions of underage residivists is a legal policy undertaken by the investigator in assessing whether the perpetrator deserves a diversion or not.The result of the research can be concluded that the implementation of the diversion for underage perpetrators who perform repetition of acts in legal theory and legislation can be done as a form of police discretion conducted by investigators. The discretion made by the investigator is done on the coordination of Police investigators with other agencies, especially the Court, BAPAS, the victim's parents and the Legal Counsel accompanying the victim and other related parties. The problem of diversion is often used as a legal reason for the parties involved as a suspect in a crime committed by a minor, both for the purpose of defense and in an attempt to avoid a suspect from imprisonment stipulated in the provisions of the law. Diversi as stipulated in Article 1 point 7 of Law Number 11 Year 2012, on the Criminal Justice System of the Child, is the transfer of the settlement of child cases from the criminal justice process to proceedings outside the criminal justice.In the case of the transfer of cases of perpetrators of minor offenses, there have been various perceptions or differences of legal views, especially the understanding of "repetition of criminal acts". In criminal law theory the term repetition of a criminal offense is the same offense committed by a person more than once. In social life in society the perpetrator is called a residivist. In the process of investigating the application of the versions of underage residivists is a legal policy undertaken by the investigator in assessing whether the perpetrator deserves a diversion or not.The result of the research can be concluded that the implementation of the diversion for underage perpetrators who perform repetition of acts in legal theory and legislation can be done as a form of police discretion conducted by investigators. The discretion made by the investigator is done on the coordination of Police investigators with other agencies, especially the Court, BAPAS, the victim's parents and the Legal Counsel accompanying the victim and other related parties.

I Made Pasek Budiawan

Imposition of the death penalty by the judge in the criminal justice process Indonesia still remains a debate among groups that agread with the group that oppose it. But in some laws for special crimes such as terrorism, corruption, narcotics, psychotropic substances, and a human rights capital punishment is still regulated, as well as of the criminal code and the concept of the criminal code by 2015 capital punishment is still based. The  existence of the group that did not agree with the conception and application of this dying, argued that human life bussiness, my God, not the man to lift the perspective of the scientific criminal law that a death penalty still exists in all criminal acts by perpetrators of crimes with widespread impact as well as detrimental to the wider community the research for criminal santions was important to examine the existence of the norms of law as a basic for corrector by maximum capital punishment in Indonesia. Penjatuhan pidana mati oleh hakim dalam proses peradilan pidana Indonesia masih tetap menjadi perdebatan antara kelompok yang setuju dengan kelompok yang menentangnya. Namun dalam beberapa undang-undang tindak pidana khusus seperti terorisme, korupsi, narkotika, psikotropika dan peradilan hak asasi manusia pidana mati masih diatur, begitu juga KUHP dan konsep KUHP tahun 2015 pidana mati masih tetap dicanangkan. Adanya kelompok yang tidak setuju dengan konsepsi dan aplikasi pidana  mati ini berdalih bahwa nyawa manusia menjadi urusan Tuhan, bukan menjadi kewenangan manusia untuk mencabutnya. Perspektif keilmuan hukum pidana bahwa pidana mati masih eksis untuk diberlakukan sepanjang tindak pidana yang dilakukan pelaku menyangkut kejahatan luar biasa dengan dampak luas serta merugikan masyarakat luas. Penelitian terhadap sanksi pidana mati penting dilakukan guna meneliti keberadaan norma hukum sebagai dasar pembenar dijatuhkannya pidana mati ini di Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 1423
Luh Putu Kristyanti

Keterangan ahli/ saksi ahli merupakan salah satu alat bukti dalam hukum acara pidana Indonesia. Perlu ditelusuri lebih mendetail perihal keterangan ahli serta kondisi saat keterangan ahli termasuk alat bukti saksi atau alat bukti surat. Penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada peran saksi ahli dalam proses peradilan di pengadilan dalam memperoleh keadilan materiil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif dengan analisa kualitatif. Keterangan ahli dalam proses peradilan pidana jika diberikan secara tertulis termasuk pada alat bukti surat, namun ketika diberikan secara lisan di persidangan maka termasuk alat bukti keterangan saksi. Expert statement / expert witness is one of the evidence in Indonesian criminal procedure law. It needs to be explored in more detail regarding expert testimony and conditions when expert testimony includes witness evidence or letter evidence. This research will focus on the role of expert witnesses in court proceedings in obtaining material justice. This study uses a normative method with qualitative analysis. Expert testimony in the criminal justice process, if given in writing, includes documentary evidence, but when it is given orally in court, it includes evidence for witness testimony.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-206
Putu Ayu Sarina Selsa Oktaviani ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha

This research aims to find out how implementation of the diversion of the perpetrators of the abuse of narcotic drugs by using the method of the approach of restorative justice by involving the perpetrator, the victim, the family of the offender or the victim, community counselors and professionals. The research method used is the normative legal research with approach of legislation, articles as well as the doctrine or the views from experts associated with the diversion and narcotic in children. With regard to the handling of child abuse of narcotic drugs, the problems in this thesis is the arrangement of diversion by law about the criminal justice system of the child and the application of diversion through approach restorative justice in the criminal offence of child perpetrator of abuse of narcotic. The settings regarding diversion here is actually a settling criminal acts with children outside of the criminal justice process. Where the diversion can be carried out against the perpetrator of the crime that the threat of punishment of less than 7 (seven) years and is not a repetition of the crime. Against the application of the abuse of narcotics diversion for children conducted through deliberation in accordance whit the provisions of article 8 of law about the criminal justice system so that children can make a deal with diversion consider the child’s interests, in this case intended to avoid and keep children from the judicial process. In terms of the results of the diversion agreement already agreed upon with the parties where the implementation of the outcome of the diversion agreement would of course also have to be monitored both from the elderly, the environment, and investigators also rehabilitation center to ascertain if the result of the diversion deal was already done by the child and reported to the Chairman of the District Court where the implementation of such diversion is implemented.

Martin Schönteich

In many parts of Africa, a quiet revolution is transforming the delivery of legal assistance to pre-trial detainees and accused persons. Too poor to afford the services of a lawyer, and unable to rely on inadequate – or nonexistent – state-funded legal aid systems, many Africans are at the mercy of often oppressive and corrupt criminal justice systems. This is beginning to change as paralegals – who are less expensive and more accessible than lawyers – are empowering the poor and marginalised in their interactions with police, prosecutors, and the courts. In almost two dozen countries across Africa, paralegals are providing a critical service, particularly in the early stages of the criminal justice process. They provide primary legal aid services that often no one else is providing, which in turn results in the elimination of unnecessary pre-trial detention, the speedy processing of cases, diversion of young offenders, and reduction of case backlogs. Some paralegal services also provide food and medical supplies to people in detention. They may also be present at police stations in order to deter ill-treatment and forced confessions. Paralegals play a valuable role in reducing prison overcrowding by locating the family members of pre-trial detainees and facilitating bail hearings. This article gives an overview of paralegal services in a number of African countries, and shows how these services are assisting thousands of pretrial detainees and accused persons to access justice in environments where legal services are scarce or non-existent.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 570
Gaza Carumna Iskadrenda ◽  
Anggita Mustika Dewi

<p><em>Article 66 paragraph (1) Act Number 2 of 2014 essentially regulates the consent of the Notary Honorary Council in the criminal justice process. The provisions in the a quo article have been still being applied and become a positive law in Indonesia. One of the criminal justice process in the notarial field relates to the criminal act of revelation of secrets as regulated in Article number 322 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. The consent given by the Notary Honorary Council as outlined above can certainly be viewed in the context of criminal law.</em></p><p><em><em>The research is a normative legal research using secondary data of both primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The data collecting technique used is documentary study with written materials as the data collection tool to be analyzed qualitatively using content analysis.</em></em></p><p><em><em>The research result showed that in the context of criminal law, basically a notary who provides a copy of the deed and/or documents attached to the minuta deed or notarial protocol in the notarial archives for the purpose of the investigator, the public prosecutor or the judge has committed a criminal act of revelation of secrets as stipulated in Article number 322 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. However, the notary is not necessarily criminally liable considering the consent of the Notary Honorary Council as the grounds of impunity.</em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Notary Honorary Council consent, grounds of impunity, criminal act of revelation of secrets.</em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

 Perlindungan hukum terhadap whistleblower secara komprehensif seharusnya berlaku baik pada semua tahap peradilan (mulai dari tahap pelaporan, penyelidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan di persidangan) maupun setelah proses peradilan selesai. Hal ini disebabkan terkadang dalam kondisi tertentu pada suatu tindak pidana tertentu, ancaman dan teror bagi whistleblower akan tetap mengikuti setelah proses peradilan pidana selesai. Munculnya dendam  kesumat terdakwa atau terpidana yang telah dilaporkan tindak pidananya, relatif dimungkinkan memunculkan ketidaknyamanan dan membuat bahaya bagi kehidupan whistleblower yang terkait.Kata kunci:  whistleblower, korupsi, penanggulangan Comprehensive legal protection against whistleblowers should apply to all stages of the judiciary (starting from the reporting, investigation, investigation, prosecution, and examination phases) and after the judicial process is complete. This is because sometimes in certain conditions for a particular crime, the threat and terror of the whistleblower will continue to follow after the criminal justice process is complete. The emergence of revenge from the defendant or convicted person who has been reported as a criminal act, is relatively possible to cause discomfort and create a danger to the life of the related whistleblower. Keywords: whistleblower, corruption, countermeasures 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 223
Haris Wahyu Sunarno ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

Criminal beatings lately occur a lot because of actions from one person to another outside the normal limits. Crimes that often occur are beatings regulated in the criminal law book, namely Article 170 of the Criminal Code. The formulation of the problem in this study is how is the form of criminal responsibility towards the perpetrators of the beating crime committed by more than one perpetrator, and what are the obstacles in the criminal justice process against the perpetrators of the beatings and their solutions. The method used in the form of sociological juridical research specifications descriptive analysis. Data consists of primary data and secondary data taken by the method of document collection, interviews, and literature study. Based on the research it was concluded (1) The form of a system of criminal justice process in the flow of the trial in the decision Number 94 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN Bla as a form of criminal responsibility towards the perpetrators of beating crimes that are processed in the criminal justice process, (2) Obstacles deep inhibition in the criminal justice process against the perpetrators of the beating crime including the investigation process in presenting witnesses, the prosecution process that takes time, and article 170 of the Criminal Code which still has ambiguous in theoretical.Keywords: Criminal Liability, Beating Criminal Acts

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Suwanto Suwanto ◽  
Sri Kusriyah Kusriyah ◽  
Bambang Tri Bawono

The research problems are: What is the criminal aspect to the transfer that occurred on fiduciary as the basis for the decision in the court proceedings? The approach used in this research is normative juridical approach or the written law (law/statute approach), This approach is also known by the literature approach, namely by studying books-books, legislation and other documents related to this research. The study concluded that the diversion of the object fiduciary by the debtor without the consent from creditors including activities that violate the rights of creditors as the recipient of fiduciary protected by the Fiduciary Law, specifically Article 36 of Act No. 42 Of 1999 On Fiduciary.Keywords: Criminal Aspects; Fiduciary Guarantee Transfer; Criminal Justice.

2002 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-45 ◽  
Peter Duff

On 1 April 1996, a rather odd provision was introduced into the Scottish criminal justice process, namely a duty on both prosecution and defence to try to agree uncontroversial evidence in advance of criminal trial.1 As far as the writer is aware, such a provision is unique, although the philosophy underlying its introduction is not totally alien to inquisitorial systems of criminal justice.2 What is particularly peculiar about this duty is that there is no sanction for a failure, however unreasonable, to agree uncontroversial evidence.3 The lack of a sanction resulted from a concern that the creation of any penalty would impinge unjustifiably upon the rights of the accused. The intention in this article is to explore in detail the relationship between the duty to agree uncontroversial evidence and the position of the accused, and to suggest that the imposition of a sanction for a breach of this duty is not as problematic as was thought by those responsible for the legislation.

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