scholarly journals Compte rendu des matches de football dans la presse généraliste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-197
Valérie Bonnet

FR. S’appuyant sur les outils des sciences du texte, cet article s’attache à décrire la textualisation de la compétition sportive dans la presse. Pour ce faire, le corpus servant de base à la description des caractéristiques du compte rendu est extrait de la presse généraliste nationale, considérée comme une forme médiane sur les plans formels et thématiques. A été sélectionnée une compétition d’un empan sociétal suffisamment important pour être traitée dans la PQR, et dont les relations intergroupes permettent de faire jouer les logiques d’opposition structurales caractéristiques des discours sur le spectacle sportif, i.e. les parcours européens des clubs français de football. Sont analysées les 10 saisons de 7 clubs français (de 1955 à 2018), ayant atteint la finale, choix permettant de traiter de la feuilletonnisation complète de la compétition. Cette approche syntagmatique est doublée d’un traitement paradigmatique (thématiques et poétique des comptes rendus). Le corpus, travaillant les permanences, est abordé sous les angles rhétoriques (mécanismes et formes du discours épidictique, contenus topiques), argumentatifs (justification et jeux sur les valeurs) permettant de construire une macro-narration (logiques de feuilletonnisation et rappels mémoriels). La presse ne constituant pas tant un moyen de découvrir les matches, qui sont retransmis par les médias audiovisuels, qu’un lieu d’accès à leur analyse, il est montré que cette configuration donne une fonctionnalité autre au compte rendu : rééquilibrer les chances des adversaires afin de susciter l’envie de voir les rencontres à venir. En effet, le dispositif de couverture des campagnes footballistiques semble davantage être une textualisation de celles-ci qu’une textualisation du/des journée(s) du calendrier sportif. Il s’agit de mettre en place une tension narrative permettant au ressort émotionnel de jouer, comme de justifier, au regard du principe de pertinence médiatique, la narration du match. *** EN. Resorting to the tools of textual sciences, the article aims at describing the textualization of sports competition in the press. The text corpus from which we establish the characteristics of the sports accounts was extracted from national mainstream press, considered as middle ground in terms of forms and themes featured. Selected narratives deal with one championship with sufficient societal importance to be covered by the regional daily press, and whose inter-group relations bring to light the structural oppositional dynamics characteristic of discourses on the sporting show, i.e. the careers of French clubs on the European soccer scene. In order to observe the serialization of the championship, the reports of 10 seasons played by 7 French clubs who reached the finals between 1955 and 2018 were analyzed. This syntagmatic approach is coupled with a paradigmatic analysis, taking into consideration the themes and poetics of the sporting reports. The corpus, building on permanencies, was approached from the angles of rhetoric (mechanisms and forms of the epideictic discourse, topical contents) and of argumentation (justification and play on values), allowing the construction of a macro-narrative (logics of serialization and memorial reminders). Since the sports events are broadcast by audiovisual media, the press is not consulted as a means to follow the scores. Rather, it gives game analysis details. Such a configuration gives another functionality to the reports, by rebalancing the chances of the opponents in order to spur desire of supporters to watch the forthcoming matches. The coverage of soccer tournaments seems indeed to be more a textualization of the latter than a textualization of the day(s) of the sports event. The goal is rather to set up a narrative tension which plays as much on the emotional cord as it justifies, with regard to the principle of media relevance, the account of the game. *** PT. Com base nas ferramentas das ciências textuais, este artigo tenta descrever a textualização da competição esportiva na imprensa. Para tal, o corpus que serve de base à descrição das características da reportagem é retirado da imprensa nacional em geral, considerada como mediana a nível formal e temático. Foi seleccionada uma competição com âmbito societário suficientemente grande para ser tratada no PQR, e cujas relações intergrupais permitem pôr em prática a lógica de oposição estrutural característica do discurso sobre o entretenimento desportivo, ou seja, os percursos europeus de clubes franceses de futebol. São analisadas as 10 temporadas de 7 clubes franceses (de 1955 a 2018), tendo chegado à final, permitindo tratar da serialização completa da competição. Esta abordagem sintagmática está associada a um tratamento paradigmático (temático e poético das reportagens). O corpus, ao trabalhar as permanências, é abordado desde ângulos retóricos (mecanismos e formas do discurso epidítico, conteúdo tópico), argumentativos (justificativas e jogos de valores) permitindo a construção de uma macro-narração (lógica da serialização e de lembretes de memória). A imprensa não constituindo tanto um meio de descoberta dos jogos, que são veiculados pelos meios audiovisuais, como um local de acesso às suas análises, mostra-se que esta configuração confere uma funcionalidade diferente à reportagem: reequilibrar as possibilidades dos adversários, a fim de despertar o desejo de ver os próximos encontros. Na verdade, a cobertura das campanhas de futebol parece mais uma textualização delas do que uma textualização do(s) dia(s) do calendário esportivo. Trata-se de estabelecer uma tensão narrativa que permita que as competências emocionais joguem, bem como justifiquem, no que diz respeito ao princípio da relevância mediática, a narração do jogo. ***

Christopher Hilliard

The epilogue considers the mystery of Edith Swan and her wider significance. It begins by examining the press commentary on her and moves down into questions of motive and agency. After Swan’s conviction, newspapers were quick to diagnose her with a form of ‘sex mania’, applying the second-hand Freudianism that was becoming current in early 1920s Britain (one that assumed that repression led to outbursts of sexualized behaviour, rather than displacement into other areas). Yet Swan’s actions were at least as consistent with what is now known as borderline personality disorder. Many of Swan’s letters needled members of her own family about homely grievances. And while the letters accusing her of being promiscuous may have been fantasies of a sort, they also set up dramas in which she played the starring role.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 303-316
Katarzyna Tałuć

The inter-war period in the history of Poland was a time of rebuilding Poland’s statehood in all dimensions, including identity and axiology, which was to be reflected in new model citizens aware of their duties to their homeland. Discussions about the axiological foundation of educational ventures in the reborn Poland were part, even before the regaining of independence, of broader disputes over ideology, worldview as well as aesthetics. The model citizen was discussed during meetings of various societies or in the press. What is particularly evident in press publications, especially those appearing when the final borders of Poland were being established, is the interpenetration of political,  educational and aesthetic topics. The aim of the article is to present the tools and methods used to idealise the mountains in tourism periodicals and daily press from 1918–1922 as well as the reasons why the mountains were functionalised. This analysis is the basis for an attempt to describe the cause and effect links between forms of mountain idealisaiton and, for example, aesthetic categories used in Jan Bułhak’s concept of homeland photography.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
Patrick-Yves Badillo ◽  
Dominique Bourgeois

Switzerland is a country where the press is key. Democracy is at the heart of the Swiss press, characterized by multilingualism, diversity of the press and a long tradition of newspapers readership. But the paid-for daily printed press has been faced with a crisis for the last decade with the development of the free press, the rise of Internet and a decline in advertising revenues. Consequently, the Swiss press model is evolving. With the help of various indicators, this paper highlights an increasingly strong concentration of the Swiss daily press between 2005 and 2014. Moreover, it analyses the strategies of the two main Swiss press groups, Tamedia and Ringier, towards profitable digital diversification. It shows that the Swiss press remains strong, contrarily to the French press, for example. Thus, the evolution of the Swiss press model is illustrative of a new economic model. However, the paper also emphasizes that the Swiss press is now faced with increasing competition from the world digital leaders, such as Google and Facebook. 

Adeptus ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 51-65
Marta Rogalska

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent” – areas tabooed linguistically in press texts during the national days of mourning after Józef Piłsudski’s deathThis article discusses issues concerning press text taboo during the national days of mourning after Józef Piłsudski’s death. The source of the material are texts printed in the daily press dated 13.05-19.05.1935. The article discusses both taboo on the formal plane (euphemisms of death and its various aspects), and taboo on a semantic plane (taboo subjects), as well as relationship between taboo and censorship (individual and institutional/public). Its aim is to collect and to analyse euphemisms connected with mourning in the press discourse in the 1930s, especially euphemisms of lexemes: corpse and death. The article discusses also the rhetorical function of taboo subjects defined in connection with Marshal Piłsudski’s death. „O czym nie można mówić, o tym trzeba milczeć”? – obszary językowo tabuizowane w tekstach prasowych z okresu żałoby narodowej po śmierci Józefa PiłsudskiegoArtykuł omawia zagadnienie tabu w czasie żałoby narodowej po śmierci Józefa Piłsudskiego. Materiał stanowią teksty prasowe drukowane na łamach dzienników (zróżnicowanych światopoglądowo) w dniach 13.05.1935-19.05.1935 r. Omówione zostaje zarówno tabu w planie wyrażania (eufemizmy śmierci i obszarów z nią związanych), jak i tabu w planie treści (tematy tabu), a także relacje między tabu i cenzurą (wewnętrzną i zewnętrzną). Celem artykułu jest zebranie i analiza eufemizmów związanych z żałobą, szczególnie eufemizmów leksemów trup i śmierć, w dyskursie publicystycznym lat 30. XX w. oraz omówienie retorycznych funkcji tematów tabu wyznaczanych w związku ze śmiercią marszałka Piłsudskiego.

2011 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 439-443
Hui Wang ◽  
Meng Li

The main research is the dynamics characteristic of the shock excitation part of electro hydraulic control harmonic aging stress elimination devices. Use the system dynamics knowledge to set up a dynamics model of the shock excitation part. Analyze the transfer function of system and then use MATLAB to draw graphics under the condition of different parameters. Through the simulation graphic's analysis, we can obtain the influence of various parameters on system model, so as to provide a reference for the system optimization. MATLAB is abbreviation of Matrix Laboratory, which is used for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis and numerical calculation of high-level technical computing language and interactive environment. It is useful for us in modeling and simulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 193-208
Francesc Salgado de Dios

This article offers a first collective history of the main satirical reviews during the Spanish Transition (La Codorniz, Hermano Lobo, Barrabás, El Papus, Por Favor and El Jueves), which comprised a publication segment aimed at expressing a barely recognized freedom of the press. The text describes the development of this sector of the non-daily press, satirical magazines, which burst onto the scene only to contract a few years later, in the early 1980s. The sector attracted a readership of its own, giving cover to a non-conformist, sometimes disenchanted editorial approach that challenged much of the so-called discourse of consensus, which was politically hegemonic in the press during the Transition.

2014 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 179
Judá Leão Lobo ◽  
Luís Fernando Lopes Pereira

Este artigo delineia as principais características da imprensa durante o reinado de D. Pedro II e busca explicar o porquê de ter sido tão poderosa instituição no processo político-constitucional do período por meio da comparação da alta e da baixa cultura jurídica, uma baseada no pensamento constitucional e outra na imprensa diária, respectivamente. Por tal procedimento, buscamos desvelar a íntima conexão entre esses dois polos do espectro jurídico, assim como a especificidade da opinião pública brasileira durante o Segundo Reinado. Ambos os resultados foram atingidos por abordagem empírica de fontes primárias produzidas no período, tais como livros de autores destacados e debates públicos surgindo de periódicos diários de Curitiba, a capital da recém-estabelecida província do Paraná. Havendo condições sociais, políticas, teóricas e institucionais favoráveis, a imprensa era, sem rival, a principal instituição representando a opinião pública no processo constitucional. Embora deputados e senadores tivessem amplo direito à liberdade de expressão na tribuna e cidadãos comuns pudessem interferir nos negócios públicos pelo direito de petição, a imprensa superou tais direitos e se tornou verdadeiro Tribunal da Opinião Pública. Contudo, os critérios pelos quais a poderosa instituição julgava decisões políticas e administrativas eram mais morais que legais, e a legalidade era menos importante que a força moral. Com efeito, sanções previstas em lei eram frequentemente negligenciadas, enquanto a responsabilidade moral estendia seus vereditos inclusive a casos que observavam os preceitos legais. PALAVRAS-CHAVEForça moral. Liberdade de imprensa. Monarquia Constitucional brasileira. Opinião Pública. Responsabilidade moral.  ABSTRACT This article sets forth the main features of the press during the reign of Pedro II and tries to explain the reasons why it was such a powerful institution in the constitutional ongoing process of the period, and so by bringing the upper legal reasoning of the Constitutional Monarchy and the lower legal thought of the daily press together. Through this procedure, we intent to unveil the inner connection between these two sides of the juridical culture, as well as the specificity of the Brazilian public opinion during the Second Reign. Both of these outcomes were brought to light through an empirical approach to primary sources of the period, such as books of distinguished authors and public debates arising from daily newspapers of Curitiba, the capital of the recently established Paraná province. Since there were social, political, theoretical and institutional slanting conditions, the press was overwhelmingly the main institution representing the public opinion in the constitutional process. Even though representatives and senators had a broad right to free speech in congressional ground and ordinary citizens could interfere in public affairs through the petition right, the press overcame these rights and became a real Public Opinion Court. However, the criteria by which this powerful institution tried administrative and political decisions were more moral than legal, and lawfulness was less important than moral strength. Indeed, legal punishments were very often neglected, whilst moral responsibility stretched out its verdicts even to lawful cases. KEYWORDSBrazilian Constitutional Monarchy. Freedom of the press. Moral responsibility. Moral strength. Public opinion.

Journalism ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-70 ◽  
Rutger von Seth

The Russian media system was during most of the 20th century part of the state institutions. During glasnost and perestroika, the media became gradually more independent of the state. However, the subsequent apex of journalistic freedom in the late 1980s and the early 1990s was followed by stagnation and a pronounced democratic setback following Putin’s accession to power. Despite this, the findings based on qualitative text analysis of articles in the daily press strongly indicate that after 1991 readers of the press are being increasingly addressed as active and knowledgeable citizens, a tendency which is strengthened during the entire period of study. Methods for text examination are speech act and modality analysis, exploring how readers are discursively positioned in the sample text material, which covers the democratically critical time span 1978–2003. The findings imply that although post-Soviet journalism itself faces considerable difficulties, a firm cultural ground for citizen participation in society has been laid through changes in press language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 135 (575) ◽  
pp. 860-891
Ian Cawood

Abstract While the problem of political corruption in mid-nineteenth century Britain has been much studied, the experience of corrupt behaviour in public bodies, both new and long established, is comparatively neglected. This article takes the example of one of the first inspectorates set up after the Great Reform Act, the Factory Office, to examine the extent of corrupt practices in the British civic state and the means whereby it was addressed. It examines the changing processes of appointment, discipline and promotion, the issues of remuneration and venality, and the relationships between inspectors, workers, factory owners, the government and the wider civil service, and the press and public opinion. The article argues that the changing attitudes of the inspectors, especially those of Leonard Horner, were indicative of a developing ‘public service ethos’ in both bureaucratic and cultural settings and that the work of such unsung administrators was one of the agencies through which corrupt behaviour in the civic structures of Victorian Britain was, with public support, challenged. The article concludes that the endogenous reform of bureaucratic practice achieved by the factory inspectorate may even be of equal significance as that which resulted from the celebrated Northcote–Trevelyan Report of 1854.

2009 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 935-935
W. Lance Bennett

Ellen Mickiewicz has done an excellent job of presenting the key elements of our argument and empirical analysis about why the mainstream press proved incapable of independent news framing at critical junctures in the Iraq War. She then raises a series of excellent broader questions: What about the responsibility of government institutions to hold those in power accountable? What about the independent force of public opinion? Were earlier administrations as able to spin the press as successfully as the Bush administration? Each of these questions might well fuel a book. I can only address them briefly in this response.

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