group relations
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2022 ◽  
Tak Huen Chau ◽  
Junyan Jiang

What drives ordinary citizens to participate in costly pro-democracy endeavors? Conventional theories of democratization emphasize the economic or political conflicts between citizens and elites. This article suggests a different mechanism of mobilization based on inter-group relations. We argue that as a pro-majoritarian institution, democracy may be sought after by members of a disenfranchised majority as a way to protect their interests and identity against perceived economic or political threats posed by certain minority outgroups. We evaluate this argument by drawing evidence from Hong Kong, a city that has recently witnessed major waves of pro-democracy uprisings. Two experimental studies on local university students reveal that subjects' attitudes toward the mainland Chinese visitors and immigrants are causally related to their support for democratization. Observational evidence from surveys and elections further shows that pro-democracy attitudes are stronger in areas that recently experienced a large influx of mainland Chinese. These findings underscore the powerful role of group-based sentiments in episodes of democratization.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Leda M. Pérez ◽  
Luisa Feline Freier

While the criminalization and hyper‐sexualization of Venezuelanmigrants and refugees across South America have received growing scholarly attention, fairly little is known about the coping strategies of migrants in this context. In this article, we build on quantitative and qualitative data from a survey (N = 100), 72 in‐depth interviews, and five focus groups with Venezuelan immigrants in five Peruvian cities, collected between 2018 and 2020, to explore how they make sense of, and react to, negative shifts in public opinion on immigration and the criminalization of Venezuelan nationals. We identify two broad coping mechanisms: (a) opposition to their criminalization, including its satirical ridiculing, and (b) intra‐group boundary‐making and “othering.” Our findings make an important contribution to the literature on migrant responses to criminalization and intra‐group relations in the Global South.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-197
Valérie Bonnet

FR. S’appuyant sur les outils des sciences du texte, cet article s’attache à décrire la textualisation de la compétition sportive dans la presse. Pour ce faire, le corpus servant de base à la description des caractéristiques du compte rendu est extrait de la presse généraliste nationale, considérée comme une forme médiane sur les plans formels et thématiques. A été sélectionnée une compétition d’un empan sociétal suffisamment important pour être traitée dans la PQR, et dont les relations intergroupes permettent de faire jouer les logiques d’opposition structurales caractéristiques des discours sur le spectacle sportif, i.e. les parcours européens des clubs français de football. Sont analysées les 10 saisons de 7 clubs français (de 1955 à 2018), ayant atteint la finale, choix permettant de traiter de la feuilletonnisation complète de la compétition. Cette approche syntagmatique est doublée d’un traitement paradigmatique (thématiques et poétique des comptes rendus). Le corpus, travaillant les permanences, est abordé sous les angles rhétoriques (mécanismes et formes du discours épidictique, contenus topiques), argumentatifs (justification et jeux sur les valeurs) permettant de construire une macro-narration (logiques de feuilletonnisation et rappels mémoriels). La presse ne constituant pas tant un moyen de découvrir les matches, qui sont retransmis par les médias audiovisuels, qu’un lieu d’accès à leur analyse, il est montré que cette configuration donne une fonctionnalité autre au compte rendu : rééquilibrer les chances des adversaires afin de susciter l’envie de voir les rencontres à venir. En effet, le dispositif de couverture des campagnes footballistiques semble davantage être une textualisation de celles-ci qu’une textualisation du/des journée(s) du calendrier sportif. Il s’agit de mettre en place une tension narrative permettant au ressort émotionnel de jouer, comme de justifier, au regard du principe de pertinence médiatique, la narration du match. *** EN. Resorting to the tools of textual sciences, the article aims at describing the textualization of sports competition in the press. The text corpus from which we establish the characteristics of the sports accounts was extracted from national mainstream press, considered as middle ground in terms of forms and themes featured. Selected narratives deal with one championship with sufficient societal importance to be covered by the regional daily press, and whose inter-group relations bring to light the structural oppositional dynamics characteristic of discourses on the sporting show, i.e. the careers of French clubs on the European soccer scene. In order to observe the serialization of the championship, the reports of 10 seasons played by 7 French clubs who reached the finals between 1955 and 2018 were analyzed. This syntagmatic approach is coupled with a paradigmatic analysis, taking into consideration the themes and poetics of the sporting reports. The corpus, building on permanencies, was approached from the angles of rhetoric (mechanisms and forms of the epideictic discourse, topical contents) and of argumentation (justification and play on values), allowing the construction of a macro-narrative (logics of serialization and memorial reminders). Since the sports events are broadcast by audiovisual media, the press is not consulted as a means to follow the scores. Rather, it gives game analysis details. Such a configuration gives another functionality to the reports, by rebalancing the chances of the opponents in order to spur desire of supporters to watch the forthcoming matches. The coverage of soccer tournaments seems indeed to be more a textualization of the latter than a textualization of the day(s) of the sports event. The goal is rather to set up a narrative tension which plays as much on the emotional cord as it justifies, with regard to the principle of media relevance, the account of the game. *** PT. Com base nas ferramentas das ciências textuais, este artigo tenta descrever a textualização da competição esportiva na imprensa. Para tal, o corpus que serve de base à descrição das características da reportagem é retirado da imprensa nacional em geral, considerada como mediana a nível formal e temático. Foi seleccionada uma competição com âmbito societário suficientemente grande para ser tratada no PQR, e cujas relações intergrupais permitem pôr em prática a lógica de oposição estrutural característica do discurso sobre o entretenimento desportivo, ou seja, os percursos europeus de clubes franceses de futebol. São analisadas as 10 temporadas de 7 clubes franceses (de 1955 a 2018), tendo chegado à final, permitindo tratar da serialização completa da competição. Esta abordagem sintagmática está associada a um tratamento paradigmático (temático e poético das reportagens). O corpus, ao trabalhar as permanências, é abordado desde ângulos retóricos (mecanismos e formas do discurso epidítico, conteúdo tópico), argumentativos (justificativas e jogos de valores) permitindo a construção de uma macro-narração (lógica da serialização e de lembretes de memória). A imprensa não constituindo tanto um meio de descoberta dos jogos, que são veiculados pelos meios audiovisuais, como um local de acesso às suas análises, mostra-se que esta configuração confere uma funcionalidade diferente à reportagem: reequilibrar as possibilidades dos adversários, a fim de despertar o desejo de ver os próximos encontros. Na verdade, a cobertura das campanhas de futebol parece mais uma textualização delas do que uma textualização do(s) dia(s) do calendário esportivo. Trata-se de estabelecer uma tensão narrativa que permita que as competências emocionais joguem, bem como justifiquem, no que diz respeito ao princípio da relevância mediática, a narração do jogo. ***

2021 ◽  
Gamal Muhammad Rizka ◽  

The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of the school organization during a pandemic Covid-19, from the scope of individuals, social groups, relations between organizations, relations between institutions, and related policies in special conditions such as during a pandemic Covid-19 this time. The subject of this study is a literature review, literature sources that discuss pandemics, conditions, individual attitudes in school organizations, social group relations, communities, institutions, and related policies in special conditions such as during the pandemic Covid-19 this time. The time of the pandemic has various implications sector, including sector education. As a complex system, the organization is expected to become an organization that can promote healthy behavior physically and mentally during a pandemic. The school organization is covered by individuals with knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. The results of this study explain that for schools to remain focused on achieving educational goals with good quality, the integration of functions between school principals, teachers, and all school resources, groups of educators and education staff organizations, between organizations, institutions in society, and policies issued must go in harmony with future study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096-106
Mohamed Shemsedin Ziyad

One of the greatest challenges of Ethiopia is to promote wider societal development because the notions of ethnicity are fall prey to atomized competitions, hostility, or conflicts. These fraudulent competitions are directed in the struggle for political power, public offices, and socioeconomic opportunities by mobilizing their constituencies to think except ‘their own members’ are in power, they are unable to secure the national benefits. Nevertheless, ethnicity does neither inherently revolutionary nor impermeable, as many multi-ethnic nations do not have major troubles with their diversities but are a potential factor for cultivation. Understanding the psychological perspective that improves ethnic group relations of the family can assist notify involvements to enhance ethnic group members of the family. This seminar examines social psychological manners of ethnic perception and relation which are fundamental to promote ethnic members of the family and discusses how those forces may be forwarded to enhance ethnic organization members of the family, regularly through the enchaining of high-quality ethnic organization contact. I similarly keep in mind how promoting ethnic relationships advantaged and deprived corporations may also reply differently at the manner to involvements, and how a focal point frequently on improving high-quality ethnic group attitudes may also fall brief of ameliorating structural inequality among societies. I pick out modern conceptual and realistic demanding situations and advocate guidelines for the future. The result of the study shows that social psychology contributes undoubtedly to society via promoting social harmony, positive, cooperative relationships among contributors of various companies reduces tension and may generalize the significance of organization memberships, improves shared identities, and tremendously apprehending organization variations. Emphasized ethnic group relations at the local area by relating to Eastern Hararghe Zone of Amahara, Oromo, Somali, and other ethnics where living, cultures particularly, in Jarso Woreda is on the individual, which in its worst forms of ethnic relations can foster selfishness or indifference to others. However, promoting a sense of relations goes beyond a single ethnic group rather focus on interdependence and relationships.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13301
Norma Schemschat

Places affected by urban shrinkage are widely depicted as left behind places characterized by decline and decay. Refugees are generally constructed as victims or ‘dangerous other’. Hence, place-making and negotiations of belonging in shrinking cities are accompanied by multiple layers of stigmatization. Despite this contextual factor and even though many questions related to inter-group relations in shrinking cities are still unanswered, refugee-centered revitalization of shrinking cities is being discussed among city officials, planners and in the scientific community. This paper investigates local discourses on urban shrinkage and refugee arrival as contextual factors for negotiations of place and belonging, and connects to previous studies on the stigmatization of declining cities and the othering of refugees. It uses Nayak’s (2019) concept of re-scripting narratives to analyze whether acts of re-writing apply not only to stigmatizations of place, but marginalized groups as well. The paper finds that while dominant discourses on place are contested and at times re-scripted by local actors, discourses which construct refugees as other are reaffirmed. Confirming previous findings according to which stigma was passed on to other marginalized groups, it concludes that there is a need to consider dominant discourses and their negative impact on social cohesion in debates around refugee-centered revitalization.

2021 ◽  
Anne de Graaf ◽  
Klaas Kunst

Einstein Voor de auteurs staat Albert Einstein voor: nieuwsgierig, consistent, integer, gewetensvol, aandachtig en altijd persoonlijk. De onderzoeker, die vooral denkt in hypotheses, die hij aandachtig toetst door het stellen van vragen. Vragen en doorvragen, niet ophouden nieuwsgierig te zijn: een belangrijk kenmerk voor leiders en managers, die beogen verbetering te brengen in vaak complexe situaties. ... en de kunst van het zeilen In 2005 verscheen Einstein en de kunst van het zeilen, een zoektocht naar de nieuwe rol van de leidinggevende. Een lees- en werkboek over leiderschap en management, dat uitnodigt mee te zoeken naar de nieuwe rol van de leider. Het verzoek van veel gebruikers om ‘meer’, krijgt gehoor in de reeks Einstein en de kunst van.... Boeken met dezelfde ambitie, die de structuur, het karakter en de speelsheid van het basisboek naadloos volgen. Managen zonder macht De boodschap van dit boek is niet dat managen met macht (control of many by a few) per definitie overal en altijd fout zou zijn. Managen zonder macht (the capacity to produce change) blijkt echter een serieuze optie, die de moeite waard is om te onderzoeken. In die zin is dit boek een (onder)zoektocht, die de auteurs graag samen met hun lezers willen aangaan. Dit boek biedt een aantal theoretische kaders uit de Transactionele Analyse (Eric Berne), Group Relations Theory (Wilfred Bion) en de Systeem- en Communicatietheorie (Paul Watzlawick). Het is echter vooral een handreiking bij de zoektocht naar en de worsteling met de rol van leidinggevende in een snel veranderende omgeving.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Subbotina Nadezhda D. ◽  

The problem of interethnic conflicts is currently one of the topics attracting the attention of researchers of various specialties – culturologists, anthropologists, historians, social psychologists and others. The purpose and main task of this study is to analyze from a philosophical point of view the dialectics of the natural and the social in ethnic relations and its manifestation in interethnic conflicts. Accordingly, the article uses dialectical and comparative approaches. The theoretical basis of the study is the author’s concept of the relationship between natural and social in society and a man, which made it possible to identify the structure of ethnic relations according to this criterion, to determine the differences between social-group and natural-group relations. Intragroup and intergroup relations, in which natural components prevail over social ones are designated by the concept of “natural-group relations” (NGR) introduced in the author’s methodology. The specific results of the research and the novelty are the discovery of the specificity of the manifestation of the patterns of natural group relations and the role of suggestion in interethnic conflicts. It is proved that the concept of “group centrism” is not enough for the analysis of groups, since it describes mainly the assessment of one’s group and its values, and the concept of “regularities of natural group relations” denotes the hierarchical structure of a group, mechanisms of forced identification (including by methods of education) and self-identification, intragroup and intergroup relationships, reasons for conformism, etc. The article proves that the symptoms of grouping thinking, which were identified by I. L. Janis in small closed groups, and which are a kind of (NGR) patterns, are manifested with some variations in large groups. It is concluded that authors studying group relations do not pay enough attention to the natural prerequisites for the formation of groups and grouping of thinking, the fact that, due to the need for survival, the desire to unite into groups, to form and protect the uniformity of thinking is inherent in our genetic programs and is supported by suggestion. he further part of the article is devoted to the analysis of two interethnic conflicts based on the developed methodology ‒ the Arab-Israeli and Uzbek-Kyrgyz and the forecast, as well as the possibility of overcoming them.

2021 ◽  
Anne de Graaf ◽  
Klaas Kunst

Een man zag eens een vlinder, die bezig was zich uit zijn cocon los te maken om in een prachtige nieuwe gedaante ter wereld te komen. Vol medelijden pakte hij zijn zakmesje en sneed het weefsel voorzichtig los. Toen nam hij het diertje in zijn handen en wierp het hoog in de lucht. Tot zijn verbijstering dwarrelde het hulpeloos wentelwiekend naar de grond, niet in staat om te vliegen. Onbedoeld had hij het diertje beroofd van de levensnoodzakelijke oefeningen om te kunnen vliegen. Einstein en de kunst van het zeilen neemt je mee op een enerverende zoektocht naar de rol van de leidinggevende. Nieuwsgierige, onderzoekende en uitdagende vragen brengen je op het spoor van het leiderschap van de nieuwe tijd. Diverse denksporen helpen je te ontdekken wat leiderschap voor jou kan zijn. Dat maakt Einstein en de kunst van het zeilen tot een uniek lees- en werkboek. Einstein... Op je tocht word je vergezeld door de grote denker Einstein: de personificatie van de vasthoudende onderzoeker en briljante vragensteller. Einstein voert je langs thematische hoofdstromen: wat zijn de centrale vragen rond leiderschap vandaag? Je staat stil voor momenten van reflectie: welke persoonlijke kenmerken maken mij tot een goede leidinggevende? Je ontdekt verschillende perspectieven op het fenomeen leiderschap: wat is voor een leidinggevende van belang om echt notitie van te nemen? ...en de kunst van het zeilen De vraag is niet hoe je (in het algemeen) een excellent leidinggevende kunt zijn, de vraag is hoe juist jij een excellent leidinggevende kunt zijn. Je persoonlijke kracht en het krachtenveld binnen je organisatie bepalen je mogelijkheden. Je lijkt op de zeiler, die zijn eigen kennis, kunde, vaardigheid en ervaring inzet, maar ook gebruik weet te maken van de elementen in het eco-systeem, zoals weer en wind, eb en vloed. Dit boek biedt enkele theoretische kaders uit de Transactionele Analyse, Group Relations Theory en de Systeem- en Communicatietheorie. Het is echter vooral een handreiking bij de zoektocht naar en de worsteling met de rol van de leidinggevende in een snel veranderende omgeving.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
I Nyoman Mariyana ◽  
Gek Diah Desi Sentana

<em><span lang="EN-IN">Language as a communication tool consisting of a symbol system, which is composed of the framework of social group relations, can also have an impact on the overall structure of cultural interaction. Art as one of the cultural activities in Bali, can not be separated from the use of the Balinese language as a medium of communication. In Balinese gamelan practices, the role of the Balinese language is very important. This can be seen from the activity of playing gamelan Gambang. Gamelan Gambang is one of the unique Balinese gamelan. In which there is the use of the Balinese language as a form of maintaining the Balinese language from generation to generation. The method used in this study uses descriptive qualitative research methods through data collection, observation, interviews, discography, and documentation. Through this method, it is known that the preservation of the Balinese language is carried out by using the Balinese language alus as verbal communication, introduction to prayers of praise, writing Gambang gending notation. Various terms in Balinese gamelan techniques that use Balinese, such as the terms kotekan, cecandetan, tetorekan and oncang-ocang, while in terms of the terms of the playing techniques of each Gambang instrument that uses Balinese, namely; noltol, nyelangkit, nyelat/nyelag, ngoncang and nyading.</span></em>

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