daily press
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Tadeusz Budrewicz

The article presents the events of the celebration of Chopin’s 100th birthday in 1910. The article is based on the accounts published in the daily press of the time. The growth of Chopin’s cult in Polish lands culturally connected the nation divided both politically and administratively between three countries (Austria, Prussia and Russia). Despite disruptions by the police that inhibited the organisation of the celebrations in Poznan and Warsaw, the Polish people treated them as a nation-wide occasion and used that time to integrate. The key events were the 50th anniversary of Chopin’s death (1899) and the 100th anniversary of his birthday (1910). The year 1910 was also the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald which saw the Poles defeat the Germans. Chopin’s year had immense patriotic meaning and integrated the nation living under foreign rule.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-197
Valérie Bonnet

FR. S’appuyant sur les outils des sciences du texte, cet article s’attache à décrire la textualisation de la compétition sportive dans la presse. Pour ce faire, le corpus servant de base à la description des caractéristiques du compte rendu est extrait de la presse généraliste nationale, considérée comme une forme médiane sur les plans formels et thématiques. A été sélectionnée une compétition d’un empan sociétal suffisamment important pour être traitée dans la PQR, et dont les relations intergroupes permettent de faire jouer les logiques d’opposition structurales caractéristiques des discours sur le spectacle sportif, i.e. les parcours européens des clubs français de football. Sont analysées les 10 saisons de 7 clubs français (de 1955 à 2018), ayant atteint la finale, choix permettant de traiter de la feuilletonnisation complète de la compétition. Cette approche syntagmatique est doublée d’un traitement paradigmatique (thématiques et poétique des comptes rendus). Le corpus, travaillant les permanences, est abordé sous les angles rhétoriques (mécanismes et formes du discours épidictique, contenus topiques), argumentatifs (justification et jeux sur les valeurs) permettant de construire une macro-narration (logiques de feuilletonnisation et rappels mémoriels). La presse ne constituant pas tant un moyen de découvrir les matches, qui sont retransmis par les médias audiovisuels, qu’un lieu d’accès à leur analyse, il est montré que cette configuration donne une fonctionnalité autre au compte rendu : rééquilibrer les chances des adversaires afin de susciter l’envie de voir les rencontres à venir. En effet, le dispositif de couverture des campagnes footballistiques semble davantage être une textualisation de celles-ci qu’une textualisation du/des journée(s) du calendrier sportif. Il s’agit de mettre en place une tension narrative permettant au ressort émotionnel de jouer, comme de justifier, au regard du principe de pertinence médiatique, la narration du match. *** EN. Resorting to the tools of textual sciences, the article aims at describing the textualization of sports competition in the press. The text corpus from which we establish the characteristics of the sports accounts was extracted from national mainstream press, considered as middle ground in terms of forms and themes featured. Selected narratives deal with one championship with sufficient societal importance to be covered by the regional daily press, and whose inter-group relations bring to light the structural oppositional dynamics characteristic of discourses on the sporting show, i.e. the careers of French clubs on the European soccer scene. In order to observe the serialization of the championship, the reports of 10 seasons played by 7 French clubs who reached the finals between 1955 and 2018 were analyzed. This syntagmatic approach is coupled with a paradigmatic analysis, taking into consideration the themes and poetics of the sporting reports. The corpus, building on permanencies, was approached from the angles of rhetoric (mechanisms and forms of the epideictic discourse, topical contents) and of argumentation (justification and play on values), allowing the construction of a macro-narrative (logics of serialization and memorial reminders). Since the sports events are broadcast by audiovisual media, the press is not consulted as a means to follow the scores. Rather, it gives game analysis details. Such a configuration gives another functionality to the reports, by rebalancing the chances of the opponents in order to spur desire of supporters to watch the forthcoming matches. The coverage of soccer tournaments seems indeed to be more a textualization of the latter than a textualization of the day(s) of the sports event. The goal is rather to set up a narrative tension which plays as much on the emotional cord as it justifies, with regard to the principle of media relevance, the account of the game. *** PT. Com base nas ferramentas das ciências textuais, este artigo tenta descrever a textualização da competição esportiva na imprensa. Para tal, o corpus que serve de base à descrição das características da reportagem é retirado da imprensa nacional em geral, considerada como mediana a nível formal e temático. Foi seleccionada uma competição com âmbito societário suficientemente grande para ser tratada no PQR, e cujas relações intergrupais permitem pôr em prática a lógica de oposição estrutural característica do discurso sobre o entretenimento desportivo, ou seja, os percursos europeus de clubes franceses de futebol. São analisadas as 10 temporadas de 7 clubes franceses (de 1955 a 2018), tendo chegado à final, permitindo tratar da serialização completa da competição. Esta abordagem sintagmática está associada a um tratamento paradigmático (temático e poético das reportagens). O corpus, ao trabalhar as permanências, é abordado desde ângulos retóricos (mecanismos e formas do discurso epidítico, conteúdo tópico), argumentativos (justificativas e jogos de valores) permitindo a construção de uma macro-narração (lógica da serialização e de lembretes de memória). A imprensa não constituindo tanto um meio de descoberta dos jogos, que são veiculados pelos meios audiovisuais, como um local de acesso às suas análises, mostra-se que esta configuração confere uma funcionalidade diferente à reportagem: reequilibrar as possibilidades dos adversários, a fim de despertar o desejo de ver os próximos encontros. Na verdade, a cobertura das campanhas de futebol parece mais uma textualização delas do que uma textualização do(s) dia(s) do calendário esportivo. Trata-se de estabelecer uma tensão narrativa que permita que as competências emocionais joguem, bem como justifiquem, no que diz respeito ao princípio da relevância mediática, a narração do jogo. ***

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13737
Joanna Zuzanna Popławska

Urban retail systems in Poland have been changing constantly during the last 30 years. When it seemed that the consumption lifestyle of Poles became stable, and likewise the relations within the urban retail system, it was placed under the strain of the shock of the pandemic. The aim of the study is to discuss challenges that the urban retail systems face as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, how the relationships within those systems have changed and how the resilience of entities that create urban retail systems has changed. The article focuses on the case study of Poland, the largest and the fastest growing country in Central and Eastern Europe. To achieve the research goal, a broad and detailed critical literature review was used: literature, scientific articles, reports and daily press with a business profile were analyzed. Complementary to a qualitative approach was an analysis of quantitative data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland and Eurostat regarding the period from 2007 to 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes a unique occasion in which to conduct a stress-test of the concept of retail resilience in the lively organism of a city; it also delivers a useful framework for analyzing processes occurring in the Polish retail trade. The undertaken research contributes to these concepts by indicating how the shock of COVID-19 could affect components of the urban retail system in ambivalent ways as they express different levels of resilience. Some elements of the system had no problems with adjustments to the shock of the pandemic, whereas others with more rigid structures had problems with adaptation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-63
Ilija Milosavljević

The feuilleton is one of the most specific and oldest genres in journalism, but also one of the least analyzed and defined. Often appropriated as a literary genre in journalism, it has changed its form, style and content throughout history in order to adapt to the current circumstances in the media world. In keeping with the contemporary development of digital platforms, online journalism and sensational, fast-paced reporting, its specifics and peculiarities bring new challenges. The aim of the paper is to note the use, specifics, topics and the position of this genre through the analysis of feuilletons in the serious, semitabloid and tabloid daily press in Serbia. Additionally, the goal is to observe potential differences in relation to the type of press, but also the ways in which this newspaper genre is implemented in online newspaper portals. In accordance with these goals, the method of descriptive and comparative content analysis as well as the statistical method were used in the paper. The research was conducted on four daily newspapers, Danas, Politika, Večernje novosti and Blic, in the period from January 24, 2020 to January 30,2020. Twenty seven issues of these newspapers were analyzed, including 2,230 media texts, 30 of which were feuilletons. Research has shown that this genre is more common in serious than in semi-tabloid and tabloid press, that the most common topic covered through this genre is politics and that there are significant differences between the same feuilletons in printed newspapers in comparison to online editions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12876
Marcel Lincényi ◽  
Ladislav Kabát ◽  
Michal Fabuš

(1) Background: The main purpose of the research study is to identify and quantify significant development trends in the market of selected print media in Slovakia for the period 2010–2020 but especially to analyze their decline trend and estimate their sustainability in the media market after the entry of digital media. (2) Methods: To be able to arrive at qualified answers to the above research questions, we obtained and statistically processed available data on the scope of production and sales of relevant periodicals for the period 2010–2020 in the form of a time series. Subsequently, we chose suitable econometric models (regression analysis, panel data analysis, autoregressive models) as tools for their analysis with the possibility of prognostic applications. (3) Results: Research on selected dailies in the Slovak Republic in the years 2011–2020 revealed findings about the trend and also the nature of its variability, showing approximately the same decreases in the streams of dailies sold. We consider the growing popularity of digital media at the expense of traditional media to be the main reason for the decline in the cost of daily newspapers sold. The analysis and quantification of this substitution relationship will be the subject of our next paper. (4) Conclusions: If the current trend of decreasing daily average sold costs continues in the Slovak Republic, based on derived econometric models, it is possible to qualitatively estimate the minimum acceptable level of daily press sales and, thus, estimate the life of dailies in their classic form. The result will be their new orientation toward the electronic form of media products.

2021 ◽  
Les Cleveland

<p>This thesis describes the general functions of the New Zealand news media system and the structure, organisation and control of both the daily press and broadcasting and television services in New Zealand. In order to analyse the performance of daily newspapers in detail, a methodology is laid down for the quantitative description of the subject content of newspapers. A sample of the wire copy transmitted to daily newspapers in New Zealand by the New Zealand Press Association is analysed and a study is made of the news selection and display practices observed by 16 daily newspapers in their handling of this material. Further samples of the content of the same 16 daily papers are then analysed in order to obtain characteristic subject content descriptions and to provide material for a generalised discussion of the way in which the newspapers appear to be exercising their functions. This leads to a treatment of the problems facing the New Zealand daily press and a brief outline of the role of the New Zealand Press Association in the New Zealand news media system, as well as a discussion of the possibilities that exist for the improved education and training of journalists. The work then concludes with a set of appendices in which the full texts of various documents are reproduced, as well as a bibliography of literature relevant to the general field of research on the New Zealand mass media.</p>

2021 ◽  
Les Cleveland

<p>This thesis describes the general functions of the New Zealand news media system and the structure, organisation and control of both the daily press and broadcasting and television services in New Zealand. In order to analyse the performance of daily newspapers in detail, a methodology is laid down for the quantitative description of the subject content of newspapers. A sample of the wire copy transmitted to daily newspapers in New Zealand by the New Zealand Press Association is analysed and a study is made of the news selection and display practices observed by 16 daily newspapers in their handling of this material. Further samples of the content of the same 16 daily papers are then analysed in order to obtain characteristic subject content descriptions and to provide material for a generalised discussion of the way in which the newspapers appear to be exercising their functions. This leads to a treatment of the problems facing the New Zealand daily press and a brief outline of the role of the New Zealand Press Association in the New Zealand news media system, as well as a discussion of the possibilities that exist for the improved education and training of journalists. The work then concludes with a set of appendices in which the full texts of various documents are reproduced, as well as a bibliography of literature relevant to the general field of research on the New Zealand mass media.</p>

Steven Kettell ◽  
Peter Kerr

This article sets out to examine the politicising and depoliticising effects of the various stories that were deployed by the UK government in its response to the coronavirus crisis during its daily press briefings over a 2-month period between 16 March and 16 May 2020. In doing so, we identify four key narratives: (1) unprecedented government activism; (2) working to plan; (3) national security, wartime unity and sacrifice; and (4) scientific guidance. Through a quantitative and qualitative study of the deployment of these narratives, we attempt to further recent theoretical insights on depoliticisation by noting that the COVID-19 crisis produced a particular type of crisis moment in which the government was forced to respond in ‘real time’ to a set of circumstances which were rapidly changing. As such, this made it much more difficult to control the various stories they wanted to tell and therefore find a coherent ‘anchor’ for their politicising and depoliticising strategies. This led to some deft discursive footwork as the government sought to pass the ball of responsibility between various groups of actors in order to rapidly and continually shift the balance between avoiding blame and taking credit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 355-367
Bianca Schumann

In the course of the aesthetic controversy of the 19th century over programme music, which was particularly intense in Vienna, 'conservative' as well as 'progressive' ciritcs, who wrote for the daily press, endeavoured to appropriate Hector Berlioz for their personal aesthetic convictions. Even for reviews written in the 1860s and 1870s, when Berlioz's large-scale works were first performed by leading Viennese orchestras, Robert Schumann's review of the Symphonie fantastique (1835) played a significant role. Schumann's appreciative assessment of the symphony, which was strongly influenced by his misconception that Berlioz was only eighteen years old at the time of composition of the Symphony fantastique, had a decisive influence on the journalistic discourse on Berlioz in Vienna far beyond the first half of the century, for example on Hugo Wolf and Edmund Schelle. Other critics, such as August Wilhelm Ambros and Eduard Hanslick, took Schumann's ambiguity as their starting point to validate their less positive judgements.

Kalbotyra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 88-103
Ulfet Zakir Oglu Ibrahim

This article explores initialisms and acronyms taken from newspapers in the French press. In this article, using data from our study of abbreviated words, we attempt to answer the following questions: How can we shorten a word in French? What are the correct forms (means) of pronunciation of initialisms and acronyms? Can an initialism be considered as a separate (common) word? Before investigating the origin and function of various abbreviations in the French press, the preferred modality of each era, or even the basic rationales behind using such abbreviations, we define a term for abbreviated forms. It seems important to us to present our own definition and to illustrate in detail the problems of the subject. French uses four forms of abbreviated words to help create new words and build vocabulary. These four main forms of abbreviated words are: initials, acronyms, abbreviations, and truncations. At the same time, our goal in this article is to clarify the problem of pronunciation of initialisms and acronyms. To achieve our goal, we used a survey methodology conducted among people from different social groups and ages, in order to determine forms of oral speech and decipher abbreviations of the French daily press. Based on our research, we created a data table on the pronunciation of initialisms in French. The corpus elements and the survey conducted provide us with reliable data on the functioning, interpretation and decoding of abbreviated words in modern French. The survey results allow us to observe the fact that there are two main ways of using abbreviations in French: reading and spelling. Our analysis shows that the obligation to use reading to write an acronym depends, in part, on a number of formal conditions. One of these conditions is the syllable and phonetic structure of acronyms. In conclusion, based on the survey results, we describe the table and types of abbreviations in the corpus of our study.

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