scholarly journals The liability Resulting from Nullity of the Arrest of the Accused in Libyan law: المسؤولية المترتبة على بطلان القبض على المتهم في القانون الليبي

Abdallah A Sherif , Badruddin Haj Ibrahim

This study examines the nature and circumstances of the nullity of the arrest of the accused and the consequent legal responsibility for those who implement it in the Libyan legislation. To arrest someone is one of the most dangerous measures against human freedom and affects one of the most significant human rights: the right to freedom, The study relies on the analytical descriptive approach to describe the legal responsibility resulting from the nullity of the procedures for the arrest of the accused by examining and analyzing the legal provisions and the judicial authorities concerned in the Libyan law, to identify the conditions of the nullity of the arrest and its nature and types and effects on the resulting evidence, as well as an assessment of the position of the Libyan legislature towards the legal responsibility. The findings of this study reveals a number of results, the most important: that there is a clear judicial disorder and a big difference between the explanation of the law on the type and nature of nullity resulting from violation of guarantees of arrest. It also reveals that the crime of unjustified arrest varies depending on its source, as individual arrest made by another individual does not violate the freedom of movement of the individual but rather to violate the right itself. Most of the Arab legislation, including Libyan legislation, has taken the theory that the state is not responsible for the work of the judiciary. The Libyan legislator did not directly state the responsibility of the state for the illegal arrest of the judicial officers, and attributed this to the general rules of responsibility.

2013 ◽  
pp. 653-665
Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic ◽  
Zdravko Petrovic

The legal basis of state responsibility for damage caused by unfair sentence or unfounded arrest is the need to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and generally accepted international rules. The right to compensation on this basis (although subjective civil right) has a sui generis legal nature, because it is connected with the protection of human rights. Joint public-private legal nature of such a request is expressed in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia, because the circle of authorized persons and the conditions under which they may be entitled to compensation is determined by the criminal procedural rules, while the existence of a legally recognized forms of damage and the extent to which the damage may be reimbursed is estimated according to the general rules of Law of obligations. While the legislation is very progressive, it is observed that, in practice, the applications for compensation are usually submitted because of the most unreasonable detention of up to one month or three months, and the inefficiency of the criminal proceedings, suspended upon the expiration of the absolute limitation of prosecution. The state could easily affect these practices. Also, the priority of state must be meeting its financial obligations with regard to final adjustments, and the imposition of demands for compensation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (07) ◽  
pp. 84-89
Ülvi Famil oğlu Əsədullayev ◽  

Depending on the state, an individual may not have the procedural capacity to appeal to the Court, but as a result of changes in the international community, they have gained the right to sue in international courts. This development is a factor that will be taken into account in all research on the international subjectivity of the individual. Key words: International individual obligations, legal sanctions, UN Charter, legal responsibility, international military tribunal

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-535
Isma’il al-Shatti

Arab constitutions, for the most part, specify and guarantee human rights in their wordings. However, the reality of the individual in the Arab nation reveals something quite different from that which is written in the constitutions. The state is charged with providing citizens with sufficient opportunities by granting them the right to participate in political, economic, social and cultural life in addition to rendering the private life and private affairs of individuals inviolable. Arab regimes' commitment to democracy is tenuous and in the main, these regimes preserve reference to democracy in their constitutions simply as a means for improving the image of the regime and as a pro-forma attempt at applying a modus operandi of a modern state. Despite the fact that laws are promulgated to regulate political work, the press and media, and the institutions of civil society, they are deprived of their function and impact through superficial or highly restricted legislation. For more than five decades, academic researches and writings on the obstacles to transitioning to democracy have increased and multiplied; and various ideas and opinions on the subject have been advanced. This article attempts an explanation of the phenomenon of Arab authoritarianism which fostered the crisis of the ‘Arab Spring’ and explores the reasons for the failure of democracy in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 258-264
Chepulchenko T. О.

The article examines the modern concept of human rights as the universally accepted system of views and attitudes about the place and role of human rights in the society and the state. The list of human rights enshrined in these international instruments and the constitutions of many countries, was the result of a long historical development of samples and standards of human life and the entire community. It is emphasized that on the basis of a combination of natural and positivistic concepts of human rights and made possible the consolidation of fundamental freedoms in the constitutions of democratic States. The article focuses on the basic concepts of how to solve the problem of human rights and legal status of the individual which have developed in the history of legal theory and practice of various peoples: liberal (European) concept of human rights, collectivist, Islamic and traditionalist concept. It is emphasized that a decisive influence on the establishment of human rights made on the liberal conception of natural law doctrine, which established the priority of human rights, the new parameters of the relationship between the individual and the government. In the statement of the rights and freedoms of man played an important role in their ideological, doctrinal justification – the doctrine of natural human rights that do not depend on the discretion and arbitrariness of the government, and it is aimed at ensuring the rights defined by nature. Based on this doctrine and on the above mentioned international legal instruments, the new Constitution of Ukraine establishes a number of new rights, which were previously unknown or Constitution of the Soviet Ukraine nor the Ukrainian legislation: the right to life, right to dignity, the right to respect for private and family life, freedom of movement and free choice of residence, right to freedom of thought and speech, free expression of views and beliefs, and so on. Therefore, a new concept of the relationship between the Ukrainian state and the person with priority to the latter is brought to life, since the category of human rights operates solely in relations between man and power. Human rights are the limits of power. They define the sphere of human activity in which the power (the state) cannot interfere and the responsibilities which the state has for the human being. The article also discusses four generations of human rights, it is noted that in the XXI century. we can talk about the formation of the fourth generation of human rights, which is connected with the scientific discoveries in the field of microbiology, medicine, genetics and more. It is this generation that is at the center of intense debate precisely in terms of the naturalness of these phenomena and processes, from the standpoint of morality and worldview of a particular society, as well as based on the content of scientific doctrine. As a conclusion, the author writes that the legally enshrined legal position of a person has as its basis a liberal and natural-law concept, which stipulated as the primary principles freedom and inalienability, inalienability of human rights that belong to it from birth. Reference points are made in the relationship between the state and man - freedom, equality, the rule of law, the universality of human rights. And on these principles, principles, in addition to the actual scope of human rights and obligations, are exercised by these rights and freedoms. Keywords: constitution, concept of human rights, international legal act, human rights, natural law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Kotenko Т.

The article deals with the historical stages of the creation, development, and formation of a human rights institute. The ideological and theoretical heritage of Ancient Greece and Rome, which is the basis for the study of ideas about justice, social equality, and human freedom, is analyzed based on the analysis of the fundamental ideas of the most famous thinkers of antiquity. It was the philosophers of antiquity who initiated the concept of "natural law", which was formed over the centuries by the desire of man to understand the world, determine his place in society and politics. From the time of antiquity, the concept of human rights gradually began to emerge; Subsequently, the concept of equality, freedom of person, person, and citizen were formed. Ancient philosophers came up with the idea of law in general and the idea of human rights under the requirements of their time and conditions of social development. Over time, the ancient perception of social equality, justice, dignity, independence, and freedom of man became the starting point and benchmark of European political culture. The early period of the development of political and legal doctrines in ancient Greece is associated with the time of the formation of ancient Greek statehood. It was at this time that an attempt was made to give rationalist ideas about ethical and legal order in human affairs and relations instead of mythological ones. It should be noted that ancient Greek views on human rights were formed in mythological ideas about the origin of policies and divine justice. That is why rights come from the divine order of justice, which became the basis for the category equality. Only what corresponded to the concept of equality (within the concept of justice) was understood as right. In ancient Greek politics, customs and mono-norms gradually transformed towards protecting the dignity of citizens. The polite democracy gave impetus to the emergence of freedom, which promoted the emergence of equal political rights among the citizens of this policy. In the Greek city-state, the law first emerged as a specific phenomenon, and the life of the policy began to be compulsory for everyone. Subsequently, the Pythagoreans (VI –V centuries BC) formulated an important role in shaping the idea of legal equality and justice, using numerical proportions, that is, the ratio of certain parameters. The provision that "fair is to pay another equal" essentially introduces the coupon principle. Subsequently, this reflected Solon (7th-6th centuries BC) in his reforms. It eliminated debt slavery and, as a result of the compromise between nobility and demos, introduced a moderate censorship democracy in Athens. All citizens of the policy should equally be protected by the law and obey its mandatory rules (1). Recognized the law as a requirement of legal equality of free citizens of the policy, slaves did not apply the legal rules. Equality was considered in two respects: equality in law and equality before the law. Developed by Roman lawyers provisions in which a person acts as a subject of law, determine the legal status of a person, establish the freedom and formal equality of people under natural law, define Roman citizenship as a special legal status of a person, the distribution of the right to private and public, etc. contributed to the awareness of legal the importance of human rights in the context of the systematic doctrine of the legal nature of the relationship between the individual and the state. Roman law, extending to a state which it regarded as the object of its study along with positive law, ensured a legal relationship between the state and the individual, which was crucial for the development of the institution of the protection of individual rights in the world at that time (14, p. 119). In relation to individuals, the state was not above the rule of law, but directly its component part, which has all the basic properties of a law. The basis of a just and legal relationship between the individual and the state recognized the law, not the state. The individual and the state must be law-abiding subjects of legal relations, that is, act according to the rules of law. Conclusion. To sum up, we can point out that the first theoretical developments and statutory provisions of the law go back to ancient times. The thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome initiated the basic concepts of justice, equality, autonomy. It was then that ideas about political rights, lawmaking, democracy, and the personal responsibility of citizens were formed. However, freedom was not universal, it did not belong to slaves, and they were not the subjects of relations in the policy. The population of the policies was divided into different social and ethnic groups and accordingly had different legal status. Such inequality was the norm, so the priority was given to a policy or state that was enshrined in legislation. However, in Ancient Greece, there were also certain individual rights of citizens such as the right to speak; private property rights; the right to participate in government; the right to hold office; to participate in national meetings; the right to participate in the administration of justice; the right to appeal against illegal acts, etc. In Ancient Rome, this list was supplemented by the right to bargain, freedom of movement, the right of the people's tribune to veto, the ban on torture, the adversarial process of the lawsuit, etc. Keywords: Antiquity period, city-policies, human rights, legal equality, society, justice.

Rowan Cruft

What do we mean by rights, and can our use of the concept be justified? This book offers a partial vindication of the concept of a right, defending its use in relation to human rights while questioning it in relation to property. It starts with a new ‘Addressive’ account of the nature of rights as bringing together duty-bearer and right-holder first-personally—a theory which moves beyond and complements traditional Interest and Will Theories. This Addressive account implies that a right exists pre-institutionally (as a ‘natural’ or ‘moral’ right) only when a duty owes its existence predominantly to the right-holder’s good. On this basis, the book defends human rights law and practice as justifiably institutionalizing certain pre-legal moral rights held against other individuals and the state, including socio-economic rights. This defence proceeds independently of whichever conception of ‘the important human features’ (e.g. agency, capabilities, freedoms, interests, needs) one takes to underpin human rights—though it does depend on a distinction between individual and other goods. The book ends by arguing that for much property, conceiving the relevant duties in rights terms can mislead us into overlooking their foundation in the collective good. An alternative non-rights property system—broadly resembling modern markets but not conceived in terms of rights—is outlined. The result is a defence of the rights concept that is more supportive of human rights than many of their critics (from left or right) might expect, while pressing new doubts about much property as an individual right.

Yuriy Voloshyn ◽  
Vladimir Proschayev

The place and role of state intelligence bodies in the mechanism of ensuring constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen according to international standards and in the light of the newly adopted Laws of Ukraine «On the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine» and «On Intelligence» are studied. It is proved that in Ukraine, as in other post-Soviet states that did not have intelligence legislation, but began to create it after the declaration of independence, the process of constitutional and legal regulation of intelligence agencies consisted of four stages (transitional, initial, basic and modern). Describing each stage, the authors stressed that the Ukrainian legislator is now in the fourth stage, which is characterized by the improvement of already adopted legislation on intelligence activities or the adoption of completely new laws based on new versions or amendments to constitutions (basic laws). It is emphasized that Ukraine has been one of the first states in the territory of the former USSR to adopt the fourth (modern) stage since the adoption of new legislative acts on the activities of intelligence agencies. Undoubtedly, the impetus for this was the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine on the strategic course of the state to become a full member of Ukraine in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which radically changed the direction and direction of intelligence use of available forces and means. It is noted that the newly adopted legislation was developed not out of thin air, but based on a set of already adopted regulations that fully reflect the complex threatening situation around Ukraine and clearly indicate the place of intelligence agencies in a single system of national security. It was necessary to summarize all the adopted preliminary normative material and summarize it in new legislative acts, which would in a new way regulate all issues of intelligence functioning in modern difficult conditions. The main positive points in the newly adopted laws are identified, namely: 1) granting categories that were previously used only in the theory of intelligence, the status of legal categories, which indicates the beginning of the process of forming a completely new set of special legal terms; 2) inclusion in the text of a separate article on the observance of human rights and freedoms in the conduct of intelligence activities; 3) inclusion in the Law of Ukraine «On Intelligence» of a separate section on the peculiarities of democratic civilian control over intelligence; 4) granting the right to intelligence agencies to conduct intelligence affairs. It is proposed to consider in the Ukrainian legislation some legal provisions of the legislation of European countries regarding parliamentary control, which, according to the authors, will significantly increase the effectiveness of control. It is substantiated that the Law of Ukraine «On Intelligence» should contain: - a list of principles of intelligence activities must be defined; - the obligation of the authorized judge of the court to draw up a decision on the refusal to grant permission to conduct an intelligence event is more correctly formulated; - the right of intelligence agencies to provide training, retraining and advanced training of persons involved in confidential cooperation, in the manner prescribed by law for intelligence officers, is more clearly defined. It is concluded that the newly adopted laws provide comprehensive guarantees of compliance with the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950 and fully reflect the needs of intelligence agencies in the legal regulation of their activities in modern conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-42
O. O. Boyarsky ◽  
B. Ya. Kofman

The article is devoted to the consideration of human and civil rights, freedoms and responsibilities as the content of its constitutional and legal status. First, the author briefly analyzes the concept of constitutional and legal status of the person, outlining some problems of its understanding. The categories of constitutional rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen are further studied, as well as their relationship between them. It is noted that the most common criterion for the separation of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the sphere of society. In this regard, the constitutionally enshrined rights and freedoms of man and citizen are divided into civil (personal), political, economic, social, cultural. The importance of the transition from the declarative fixation of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of a person in the Constitution of Ukraine to their implementation is noted. It is determined that human rights and freedoms as elements of the constitutional and legal status have common bases of consolidation, guarantee, protection and defense, but differ in implementation (rights require certain mechanisms or means, and freedoms do not need). At the same time, human freedom is a fundamental category in relation to human rights. In turn, the duty of man and citizen is a measure of the necessary behavior of the person, the minimum requirements imposed by the state on the person. Due to its nature, a person's duty is more positive and therefore requires clear regulation in law. The importance of duty as an element of the constitutional and legal status of a person and a citizen lies in the implementation of its preventive function, due to which the interests of the individual, society and the state should not be harmed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 111-125
Yuriivna Timofeyeva

The article considers some issues of interpretation of the right to privacy in the practice of the ECtHR and its impact on the criminal law of Ukraine. Numerous violations of the articles of the Convention require systematic response of the state and appropriate changes in both legislation and changes in law enforcement practices. The violations relate in particular to problems of interpretation of the provisions of the Convention. Provisions of Art. 8 of the Convention are related to other provisions of the Convention and the development of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on certain issues. It is noted that the Convention is dynamic, it changes under the influence of society, its provisions change in the process of development and acquire new meanings. In particular, the ECtHR recognizes a violation of Art. 8 (right to respect for private life) in those contexts in which he has not previously recognized. In particular, interpretation of Art. 8 of the Convention in the context of the right to environmental safety in case significant harm to the persons health (cases Dubetska and others v. Ukraine, Grymkivska v. Ukraine), the right to beg in the context of the right to freedom of expression (Lakatush v. Switzerland). It is established that the development of these provisions requires analysis and consideration in the development of a new Criminal Code. At the same time, care must be taken to maintain a balance between freedoms and human rights and the security of society and the state. It is important that the rights enshrined in the Convention remain fundamental and do not go beyond the interests and needs of the individual. In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the national characteristics of the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
León Felipe Morales Ariza ◽  
José Antonio Morales Notario

The Mexican Constitution establishes that everyone has the right to health protection and therefore, the law itself will define the bases and modalities for all to have access to health services. However, not everyone has access to quality medical services despite being in the supreme regulation. The State must understand that any alteration to health generates social security problems, mainly due to its consequences. The right to health is inalienable and does not distinguish between the social, economic, cultural or racial status of the individual. And, by stablishing it as a constitutional regulation, it amounted to an obligation of the State, which must provide quality services for all the society.  There are cases in which the right to health is violated, such as obstetrics, where pregnant women suffer the consequences of bad practices, or where minors are involved and their human rights are violated. We must focus our attention in the fact that their neglect has serious consequences and their impact generates human conditions that affect the dignity of the human being.

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