scholarly journals Importance of legal regulations resulting from technical harmonization in the European Union for improvement of work safety of farmers in Poland

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 378-384
Agnieszka Żywicka ◽  
Piotr Choina ◽  
Mirosław Jarosz
2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 147-162
Stefan Marek Grochalski

Parliament – an institution of a democratic state – a member of the Union – is not only an authority but also, as in the case of the European Union, the only directly and universally elected representative body of the European Union. The article presents questions related to the essence of parliament and that of a supranational parliament which are vital while dealing with the subject matter. It proves that the growth of the European Parliament’s powers was the direct reason for departing from the system of delegating representatives to the Parliament for the benefit of direct elections. It presents direct and universal elections to the European Parliament in the context of presenting legal regulations applicable in this respect. It describes a new legal category – citizenship of the European Union – primarily in terms of active and passive suffrage to the European Parliament, as a political entitlement of a citizen of the European Union.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 97-114
Michał Biela

Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja założeń teoretycznych oraz praktycznej implementacji koncepcji alternatywnych źródeł finansowania społecznościowego w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aspektów formalno-prawnych crowdfundingu. Artykuł składa się z trzech części: w pierwszej opisano założenia definicyjne i koncepcyjne crowdfundingu, w drugiej przedstawiono propozycję zmiany ram regulacyjnych finansowania społecznościowego, przygotowanych przez instytucje Unii Europejskiej, natomiast trzecia zawiera uregulowania prawne finansowania społecznościowego w Polsce. W artykule jako metodę badawczą zastosowano desk research, której implementacja umożliwiła analizę istniejącej literatury przedmiotu. Theoretical assumptions of crowdfunding and its legal regulations in the European Union and in PolandThe aim of this article is to present the theoretical assumptions and practical implementation of the concept of alternative sources of funding in Poland and in the European Union, with emphasis on the formal and legal aspects of crowdfunding. The article consists of three parts. The first part describes the definition and conceptual assumptions of crowdfunding. The second part presents a proposal to change the crowdfunding regulatory framework at the European Union level. The third part includes legal regulations for crowdfunding in Poland. In the article, desk research was used as a research method, the implementation of which enabled the analysis of the existing literature on the subject.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Endre Győző Szabó ◽  
Balázs Révész

A magánélet és a biztonság népszerű ellentétpárként tűnhet fel az adatvédelmi gondolkodásban. Leegyszerűsítve olvashatjuk sokszor, hogy ha bizonyos feltételek hiányoznak, aránytalanul nagy áldozatot hozhatunk a személyes magánszféra, a privacy oldalán a biztonság érdekében, és magánszféránk túlzott feláldozása a biztonság oltárán visszafordíthatatlan folyamathoz és orwelli világhoz vezet. Más, a biztonság szempontjait mindenek felettinek hirdető érvelésben viszont a személyes adatok védelmére való hivatkozást alkotmányjogi bűvészkedésnek csúfolják és igyekeznek kisebbíteni a magánszféra-védelem egyébként méltányolandó értékeit. A magánélet és a személyes adatok védelmének pedig nagy a tétje, az adatok illetéktelenek részére való kiszolgáltatása, rosszhiszemű felhasználása egzisztenciákat, családokat tehet tönkre, boldogulási lehetőségeket hiúsíthat meg, ha a védelem alacsony szintre süllyed. Másrészről pedig az információszerzés, illetve előzetes adatgyűjtés a különböző bűnelkövetések, terrorcselekmények előkészületi cselekményei is egyben. Azzal, ha a személyes adataink, magánszféránk védelmében ésszerű lépéseket teszünk, élünk a jog és a technológia adta védelmi lehetőségekkel, adatainkat nemcsak az államtól és a piaci szereplőktől, de a bűnözőktől is elzárjuk, és ezzel mindannyiunk biztonságát szolgáljuk. Egy terület tehát biztosan létezik, ahol a biztonság és magánszféra mezsgyéje összeér: az adatbiztonságé és ezzel összefüggésben a tudatos, felelős felhasználói attitűdé, aminek azonban sokszor az emberi tényező a gátja. Jelen tanulmányban a magánszféra és biztonság kérdéskörének komplexitásáról szólunk, és közös nevezőt keresünk az adatkezelések nézőpontjából, kitérve az új adatvédelmi rendelet (GDPR) magánszféránkat és biztonságunkat egyaránt szolgáló leendő jogintézményeinek bemutatására is. --- Data in security – security in our data? Privacy and security may be deemed as a popular dichotomy. It is often argued that even if security is vital, we might sacrifice too much of our privacy in return. This may be irreversible when it comes to the intrusiveness of surveillance. On the other hand, it is also sometimes argued that the importance of personal data protection deserves less attention than security. There is much at stake when it comes to privacy and the protection of personal data. Misuse of personal information may damage families’ lives and ruin people’s livelihoods, thus this may all have significant repercussions for society as a whole – this is the price to be paid if protection is at a low level. Using sophisticated measures that technology and legal regulations can provide, privacy can be protected. Data security is a common field for the protection of privacy and security – crucial for both endeavours to make people’s lives better. This essay describes the complexity of issues related to privacy and security, while also taking new legislation of the European Union into account.

2020 ◽  
Vol XIV ◽  
pp. 1-2
Beata Błażejewska ◽  

The study analyzes the management of the borders of the European Union as a factor having a significant impact on improving the security of Member States. Legal regulations regulating the external borders of the Schengen Group, treated as land and sea borders as well as airports and seaports of the parties to the Schengen Convention are indicated, provided that these borders are not external borders that formally form borders. The role of entities supporting border traffic management in the European Union is described. In addition, an analysis of documented attempts to illegally cross the external borders of the EU and the borders of countries associated with the Schengen area between border control visits was made, indicating potential threats in this area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 108 ◽  
pp. 73-85
Michał Rudy

WHY A NEW ACT ON THE HUMANITARIAN PROTECTION OF ANIMALS IS NEEDED?Legal regulations concerning animals protection clearly state that man owes to respect the animal and each animal requires humane treatment that must be understood by taking into account the needs and protection of animals, as far as care providing. Systematic law amendments, which are concerned to protect the animals from suffering, including unjustified or inhumane killing or cruelty to animals, should be considered as the duty of state authorities. In particular it should be done due to taking into account that animals are recognized as the “subjects of law”, for which there is a special legal regime determined by the provisions devoted to the humanitarian animals protection.The main objective of this article is to identify the aspects, which — according to the author — affect the need to make amendments to the existing provisions concerning humanitarian protection of animals. This includes lack of law transparency, containing its precision and often contradictory regulations. Also, adapting to European regulations should be considered as important issue. Failure in application of European rules to national law means that the Republic of Poland violates its obligation as the Member State of the European Union. The author also notes that the current range of the requested changes proposed by law doctrine, state authorities, as well as by social organizations whose statutory purpose is humanitarian protection of animals is so broad, concerns so conflicting values and interests, as well as some of them are so “revolutionary”, that it requires a comprehensive and systemic look at the humanitarian issue of animal protection at the national level. Hence, instead of performing complicated amendments creation of avery new act on the humanitarian protection of animals should be considered.

Studia BAS ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (63) ◽  
pp. 127-153
Marcin Kiestrzyn

The main purpose of the article is to present and assess the changes in the directions of expenditure on cybersecurity in Poland from the state budget and their impact on the assessment of technological advancement in comparison with the EU. The formal and legal regulations that came into force over the last years in the EU and in Poland in this area are reviewed as well. The first part of the article focuses on the evolution of definitions and regulations regarding cyberspace, cybercrime and cybersecurity. It also highlights the entities involved in the cybersecurity system and their role in preventing threats in cyberspace. Next, the author briefly examines main threats in the digital space of the European Union and Poland. The final section assesses directions of financing cybersecurity in Poland versus the EU. The author argues that as the use of technology increases, it will be necessary to increase public spending on cybersecurity in order to maintain the level of security.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Mirosław Tokarski

The process of establishing normative acts in the European Union does not  occur out of nowhere, but in the context of specific social needs. That was the case of the genesis of establishing legal regulations regarding the protection of personal data in the European Union. Socio-economic integration, which resulted from the functioning of internal market in the European Union, has led to a significant increase in cross-border transfers of personal data. It led to situation in which various economic operators or state institutions of the Member States have increasingly processed the personal data of the EU citizens. Within time, these data have become an equally valuable commodity - not to say even more valuable – compared to goods and services (Costa-Cabral, and Lynskey Orla, 2017, p. 11). Making use of personal data on a large scale especially by public and private entities, associations and companies over time has posed a threat to the security of personal data. This has made it necessary to introduce legal protection measures for personal data in the European Union that would eliminate the negative effects of any form of personal data processing. The purpose of this article is to evaluate legal regulations regarding legislative protection of personal data in the European Union against the background of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council with respect to the protection of individuals due to processing personal data, its free movement and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as Regulation 2016/679). Due to initially adopted purpose of the considerations there arose a problem which was formulated in the form of a question: Do the legal measures introduced by the Regulation constitute an effective tool for the protection of personal data in the event of a violation of the law by personal data administrators and entities while processing such data? The presented purpose of the considerations and the research problem determined the order of the analysis.

Stanisław Flejterski ◽  
Magdalena Zioło

The paper focuses on the problem of the banking and financial system’s safety and stability in the European Union after the financial crisis of 2008. The concept is divided into three parts: the theoretical background, methods, and findings. The theoretical section presents a literature review, the main thesis, and the goals of the study. Conventional wisdom is discussed and the major assumptions, tools, and legal regulations are presented.

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