direct elections
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Orien Effendi

Euphoria of the Legislative Election, Presidential Election and Regional Head Election Simultaneously in Indonesia. Since the collapse of the New Order government in 1998, the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people in welcoming the atmosphere of the birth of the first democratic system by holding direct elections has been great. Through direct elections at that time began the election of the president and vice president elected by the people for the first time. The direct election by the people also applies to elections at the regional level which include the election of regional heads. Meanwhile, in the course of history, legislative elections have been held long before starting in 1955, so that it is recorded that legislative elections have been held 12 (twelve) times since they were held for the first time until their implementation in 2019. Along the way, the legislative, presidential and post-conflict local elections showed high enthusiasm in facing various challenges in each election period. So that the Indonesian people continue to learn from history and improve all deficiencies which then produce maturity in democracy. By reviewing the literature, this paper tries to review events related to the spirit or euphoria of the election.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Hertanto Hertanto ◽  
Handi Mulyaningsih ◽  
Asep Nurjaman

Indonesia is a heterogeneous country that requires an inclusive and tolerant attitude to live in harmony. However, with the implementation of direct elections in Indonesia, there are many hoaxes and black campaigns through the mass media. The purpose of this study is to examine the national insight and political attitudes of rural youth in social media-based election campaigns. The method used is in-depth interviews through structured focus group discussions (FGD) with young students in rural South Lampung. The results showed that Lampung rural youth realized the importance of Pancasila as a unifying tool for the nation. Furthermore, the youth of Lampung strongly disapprove of hoaxes and black campaigns in the general election. This finding is very important to maintain harmony in Indonesia and can serve as a model  Indonesia merupakan negara heterogen yang membutuhkan sikap inklusif dan toleran agar dapat hidup rukun. Namun, dengan diterapkannya pemilihan langsung di Indonesia, banyak bermunculan hoax dan kampanye hitam melalui media massa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji wawasan kebangsaan dan sikap politik pemuda pedesaan dalam kampanye pemilu berbasis media sosial. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam melalui diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD) terstruktur dengan mahasiswa generasi muda di pedesaan Lampung Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemuda pedesaan Lampung menyadari pentingnya Pancasila sebagai alat pemersatu Bangsa. Lebih lanjut, pemuda Lampung sangat tidak setuju dengan hoaks dan kampanye hitam dalam pemilihan umum. Temuan ini sangat penting untuk menjaga kerukunan di Indonesia dan dapat menjadi model bagi daerah lain di Indonesia. 

2021 ◽  
Yussef Campos

Democracy in Brazil is experiencing a crisis that has not been seen for a long time. After the 1988 Constitution, democratic institutions began to show signs of strengthening, such as the Public Ministry, the Judiciary, direct elections, among others. However, the rise of the extreme right – a non-exclusive event in our country – has mitigated and persecuted these institutions, with their dismantling, their ideological and religious equipment and even their extinction, as happened with the Ministry of Culture. The National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute has also been the target of repeated attacks. Appointments of unprepared individuals, without adequate qualification to assume management and leadership positions at the Institute has been the Achilles heel of the almost centenary IPHAN (National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute, in the acronym in Portuguese). Other facts mark the attack on places of memory and Brazilian heritage. In the midst of demonstrations around the world about the modification of place names that honor human rights defenders and the overthrowing of their statues, in Brazil the president of the republic testifies to his inability to occupy this position by giving prizes to torturers who acted as torturers in the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964–1985). Thus, this brief text will seek to exemplify how some facts – some prior to the current administration but which solidify with it – exemplify the current democratic crisis, which strikes not only Heritage and places of memory, but also an entire state structure that comes undone through the virulence of fake news and corruption led by the Bolsonaro family.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-59
Dedi Kusuma Habibie ◽  
Herdin Arie Saputra ◽  
Sanny Nofrima ◽  
Dafrin Muksin

Direct elections (Pilkada) are part of democracy; it shows a clear orientation, where the positioning and interests of the people are at the highest level in politics so far. This study aims to analyze some of the main problems in the implementation of regional elections in Indonesia. This type of research used in this research is qualitative research. Analyzes were performed using the Nvivo 12 plus software. In data collection, this research was conducted through literature studies or focused on secondary data in journals and well-known online media news. The result of this research is that the direct regional election cannot be separated from various problems, such as the size of political capital, the weak role of political parties, the existence of interests, oligarchs, political dynasties, money politics, and intimidation of state civil servants (ASN). Pilkada immediately seemed to be dominated by elite groups with established modalities not to provide public space to participate

2021 ◽  
Ružica Kijevčanin ◽  

The aspiration of every modern state is to establish the rule of law, which incorporates the basic principles on which a free, open and prosperous society should lie. Some of these principles are civil democracy and secret and direct elections. The legal conduct of elections is the basic way to achieve peace and satisfaction among the population, because it puts the exercise of power and the regulation of issues of essential importance under their control. With the development of technology, trends, but also everyday life are changing, so, in addition to elections, the media are synonymous with freedom and citizenship rights. The media are a means of information that introduces citizens to information of various contents, and above all fundamental. Depending on the norm, level of development, protection mechanisms, the media conscientiously perform their function, or do not do it completely. What are the consequences when reporting on a specific phenomenon that is the basis of a healthy society in the first or second case is a central question that we will analyze in this paper. The importance of elections has been continuously confirmed throughout history, while the necessity of the media has been expanding for decades, in the intensity that elevates them to the top and equates them with the election process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Sardjana Orba Manullang

This paper aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the meaning of identity politics in the context of the Indonesian election through critical analysis of the scientific literature of direct elections. We believe it is essential for all citizens to understand identity politics, considering that the success of the regional elections in Indonesia is closely related to the participation of all levels of society, especially intellectuals and policymakers. So for that, the author has collected much literature, and we have studied it carefully to get a deeper understanding. We get to the literature was through an electronic search of the Google Scholar database. Furthermore, our data analysis involves a system of coding, evaluation, and interpretation under the phenomenology approach to obtain valid and reliable answers. After a series of discussion of the results, we can summarize the findings, others Identity politics is a political tool of a group such as ethnicity, ethnicity, culture, religion, or others for specific purposes, for example, as a form of resistance or as a tool to show identity. Themselves a group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Tofa Fidyansyah ◽  
Siti Ngainnur Rohmah

Leadership has a major influence on the political and state life of a nation. A leader will also determine the progress and retreat of a country. This paper provides an understanding of the criteria for candidate state leaders whose mechanisms have been determined in the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia and the criteria for candidate state leaders in the view of fiqh siyasah. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature approach. The data in this study were obtained from binding legal materials consisting of legislation, court decisions, legal theory, books, scientific writings and legal journals. The results of this study state that the criteria for candidates for state leaders in the Republic of Indonesia as stated in the laws and regulations have several similarities with the criteria for candidate leaders according to Fiqih Siyasah, the presidential election of the Republic of Indonesia in the period before 2009 was carried out with the concept of Bay'at Ahl al-Hall wa al-'Aqd, the presidential election is carried out in the deliberations of the people's representatives who are in the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), appointed by the assembly, and when the term of office ends, an accountability report will be asked to the assembly that appointed it. The presidential election of the Republic of Indonesia, in the period after 2009 was carried out by way of direct elections through elections, all levels of society who have the right to vote can make their choice directly, no longer through representatives by people's representatives. But the weakness is that the elected president is not asked to report an accountability report at the end of his term of office.Keywords: Criteria for prospective leaders, mechanisms, fiqh siyasah. AbstrakKepemimpinan berpangaruh besar terhadap kehidupan berpolitik dan bernegara suatu bangsa. Seorang pemimpin juga akan menentukan maju mundurnya sebuah negara. Tulisan ini memberikan pemahaman bagaimana kriteria calon pemimpin negara yang sudah ditetapkan mekanismenya dalam peraturan perundang-undangan Republik Indonesia dan kriteria calon pemimpin negara dalam pandangan fikih siyasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari bahan-bahan hukum yang mengikat yang terdiri dari perundang-undangan, keputusan pengadilan, teori hukum, buku-buku, tulisan-tulisan ilmiah dan jurnal hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kriteria calon pemimpin negara di Republik Indonesia yang tertuang dalam peraturan perundang-undangan memiliki beberapa persamaan dengan kriteria calon pemimpin menurut Fiqih Siyasah, Pemilihan presiden Republik Indonesia dalam kurun waktu sebelum tahun 2009 dilaksanakan dengan konsep Bay’at Ahl al-Hall wa al-‘Aqd, pemilihan presiden dilakukan di dalam musyawarah para wakil rakyat yang berada di dalam Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR), diangkat oleh majelis, dan ketika berakhir masa jabatan akan dimintai laporan pertanggung jawaban kepada majelis yang mengangkatnya. Pemilihan presiden Republik Indonesia, dalam kurun waktu sesudah tahun 2009 dilakukan dengan cara pemilihan langsung melalui pemilu, semua lapisan masyarakat yang mempunyai hak pilih bisa menentukan pilihannya secara langsung, tidak lagi melalui perwakilan oleh wakil rakyat. Tetapi kelemahannya  presiden terpilih tidak dimintai laporan pertanggung jawaban di akhir masa jabatan. Kata kunci : Kriteria calon pemimpin, mekanisme, fiqih siyasah. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Elisângela Andrade Moreira Cardoso ◽  
Daniela Oliveira Vidal da Silva ◽  
Claudio Pinto Nunes

Este artigo alterca sobre as políticas de democratização/descentralização na gestão escolar, tendo como categoria de análise as políticas de democratização implantadas e implementadas no município de Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, nos últimos dez anos. Desde 1986 o referido município defende a bandeira de luta pelos ideários democráticos e participativos na gestão escolar por meio de eleição direta e secreta para diretores e vice-diretores, com a disposição do Estatuto do Magistério pela Lei nº 394, decretada em dezembro de 1986, ora revogada pela Lei nº 1.762, de 30 de junho de 2011. Nesse contexto, nota-se a ruptura quanto à organização da gestão escolar na rede municipal de ensino, cuja descentralização institui as relações democráticas que transformam as instituições educacionais. Todavia, nos últimos anos esse processo tem se apresentado de forma retrógrada, uma vez que o interesse por parte dos profissionais inseridos nas instituições municipais em participar, sobretudo, do processo de eleições livres e diretas se desconfigurou e o cenário de outrora vem se fortalecendo, por meio de indicações do Chefe do Poder Executivo Municipal.DEMOCRATIZATION/DECENTALIZATION POLICIES IN SCHOOL MANAGEMENT OF VITÓRIA DA CONQUISTA - BA: consensus and challengesAbstract This article discusses the democratization/decentralization policies in school management, having as a category of analysis the democratization policiesdeployed and implemented in the municipality of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, in the last ten years. Since 1986, the aforementioned municipality defends the banner of struggle for democratic and participatory ideas in school management by means of a direct and secret election for principals and deputy principals, with the provision of the Statute of the Magisterium by Law No. 394, enacted in December 1986, now revoked by Law No. 1,762, of June 30, 2011. In this context, there is a rupture in the organization of school management in the municipal school system, whose decentralization establishes the democratic relations that transform educational institutions. However, in recent years, this process has presented itself in a retrograde way, since the interest on the part of the professionals inserted in the municipal institutions to participate, above all, in the process of free and direct elections has been disfigured and the scenario of the past has been strengthening, through indications from the Head of the Municipal Executive Branch.Keywords: Democratization. Decentralization. School management. Educational policies.POLÍTICAS DE DEMOCRATIZACIÓN/DESCENTALIZACIÓN EN LA GESTIÓN ESCOLAR DE VITORIA DA CONQUISTA - BA: encuentros y desafíosResumen Este artículo analiza las políticas de democratización/descentralización en la gestión escolar, teniendo como categoría de análisis las políticas de democratización implementadas e implementadas en el municipio de Vitória da Conquista, Bahía, en los últimos diez años. Desde 1986 el referido municipio defiende la bandera de la lucha por las ideas democráticas y participativas en la gestión escolar mediante la elección directa y secreta de directores y subdirectores, con lo dispuesto en el Estatuto del Magisterio mediante la Ley N ° 394, promulgada en diciembre de 1986, ahora derogada por la Ley N ° 1.762, de 30 de junio de 2011. En este contexto, se produce una ruptura en la organización de la gestión escolar en el sistema escolar municipal, cuya descentralización establece las relaciones democráticas que transforman las instituciones educativas. Sin embargo, en los últimos años este proceso se ha presentado de manera retrógrada, ya que se ha desfigurado el interés de los profesionales insertados en las instituciones municipales por participar, sobre todo, en el proceso de elecciones libres y directas y se ha fortalecido el escenario del pasado. a través de indicaciones del Jefe del Poder Ejecutivo Municipal.Palabras clave: Democratización. Descentralización. Gestión escolar. Políticas educativas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-120
Christian SALM

The article explores the role of the European Parliament (EP) in European Community (EC) Southern enlargement policy during the phase of democratic transitions in Greece, Portugal and Spain. It demonstrates how the EP insisted on adherence to core democratic principles as a condition for any accession negotiations, in particular the holding of free and fair parliamentary elections. Furthermore, the article shows how the EP made strategic use of the Southern European democratic transitions to demand the democratisation of the EC and the EP itself, with the holding of direct elections to the EP as its primary demand. Moreover, it discusses the EP’s attempt to make the observance of democratic principles a formal requirement of EC membership, both for applicant countries and for existing member states. Finally, it reconstructs the EP’s relations with counterparts in Greece, Portugal and Spain, which were intended to prepare the baselines of enlargement policy and EC accession.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-156
Desmond DINAN

This article discusses the historiography of the European Parliament (EP) up to and including the advent of direct elections, in 1979. The term historiography is interpreted loosely to include the work not only of historians, but also of political scientists who have studied the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community and the early decades of the European Parliament, as well as practitioners - officials and Members of the European Parliament - who have written about the institution from an academic perspective. The article aims to explore changes over time in how analysts of the EP approached their subject, the contributions that they have made, and current trends in historical research on the EP - an institution that emerged as an important player in European Community governance well before the dawn of direct elections.

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