scholarly journals Wildcat or Lion? Inequality, Agency, and the New Chinese Working Class

2021 ◽  
Jake Lin

<p>The study of Chinese labour politics has returned to the centre of scholarly interest as China has increasingly become involved in global production and trade. As the incidence of labour dispute and workers’ strikes continued to soar, ubiquitous cases of labour rights abuse have been widely reported by international media and academics. The literature of Marxist international political economy has long predicted the insurgency of the Chinese working class resulting from rising inequality, global capital movement and labour division. In contrast, traditional Chinese labour studies are inconclusive as to whether the Chinese working class has gained enough class consciousness to become a cohesive agent for social and political change. This research examines how rising economic, social and political inequalities have impacted on the Chinese working class’s agency. The research shifts the focus from top-down structural analysis to workers’ agency itself, with an emphasis on their cognitive strength. The research was undertaken via a two-case comparative study of the Chinese working class in four megacities and four smaller cities. Data came mostly from statistics and field interviews.   This two-case comparative study concludes that, overall, the Chinese working class had a weak behavioural strength, as manifested by inconsistent wildcat-style strikes, which had no clear political strategies. This research also concludes that the working class’s cognitive agency is weak and conservative, as manifested by a weak class identification, their poor understanding of democracy, their low willingness to participate in collective action, and their weak sense of class solidarity. I argue that inequalities and capital movement do not have a simple and unidirectional relationship with the working class’s collective agency. On the one hand, inequalities and capital movement can arouse the working class’s behavioural strength quickly. On the other hand, workers’ cognitive strength is more inert and does not correspond neatly to these two factors.   The research findings show that the megacities are more economically developed, with higher inequalities, but with considerably weaker and more conservative working class agency; whereas the smaller cities are less economically developed, with lower inequalities, but with less weak and conservative working class agency. The addition of cognitive strength as a new dimension of working class study provides a pluralist analytical framework for the study of Chinese labour. The new Chinese working class are better educated and more individualised with three main characteristics - occupation-based, precarious, and conservative - which distinguish them from the older generations of workers who had a clear group identification, such as the SOE workers in the 1990s, and the rural migrant workers in the 2000s. These theoretical and empirical findings open up possibilities of new strategies for effective labour organisation that should be considered by labour NGOs, civil society and the government. These players not only need to manage the working class action carefully, but also need to better understand the workers’ complex cognitive situations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jake Lin

<p>The study of Chinese labour politics has returned to the centre of scholarly interest as China has increasingly become involved in global production and trade. As the incidence of labour dispute and workers’ strikes continued to soar, ubiquitous cases of labour rights abuse have been widely reported by international media and academics. The literature of Marxist international political economy has long predicted the insurgency of the Chinese working class resulting from rising inequality, global capital movement and labour division. In contrast, traditional Chinese labour studies are inconclusive as to whether the Chinese working class has gained enough class consciousness to become a cohesive agent for social and political change. This research examines how rising economic, social and political inequalities have impacted on the Chinese working class’s agency. The research shifts the focus from top-down structural analysis to workers’ agency itself, with an emphasis on their cognitive strength. The research was undertaken via a two-case comparative study of the Chinese working class in four megacities and four smaller cities. Data came mostly from statistics and field interviews.   This two-case comparative study concludes that, overall, the Chinese working class had a weak behavioural strength, as manifested by inconsistent wildcat-style strikes, which had no clear political strategies. This research also concludes that the working class’s cognitive agency is weak and conservative, as manifested by a weak class identification, their poor understanding of democracy, their low willingness to participate in collective action, and their weak sense of class solidarity. I argue that inequalities and capital movement do not have a simple and unidirectional relationship with the working class’s collective agency. On the one hand, inequalities and capital movement can arouse the working class’s behavioural strength quickly. On the other hand, workers’ cognitive strength is more inert and does not correspond neatly to these two factors.   The research findings show that the megacities are more economically developed, with higher inequalities, but with considerably weaker and more conservative working class agency; whereas the smaller cities are less economically developed, with lower inequalities, but with less weak and conservative working class agency. The addition of cognitive strength as a new dimension of working class study provides a pluralist analytical framework for the study of Chinese labour. The new Chinese working class are better educated and more individualised with three main characteristics - occupation-based, precarious, and conservative - which distinguish them from the older generations of workers who had a clear group identification, such as the SOE workers in the 1990s, and the rural migrant workers in the 2000s. These theoretical and empirical findings open up possibilities of new strategies for effective labour organisation that should be considered by labour NGOs, civil society and the government. These players not only need to manage the working class action carefully, but also need to better understand the workers’ complex cognitive situations.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Elias Kamaruzzaman ◽  
Norzaidi Mohd Daud ◽  
Samsudin Wahab ◽  
Rozhan Abu Dardak

Technology changes will always be for the better, not only to the end users but also to the intellectual property owners of the technology and the implementers of the technology. The objective of this paper is to study the feasibility and viability for entrepreneurs to become service providers for the dispensation of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and supporting services such as aerial crop reconnaissance using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or drones. The methodology used for this study is SWOT Analysis. Both primary and secondary data is used for this analysis. This study finds that paddy farming employing drones is feasible. The beneficiaries of this study shall be the government, by way of lowering financial cost to subsidise the paddy planting, the farmers who no longer need the services of migrant workers, thus saving production cost, and finally the drone service providers and their downstream business associates who can engaged themselves in very lucrative businesses.

Tyas Retno Wulan ◽  
Lala M. Kolopaking ◽  
Ekawati Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Irwan Abdullah

Social remittances (ideas, system practice, and social capital flow from the receiving country to the home country) of Indonesian female migrant workers (BMP) in Hong Kong appeared better and more complete than other BMP in other countries like Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, or Singapore.  Based on that research, we are encouraged to do extensive research in order to identify factors  that push  BMP’s social remittances development  in Hong Kong, to identify kinds of social remmitances they receive  and to understand on how far their social remittances become a medium to empower them and their society.  This study is done in qualitative method that uses an in-depth interview technique and FGD.  Subjects of study are BMP, the government (Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration and BNP2TKI), NGOs, migrant workers’ organization and researchers of BMP. The study done in Cianjur (West Java), Wonosobo and Banyumas (Central Java) and Hong Kong indicates that during their migration process, female migrant workers not only have economical remittance that can be used for productive activities, but also social remittances.  The social remittances are in the form practical knowledge such as language skill and nursery; knowledge on health, financial management; ethical work; the mindset changing and networking. The study  indicate that female migrant workers are extraordinary women more than just an ex-helper.  Their migration has put them into a position as an agent of development in society.Key words: Indonesians  female migrant workers, social remmitances, empowerment

2013 ◽  
Vol 411-414 ◽  
pp. 3023-3028
Pu Yan Zheng ◽  
Du Wang ◽  
Xiu Ping Yao ◽  
Yan Zhou Yuan

The urban heating is closely linked with peoples life. The chosen of heating scheme is affected by the index of energy-saving and emission-reduction. In this thesis the computational model of the indexes for different range were built and the indexes of four schemes were calculated. The results predicted the energy-saving and emission-reduction of each scheme and provided references for the government to formulate assessment criteria.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002218562110520
Elaine Sio-ieng Hui ◽  
Chris King-chi Chan

Workers in the global South are becoming increasingly sensitive to their pension rights. In recent years, rural migrant workers in China have staged a series of protests to fight for pension protection. Drawing from two in-depth case studies conducted in the Pearl River Delta, we explain why workers staged pension strikes, what these protests looked like, how the employers and the government responded, and how these protests differed from previous strikes. Building upon insights from the sociology of collective action and labour process theory, we formulate a new framework for examining labour protests. In addition to seeing workers’ collective action as defensive or offensive, this framework helps us interpret these actions in relation to the spheres of production and reproduction. It classifies pension strikes in China as defensive actions located in the sphere of reproduction, which are distinct from previous strikes that were either defensive or offensive actions situated in the sphere of production. This synthesised framework assists us in theorising that workers’ protest activities, especially in the global South, are not restricted to the traditional production sphere but can also be found in the reproduction sphere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Maria Dhiu ◽  
Ardli Johan Kusuma

ABSTRACTThe Existance of Indonesian Workers in the Middle East, is very beneficial in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Despite the high rate of remittances generated, the Indonesian government must also implement a moratorium on migrant workers sending policies to the Middle East in 2015, which is feared that this could cause a reduction in the amount of remittances, secifically for the Middle East region. Here, the writer will discuss in dept why the government should carry out the moratorium policy of migrant workers to the Middle East in 2015, while the gorvernment  also know that the existance of the overseas migrant workers woud benefit economically. The writer see that, as the main actor, the state is obliged to provide protection for all its citizens whwrever they are.Keywords: Indonesia Workers, Moratorium, National Interest, Protecting Citizens. ABSTRAKKeberadaan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Timur Tengah, sangatlah menguntungkan dalam hal pendapatan devisa. Dibalik tingginya angka remitansi yang dihasilkan, namun pemerintah Indonesia juga harus menerapkan kebijakan moratorium pengiriman TKI ke Timur Tengah Tahun 2015, yang mana kebijakan tersebut dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan penurunan jumlah remitansi, secara khusus untuk kawasan Timur Tengah. Di sini, penulis akan membahas secara mendalam mengapa pemerintah harus melakukan kebijakan moratorius TKI ke Timur tengah Tahun 2015, sedangkan pemerintah juga tahu bahwa keberadaan TKI luar negeri tentu memberi keuntungan secara ekonomi. Penulis menggunakan sudut pandang realisme, dengan memakai teori kepentingan nasional, sehingga akan dibahas secara  mendalam terkait permasalahan yang ada. Dalam penelitian tersebut, penulis melihat bahwa, sebagai aktor utama, negara wajib memberikan perlindungan bagi seluruh warga negaranya di mana pun berada.Kata Kunci: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Moratorium, Kepentingan Nasional, Melindungi Warga Negara.

1997 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-225
A.J. Griffiths ◽  
P.J. Bowen ◽  
B.J. Brinkworth ◽  
I.R. Morgan ◽  
A Howarth

The Sports and Recreation sector within the UK uses the equivalent of 3 millions tonnes of coal per year to supply the activities demanded by an ever increasing sports conscience society. The government has attempted to stimulate energy efficiency in this sector through the use of good practice guides and case studies. A comparative study was undertaken to analyse the performance of two leisure complexes in the Seven Valley degree day region. One site had double the occupancy rate of the other. It was found that the energy consumption per user was approximately 10 kWh for both sites. However the energy cost per user showed a large difference: for Site A this index was 31p/user compared to 15p/user at Site B. The primary causes of this difference are attributed to variation in energy mix between the two sites, as well as a difference in the price paid for primary fuel. Indices based on floor area of the facilities exhibit similar trends, and furthermore show that both sites were in the high band of energy consumption. This indicated that both sites had the potential to make significant energy-related savings, and a further breakdown of electrical, natural gas and water consumption per site is used to identify these potential savings in a rapidly expanding sector.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Irmayanti Irmayanti

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematika mahasiswa/i melalui pembelajaran metakognitif di Semester IV Jurusan Matematika Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa/i semester IV matematika. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran matematika dalam usaha peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematika mahasiswa/i melalui pembelajaran metakognitif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara: Observasi, tes, dan dokumen. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan: RPS, LKS, Tes dan Lembar Observasi. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk untuk siklus I untuk indikator 1, indikator 2, dan indikator 3 berdasarkan kategori Sangat Kurang (SK), Kurang (K), Cukup (C),  Baik (B) dan Sangat Baik (SB) berturut-turut ada sebesar 63,88%, 77,76%, 80,55%, 63,88%, dan 5,54%. Setelah dilakukan pemberian tindakan dengan model pembelajaran Metakognitif, banyak mahasiswa/i yang berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematika pada akhir siklus II, untuk indikator 1, 2 dan 3 kategori Sangat Kurang (SK), Kurang (K), Cukup (C),  Baik (B) dan Sangat Baik (SB) berturut-turut ada sebesar 13,88%, 44.43%, 33,32%, 116,65%, dan 91,65%. Dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh simpulan bahwa melalui pembelajaran Metakognitif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi mahasiswa/i semester IV matematika Universitas Labuhanbatu. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika, Pembelajaran Metakognitif. This study was conducted to determine the effect of household waste to the environment in terms of aspects of biology at the housing complex kel housekeeping earth. nevertheless compass excl. southern shoreline. This research is a field (Field Research) is a research .Populasi residents handle garbage Complex Graha Pertiwidalam citizens. Samples were done by using stratified random sampling.Untuk collect the necessary data in this study, the data collection tools used, ie observation, interviews, and Library Research.Teknik data collectors that researchers use is to conduct interviews with entrepreneurs as a developer Complex Graha Pertiwi the data collected from the field study will be presented systematically. The results of the research, that rubbish in Housing Complex Graha Pertiwi derived from household waste from residents who live in the complex. The type of waste that is often seen is composed of organic waste and garbage in the complex non organik.Setiap day Graha Pertiwi inmates on average to dispose of waste ranging from 1 kg / perharinya.Kesadaran high community waste management is big enough where their garbage stacked on the front page house and burned, so that the waste could not accumulate too lama.Kendala faced and penanggulangannyamasih efforts in creating public awareness of cleanliness lingkungan.Hal is seen from a habit of throwing garbage on tempatnya.Persepsi community about waste management is still concentrated in the government, whereas hygiene problem is a shared responsibility between the public and the government, the limited space for the collection and final disposal, as well as limited transportation funds rubbish. While a pile of garbage is increasing day by day. Keywords: Household Waste, Graha Pertiwi

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