2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Edy Suseno

ABSTRACTThe way to persuade students to read texts is sometimes frustrating. They are reluctant to explore a lot of knowledge by reading some books or articles. This kind of condition is not good for the students to increase their perspective of knowledge. Experiencing such a thing, the teachers feel dismayed whenever see the result of their students’ reading test is low. Many teachers try many methods to adapt in order to invite their students to get involved in reading practice. It is very important to find out a proper way to imply a method to enhance the students reading the material accordingly.  Nevertheless, songs are parts of life all around the world people love to listen. Meanwhile, most of the students are fond of singing or listening to the songs. They copy the singers’ utterances by reading lyrics to express their intention to others. Moreover, learning lyrics means to read the extensive reading. So that by posing lyrics often to discuss with makes students be accustomed to comprehending the content of the various texts. Step by step they start loving reading.  Finally, their competence to grab the message of the texts is enhanced.

Nguyen Thi Kim Anh

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the benefits extensive reading can bring to non-major students and lectures at Hochiminh City University of Food Industry (HUFI). The study addressed a main research question and two sub-research questions related to extensive reading: How does extensive reading develop students’ reading comprehension and improve vocabulary at Hochiminh City University of Food Industry? Two sub-research questions: To what extent could extensive reading help to enhance students’ reading skill? The participants of this study were non-major students at HUFI in Vietnam. The research instruments used in this study to collect data were three main instruments, namely Reading Tests (including Pre-Reading Test and Post-Reading Test), Questionnaire, and Interview. The result of data analysis revealed a significant difference. The findings suggested that innovating lectures’ teaching methods by extensive reading could help students improve their reading ability, particularly their reading comprehension and vocabulary, by engaging them in a systematic extensive reading program.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Yeni Afriyeni

Extensive reading was defined such as an approach to the teaching and learninglanguage in which learners read large amount of books and lots of other materials thatare appropriate to learners’ linguistic competence (Day & Bamford, 1998). Thepurposes of this paper were to investigate how the extensive reading can develop thereading ability, especially vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension at Tenthgrade students of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Fajar in Pekanbaru. The second purpose of thisstudy delved into the extensive reading can enhance their reading motivation as well asthe learners’ attitudes toward the extensive reading. The study addressed a mainresearch question and two sub-research questions which relate to the extensive reading:To what extent can Extensive reading technique improve the students’ reading narrativetext at second semester at Tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Fajar inPekanbaru. What are the factors that influence the changes of the students’ readingnarrative text at second semester at Tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Fajarin Pekanbaru. The participants of this study were 12 students at Tenth grade students ofMadrasah Aliyah Al-Fajar in Pekanbaru. The research instruments used in this study tocollect data were three main instruments namely Reading Tests (including Pre-ReadingTest and Post-Reading Test), Questionnaire, and Interview. The result of data analysisrevealed the significant difference. The findings suggested that teacher should helpstudents to improve their reading ability, particularly reading comprehension andvocabulary learning by engaging them in a systematic extensive reading program.

Christine M. Korsgaard

This chapter criticizes the familiar idea that humans are more important than animals. After examining some reasons why we treat humans and animals differently, and showing that they do not imply the superior importance of humans, it argues that the claim of superior human importance is not so much false as (nearly) incoherent. Importance and goodness are “tethered” values: things are only important or good when they are important-to or good-for some creature. To be important or good absolutely is to be important-to or good-for all creatures. One kind of creature could be absolutely more important than others only if the fate of that kind of creature were more important to others than their own fates. Only a teleological picture of the world that made human good the ultimate purpose of the world could support the conclusion that humans are more important than the other animals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026553222199148
Tineke Brunfaut ◽  
Judit Kormos ◽  
Marije Michel ◽  
Michael Ratajczak

Extensive research has demonstrated the impact of working memory (WM) on first language (L1) reading comprehension across age groups (Peng et al., 2018), and on foreign language (FL) reading comprehension of adults and older adolescents (Linck et al., 2014). Comparatively little is known about the effect of WM on young FL readers’ comprehension, and even less within testing contexts. Young FL readers are still developing their L1 reading skills and general cognitive skills (e.g., attentional regulation abilities). Completing FL reading tests might be particularly taxing on their WM, and differences in WM capacity – as well as other learner and task characteristics – might create construct-irrelevant variance in test performance. In this study we investigate the effects of WM, grade level, and reading task on young learners’ FL reading test performances. Ninety-four young English language learners (Grades 6–7) in Hungary completed the TOEFL® Junior™ Comprehensive’s reading test and a WM test battery. Our mixed-effects model predicted significantly higher comprehension accuracy among learners with higher WM capacity, and among learners in Grade 7 compared to learners in Grade 6. Reading task differences were not associated with significant comprehension accuracy differences. We discuss the implications of our findings for testing young learners’ FL reading comprehension.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Sarah Kane ◽  
Jordan Gusich ◽  
Thomas Upton

The evidence is undeniable that extensive reading (ER) improves reading comprehension, vocabulary, and motivation. Nevertheless, ER is often neglected in ESL classrooms. In order to introduce ER to more ESL teachers’ repertoires, this article will present a developed, principled, and practical ER project suitable for almost any classroom teaching situation. Readers will gain an overview of the literature surrounding ER and be provided with practical ideas, resources, rubrics, activity descriptions, and examples from the author’s personal practice of ways to implement an ER project in their institutions and classrooms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Sarlina Sarlina ◽  
Nurbianta Nurbianta

The problem formulation of this research are: What is the students’ ability in reading comprehension . Design of this research was quasi experimental research, by conducted Pretest-treatments-posttest procedures. While the subject is 27 students of junior high school in the school year 2017/2018. The object the researchis the student’ ability in reading comprehension. To collect the data, the writer uses some tecniques suchas test and document. Data processing in this research is divided into five phases: validity, reability, Scoring the test, ranking  and mean,median and mode then all the data are analyzed quantitavely The result finding of this research was the mean score students' reading test is 77.41, the value of median is 65, and the value of mode is 80.The performance on posttest show that the students’ ability in reading comprehension is outgrowth, the students obtained positive progress in learning reading skill.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77 ◽  
Ehsan Namaziandost ◽  
Fariba Rahimi Esfahani ◽  
Mehdi Nasri

Considering the vital role of comprehensible input, this study attempted to compare the effects of input with various difficulty levels on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension and reading motivation. To fulfil this objective, 54 Iranian pre-intermediate EFL learners were selected from two intact classes (n = 27 each). The selected participants were randomly assigned to two equal groups, namely “i+1” (n=27) and “i-1” group (n=27). Then, the groups were pretested by a researcher-made reading comprehension test. After carrying out the pre-test, the treatment (i.e., extensive reading at different levels of difficulty) was practiced on the both groups. The participants in “i+1” group received reading passages beyond the current level, on the other hand, the “i-1” group received those reading passages which were below their current level. After the instruction ended, a modified version of pre-test was conducted as posttest to determine the impacts of the treatment on the students’ reading comprehension. The obtained results indicated that there was a significant difference between the post-tests of “i+1” and “i-1” groups. The findings showed that the “i+1” group significantly outperformed the “i-1” group (p < .05) on the post-test. Moreover, the findings indicated that “i+1” group’s motivation increased after the treatment. The implications of the study suggest that interactive type of input is beneficial to develop students’ language skills. Keywords: Comprehensible Input; Extensive reading; Foreign language reading motivation; Input; Reading comprehension; Text difficulty level

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Yuliana Mara Yuliantini ◽  
Aunurrahman Aunurrahman ◽  
Ageung Darajat

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This research aimed to improve reading comprehension of public senior high school students by using Experience-Text-Relationship method. The research was done in two cycles and involved 31 eleventh-grade students of a public senior high school in SimpangDua, Ketapang in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. The researcher used observation field notes and reading tests to collect data of the study. A collaborator was involved during the observations and practices to build trustworthy of the study. The data from the observation field notes were analyzed qualitatively and the data from the reading test results were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The analysis of the observation field notes shows that the students became active and polite, had high enthusiasm in the teaching and learning processes. The analysis of the reading test results also reveals that the students had improved their reading comprehension. In conclusion, Experience-Text-Relationship method can improve the students’ reading comprehension.</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa SMA negeri menggunakan metode Experience-Text-Relationship. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua siklus dan melibatkan 31 siswa kelas sebelas siswa di salah satu SMA negeri di SimpangDua, Kabupaten Ketapang pada Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Peneliti menggunakan catatan lapangan observasi dan tes membaca untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian. Seorang kolaborator dilibatkan selama pengamatan dan praktik untuk membangun penelitian yang dapat dipercaya. Data dari catatan lapangan observasi dianalisis secara kualitatif dan data dari hasil tes membaca dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Analisis catatan observasi lapangan menunjukkan bahwa siswa menjadi aktif dan sopan, memiliki antusiasme yang tinggi dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Analisis hasil tes membaca juga mengungkapkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman membaca siswa. Kesimpulannya, metode </em>Experience-Text-Relationship <em>dapat</em><em> membantu meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Syofia Delfi ◽  
Hamidah Yamat

Learners’ reading performances are needed to be studied in order to clarify the appropriate context of studies about learners’ extensive reading experiences. This article is based on a preliminary study on “a Case Study on Two Indonesian Learners’ Extensive Reading in English Experiences towards Developing Reading Competency”. This article aimed to answer two questions: (1) How is The Indonesian EFL learners’ reading performance before learning extensive reading? (2) How is The Indonesian EFL learners’ reading TOEFL score for reading section before learning extensive reading? An analysis was conducted for the data on the documents of reading performance and Reading Section of TOEFL score. The result of this study found: (1) The Indonesian EFL learners’ reading performance before learning extensive reading is in the range 66-80 (B) in Reading III for all learners (100%) (2) The Indonesian EFL learners’ TOEFL score for Reading section before learning extensive reading is in the range 51% - 80 %. These preliminary data were needed in order to indentify the learners’ reading performances, therefore, it is expected that the findings are meaningful for the study designed.

Aswin Abbas

This research aimed find out the effectiveness of using big story book project (BSBP) in teaching reading comprehension and to know the advantages and the disadvantages of using BSBP in teaching reading comprehension. The researcher applied pre-experimental research design and consists of pre-test, treatment and post-test in order to find whether the big story book project (BSBP) effective in teaching reading comprehension. The instruments used in this research were reading test and questionnaire. The result from this research shows that using big story book project (BSBP) in teaching reading comprehension is effective. It is proved by the result that there is significant difference between the result of the students’ mean score in the pre-test and the post-test. In the pre-test, the students’ mean score is (43.79) and in the post-test is (80.37). Furthermore, it is proved by the probability value is smaller than α (0.00 < 0.05). On the other word, BSBP has advantages to the students if applied in teaching and learning process, especially in reading subject.

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