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2022 ◽  
pp. 48-69
A. A. Kaisarov ◽  
V. P. Kaisarova ◽  
E. A. Vasilieva

This article examines the conformity of e-government theoretical aspects with practical outcomes of interaction between executive authorities and citizens while governance optimization. The empirical part of this study evaluates the current level of communication between local authorities and citizens via electronic resources based on the portal “Our Saint Petersburg” data. Citizens capacities and claims causes are revealed as well as portal functioning problems over the past two years.

Konstantin Nikolaevich Mitrofanov ◽  
Vladimir Vasil'evich Aleksandrov ◽  
Aleksadr Viktorovich Branitski ◽  
Evgenii Valentinivich Grabovskiy ◽  
Arkadii Gritsuk ◽  

Abstract The results of experiments on the study of plasma compression of nested wire arrays of mixed composition and the generation of powerful pulses of soft X-ray radiation (SXR), carried out on a powerful electrophysical facility Angara-5-1 at a current level of up to 3 MA, are presented. Based on the latest experimental data on the intensity of plasma formation of various substances m& (in μg/(cm2×ns)) [1] and on the features of the dynamics of plasma compression in nested arrays [2], a nested wire array design has been developed which makes it possible to obtain a high peak SXR power in comparison with the known designs of single and nested tungsten wire arrays. During the implosion of nested arrays of mixed composition, consisting of plastic fibers and tungsten wires, shorter and more powerful SXR pulses were obtained with a maximum peak power PSXRmax~10 TW with a FWHM duration of ~5 ns compared to the parameters of SXR pulses upon compression of single tungsten arrays: PSXRmax~5 TW and FWHM~10 ns. Thus, under the conditions of our experiments, we have shown the possibility of a twofold increase in the peak SXR power during compression of nested arrays by optimizing their design.

E. Gashe ◽  
A. Chalova ◽  
I. Shul'zhenko ◽  
A. Lobacheva

This article is devoted to the study of the current topic - the importance of digital etiquette as an employee competence. The percentage of modern employee's communications in the online space is increasing, more and more work issues are solved using computer technology and electronic systems. This trend requires the development of a new digital culture of communication, which includes the rules that are necessary to build clear business relationships. In order to form a relevant, understandable and succinct set of recommendations, it is required to assess the current level of knowledge of digital etiquette. To do this, a survey was compiled that included questions defining human behavior in various situations that may arise during online business communications. Based on the survey with 120 respondents, recommendations on business etiquette topics were developed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 6-21
Irina Egorova ◽  
Boris Mikhailov

A forecast of nonfuel mineral production in Russia is considered, based on the integration of the expected life of specific deposits currently exploited and developed. It is shown that mineral safety is fully ensured for copper, nickel, lead, tungsten and tin, whose reserves are sufficient for their extraction, at least at the current level, for 40–50 years and there are real prospects for its significant growth. The sufficiency of other minerals is much lower: for molybdenum and chromium, it is limited to about 30 years, and the extraction of zinc and uranium in Russia may significantly decrease in 20 years. The situation is more difficult with the most liquid solid minerals, like gold and diamonds. The commissioning of mining enterprises at the developed gold deposits can ensure a rapid growth in the production of the precious metal in the coming years. However, at the beginning of the next decade, the resource base depletion of the Olimpiada field and a number of other exploited deposits is predicted. The projects currently implemented for the development of new fields do not compensate for the lost capacity. This may account for a long-term (until the beginning of the 2050s) decline in the Russian gold production, which may be halved against the current level by the end of this period. Such a scenario can only be avoided with the intensification of geological exploration in the coming years. The earlier decrease in the number of diamonds mined in Russia, associated with the depletion of reserves of exploited pipes, is predicted (since 2025). Unless new deposits are discovered and developed, the domestic production of precious stones will steadily decline and, in the 2040s, may be reduced fourfold.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-05
D.G. Baitubayеv

The article shows that the current level of physiology does not disclose the biological mechanisms of the organism transition from one range to adapt to a higher with an increase in the regular forces of the stimulus above sub-extreme. A new trend in the physiology of adaptation - proqredient adaptation, explains the mechanism of increasing the tolerance of the organism, with dependence on psychoactive substances (PAS ). It is scientifically proved, that dependences of the organism on PAS are the states of progredient adaptation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-44
José Manuel Vela-Bargues ◽  
Fernando Polo-Garrido ◽  
Emilio J. De la Higuera ◽  
Gemma Pérez-López

Nowadays, public administrations are experiencing a trend towards greater control and supervision as a result of citizen demands and the financial situation of recent years. Specifically, the Spanish Autonomous Communities have suffered greatly from the effects of the economic crisis of 2008 and they have detected a large number of political corruption processes, which has focused the attention of experts. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to evaluate the effect that the level of implementation of external auditing and the degree of information transparency have on political corruption in the Spanish Autonomous Public Administration. To do this, firstly, a review of the current level of implementation of external auditing in the Autonomous Communities, its transparency level and the degree of political corruption at the regional level is carried out. Secondly, an exploratory study consisting of a bivariate analysis and a regression model is performed. The results of the bivariate analysis show that there is a significant relationship between the level of external audit implementation and transparency. However, the regression model indicates that neither transparency nor auditing has a significant influence on corruption, except when we analyze partial audit and transparency indexes since the 2010 PGCP turns out to have a significant effect regarding corruption cases. En la actualidad, las administraciones públicas están experimentando una tendencia hacia un mayor control y supervisión como consecuencia de las demandas ciudadanas y la situación financiera de los últimos años. Concretamente, las Comunidades Autónomas españolas han sufrido en gran medida los efectos de la crisis económica del año 2008 y en ellas se ha detectado un gran número de procesos de corrupción política, lo que ha centrado la atención de los expertos en su estudio. Por ello, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo consiste en evaluar el efecto que el nivel de implantación de la auditoría externa y el grado de transparencia informativa tienen sobre la corrupción política en la Administración Pública Autonómica española. Para ello, se realiza en primer lugar, una revisión del panorama actual del nivel de implantación de la auditoría externa en las Comunidades Autónomas, de su transparencia informativa y del nivel de corrupción política a nivel regional. En segundo lugar, se lleva a cabo un estudio exploratorio consistente en un análisis bivariante y un modelo de regresión. Los resultados del análisis bivariante muestran que existe una relación significativa entre el nivel de implantación de auditoría externa y transparencia. No obstante, el modelo de regresión nos indica que ni transparencia ni auditoría influyen significativamente en la corrupción, salvo cuando analizamos índices parciales de auditoría y transparencia ya que la adaptación al PGCP 2010 resulta tener un efecto significativo respecto a los casos de corrupción.

2022 ◽  
pp. 91-114
Lilita Seimuskane ◽  
Maris Pukis

The chapter provides analysis of obstacles for the introduction of direct citizen participation in the decision-making process at the local self-governments in Latvia, as well as intents of national government to widen participative democracy by formalization of consultation mechanisms. Within the scope of this study, participation is seen as an interaction form of relationship between citizens and a local government. The highest form, according to Arnstein's gradation theory of a ladder of citizen participation, refers to the participation degree called partnership, delegated power, and is described by Teorell as a citizen voice in the government. Situation and perspective of local government referendums are analysed. Consultation is implemented at the level by involving the residents in the work of local government commissions and implementing public deliberations. Administrative territorial reform, performed by 2021 elections, will decrease the number of local governments to a third of their current level.

2022 ◽  
pp. 27-34
T. M. DeJong

Abstract Since lack of water is a commonly occurring condition in nature, plants have developed many physiological responses to help them survive periods of water stress. Most of these responses cause changes in the carbohydrate economy of the tree through reduced photosynthesis, tree growth or cropping, but some of these effects can be managed to have minimal impact on overall tree productivity. Whether these responses influence economic production depends on: (i) the processes occurring at the time of a stress; (ii) how important these processes are to tree yield; and (iii) whether these processes rely heavily on the current level of photosynthesis or can use stored carbohydrates, like starch, to compensate for the lack of current photosynthesis in the leaves. This chapter discusses the carbohydrate economy of fruit trees. An outline is provided for how assimilates are distributed and used within a fruit or nut tree.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 027-031
Baitubayеv DG ◽  
Baitubayeva MD

The article shows that the current level of physiology does not disclose the biological mechanisms of the organism’s transition from one range to adapt to a higher one with an increase in the regular forces of the stimulus above sub-extreme. A new trend in the physiology of adaptation - proqredient adaptation, explains the mechanism of increasing the tolerance of the organism, with dependence on psychoactive substances (PAS). Scientific has reasonably shown that depending on the organism from PAS - not the disease, and the states like proqredient adaptation.

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