scholarly journals Modifying the tumor effects in the lungs of laboratory mice with lichen extracts

S. V. Goncharov ◽  
I. A. Cheshik

The anti-tumor properties of common lichens of Belarus: Hypogymnia physodes, Ramalina pollinaria, Cladonia arbuscula, Evernia prunastri were studied using the models of spontaneous and induced carcinogenesis in mice Af lungs. Without exposing to a carcinogen in 20 weeks after taking aqueous lichen extracts (1 g/l) of 4 species for 28 days, only C. arbuscula showed the pro-carcinogenic properties almost doubling the average number of pulmonary adenomas per mouse. R. pollinaria and E. prunastri did not provoke spontaneous carcinogenesis and had a corrective effect significantly reducing the number of adenomas per mouse by 21 and 45 %, respectively. To carry out induced carcinogenesis, after 2 weeks of taking aqueous extracts, mice were injected intraperitoneally with urethane (1 g/kg). The analysis of the total number of adenomas per mouse showed a pro-tumor tendency for C. arbuscula, and the analysis of the number of adenomas of 1 mm and more showed that for H. physodes. The extracts do not affect the proportion of urethane adenomas of various sizes in their total number, but increase the incidence of high-yield adenomas of various sizes; at the same time, H. physodes has a much greater pro-carcinogenic activity according to the incidence of high-yield adenomas of 1 mm or more. The analysis of the total number of urethane adenomas per mouse, as well as adenomas of 1 mm showed an anti-tumor tendency for R. pollinaria and a pro-tumor tendency for E. prunastri. Taking E. prunastri increased the incidence of high-yield adenomas of various sizes, along with a notable increase in the incidence of low-yield adenomas. In the case of R. pollinaria, the increase in the incidence of low-yield adenomas was supplemented by a sharp decrease in the incidence of high-yield adenomas. As a result of the experiment, E. prunastri has exhibited both the pro-carcinogenic activity and the anti-tumor properties, but R. pollinaria has revealed a pronounced anti-tumor potential.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-19 ◽  
D.P.C. Costa . ◽  
A.P.S. Cruz . ◽  
L.L.F. Aguiar . ◽  
J.C.S. Oliveira . ◽  
G.L.T. Fernandes . ◽  

Volga M. Khramchankova ◽  
Matsvei V. Matveyenkau ◽  

In vitro, the photoprotective, cytotoxic and photomodifying properties of hexane and benzene extracts from the widely distributed in Belarus lichens Cladonia arbuscula, Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes, Ramalina pollinaria and Xanthoria parietina in the culture of human keratinocytes (HaCAT), are estimated. It was found that these extracts are not photoprotective, they have a photomodifying effect upon irradiation of keratinocyte cultures with ultraviolet light. Hexane extract of E. prunastri and benzene extracts of R. pollinaria and H. physodes at a concentration of 2.5 μg/ml are photoprotectors that weaken the effect of ultraviolet radiation by 1.6 ÷ 1.8 times. Extracts of C. arbuscula and X. parietina are photosensitizers – they increase the toxic effect of ultraviolet radiation by 10 or more times, regardless of the concentration of the extract in the nutrient medium. Hexane and benzene extracts of C. arbuscula and H. physodes lichens are cytotoxic to the HaCAT culture. With an increase in the dose of ultraviolet irradiation of keratinocytes from zero to lethal values, the benzene extract of R. pollinaria acted as a photoprotector at a concentration of 2.5 μg / ml, and as a photosensitizer at higher concentrations. The hexane and benzene extracts of E. prunastri and H. physodes exhibited sensitizing properties that increased with an increase in the concentration of lichen extracts. C. arbuscula hexane extract and X. parietina benzene extract were the most potent photosensitizers.

Evgeniya E. Muchnik ◽  
Nikolaj I. Zolotukhin ◽  
Nikolaj I. Degtyarev

Цель – первое лихенологическое обследование техногенных отвалов Михайловского горно-обогатительного комбината (Железногорский район, Курская область) с прилегающими природными и урбанизированными территориями. Материалы и методы. Сборы материалов проводились маршрутным методом в течение 2017 и 2019-2020 годов, камеральная обработка осуществлялась с применением общепринятых лихенологических методик. Идентифицированные образцы хранятся в гербариях Центрально-Черноземного заповедника им. проф. В. В. Алехина и Станции юных натуралистов г. Железногорска. Результаты и обсуждение. Выявленная лихенобиота включает 88 видов (преимущественно макролишайников, вследствие методики сбора) из 38 родов, 18 семейств. Наиболее распространенные, металл-толерантные виды: геоплезные Cladonia fimbriata, C. coniocraea, эпигеидные C. rei, C. mitis, C. cornuta, C. furcata, C. phyllophora и C. gracilis, эпифито-эпиксильные Evernia prunastri, Parmelia sulcata, Xanthoria parietina, Hypogymnia physodes и Physcia adscendens. Составлен аннотированный список в различной степени редких видов, среди которых 4 новых для Центрального Черноземья (Cladonia cervicornis, Dibaeis baeomyces, Usnea dasopoga, U. lapponica); 5 новых для Курской области (Bryoria fuscescens, Cladonia carneola, C. deformis, Melanohalea septentrionalis, Peltigera extenuata); 6 занесенных в Красную книгу Курской области (Cladonia subrangiformis, C. subulata, Peltigera praetextata, Platismatia glauca, Pseudevernia furfuracea и Usnea subfloridana); еще 5 редки в области или на более обширных территориях (Acarospora veronensis, Protoparmeliopsis muralis, Ramalina pollinaria, Trapelia coarctata, Usnea hirta). Сосредоточение значительного числа редких видов в техногенных ландшафтах, по-видимому, обусловлено рядом причин: наличием крупных выходов редкого в области и Центральном Черноземье субстрата (ожелезненного песчаника); слабой конкуренцией со стороны сосудистых растений на бедных и обогащенных металлами почвах и грунтах; ботанико-географическим положением территории; спецификой локального загрязнения среды, представленного преимущественно «кислыми» поллютантами и частицами металлов. Заключение. Отмечена приуроченность регионально редких кустистых и листоватых эпифитов из экологической группы ацидофилов к насаждениям березы в изученных техногенных ландшафтах. Предложены некоторые меры охраны выявленных редких видов лишайников.

С. В. Маслійов ◽  
О. О. Беседа ◽  
В. Ф. Дрель ◽  
В. О. Арсієнко

Важко сьогодні уявити технологію вирощування зернових культур без використання регуляторів росту. І це зрозуміло. Адже, ведучи мову про рентабельне виробництво зерна, ми неодмінно асоціюємо це з підвищенням рівня врожайності, яке неможливе без зростання індивідуальної продуктивності рослин. Застосування цих препаратів у поєднанні зі збільшенням культури землеробства та збільшенням масштабів застосування добрив сприяло значному росту урожайності озимої пшениці не тільки в дослідах, але й на виробничих масивах. Однак аналіз рівня урожаїв, які були отримані в Луганській області в наступні роки, показав, що величина його не завжди гарантується. Особливо різке падіння урожаїв в окремі роки здавалось незрозумілим та неприйнятним після запровадження у виробництво прийомів, заснованих на застосуванні регуляторів росту. Аналіз причин різкого падіння урожаїв озимої пшениці в окремі роки показав, що воно зумовлено, перш за все, епіфітотіями – грибковими захворюваннями та ушкодженням рослинними шкідниками. Особливо різке зниження урожаїв відбувається в роки, коли паралельно з’являються два або три з перелічених факторів. Вчені дійшли висновку, що після впровадження у виробництво високоврожайних сортів, застосування ретардантів росту потрібно проводити й боротьбу з хворобами та шкідниками на посівах озимої пшениці. Адже тільки на посівах, захищених від цих факторів, є можливість отримати високопродуктивні урожаї. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the technology of cultivating grain crops without the use of grow regulators. And this is understandable. After all, speaking about the cost-effective production of grain, we necessarily associate this with an increase in the level of yield, which is impossible without the growth of individual productivity of plants. The use of these drugs in conjunction with the increase in the culture of agriculture and the increase in the use of fertilizers contributed to a significant increase in winter wheat yields not only in experiments, but also in production massifs. However, analysis of the level of yields that was obtained in Luhansk region in next years has shown that its size is not always guaranteed. Especially sharp drop in yields in some years seemed incomprehensible and unacceptable after introducing into the production of techniques based on the use of growth regulators. Analysis of the causes of a sharp drop in winter wheat yields in some years has shown that it is due primarily to the manifestation of epiphytotic diseases – fungal diseases and damage to plant pests. Especially sharp decrease of crops occurs in years when two or almost three of the listed factors appear simultaneously. Scientists came to the conclusion that after introduction of the application of growth retardants into production of high-yielding varieties, it is necessary to carry out the fight against diseases and pests on winter wheat crops. After all, only crops protected from these factors have the opportunity to obtain high yield crops.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-103
Yulia Gennadjevna Suetina

The research was carried out in shaded flooded lime-tree forest on the territory of the Mari El Republic. Population density, ontogenetic structure of populations and thalli vitality of E . prunastri were explored on 19 marked trees of heart-leaved linden on different tree trunk heights (0-0,5 m, 0,5-1 m, 1-1,5 m, 1,5-2 m) and on different expositions (north, east, south, west). For the period from 2008 to 2017 an increase in the population density of E . prunastri was founded. These differences appear at the trunk height of 1,5-2 m. Thalli were not founded at the height of 0-0,5 m. No changes in the distribution of thalli by exposure in different years were revealed. The most of E . prunastri thalli grow on the northern exposure. In 2017 in the population the specimens share of v₁, v₂ and g₂v of ontogenetic states increases and the specimens share of g₁v decreases. The average vitality of E . prunastri thalli decreases, the deterioration of vitality is more pronounced among individuals in g₁v-ss ontogenetic states. An increase in the population density, a decrease in the size of the E . prunastri thalli and Hypogymnia physodes , a rejuvenation of the ontogenetic structure of the E . prunastri thalli were shown earlier for the illuminated floodplain lime forest. Similar processes in different environmental conditions and in different species indicate regular changes in the populations of epiphytic lichens, which can be caused by climate warming.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-115
Yulia Gennadyevna Suetina ◽  
Sergey Mikhailovich Ivanov

The paper deals with perennial dynamics of the population structure of the epiphytic lichens Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. (2008-2016) and Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. (2010-2016) with the different life forms and the ecological strategies. The research was carried out in the Mari El Republic in the flooded lime-tree forest. The authors studied the density (number of thalli on a tree) on the trunk from 0 to 1,5 meters, the size and the ontogenetic structure of population of both species of different ontogenetic states: virginile (v1, v2), potentially generative (g1v, g2v, g3v), subsenile (ss) on 17 trees of Tilia cordata. The density of E. prunastri and H. physodes population increases. These changes are more specific for E. prunastri . Thalli of E. prunastri have a bigger size than thalli of H. physodes . These differences are observed on g1v, g2v, g3v, ss thalli. The decrease of thalli size is observed for both species but the difference is more for E. prunastri . The comparison of ontogenetic spectra of populations was made according to their heterogeneity within trees. The values of the effects (the effect is the parameter of the ontogenetic spectrum of the population) decreased in 2016, which indicated a shift of the ontogenetic spectra to the left, i.e. an increase in the proportion of young thalli that can be traced in the total ontogenetic spectra of populations. At the same time, the differences between the ontogenetic spectra of the E. prunastri population are statistically significant.

1999 ◽  
Vol 31 (02) ◽  
pp. 163-181 ◽  
Mauro Tretiach ◽  
Paola Ganis

AbstractA survey aimed at studying the effects of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) on epiphytic lichen vegetation was carried out at Acquapassante (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy). In 1992, lichen vegetation was surveyed using a sampling grid often units, on 18 chestnut trees along a transect from a chimney emitting H2S to c. 200 m in the direction of the prevailing winds. A Lichen Biodiversity Index (LBI) was calculated as the sum of the frequencies of all species present within the grid. The same survey was repeated five years later. Concentration Analysis was applied to describe the data structure, and Procrustes Analysis was used to verify the congruence between the ordinations of 1992 and 1997. The statistically significant linear and non-linear regressions found between environmental variables (distance of relevés from the chimney, bark pH, lichen biomass of selected foliose and fruticose species, total sulphur content ofEvernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes, Parmelia sulcataandRamalina fastigiata) and the position of the relevé points on the ordination axes suggest that species distribution along the transect is related to differences in H2S tolerance. However, some crustose species (Lecanora cf. conizaeoides, L. salignaandScolkiosporum umbrinum) should be probably excluded from the computation of the LBI for monitoring purposes, as their optimum is in the immediate vicinity of the H2S source.

2011 ◽  
Vol 76 (7) ◽  
pp. 987-994 ◽  
Igor Stojanovic ◽  
Niko Radulovic ◽  
Tatjana Mitrovic ◽  
Slavisa Stamenkovic ◽  
Gordana Stojanovic

The acetone soluble fraction of the methanol extracts of Parmeliaceae lichens: Hypogymnia physodes, Evernia prunastri and Parmelia sulcata, growing on the same host tree (Prunus domestica) and at the same locality was analyzed for the first time by GC and GC-MS. The major identified components were olivetol (33.5 % of the H. physodes extract), atraric acid (30.1 % and 30.3 % of the E. prunastri and P. sulcata extracts, respectively), orcinol (25.0 % of the E. prunastri extract), vitamin E (24.7 % of the P. sulcata extract) and olivetonide (15.7 % of the H. physodes extract). Even though all the identified compounds are known, a number of them were found for the first time in the examined lichens, i.e., orcinol monomethylether (H. physodes), orcinol, atranol, lichesterol, ergosterol (H. physodes and P. sulcata), methyl haematomate, atraric acid, olivetol, vitamin E (H. physodes and P. sulcata) and ?-sitosterol (P. sulcata). <br><br><font color="red"><b> This article has been corrected. Link to the correction <u><a href="">10.2298/JSC170614067S</a><u></b></font>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
R.M. Streltsova ◽  
А.B. Denisova ◽  
Z.F. Gromova ◽  

Aim. To study extractability of a complex of active and related substances and flavonoids from St. Johns Wort herb of various series and anufacturers and identification of factors affecting the quality of aqueous extracts from St. Johns Wort herb. Materials and Methods. The object of study was St. Johns Wort herb of four series of two manufacturers, and aqueous extracts obtained from these series of St. Johns Wort herb. Aqueous extracts were made in the infusion mode in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation №751n of October 26, 2015. The ratio of raw materials and extractive solvent was 8:100. The obtained aqueous extracts were evaluated by color and smell parameters. A complex of biologically active and related substances extracted from St. Johns Wort herb was evaluated by the solid residue index. Quantitative determination of flavonoids in recalculation for rutin was performed by spectrophotometric method on Bio-RADSmartSpecPlus spectrophotometer at 410 nm wave length. Results. Raw materials of different series differ in external characteristics and fineness. Raw materials of 221218 series contain 17.46% of particles larger than 3 mm, and raw materials of 20218 series – 4.92%. Raw materials of 221218 series include more particles of the coarse parts of the plant. Raw materials of 10119 series have a more uniform distribution of particles by fractions, but a rather large number of small particles. The maximal solid residue was obtained from raw materials of 20218 series – 1.7716%, the minimal – from raw materials of 221218 series – 0.6183%. The maximal flavonoid content was found in aqueous extract obtained from raw materials of 20218 series – 1.988%, the minimal content – from raw materials of 221218 series – 0.6183%. A sufficiently high yield of flavonoids in the aqueous extract was established for raw materials of 10119 series – 1.9711%. Conclusions. It was found that raw materials containing more soft parts of plants and characterized by the presence of a higher percent of fine fractions of particles, have the best extractability. At present, in the SP (Russia) of the 14th edition, only fractions of St. Johns Wort herb with a particle size of more than 7 mm and less than 0.18 mm are normalized. In our opinion, it is reasonable to include requirements to particle size and their content for the main fractions of the feedstock.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kun Xu ◽  
Xiao-Mei Zhang ◽  
Haifeng Chen ◽  
Chanjuan Zhang ◽  
Jinlong Zhu ◽  

Crop yield has been maintaining its attraction for researchers because of the demand of global population growth. Mutation of flowering activators, such as florigen, increases plant biomass at the expense of later flowering, which prevents crop maturity in the field. As a result, it is difficult to apply flowering activators in agriculture production. Here, we developed a strategy to utilize florigen to significantly improve soybean yield in the field. Through the screening of transgenic lines of RNAi-silenced florigen homologs in soybean (Glycine-max-Flowering Locus T Like, GmFTL), we identified a line, GmFTL-RNAi#1, with minor changes in both GmFTL expression and flowering time but with notable increase in soybean yield. As expected, GmFTL-RNAi#1 matured normally in the field and exhibited markedly high yield over multiple locations and years, indicating that it is possible to reach a trade-off between flowering time and high yield through the fine-tuning expression of flowering activators. Further studies uncovered an unknown mechanism by which GmFTL negatively regulates photosynthesis, a substantial source of crop yield, demonstrating a novel function of florigen. Thus, because of the highly conserved functions of florigen in plants and the classical RNAi approach, the findings provide a promising strategy to harness early flowering genes to improve crop yield.

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