plant raw materials
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2022 ◽  
pp. 38-44
М.С. Жанибек ◽  
К.К. Орынбасарова

В данной статье представлены результаты микроскопического исследования особенностей анатомического строения (листья, цветки) растения пижмы сантолинной (Tanacetum Santolina). Цель работы: изучение анатомического строения надземных органов, определение подлинности и отличия от других видов. Материалы и методы: объект исследования - цветки пижмы сантолинной, собранные в период цветения в мае 2020 года в предгорных равнинах Каратау. Микроскопическое исследование цветков пижмы сантолинной проводилось в соответствии с требованиями государственной фармакопеи Республики Казахстан. С помощью микроскопа Биолам-5 изучался объект с увеличением от х40 до х400. Исследование срезов и создание микрорисунков проводили с помощью цифрового камерного тринокулярного микроскопа «МТ300L» (Япония) (увеличенный 7х1,5х4,5; 7х1,5х8; 7х1,5х40). Результаты и обсуждения: изучены диагностические признаки для определения цельного сырья: диагностические признаки листьев, форма клеток эпидермиса, тип аппарата устьиц, строение волосков и эфирномасличных желез; формы оксалата кальция. Выводы: проведен микроскопический анализ цветков пижмы сантолинной. Для определения подлинности этого сырья были выявлены анатомодиагностические признаки. Во всех частях растения встречаются одноклеточные волоски и пучковые волокна. На обеих частях листовой пластины хорошо видны волокна и волоски, устьица, пигментные полости. Кристаллы оксалата кальция, находятся в мезофильных полостях листа. В цветках оксалат кальция встречается только в виде четырехугольного кристалла. На анатомическом признаке измельченного сырья видны эфирномасличные железки. Форма эфирно-масличных желез обнаруживает основные диагностические признаки цветков и листьев пижмы сантолинной. Анатомические характеристики позволяют повысить уровень стандартизации, дальнейшее изучение лекарственного растительного сырья This article presents the results of a microscopic study of the anatomical structure (leaves, flowers) of the Santolina’s tansy plant (Tanacetum Santolina). The purpose of the work: to study the anatomical structure of aerial organs, to determine authenticity and differences from other species. Materials and methods: the object of research is the flowers of Santolina’s tansy collected during the flowering period in May 2020 in the foothill plains of Karatau. Microscopic examination of the flowers of Santolina’s tansy was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Using a Biolam-5 microscope with magnification from x40 to x400 an object was studied. The study of sections and the creation of micro-nozzles was carried out using a digital chamber trinocular microscope "MT300L" (Japan) (enlarged 7x1.5x4.5; 7x1.5x8; 7x1.5x40). Results and discussions: diagnostic signs for the determination of whole raw materials were studied: diagnostic signs of leaves, the shape of epidermis cells, the type of stomatal apparatus, the structure of hairs and essential oil glands; forms of calcium oxalate. Conclusions: microscopic analysis of flowers of Santolina’s tansy was carried out. Anatomical and diagnostic signs were identified to determine the authenticity of this raw material. Unicellular hairs and beam fibers are found in all parts of the plant. Fibers and hairs, stomata, pigment cavities are clearly visible on both parts of the leaf plate. Calcium oxalate crystals are located in the mesophilic cavities of the leaf. In flowers, calcium oxalate occurs only in the form of a quadrangular crystal. On the anatomical feature of the crushed raw materials, essential oil glands are visible. The shape of the essential oil glands reveals the main diagnostic signs of flowers and leaves of santolina tansy. Anatomical characteristics make it possible to increase the level of standardization, further study of medicinal plant raw materials.

2022 ◽  
Zhanna Victorovna Novikova ◽  
Sophie Mikhailovna Sergeeva ◽  
Dmitry Sergeevich Lavrinovich ◽  
Anton Alexeyevich Maksimkin

This research examined the scientific basis for an integrated approach to broadening bread and flour products. The effect of chia seeds on the organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators of the ”sweet bun” (brioche) was studied to substantiate the use of plant raw materials in the technology of bread and flour product preparation.Chia seeds contain essential amino acids, vitamins (mainly B), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc) and antioxidants, so it is possible to use chia seeds to obtain a product that combines high organoleptic properties and is also enriched with essential substances. The findings from the organoleptic evaluation of the test specimens indicated that the added ingredients significantly affected the appearance, crust color and crumb condition;however,there was no change in the taste and smell of the pastry. The effect of chia seeds on the quality of the products during storage was assessed. It was found that when using chia seeds in the amount of 10% of the mass of flour, after 24 hours the decline in taste, smell,crumb elasticity and friabilitywas less noticeable. In addition, the analysis of the chemical composition of the brioche bun showed thatthe products with chia seeds were highly nutritious. Thus, the content of dietary fiber in the model specimen wastwo times higher than the values of the control specimen (10% of the daily requirement); the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids was equivalent to 87.9% and 19.2% of the daily requirement, respectively. The use of chia seeds in a butter bun recipe (brioche) therefore enables theexpansion of the range of food products enriched with essential ingredients. Keywords: bread and flour products, sweet bun, brioche, chia seeds

2022 ◽  
pp. 28-35
А.С. Сабитов ◽  
Г.Т. Жумашова ◽  
З.Б. Сакипова ◽  
Л. Воронова ◽  
А.О. Тулегенова ◽  

В статье приведен анализ современного состояния научных исследований видов рода шиповник (Rosa L.) (сем. Розоцветные - Rosaceae) и показаны перспективы всестороннего изучения их в качестве источников возобновляемого растительного сырья для получения отечественных препаратов. Отмечено, что изыскание новых видов лекарственного растительного сырья является весьма актуальной задачей для отечественной фармацевтической промышленности. The article provides an analysis of the current state of scientific research of the rosehip (Rosa L.) (Rosaceae family) and illustrates the prospects for their comprehensive study as sources of renewable plant raw materials for the production of domestic medicines. It is noted that the search for new types of medicinal plant raw materials is a very relevant task for the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 779-783
Galina Dubtsova ◽  
Alexander Lomakin ◽  
Irina Kusova ◽  
Ekaterina Bulannikova ◽  
Dmitriy Bystrov

Introduction. Plant raw materials can be a source of biologically active substances and increase the nutritional value of food products. The present research objective was to determine the content of biologically active substances in powdered viburnum and barberry. Study objects and methods. The study featured viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.) and barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.), dried by convection and crushed into particles of 50 microns. Results and discussion. The total content of phenolic compounds in powdered viburnum was 3114.07 mg/100 g, in powdered barberry – 2272.7 mg/100 g. The content of flavonoids in powdered viburnum was 324.52 mg/100 g, in powdered barberry – 390.00 mg/100 g. The flavonoid profile of the powders included rutin, hyperoside, quercitrin, isoquercintrin, and astralagin. The total content of catechins was 446 mg/100 g for viburnum and 506 mg/100 g for barberry. The catechins included mainly epigallocatechin and catechin. In powdered viburnum, the catechin composition was as follows: epicatechin – 196, catechin – 118, and epigallocatechin – 89 mg/100 g; in powdered barberry: epigallocatechin – 173, catechin – 111, and epicatechin – 74 mg/100 g. The antiradical activity in relation to trolox equivalent was 7560 mg/100 g in powdered viburnum and 9460 mg/100 g in powdered barberry. Conclusion. The obtained viburnum and barberry powders can fortify food with biologically active substances and expand the range of functional products.

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 701-711
Anastasiia Kopylova ◽  
Nataliia Davydenko ◽  
Aleksandr Sapozhnikov ◽  
Anna Loseva

Introduction. Semi-finished choux dough has neither vitamins nor minerals. However, its nutritional value can be increased by adding vegetable raw materials. The research objective was to evaluate the possibilities of using spicy vegetable raw materials in the formulation of semi-finished choux dough. Study objects and methods. The study featured fresh parsley (Petroselinum crispum), basil (Ocimum), celery (Apium) leaves and stems, and IR-dried powder of celery stalks. Standard research methods were used to determine the sensory, physico-chemical, and nutritional properties of the resulting choux samples. Results and discussion. Classical semi-finished choux dough with craquelin served as control sample. Fresh spicy vegetable raw materials degraded the sensory characteristics of the product. However, powdered celery stalks did not interfere with the taste of the choux dough. They were added in the amount of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5% by weight of wheat flour. The celery powder gave the dough a sour-spicy flavor, as well as increased the content of vitamins B (up to 10%) and beta-carotene (up to 70%) in the finished product. Conclusion. The sample with 5% of IR-dried celery powder proved optimal for choux dough. It increased the content of vitamin B2 and beta-carotene, thus improving the nutritional value of the semi-finished product. In future, the powder can be tested as part of bakery filling in combination with ingredients that mask the typical celery taste.

2022 ◽  
pp. 21-23
Магомед Эминович Ахмедов ◽  
Мафият Магомедовна Рахманова ◽  
Амият Фейзудиновна Демирова

Проблема повышения пищевой ценности консервируемых пищевых продуктов в герметически укупоренной таре может быть успешно решена на основе интенсификации процесса тепловой стерилизации. В работе представлены результаты исследований по совершенствованию технологии производства консервированного компота из винограда с использованием самоэксгаустируемой тары и интенсификации процесса тепловой стерилизации, являющейся наиболее широко используемым методом консервирования пищевых продуктов, совершенство которой во многом определяет пищевую ценность готового продукта. Известно, что продолжительность и температурный уровень стерилизационного процесса существенно могут изменить качественный и количественный состав витаминов, белков, углеводов, минеральных и органических кислот и других веществ, что зачастую приводит к снижению пищевой ценности продукта. На основе оценки традиционного стерилизационного режима разработаны и предложены новый способ и режимы стерилизации, которые обеспечивают сокращение продолжительности тепловой обработки более чем на 30 % и повышение пищевой ценности готовой продукции. Установлено, что предварительное повышение температуры продукта и использование самоэксгаустируемых стеклобанок обеспечивают сохранение витамина С в готовом продукте на 0,8 мг/% выше, чем по традиционной технологии. Полученные результаты представляют интерес для реализации на предприятиях по переработке растительного сырья. The problem of increasing the nutritional value of canned food products in hermetically sealed containers can be successfully solved by intensifying the process of thermal sterilization. The paper presents the results of research on improving the technology of production of canned compote from grapes using self-exgaustible containers and intensifying the process of thermal sterilization, which is the most widely used method of preserving food products and the perfection of which largely determines the nutritional value of the finished product. It is known that the duration and temperature level of the sterilization process can significantly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral and organic acids and other substances, which often leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of the product. Based on the assessment of the traditional sterilization regime, a new method and modes of sterilization have been developed and proposed, which provide a reduction in the duration of heat treatment by more than 30 % and an increase in the nutritional value of the finished product. It was found that the use of a preliminary increase in the temperature of the product and the use of self-exgaustible glass jars ensures the preservation of vitamin C in the finished product by 0.8 mg/% higher than by traditional technology. The results obtained are of interest for implementation at plants processing plant raw materials.

Food systems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 230-238
N. I. Fedyanina ◽  
O. V. Karastoyanova ◽  
N. V. Korovkina

Food product quality defines a complex of food product properties such size, shape, texture, color and others, and determines acceptability of these products for consumers. It is possible to detect defects in plant raw materials by color and classify them by color characteristics, texture, shape, a degree of maturity and so on. Currently, the work on modernization of color control systems has been carried out for rapid and objective measuring information about color of plant raw materials during their harvesting, processing and storage. The aim of the work is to analyze existing methods for determining color characteristics of plant raw materials described in foreign and domestic studies. Also, this paper presents the results of the experimental studies that describe the practical use of methods for measuring food product color. At present, the following methods for determining color characteristics by the sensor analysis principle are used: sensory, spectrophotometric and photometric. These methods have several disadvantages. Therefore, computer vision has found wide application as an automated method for food control. It is distinguished by high confidence and reliability in the process of determining freshness, safety, a degree of maturity and other parameters of plant raw materials that are heterogeneous in terms of the abovementioned indicators. The computer vision method is realized in the following systems: conventional, hyperspectral and multispectral. Each subsequent system is a component of the preceding one. Materials presented in the paper allow making a conclusion about the effectiveness of the computer vision systems with the aim of automatic sorting and determining quality of plant raw materials in the food industry.

S.N. Devyanin ◽  
V.A. Markov ◽  
A.G. Levshin ◽  
T.P. Kobozeva ◽  
V.A. Neverov

One of the most important areas of internal combustion engine improvement is its adaptation to work on alternative fuels. Motor fuels obtained from renewable plant raw materials are considered to be promising alternative fuels. The article considers the possibility of using soybean oil as an ecological additive in petroleum diesel fuel. The features of soybean oil production and the physico-chemical properties of soybean oil and a mixture containing 80 % (by volume) of petroleum diesel fuel and 20 % of soybean oil are researched. Computational studies of the processes of fuel atomization and mixture formation in the D-245 diesel engine operating on mixtures of petroleum diesel fuel and seed oil have been performed. Experimental studies of the D-245 diesel engine operating on petroleum diesel fuel and the specified blended fuel have been carried out. Conversion of a diesel engine from petroleum fuel to mixed one leads to a decrease in integral emissions per test cycle: nitrogen oxides by 19.1 %, carbon monoxide — by 10.5 %, unburned hydrocarbons - by 8.9 %.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Barbara M. Onopiuk ◽  
Zofia N. Dąbrowska ◽  
Joanna Rogalska ◽  
Malgorzata M. Brzóska ◽  
Adam Dąbrowski ◽  

Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most harmful xenobiotics to which humans are exposed, mainly by the oral route, throughout life. Preventive strategies are searched as low intoxication with this element, among others due to its prooxidative properties, can be deleterious to health and the exposure to it is continuously increasing. Recently, interest has been paid to plant raw materials with a high antioxidative potential to oppose the prooxidative properties of cadmium, such as black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L. fruit), which is rich in polyphenolic compounds. The study was aimed at assessing whether the chokeberry extract may counteract the prooxidative impact of low-level and moderate repeated intoxication with cadmium on the sublingual salivary gland. The investigation was performed on 96 Wistar rats (females), which were treated with a 0.1% aqueous extract from chokeberries or/and a diet containing 1 or 5 mg Cd/kg for 3 and 10 months, and control animals. The intoxication with cadmium, in a dose- and time-dependent manner, attenuated the enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidative potential and increased the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and total oxidative status of the sublingual salivary gland resulting in an occurrence of oxidative stress, enhancement of lipid peroxidation, and oxidative injuries of proteins in this salivary gland. The treatment with the black chokeberry extract during the intoxication with cadmium prevented this xenobiotic-caused oxidative/reductive imbalance and oxidative modifications of proteins and lipids in the salivary gland. The above results allow the conclusion that the consumption of black chokeberry products during intoxication with cadmium can prevent oxidative stress and its consequences in the sublingual salivary gland and thus counteract the unfavourable impact of this xenobiotic on the oral cavity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
pp. 138-148
A.M. Kozhanova ◽  
B.S. Temirgaziyev ◽  
A. Zhanarbek ◽  
B.I. Tuleuov ◽  

The article presents materials on the isolation of ecdysterone substance from medicinal plant raw materials Silene wolgensis (Hornem.) Bess. ex. Spreng (Volga smolyovka). For the first time, the optimization of the method for ecdysterone substance obtaining from the aboveground part of the superconcentrator of phytoecdysteroids of the Silene wolgensis was carried out and based on it a pilot industrial regulation for the isolation of ecdysterone and an encapsulated water-soluble form were developed. It was found, that the interaction of the substrate molecule and the clathrate forms a substance that can dissolve in water and other more polar solvents, thereby solving the problem of bioavailability of the main hydrophobic drug. The method developed for producing the substance ecdysterone and its water-soluble encapsulated with β-cyclodextrin form was implemented into production at the Karaganda pharmaceutical plant. NMR studies of changes in the chemical shifts of protons of substrates and receptors illustrated that ecdysterone interacts with β-cyclodextrin to form supramolecular inclusion complexes with stoichiometric composition of 1:1

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