scholarly journals Tanggungjawab Orangtua Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Anak Perspektif Alquran dan Psikologi

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Zakiati Salma

This article aims to find out how the Qur'anic guidance on the role of parents in building the child's character and review it through the psychology view. Translation of the meaning of the Quranic verses cited using the method of Tafsir Maudhu'i. The result of the discussion found that there are three responsibilities of parents in building the child's personality in the Qur'an, 1) Responsibility of faith education, contained in the QS. At-Tahrim [66]: 6; 2) Responsibility of morals education, contained in the QS. Luqman [31] verse 18-19; 3) The Responsibility of intellectual education, contained in the QS. Ash-Shaffat [37] verse 102. This concept is reinforced by the theory of developmental psychology that believes that a child's final outcome is determined by three things: parent factors, educational factors, and environmental factors

Haya Syatina ◽  
Junias Zulfahmi ◽  
Maya Agustina

The role of parents in education is a direct action to supervise, control and evaluate every child's activity. For children's education to be better, parents must act as educators who can set an example for children. This research is field research with a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that: (1) Parents act as example providers and command to imitate, parents also provide duties and responsibilities, parents provide opportunities to try, parents conduct supervision and checks on children's education and parents provide motivational encouragement. (2) The driving factor for parents in improving the memorization of the Qur'an, namely, yearning for children who are righteous and righteous, wanting to achieve the targets set by the school, the ability of parents to read the Qur'an, and environmental factors at home. and a conducive society. While the inhibiting factor for parents in improving memorization of the Qur'an is psychological factors, which arise from oneself, such as passivity. In addition, social environmental factors can also affect children, the lack of ability and understanding of parents towards the Qur'an, and parents are busy at work.

Erum Ikramullah ◽  
Jennifer Manlove ◽  
Carol Cui

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-383
Vasily N. Afonyushkin ◽  
N. A. Donchenko ◽  
Ju. N. Kozlova ◽  
N. A. Davidova ◽  
V. Yu. Koptev ◽  

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a widely represented species of bacteria possessing of a pathogenic potential. This infectious agent is causing wound infections, fibrotic cystitis, fibrosing pneumonia, bacterial sepsis, etc. The microorganism is highly resistant to antiseptics, disinfectants, immune system responses of the body. The responses of a quorum sense of this kind of bacteria ensure the inclusion of many pathogenicity factors. The analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to formulate four questions concerning the role of biofilms for the adaptation of P. aeruginosa to adverse environmental factors: Is another person appears to be predominantly of a source an etiological agent or the source of P. aeruginosa infection in the environment? Does the formation of biofilms influence on the antibiotic resistance? How the antagonistic activity of microorganisms is realized in biofilm form? What is the main function of biofilms in the functioning of bacteria? A hypothesis has been put forward the effect of biofilms on the increase of antibiotic resistance of bacteria and, in particular, P. aeruginosa to be secondary in charcter. It is more likely a biofilmboth to fulfill the function of storing nutrients and provide topical competition in the face of food scarcity. In connection with the incompatibility of the molecular radii of most antibiotics and pores in biofilm, biofilm is doubtful to be capable of performing a barrier function for protecting against antibiotics. However, with respect to antibodies and immunocompetent cells, the barrier function is beyond doubt. The biofilm is more likely to fulfill the function of storing nutrients and providing topical competition in conditions of scarcity of food resources.

Ujang Khiyarusoleh

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya pendidikan yang diperuntukkan bagi semua anak, termasuk anak berkebutuhan khusus. Anak berkebutuhan khusus memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda, khususnya slow learner dalam pembelajaran mengalami keterlambatan dalam memahami materi. Oleh karena itulah diperlukan peran orangtua dan guru pembimbing khusus untuk membantu memberikan pendidikan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan karakternya. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana peran orangtua dan guru pembimbing khusus kepada slow learner di SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peran orangtua dan guru pembimbing khusus kepada slow learner di SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa peran orangtua yaitu meliputi: orangtua sebagai pendamping utama, orangtua sebagai advokat, orangtua sebagai guru, orangtua sebagai diagnostian. Serta peran guru pembimbing khusus yang meliputi: merancang dan melaksanakan program kekhususan, melakukan identifikasi, asesmen dan menyususn program pembelajaran individual, memodifikasi bahan ajar, melakukan evaluasi, dan membuat laporan program dan perkembangan anak berkebutuhan khusus. Dengan peran peran tersebut, maka sebagian besar anak berkebutuhan khusus di SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun dapat memberikan layanan dengan baik. Saran untuk penelitian ini orangtua senantiasa mendorong anaknya untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh di rumah dan di skolah, serta menyediakan fasilitas belajar yang mendukung perkembangan pendidikan bagi anaknya. Kata Kunci: peran guru pembimbing khusus, peran orangtua, slow learner   ABSTRACT Background of the study was the existence of education aimed at all children, including children with special needs. Children with special needs have different characters, thus affecting their learning achievement. Therefore, the role of parents and special tutors were needed to help them improve learning achievement. The research question of this research was how the role of parents and special guidance teachers towards learning achievement of children with special needs in SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. The focus of this research was the role of parents and special guidance teachers on learning achievement of children with special needs in grades 1, 2 and 3 of SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents and special guidance teachers on the learning achievement of children with special needs in Arcawinangun 5 Public Elementary School. This type of research was qualitative research with a case study approach. Technique of data collection was observation, interviews, documentation and source triangulation. The results of this research indicated that there were several roles of parents, namely: parents as the main companion, parents as advocates, parents as teachers, parents as diagnostics. As well as the role of a special mentor teacher which includes: designing and implementing specific programs, identifying, assessing and arranging individual learning programs, modifying teaching materials, evaluating, and making program reports and development of children with special needs.With this role, most of the children with special needs in SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun can improve their learning achievement well.Suggestions of this research were parents always encourage their children to study seriously at home and at school, and provide learning facilities that support the development of education for their children. Keywords: role of parents, role of special guidance teachers, slow learner

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Анжеліка Шамне

У статті розглянуто сучасні підходи до інтерпретації категорії розвитку, розкрито теоретичні  та методологічні підходи до вивчення категорії розвитку у сучасній психології, визначено її психологічний  зміст,   моделі,   структуру   та   динаміку.   Категорія   розвитку   розглядається   як   епіцентр   наукової  проблематики у психології та як поняття інтегративного типу. Розвиток проаналізовано як категорію,  явище і проблему психології розвитку в різних аспектах аналізу. Розглянуто місце розвитку в системі  споріднених психологічних понять. У статті також аналізуються психологічні аспекти теоретичних та  методологічних  постнекласичних  тенденцій  вивчення  природи,  характеру  та  визначення  психічного  розвитку. Постнекласична парадигма та плюралістична методологія пізнання визначають розмитість  дисциплінарної мови  та  врахування  ролі  соціокультурного  контексту  при  вивченні  психологічних явищ.  Важливими тенденціями сучасного теоретико-методологічного стану психологічних досліджень розвитку  також є визнання неефективності моністичного підходу до його вивчення, взаємозв'язок теоретичних ідей  та   спроби   створення   метатеоретичних   схем,   постнекласичне   розуміння   розвитку   як   принципово  незавершеного   процесу   саморуху,   актуалізація   антропологічного   діапазону   проблем   та   посилення  спрямованості на роль культурного контексту в дослідженні розвитку людини.  The article deals with the modern approaches to the interpretation of the category of development, reveals  the theoretical and methodological approaches to study of development in modern psychology, its psychological  content, patterns, structure and dynamics. Category of development is viewed as an epicenter of scientific issues in  modern  psychology  and  the  concept  of  the  integrative  type.  Category  of  development  is  considered  as  the  phenomenon  and  the  problem  of  developmental  psychology  in  various  aspects  of  the  analysis.  Analyzed  the  development site in the related psychological concepts. The article analyzes the psychological aspects of theoretical  and methodological postnonclassical contemporary trends in the study of nature, character, and determination of  mental  development.  Postnonclassical  paradigm  and  pluralistic  methodology  of  knowledge  determine  the  disciplinary blurring and increase of the role of the analysis of socio-cultural context in the study of psychological  phenomenon. The important tendencies of modern theoretical and methodological state of psychological researches  of development are facts of inefficiency of the monistic approach to its study, interconnection of theoretical ideas  and   attempts   of  creating   metatheoretical   schemes,   postnonclassical   understanding   of   development   as   a  fundamentally  uncompleted  process  of  self-motion,  actualization  of  anthropological  range  of  problems  and  strengthening of focus on the role of cultural context in research of human development.   

2010 ◽  
Vol 151 (28) ◽  
pp. 1132-1136 ◽  
István Tornai

A krónikus vírushepatitisek jelentik ma a legismertebb okokat a hepatocellularis carcinoma (HCC) kialakulásában. A krónikus B- és C-vírus-hepatitis a májrákok körülbelül 40-50%-át okozza. A nyugati típusú társadalmakban a HCC előfordulása folyamatosan növekvő tendenciát mutat. Az alkohol számít a környezeti tényezők közül a legfontosabbnak, bár az alkoholfogyasztás a legtöbb országban csökken. Ez aláhúzza az egyéb környezeti tényezők fontosságát is. Az elfogyasztott alkoholmennyiséggel egyenes arányban növekszik a cirrhosis és a következményes HCC gyakorisága nőkben és férfiakban egyaránt. A kémiai anyagok közül a legismertebb a Kínában és Afrikában elterjedt aflatoxin, amely a gabonaféléket szennyező mycotoxin. Hasonló területeken endémiás, mint a hepatitis B-vírus, együtt szinergista hatást fejtenek ki. A dohányzás is egyértelműen bizonyított hepatocarcinogen hatással rendelkezik. Ez is jelentősen fokozódik, ha alkoholfogyasztással vagy vírushepatitisszel társul. Társadalmilag talán a legfontosabb az elhízás, a következményes nem alkoholos zsírmáj, illetve steatohepatitis és a 2-es típusú cukorbetegség, amelyek prevalenciája egyre fokozódik. Feltehetően ezek állnak a növekvő HCC-gyakoriság hátterében. Az inzulinrezisztencia és az oxidatív stressz képezik a legfontosabb patogenetikai lépéseket a májsejtkárosodásban. További fontos rizikótényező az orális fogamzásgátlók elterjedt használata. Egyes foglalkozások esetén a tartós szervesoldószer-expozíció is növeli a HCC rizikóját. Védelmet jelenthetnek az antioxidánsok, a szelén, a gyógyszerek közül a statinok és a feketekávé-fogyasztás.

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