scholarly journals Pengembangan Buku Ajar Sejarah Fisika Berbasis Higher Order Thingking Skill (HOTS)

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
I Wayan Gunada ◽  
Syahrial Ayub ◽  
Aris Doyan ◽  
Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati ◽  
Hikmawati Hikmawati

This study aims to develop and produce a physics history textbook based on higher order thinking skills (HOTS). This research was a development research which consists of four stages, namely: the determination stage, design, development, and dissemination. The success of the indicators of this research were seen from the feasibility of the developed textbooks. Physics history textbook based on higher order thinking skills was categorized as good and suitable for use, in terms of content, presentation, and language feasibility. Meanwhile, in terms of textbook effectiveness, it was measured by the impact of increasing students' higher order thinking skills as seen from the increase in N-gain.  The student's high-order thinking skills had increased with N gain 0.4 (moderate category). This shows that the textbooks that have been developed are feasible and effective in terms of the ability to increase higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
T N. Irawati ◽  
M Mahmudah

The present study was concerned with developing students’ worksheet (known as LKM), oriented to Problem-Based Learning. The worksheet was designed within the context of problems concerning higher-order thinking skills. The worksheet development applied the framework proposed by Dick and Carry, comprising of analysis, design, development or production, implementation or delivery, and evaluations. The findings of this study indicate that worksheets meet the validity standards with respect to the validity of the content, language, and presentation. The practicality and effectiveness of the worksheets are rated at high category, which is also corroborated by the excellent students’ responses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 652-664
Mrs. Cik‘ani

Menurut peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan No. 103 tahun 2014 mengenai pembelajaran di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah pasal 2 ayat 1, menjelaskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada Pendidikan dasar dan menengah harus berbasis aktivitas, kreatifitas dengan karakteristik. Amanat pemerintah mengharapkan peserta didik dapat mencapai berbagai kompetensi dengan penerapan pembelajaran HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) dan Keterampilan abad 21, dan hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMPN 2 Sukorejo aktivitas pembelajaran IPA, aspek pembelajaran berbasis masalah, tingkat berpikir HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21 masih rendah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas) dengan 2 siklus masing-masing siklus ada empat tahap dengan jenis diskriptif kualitatif, instrumen yang digunakan berupa : 1)lembar observasi, 2)lembar catatan lapangan dan 3)soal tes dan soal lembar kerja. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMPN 2 Sukorejo ditemukan data bahwa pembelajaran berbasis aktifitas dengan karakteristik yang sesuai dengan amanat Permendikbud No 103 tahun 2014 pasal 2 ayat 1 pada proses pembelajaran masih belum maksimal sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitihan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan model pembelajaran PBL(Problem Based Learning) dapat meningkatkan aktifitas dengan karakteristik dengan berorientasi pada pembelajajaran HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata persentase aktivitas belajar siswa yakni 68,28% pada siklus 1 menjadi 83,8,% pada siklus II artinya ada peningkatan sebesar 15,52%, sedangkan untuk tingkat pemecahan masalah dari 63,8 % pada siklus 1 menjadi 78,975 % pada siklus II artinya ada peningkatan sebesar 15,175 %i Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Problem Base Learning dengan berorientasi HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21 dapat meningkatkan aktifitas belajar dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah dengan karakteristik siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Lina Mursyidah Hamzah ◽  
Wan Mazwati Wan Yusoff

Abstract: Malaysian schools have been implementing i-Think program as a means to develop higher order thinking skills among primary and secondary school students since 2013. Thus, there is a need to assess the implementation of the i-Think program since it was made compulsory almost seven years ago. This paper reports a scoping review of research activities conducted on the implementation of the i-Think program in Malaysian schools to synthesize studies on the implementation of the i-Think program in the classrooms; teachers' and students’ acceptance of the program; examine its impact on HOTS and students’ achievement; and to identify and disseminate the gaps in the works of literature. Forty articles were reviewed and the results indicated that the data on how i-Think programs were implemented in classrooms were so small that no definite conclusions could be made. Results on both students' and teachers’ levels of knowledge on i-Think maps were mixed. Majority of studies showed that i-Think maps significantly enhanced students’ achievement. However, no study measured the impact of i-Think on HOTS despite researchers' claim that i-Think maps had stimulated students’ HOTS. Thus, future studies should focus on showing correlation between i-Think and HOTS by using a validated measurement scale to assess students’ HOTS, development of valid and reliable measurement scale to gather a large pool of data to illustrate more comprehensively the status of i-Think implementation in schools throughout Malaysia, support systems provided to teachers at school and district level, and identifying barriers that hinders teachers from implementing i-Think program. Keywords: HOTS, i-Think Maps, Malaysian schools, Scoping review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-102
Yuni Rahmawati ◽  
Tiara Anggia Dewi ◽  
Triani Ratnawuri

Media Pembelajaran mempunyai peran penting pada saat kegiatan belajar mengajar karena membuat proses komunikasi antara guru dengan peserta didik terjalin secara optimal. Namun media pembelajaran yang digunakan di SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung belum sepenuhnya mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik  dalam pembelajaran. Hal ini dikarenakan media yang digunakan baru berupa buku paket dan powerpoint. Buku yang digunakan banyak sekali materi yang harus dihafal dan dipahami karena menggunakan kalimat yang terlalu panjang. Tujuan dari pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) pada materi aktivitas manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan kelas Vll SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Development, Disseminate). Proses untuk mengembangkan buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) diawali dengan tahap validasi oleh 1 ahli media, dan 1 ahli materi buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) juga diujicobakan kepada kelompok kecil untuk melihat respon peserta didik kelas Vll SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung. Hasil penelitian validasi ahli media pembelajaran dengan persentase sebesar 93,75% dengan kriteria sangat kuat. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi dengan persentase 91,25% dengan kriteria sangat kuat. Sedangkan untuk hasil uji coba secara daring dengan kelompok kecil yaitu 10 orang dari 32 orang peserta didik dengan persentase 89,50% termasuk dalam kriteria sangat kuat. Berdasarkan presentase yang diperoleh maka buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 1519
Tri Syamsijulianto ◽  
Arif Hidayat ◽  
Mohammad Zainudin

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The Mobuya learning media stands for monopoly based culture. The Mobuya media teaching is a game based on students’ ability to play and learn, its main content is question card that point to the HOTS. The purpose of this study to introduced the beautiful cultural diversity of country through the Mobuya learning media. Methods of media development in the study are ADDIE models (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The results of the validation of qualified silabus scholars and material in the learning media fit valid or worthy criteria with small recensions. Results of the materials validation on the silabus validation sheet, scores obtained from the silabus validation valid or worthy criteria are used with small recensions. The location of the Mobuya scientific silabus learning aim higher level of thought ability or HOTS (Higher, Order, Thinking, Skills) posed. The validation of the media given to the validator of the learning media experts show good criteria so it can be continiue but with a few part that must be revised. The achievement assesment results given to teacher show the learning media can or deserve given to learners. The Mobuya learning media test, the learning media needs to be re-perfected so that in learning it is easy for learners to use.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Media pembelajaran Mobuya merupakan singkatan dari monopoli berbasis budaya. Media pembelalajaran Mobuya merupakan permainan yang berlandaskan kepada kemampuan siswa dalam bermain dan belajar, konten utamanya berupa kartu pertanyaan yang terarah pada soal HOTS. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengenalkan indahnya keragaman budaya negeriku melalui media pembelajaran Mobuya. Metode pengembangan media dalam penelitian ini adalah model ADDIE (<em>analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation</em>). Hasil validasi ahli materi silabus kevalidan materi dalam media pembelajaran sesuai dengan kriteria valid atau layak digunakan dengan revisi kecil. Hasil validasi ahli materi pada lembar validasi silabus, skor yang diperoleh dari validasi silabus kriteria valid atau layak digunakan dengan revisi kecil. Letak dari <em>scientific</em> silabus media pembelajaran Mobuya, arahkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau HOTS (<em>Higher, Order, Thinking, Skills</em>) ditampakkan. Validasi media yang diberikan kepada validator ahli media pembelajaran menunjukkan kriteria baik sehingga dapat dilanjutkan, tetapi dengan beberapa bagian yang harus direvisi. Hasil penilaian angket yang diberikan kepada guru menunjukkan media pembelajaran dapat atau layak untuk diberikan kepada peserta didik. Uji coba media pembelajaran Mobuya, media pembelajaran perlu disempurnakan kembali sehingga dalam pembelajaran mudah untuk digunakan oleh peserta didik.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 310-319 ◽  
Zulfiani Zulfiani ◽  
Iwan Permana Suwarna

THE EFFECT OF SCIENCE ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT TOOL BASED ON KOLB LEARNING STYLE ON HIGH-LEVEL THINKING SKILLSAbstractThis study aimed to determine the effect of the Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool) based on the KOLB learning style on student's high order thinking skills (HOTS). This study used a quantitative quasi-experiment method with a post-test only design. The subjects in this study were 79 students of 8th grade at SMP Al- Zahra Indonesia Tangerang Selatan in the 2018/2019 school year who studied the material of Living organisms and Simple Machine. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the student's higher-order thinking skills who used Biology and Physics's SAA Tool compared with the control class. Biology's SAA Tool influences the results of higher-order thinking skills towards four learning styles. They affect of diverger, assimilator, converger, and accommodator. The Physics's SAA Tool influences the results of higher-order thinking skills on two learning styles of diverger and accommodator. The results of this study indicate the potential application of the SAA Tool as an answer to the problems of digital assessment to measure higher-order thinking skills as one of the dominant thinking skills of the 21st-century skills. Keywords: Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool); Integrated Science; High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool) berbasis gaya belajar KOLB terhadap  keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif kuasi eksperimen dengan desain post test only. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 79 peserta didik kelas 8 SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia Tangerang Selatan tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 yang mempelajari materi Sistem Gerak Makhluk Hidup dan Pesawat Sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik yang menggunakan SAA Tool IPA Biologi maupun IPA Fisika dibandingkan kelas kontrol. SAA Tool IPA Biologi mempengaruhi hasil keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi terhadap 4 gaya belajar diverger, asimilator, konverger, dan akomodator. Sementara SAA Tool IPA Fisika mempengaruhi hasil keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi terhadap 2 gaya belajar diverger dan akomodator. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi aplikasi SAA Tool sebagai jawaban problematika asesmen digital untuk mengukur keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi sebagai salah satu skill berpikir dominan keterampilan abad 21.Kata Kunci: Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool); IPA Terpadu; Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi (HOTS) 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Binti Munafi’ah ◽  
Supri Wahyudi Utomo ◽  
Elly Astuti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji proses pengembangan, kelayakan, dan respons dari peserta didik terhadap pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skills pada kelas XII Akuntansi Keuangan dan Lembaga mata pelajaran akuntansi keuangan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Madiun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester genap kelas XII Akuntansi Keuangan dan Lembaga dengan jumlah 25 peserta didik. Model pengembangan penelitian yang digunakan yakni model 4D (Define, Design, Development and Dissemination). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, angket atau kuesioner, dokumentasi dan tes hasil respons peserta didik. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah tingkat kelayakan berdasarkan penilaian pengesahan dari ahli materi, kebahasaan, dan desain grafis mendapatkan skor nilai 87%, kategori sangat layak untuk digunakan. Aspek yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan kelayakan diambil dari aspek materi, aspek kebahasaan dan aspek media (desain grafis). Tingkat respons peserta didik dinilai berdasarkan 4 komponen, yakni komponen isi, materi, penyajian dan bahasa, serta mendapatkan kriteria penilaian “Sangat Menarik” untuk digunakan. AbstrakThis study aims to analyze and study the development process, feasibility, and response of students to the development of Student Worksheets based on Higher Order Thinking Skills in class XII Financial Accounting and Institutions of financial accounting subjects at 2 Madiun Vocational High School. This research was conducted in the even semester of class XII Financial Accounting and Institutions with a total of 25 students. The research development model used is the 4D model (Define, Design, Development and Dissemination). Data collection is done by observation, questionnaire or questionnaire, documentation and test results of students' responses. The results of this study are the level of eligibility based on the assessment of endorsement by experts in material, linguistic, and graphic design score of 87%, the category is very feasible to use. The aspects used to obtain eligibility are taken from the material aspects, linguistic aspects and media aspects (graphic design). Student response rates are assessed based on 4 components, namely the components of content, material, presentation and language, and get an assessment criteria "Very Attractive" to use.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-33
Yosi Laila Rahmi ◽  
Heffi Alberida

Curriculum occupies a central position in education. Curriculum changes guided by the times and technology. The main problems of implementation of curriculum change is to change the mindset of teachers. Prospective teachers should have high order thinking skills to face the times and technology. One of efforts could be made a lecturer for conditioning of learning to be able to develop higher order thinking skills of students by using the right assessment. One assessment that play a role in increasing the skills of thinking is portfolio assessment. This study aims to describe the increase in high order thinking skills of students applying portfolio assessment. This research is a classroom action research conducted on students who take courses in curriculum and biology textbook in biology Faculty UNP in the July to December semester of 2017. The results showed an increase in high order thinking skills of students using portfolio assessment.

Mohammed Yousef Mai ◽  
Marinie Binti Jalaluddin

Higher order thinking skills is an important aspect in teaching and learning. Students with higher order thinking skills are able to learn, improve their performance and reduce their weaknesses. In recent years the most serious issue in Orang Asli schools is the achievement of Aboriginal students in their academic subjects as compared to the mainstream students. The purpose of this research was to identify the level of Higher Order Thinking Skills among Orang Asli students in Romp?n D?str?ct, Pahang, Malaysia. The research sample consists of (150) Orang Asli students of grades 4-6 were randomly selected. A valid and reliable scale was used as a data collection tool.The findings indicated that Orang Asli students have below average level of HOTS on all four areas. Results show that students have average HOTS level on analysis, below average level on applying, while more than half of average level on evaluating, and the lowest level was on creating. Besides that, the findings also showed that there is statistically significant difference in gender on the level of Higher Order Thinking Skills in general and in the analysis skills; female students have higher level more than males do.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-199
Muhammad Saeed ◽  
Iqbal Ahmed

Modern educational pedagogies emphasize that teaching and learning frameworks should be designed to promote essential skills among students and develop their higher order thinking skills and the real-world application of those skills. In this milieu, service-learning is an emerging approach in education that best meets this need. Although much work exists on service-learning in developing students' social, moral, and citizenship potential, there is a lack of research that highlights the role of service-learning and its potential to promote high order thinking skills among pre-service teachers. This study attempts to extensively examine the role of service-learning in promoting high-order thinking skills among pre-service teachers. For this purpose, an integrated approach of Queensland University's higher order thinking guidelines was compared and contrasted as a framework with service-learning approach. The analysis and literature review showed that said the guidelines can be adopted using service-learning approach to promote higher order thinking skills of pre-service teachers. Therefore, the framework is proposed to be integrated into a service-learning course in higher education. The guidelines provide a five steps process for developing higher order thinking skills among teacher education students. The study results provide teacher educators with more practical ways to implement a more active and purposeful teaching and learning environment that encourages higher order thinking among pre-service teachers.

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