scholarly journals Kondisi Terkini Presentase Tutupan Terumbu Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Gili Air, Taman Wisata Perairan Gili Matra, Nusa Tenggara Barat

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 238-247
Nurliah Buhari ◽  
Mahardika Rizqi Himawan ◽  
Edwin Jefri ◽  
Paryono Paryono ◽  
Ibadur Rahman ◽  

Gili Matra Aquatic Tourism Park has two conservation targets, namely biological targets and social, cultural and economic targets. Coral reef ecosystems, apart from being a conservation target, are also an attraction for tourists to visit. This research was conducted to determine the condition of the coral reef ecosystem to be used as the basis for the management of conservation areas. The research was conducted by collecting coral reef data either through surveys or secondary data from the results of previous studies. Coral reef survey using the standard Line Intercept Transect method. The survey results show that the condition of coral reefs in the utilization zone is better than the core zone. Live coral cover in the utilization zone reached 71% so it was categorized as good, while in the core zone it only reached 8% so it was categorized as bad. Coral reefs in the core zone are unable to recover even though the number of tourists has decreased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the location of the core zone on Gili Air needs to be evaluated further so that the effectiveness of Gili Matra TWP management can be improved.  Key words: coral reefs; Gili Matra; Conservation

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-161
Insafitri Insafitri ◽  
Eka Nurahemma Ning Asih ◽  
Wahyu Andy Nugraha

Wisata snorkeling terumbu karang di perairan pulau Gili Labak merupakan salah satu sektor wisata bahari yang sedang dikembangkan oleh pemerintah kebupaten Sumenep Madura sejak tahun 2014 hingga saat ini. Peningkatan jumlah wisatawan yang terjadi pada beberapa tahun terakhir dapat menimbulkan resiko tekanan dan kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang di area snorkeling secara berkala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kegiatan wisatawan sebelum, selama dan sesudah snorkeling terhadap ekosistem terumbu karang yang dikaji dengan mengetahui jenis karang yang mendominasi, status persentase tutupan terumbu karang serta potensi Dampak Wisata Bahari (DWB) snorkeling di lokasi wisata snorkeling pulau Gili Labak Sumenep. Persentase penutupan lifeform karang pulau Gili Labak khususnya di area snorkelling didominasi oleh karang hidup sebanyak 74% dan unsur abiotik sebesar 22%. Jenis karang yang mendominasi pulau Gili Labak adalah Acropora Branching sebesar 19,88% dan Coral Foliose sebesar 10,25%. Selama waktu 6 minggu pengamatan terjadi penurunan total karang sebesar 0,64% yang termasuk kategori rusak ringan, dimana sebagian besar kerusakan terjadi pada karang dengan bentuk pertumbahan branching misalnya Acropora Submassive dan Coral Submassive. Penurunan persen tutupan karang yang tinggi terjadi setelah kegiatan snorkeling (after) yang dilakukan oleh wisatawan. Analisa potensi Dampak Wisata Bahari (DWB) snorkeling pada terumbu karang di perairan Gili Labak selama 6 minggu pengamatan masuk dalam kategori rendah yaitu berkisar 0,052% hingga 0,085%. Faktor penyebab kecilnya nilai presentase Dampak Wisata Bahari (DWB) ini diduga karena waktu pengamatan cenderung pendek dan jenis karang yang mendominasi yaitu Acropora. Acropora memiliki kemampuan regenerasi lebih cepat dibandingkan jenis lainnya.  The snorkeling activity around coral reefs in the waters of Gili Labak is one of the marine tourism sectors that is being developed by the Sumenep Madura district government since 2014. Increasing number of tourists that occurs in recent years pose a risk of pressure and damage to coral reef ecosystems in the snorkeling area. This study aims to determine the impact of tourist activities before, during and after snorkeling on coral reef ecosystems that are studied by knowing the type of dominated coral, the percentage status of coral cover and the potential Impact of snorkeling at the snorkeling sites of the island of Gili Labak Sumenep. The percentage of coral cover in the island of Gili Labak especially in the snorkelling area is dominated by live coral ( 74%) and abiotic elements by 22%. Coral species that dominate the island of Gili Labak are Acropora Branching at 19.88% and Coral Foliose at 10.25%. During the 6-week observation there was a decrease in live coral cover by 0.64% which was categorized as minor damage, most of the damage occurred to branching   Acropora, sub-massive Acropora and Coral Sub-massive. The high percent decrease in coral cover occurred after snorkeling conducted by tourists. Analysis of the potential impact of snorkeling on coral reefs in the waters of Gili Labak for 6 weeks of observation is in the low category, ranging from 0.052% to 0.085%. The factor causing the small impact of Marine Tourism is presumably because the observation time tends to be short and the dominant coral species is Acropora. Acropora has the ability to regenerate faster than other types.

Linda Noviana

Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu (TNLKpS) has a unique natural resource is the natural beauty of the sea and coral ecosystems are unique. But along with the rapid population growth of Jakarta as the capital city and the increasing number of tourists also affect the condition of coral reefs in TNLKpS. This study aimed to analyze and assess the ecological condition of coral reef ecosystems in the utilization zone travel TNLKpS by coral cover life and death, diversity as well as the factors causing the damage of the survey line intercept transect (LIT), literature review, interviews and analysis of the condition of coral reefs by Decree LH No. 4 of 2001 on Baku Criteria Damage Coral Karan. Condition of the reef by live coral cover otherwise damaged to moderate, based on the otherwise dead coral cover damaged high to moderate damage, then the number and type of reef fish more on the depth of 10 meters in comparison with 3 meters. Thecondition of coral reef ecosystems is common in 3 islands (Pulau Putri, Pulau Macan and Pulau Angin Angin Genteng) in TNKS is still quite good, but in some snorkeling spots it looks bad (3 stations) and medium (2 stations) when compared to spots diving (only 1 bad station).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 186
Billy N. Ompi ◽  
Unstain N.W.J. Rembet ◽  
Ari B. Rondonuwu

This research objective was to determine the condition of Coral Reef ecosystems in Dakokayu and Hogow Islands, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The method that has been used in this studies that is Line Intercept Transect (LIT) by diving activities at 5 meter and 10 meters depth with 50 meters transect length. Each biota passed by the line transect recorded according based on shape of growth.Coral Reefs conditon in Hogow Island in 5 meters and 10 meters depth were categorized as a “Good” where the percentage of live coral cover in 5 meters depth is 70.12% and in 10 meters depth  is 55.78%. The condition of Coral Reefs on Dokokayu Island at a depth of 5 meters is categorized “Good” with the percentage of live coral cover is 56.32% while in the 10 meters depth it is categorized as “Medium” with the percentage of live coral cover is 48.10%. Water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, brightness, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) are within the range of tolerance for Coral Reefs to survive.Keywords: Condition, Coral Reef, Hogow, DokokayuABSTRAKTujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang di Pulau Dakokayu dan Pulau Hogow, Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara.  Metode yang telah digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Line Intercept Transek (LIT) dengan melakukan penyelaman pada kedalaman 5 dan 10 meter dengan panjang transek 50 meter.  Setiap biota yang dilewati transek akan dicatat menurut bentuk pertumbuhannya. Secara umum, kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Hogow pada kedalaman 5 meter dan 10 meter, dikategorikan Baik dimana persentasi tutupan karang hidup pada kedalaman 5 meter sebesar 70,12% dan pada kedalaman 10 meter sebesar 55,78%.  Kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Dokokayu pada kedalaman 5 meter dikategorikan Baik  dengan persentase tutupan karang hidup 56,32% sedangkan di kedalaman 10 meter dikategorikan  Sedang  dengan persentase tutupan karang hidup 48,10 %. Parameter kualitas perairan seperti suhu, salinitas, kecerahan, pH, dan oksigen terlarut (DO) berada dalam kisaran toleransi bagi terumbu karang untuk dapat bertahan hidup.Kata Kunci : Kondisi, Terumbu Karang, Hogow, Dokokayu

Robert Towoliu

In order to know the coral reef conditions at several diving points around Bunaken Island, three dive locations (Ron’s point, Lekuan, and Tawara) were chosen as representative locations receiving pressures from snorkeling and SCUBA diving activities, while  core zone was representative of location for  no diving and fishing activities.  Results showed that location with diving activities had live coral cover  ranging from 16.89% to 45.78% at 3 and 10m depths, with condition range of bad to moderate, while the location for no diving and fishing activities (core zone) had live coral cover of 55.03% at 3m and 58.15% at 10m, respectively,  with good condition category.  The present study indicated that the diving activities have affected the coral reef condition, so that a sustainable integrated management system is needed to use the marine ecotourism potency without degrading the coral reef condition in Bunaken Island. Untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang di beberapa lokasi penyelaman di Pulau Bunaken, tiga lokasi penyelaman(Ron’s point, Lekuan, dan Tawara) dipilih mewakili lokasi dengan tekanan aktivitas penyelaman snorkeling maupun SCUBA, sedangkan satu lokasi lainnya yaitu zona inti dipilih mewakili lokasi tanpa aktivitas penyelaman maupun aktivitas penangkapan ikan.  Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa lokasi dengan tekanan aktivitas penyelaman memiliki prosentase tutupan karang batu/hidup berkisar antara 16,89% - 45,78% pada kedalaman 3 dan 10m, dengan kategori kondisi terumbu karang buruk sampai cukup, sedangkan pada lokasi yang tidak memiliki aktivitas penyelaman memiliki prosentase tutupan karang batu/hidup sebesar 53,03% pada 3m dan 58,15% pada 10m dengan kategori kondisi terumbu karang adalah baik.  Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa aktivitas penyelaman snorkeling maupun SCUBA berdampak pada kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Bunaken, sehingga sangat diperlukan system pengelolaan yang terpadu dan berkesinambungan dalam memanfaatkan secara maksimal potensi ekowisata bahari tanpa merusak ekosistem terumbu karang di Pulau Bunaken.

2021 ◽  
Vol 324 ◽  
pp. 03007
Ni Wayan Purnama Sari ◽  
Rikoh Manogar Siringoringo ◽  
Muhammad Abrar ◽  
Risandi Dwirama Putra ◽  
Raden Sutiadi ◽  

Observations of the condition of coral reefs have been carried out in Spermonde waters from 2015 to 2018. The method used in this observation uses Underwater Photo Transect (UPT), and the data obtained is analyzed using CPCe (Coral Point Count with Excel Extensions) software. The results show that the percentage of coral cover has increased from year to year. The percentage of live coral cover in 2015 was 19.64%, 23.60 in 2016, 23.72% in 2017, and 27.83% in 2018. The increase in live coral cover from year to year is thought to occur due to the availability of nutrients. or increasing public awareness, considering this location is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Makassar. Coral reef health index values can be used to classify coral reef health. Through the analysis of the coral reef health index, an index value of 4 was obtained, which means that the condition of the coral reefs is in the “moderate” category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-177
Arham Hafidh Akbar ◽  
Sudirman Adibrata ◽  
Wahyu Adi

This study aims to analyze the density of megabenthos in coral reef ecosystems in the waters of Perlang Village. This research was conducted in November 2019 in the waters of Perlang Village with the megabentos data collection method using the Bentos Belt Transect (BBT) method based on COREMAP CTI LIPI (2017) with 5 data collection stations. The results found 603 individuals consisting of 9 species from 4 megabenthos families in coral reef ecosystems. Species found at the study site are Diadema setosum, Diadema antillarium (Familli Deadematidae), Drupella cornus, Drupella rugosa (Family Murcidae), Trochus sp, Trochus conus, Tectus pyramis (Family Trochidae), Tridacna gigas, and Tridacna maxima (Family Tridacnidae) . The highest attendance percentage of all stations was obtained by Diadema setosum of 47.93% (289 people). Percentage of live coral cover from 5 observation stations ranged from 57.44% - 91.78%. Observation pensions that received the highest percentage of cover values ​​were at pension 2 with 91.78% in the very good category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-119
Maria Ulfah ◽  
Saiful Mahlil ◽  
Muhammad Nasir ◽  
Sayyid Afdhal El Rahimi ◽  
Syahrul Purnawan ◽  

Batee Island is one of the small islands in the Aceh Besar region and is uninhabited and directly faces the Indian Ocean. Batee Island's waters have the potential for marine biota, especially coral reef ecosystems, and other associated biotas. This study aims to determine the percentage and comparison of live coral cover in Batee Island waters and determine the genus' composition in Batee Island waters. This research was conducted in October-November 2016. Collecting coral reef data using the LIT (Line Intercept Transect) method. The results showed that the live coral cover in Batee Island's waters differed between the East and West Batee Islands. The coral reefs' average condition in Batee Island waters at shallow depths (0-5m) is 41.41%, and deep (6-10m) is 36.52%. Overall, the conditions and live coral cover in the waters of Batee Island are classified as moderate. In the waters of Batee Island, there are 31 coral genera. The highest percentage of corals was the genus Acropora (50.02%).Keywords:Batee IslandConditionCoral reefCoral cover

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 263
Idris Idris ◽  
Neviaty P. Zamani ◽  
Suharsono Suharsono ◽  
Fakhrurrozi Fakhrurrozi

HighlightDamage to coral reefs by ship aground is twice the area of a football fieldFound four zones of damage including runoff, dune, blow and dispersalMortality of live coral and other benthic biota ranges from 75-100% in the affected locationThe form of damaged live coral growth is predominantly slow growing.Eight hard coral species were found on the IUCN-Redlist list with a vulnerable status.AbstractShip grounding on coral reefs often results in physical and biological damage, including dislodging and removal of corals from reefs, destruction of coral skeletons, erosion and removal of sediment deposits, and loss of three-dimensional complexity. Indonesia, as an archipelagic country, is very vulnerable to various pressures; for example, the case of ship grounding is a great concern of scientists, managers, divers, and sailors themselves. Most of the damage is very severe. The purpose of the research conducted is to identify the condition of the live coral cover, mapping the type and extent of coral reef damage, affected coral species, their conservation status, and to quantify the extent of the area of coral reef damage. Measuring the extent of damage to coral reef ecosystems using the fishbone method, while the level of damage and its impact was measured using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) and belt transect method. The event of the grounding of the MV Lyric Poet on the Bangka Waters, Bangka-Belitung Province, has caused damage to the coral reef ecosystem. There are four damage zones identified, i.e., trajectory, mound, propeller, and dispersion zone. Corals are damaged with a total area of 13.540m2; equivalent to twice that of an international football field. Diversity of hard coral found as many as 49 species included in the CITES-Appendix II. A total of eight protected species are included in the IUCN Red List with extinction-prone status.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 374-385
Maulana Cahya Widhiatmoko ◽  
Hadi Endrawati ◽  
Nur Taufiq-SPJ

ABSTRAK: Ekosistem terumbu karang merupakan habitat berbagai biota laut bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Ekowisata merupakan perjalanan wisata ke wilayah alami maupun buatan dengan tujuan konservasi untuk menjamin kelestarian alam dan sosial- budaya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi biofisik terumbu karang untuk pengembangan ekowisata serta mengetahui analisis strategi pengembangan ekowisata terumbu karang di Pulau Sintok Karimunjawa. Pengamatan biofisik ekosistem terumbu karang dilakukan menggunakan metode LIT atau Line Transect. Data yang didapat dianalisis menggunakan indeks kesesuaian ekowisata selam dan analisis SWOT. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tutupan karang hidup di Pulau Sintok pada keempat titik pengambilan berkisar antara 30-82%. Berdasarkan analisis kesesuaian ekowisata, kawasan perairan Pulau Sintok memiliki nilai IKW (Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata) >50 – 83% dimana nilai 50% - < 80% termasuk kedalam kelas (S2) atau suitable dan nilai IKW 83% termasuk ke dalam kategori (S1) atau sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai ekowisata terumbu karang kategori selam. Analisis strategi pengelolaan kawasan pengembangan ekowisata di perairan Pulau Sintok adalah dengan :  pengelolaan kawasan terumbu karang sebagai ekowisata secara optimal, perlunya upaya pencegahan kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang untuk dijadikan kawasan ekowisata, pengembangan sistem informasi serta meningkatkan sarana prasarana pengelolaan ekowisata, dan Penegakkan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan demi penerapan pengelolaan terumbu karang secara lestari. ABSTRACT: The coral reef ecosystems are habitats for various marine biota, which have a high economic value. Coral reef ecosystems provide merits to support the marine tourism industry for foreign exchange earnings. They also provide significant employment and business opportunities. Coral reef ecosystems which have a good condition can be developed into coral reef ecotourism. Ecotourism is a tour to natural and artificial areas with the purpose of conservation to ensure the natural and socio-cultural sustainability. The purpose of this research is to find out the biophysical potential of the coral reefs for the development of ecotourism, and to perceive the analysis of the development strategy of coral reef ecotourism in Sintok Island, Karimunjawa. The biophysical observation of coral reef ecosystems is conducted with LIT or Line Transect method. The data obtained is analyzed using ecotourism suitability index and SWOT analysis. The result of this research shows that living coral cover on Sintok Island at the four taking points ranged from 30-82%. According to the analysis of ecotourism suitability, Sintok Island waters area has IKW value (Tourism Suitability Index) >50-83%. The value of 50%-<80% belongs to the class (S2) or suitable, and the IKW value of 83% belongs to the category (S1) or very suitable to be used as coral reef ecotourism category. The analysis of the management strategy of ecotourism development area in Sintok Island waters are as follows: (1) The optimal management of coral reef area as ecotourism, (2) The prevention of coral reef ecosystems from damage, (3) The development of information system, as well as the enhancement of ecotourism management infrastructure, and (4) The enforcement of laws and regulations for the sake of coral reefs’ sustainable management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. 04003
Trisna Wahyu A P ◽  
Helmi Mubarak ◽  
Damar Lazuardy Rolian ◽  
Hanson Geraldi Pardede ◽  
Prabowo ◽  

Damage to coral reef ecosystems is a major problem on the islands of Gili Air and Gili Trawangan. This will have an impact on the presence of reef fish in the area. This study aims to look how much relation caused by associated between live coral cover and reef fish in Gili Air and Gili Trawangan island.. This research method using Line Intersept Transect (LIT), Underwater Visual Census and simple linear regression analysis to know the relation. The percentage of coral cover on Gili Air Island and Gili Trawangan Island on reef flats (1-5 m) is 11.75% and 11.67% respectively, on the reef slopes (6-10 m) the percentage is 50.4% and 48.9%. In addition we observed the existence of 11 families reef fish. The abundance of reef fish on Gili Air and Gili Trawangan islands on reefs flat with an average of 0,406 ind / m2 and 0,137 ind / m2, on the reef slope on average - respectively 0,434 ind / m2 and 0,274 ind / m2. The determinant value in Southern part of both island indicates a value close to +1 and in Northern part of both island indicates a value close to -1.

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