scholarly journals Analisis Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 (Studi Kasus: Politeknik Pariwisata Negeri Lombok)

Gigih Mathori Basil ◽  
Nadiyasari Agitha ◽  
Moh. Ali Albar

Information technology governance is an integrated part of the organization's management that governs leadership, the organization's organizational structure of the processes that govern information technology is used optimally. Human resources are currently not managed properly, which has not met the needs of IT human resources in Central Lombok. To solve this problem, the writer implements IT Governance using the COBIT 5 framework in the Lombok State Polytechnic. This study will provide recommendations for the improvement of IT problems in the Poltekpar Negeri Lombok and can be used as a reference, especially in managing IT human resources and can improve the performance of the Poltekpar Lombok using IT processes EDM02 and APO08. The results of this analysis are the level of ability of IT Governance that reflects the conditions of IT governance in the Poltekpar Negeri Lombok. With improvements to the capability level provided by the COBIT 5 framework, from levels 1 to 5 at the EDM02 capability level, IT processes are at level 3.

Irma Putri Rahayu ◽  
Nadiyasari Agitha

Abstract Information technology governance is an integrated part of the management of organizations that govern leadership, the organization of process structure arrangements that govern information technology is used as optimally as possible. Work processes and relationships between the office community, researchers and various levels of interests and stakeholders. COBIT 5 is a company that provides services to companies, both companies, organizations, and management in managing and managing assets or IT resources to achieve company goals. It human resource in West Lombok is currently not well managed, Which hes not yet fulfilled the need for IT human resources in the office of West Lombok To solve this problem the authors carry out ITgovernance using the framework COBIT 5 On DISKOMINFO west Lombok. On DISKOMINFO West Lombok. This study will provide recommendation for improvement of IT problems the exist in diskominfo West Lombok and cand be used as a reference, especially in the managed of IT human resources and can improve the performance of DISKOMINFO west Lombok. On DSIKOMINFO West Lombok using to IT processes APO01 (management framework IT) and APO07 (human resouces). The result of this analysis are the capability level of IT governace that reflects the condition of IT governance in DISKOMINFO West Lombok. With refenace to the capability level provided by the cobit 5 framework, namely from level 1 (performed) to 5 (optimising). Key words: information technology, DSIKOMINFO COBIT 5

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Dwi Puspitasari ◽  
Hanna Prillysca Chernovita

Bina Darma foundation is a non-profit organization established by SWCU and GMKI. The main activities of the Bina Darma foundation are a leadership training program, journal publishing, and guesthouse rental. Problems that occur in the foundation include the management of human resources related to IT is not appropriate. To solve the problem, there needs to be control and evaluation to see how the condition of IT governance in Bina Darma Foundation uses the framework COBIT 5 domain DSS (Delivery, Service, and Support). The result of this research is capability level is currently at level 1 (Performed process), while the capability level is expected to be at level 2 (Managed process). Therefore, recommendations are given so that the IT governance in Bina Darma Foundation can work optimally to support the achievement of the organization's business objectives efficiently.

2018 ◽  

Call center ESQ merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang digunakan oleh tim telemarketing, timtelecorporate, finance, dan BM (Branch Manager) untuk menjalankan fungsi bisnis ESQ LC. Data sudah menjadiaset penting dalam perusahaan untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan berkaitan denganpenyalahgunaan data maka harus dilakukan audit. Pentingnya informasi, maka kebijakan tentang keamanan sistemmerupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam sebuah sistem informasi. Audit Sistem Informasi menjadisebuah solusi untuk mengukur sejauh mana selama ini sistem call center melakukan proses DS5 dan DS11 agarESQ LC dapat melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan. IT (Information Technology) Governance merupakan strukturhubungan dan proses untuk mengarahkan dan mengendalikan organisasi untuk mencapai tujuannya denganmenambahkan nilai ketika menyeimbangkan risiko dibandingkan dengan TI dan prosesnya. Kerangka kerja COBIT(Control Objective For Information and Related Technology) versi 4.1, dimana COBIT mempunyai tujuan untukmengendalikan TI terkait dan merupakan suatu standar yang telah diakui cukup baik pada tingkat internasional.Dalam penelitian ini membahas 1 domain yaitu Deliver and Support dari 4 domain yang ada di COBIT denganpembahasan dibatasi pada tingkat control process pengelolaan data (DS11) dan memastikan keamanan sistem(DS5) untuk management awareness dan maturity level. Hasil dari audit sistem informasi adalah tingkat kinerjaproses DS5 (memastikan keamananan sistem) dan DS11 (pengelolaan data) adalah sedang. Maturiy Level DS5 danDS11 saat ini (as is) ada pada level 3 kondisi di mana perusahaan telah memiliki prosedur standar formal dantertulis yang telah disosialisasikan ke segenap jajaran manajemen dan karyawan untuk dipatuhi dan dikerjakandalam aktivitas sehari-hari tapi kurang ada pengawasan untuk menjalankan itu semua. Dan (to be) yangdiharapkan menunjukkan level 4 perusahaan memiliki indikator sebagai sasaran terhadap kinerja proses TI sertaterdapat fasilitas untuk memonitor dan mengukur prosedur yang sudah berjalan. Rekomendasi ke level 4 ITGovernance ini dibuat guna meningkatkan kinerja call center di ESQ LC. Usulan Performance Indicator danOutcome Measure diharapkan dapat diterapkan agar proses TI tercapai sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkandalam DS5 dan DS11.Kata Kunci: Audit, call center, IT Governance, Activities dan IT Goals, COBIT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-351
Abdurrahman Harits ◽  
Gilang Muhamad Noer ◽  
Aris Puji Widodo

PT. Jasa Cendekia Indonesia is a company engaged in the field of recruitment, training and consulting in the provision of human resources. Currently PT. Jasa Cendekia Indonesia has more than 500 outsourcing employees, puts hundreds of Indonesians into the job market and serves more than 30 multinational companies, of course companies need systems that are able to manage and carry out company work operations. This research study aims to conduct an assessment of Information Technology Governance at PT. Jasa Cendekia Indonesia which focuses on the DSS01 domain (manage operations) is measured using the Capability Level in the Cobit 5 Framework. The results obtained from this assessment are needed as an evaluation and input for improvements to Information Technology Governance at PT. Jasa Cendekia Indonesia in the future. The level of ability of PT. Jasa Cendekia Indonesia in the DSS01 process is at a value of 2.80 while the expected level of ability is at level 3 (established process). The recommendation to reach level 3 is expected to be implemented to improve the performance of PT. Jasa Cendekia Indonesia according to the DSS01 process.

Fitria Febriani ◽  
Augie David Manuputty

The Salatiga Class I District Court is a government agency that has implemented Information Technology (IT) governance which has problems in IT management, so the purpose of this study is to evaluate information technology governance using the COBIT 5 framework by determining the level of capability and gaps. The results of the recapitulation of the questionnaire with the Likert scale model obtained the average value of the selected domain getting a value of 3.28, which means that the current level of capability (as is) is at level 3 (established process), while the numbers from the range of 0 to 5 levels are expected or target (to be) namely 5 (optimization process). So that a gap or gap is obtained, namely the value of 1.27 which results in a reduction between to be and as is. The selected process domain is in the highest position, namely DSS01 with a value of 3.80 or level 4 (predictable process) while the lowest position is APO12 with a value of 2.82 or level 3 (established process). To achieve the expected conditions, the IT subdivision can improve in dealing with IT risks and IT problems that occur in the Salatiga District Court Class I B. In addition to evaluating IT governance, testing system functionality is also carried out by using the Blackbox Testing method with the Boundary Value Analysis technique. The object is used for testing the system, namely­ e-Court tested on the registration page and login page. From the results of system testing­ e-Court On the registration page, there is a discrepancy in the expected name field and on the login page that the test results ­field - field as expected.  Keywords — Information Technology Governance; COBIT 5; e – Court; Blackbox Testing; Boundary Value Analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Yohana Teresa Sianipar ◽  
Novi Wulandari Widiyanti ◽  
Aisa Tri Agustini

PT. Tempu Rejo is one of the companies in Jember which is engaged in tobacco processing to produce cigarette. PT. Tempu Rejo applying information technology in the daily operation included in its payment information system, such as biometric identifier as a tool of absence and using applications that support payment in the company. In a company that has applied IT in its operation including payment information system should be evaluated. Evaluation is needed in order to make improvements to the company's payment information system. In this research, the information technology governance standard used is COBIT 5 domain Deliver, Service, and Support (DSS), especially DSS01, DSS03, and DSS05. This research used a qualitative approach by using the method of interviewing and observation as data collection techniques. The result of this research shows that Capability Level of DSS01, DSS03, and DSS05 process are at level 3 (established process). Recommendations are to conduct periodic evaluations to improve performance and create a complete Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) related to the company's payment information system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 01
Defriko Gusma Putra ◽  
Rita Rahayu

The application of information technology governance (IT Governance) plays an important role in utilizing information technology to fit the company's vision, mission and goals. However, there are still many companies that have not implemented IT Governace due to various factors such as: the existence of internal companies that refuse the application of information technology, the limited human resources who master information technology competence, the unavailability of frameworks and policy foundations in the information technology environment, the lack of commitment from top management, the high cost of investment in IT Governance and so on. The greater use of technology has not been accompanied by greater support for the achievement of strategies so that investments made are in vain. research and research results show that the lack of understanding of IT Governance makes unproductive investments made by companies. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which presents a systematic review of the problems in the implementation of Information Technology Governance (IT Governance).

2019 ◽  
Saproni Majid

AbstrakDinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO) Kota Bandar lampung adalah sebuah instansi yang bertanggung jawab pada bidang komunikasi, informatika, statistik serta persandian dalam lingkungan pemerintahan. Dengan adanya tata kelola TI dapat memberikan jaminan bahwa pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sejalan dengan tujuan bisnis organisasi. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara ditemukan beberapa permasalahan dalam pengelolaan tata kelola TI seperti belum adanya SOP, kurangnya pemahaman sumber daya manusia terkait dengan tugasnya masing-masing, dan pemasangan infrastruktur yang tidak sesuai dengan Master Plan yang sudah direncanakan sehingga diperlukan adanya audit untuk mengukur seberapa jauh tingkat kematangan serta mengetahui kemungkinan terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap tata kelola TI yang telah direncanakan. COBIT 4.1 adalah kerangka kerja yang tepat untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan tata kelola teknologi informasi. Domain yang digunakan yaitu Plan and Organise dan Acquire and Implement. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil evaluasi berdasarkan tingkat kematangan dan menghasilkan rekomendasi dari hasil evaluasi tersebut. Hasil nilai tingkat kematangan pada domain Plan and Organise sebesar 1,9 dan pada domain Acquire and Implement sebesar 1,28. Rekomendasi yang diberikan digunakan untuk meningkatkan nilai tingkat kematangan sehingga dapat memperbaiki tata kelola TI yang ada pada DISKOMINFO kota Bandar lampung.Kata kunci: Audit, Tata Kelola TI, COBIT 4.1, Maturity Level, Plan and Organise, Acquire and ImplementAbstractDinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO) Kota Bandar lampung is an agency that responsible for communication, informatics, statistics, and encryption within the existing government environment. The existence of IT governance can provide assurance that the utilization of information technology in line with organizational business goals. Based on the results of the interviews found several problems in the management of IT governance such as the absence of SOPs, lack of understanding of human resources related to their respective tasks, and installation of infrastructure that is not in accordance with the Master Plan that has been planned. Therefore, audit to measure how far the Maturity Level and know the possibility of deviations from planned IT Governance. COBIT 4.1 is an appropriate framework for knowing the Maturity Level of information technology governance. The domains used are Plan and Organize and Acquire and Implement. This research is to get the result of evaluation based on maturity level and produce recommendation from result of evaluation. The result of the maturity level on the Plan and Organize domain is 1.9 and the Acquire and Implement domain is 1.28. Recommendations are used to improve the value of Maturity Level to improve the existing IT governance in DISKOMINFO Kota Bandar lampung.

Tech-E ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Riki Riki

The purpose of writing, to determine the level of capability in the Bureau of Information Systems & Technology at Buddhi Dharma University. Analyzing the achievement of its capability level and assisting BSTI in implementing international standardized IT governance. The methodology used is the CoBIT 5 framework as a measure of capability level guidance. The result is that the current level of BSTI capability is 2.027 which means at level 2 (managed process), the standard is at level 3. Conclusion that BSTI has been managed and implemented correctly, although the achievement of the level of capability is still in the middle position due to the lack of competition that forced Buddhi Dharma University to do business development.

Mayang Anglingsari Putri ◽  
Ismiarta Aknuranda ◽  
Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy

Information technology  governance is used to guide and control an organization in achieving the goals that had been planned in advance. PT DEF is a company which utilises information technology to support its business processes. Nevertheless,  it indeed  requires an IT governance that can be beneficial as a reference for IT activities in order to run properly. This research intends to conduct an audit of information technology governance based on the COBIT 5 framework domain, which is  DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support) domain in the process of DSS03 (Manage Problems). According to the research results, the values that have been obtained from the process of DSS03 capability level was 64.66%, that is regarded as Partially Achieved. Capability level will be used as a reference in seeking gap contained in the domain of DSS03 process. Furthermore, these would be able to make recommendations aimed at increasing the value of the expected maturity. This research contributes to the evaluation results and recommendations to improve the capability level on the DSS03 domain, hence  PT DEF can upgrade its IT governance by using DSS03 process.

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