scholarly journals Variations of Sentence Structure in 5th Grade Students’ Essays in Padang: Perspective of Basic Sentence Patterns

Siti Ainim Liusti ◽  
Ellya Ratna ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 517
Yolla Karchia Yodeska ◽  
Nursaid Nursaid

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to describe sentence structure and diction (word selection) exposition text of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 12 Padang. This type of research is qualitative with descriptive method. The data of this study are qualitative data in the form of text exposition of students. Data are analyzed by steps, namely (1) the researcher identifies the sentence structure contained in the students' exposition text, (2) the researcher identifies the diction contained in the student's exposition text, (3) the results of the analysis by the triangulation informant, (4) make conclusions. Based on the results of the study, two things are summarized as follows. First, in writing about the exposition text of the eighth grade students of Padang 12 Middle School using six basic sentence patterns. The sixth basic pattern of the exposition text sentence structure is SP, SPO, SPPel, SPK, SPOK, and SPOPel. This is evident from the 40 exposition texts that have been analyzed, the basic pattern of the sentence most used by students is SPOPel, while the basic pattern of the least used sentence is SP. Second, when viewed from the use of diction with the accuracy of the use of diction 90% and the use of 10% diction which is inaccurate in the exposition text by class VIII students of Padang Middle School 12. Kata Kunci: Stuktur Kalimat, Diksi, dan Teks Eksposisi  

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Siti Ainim Liusti

This study aims to analyze the sentences based on the basic sentence patterns of Indonesian and predicate calculus. These approaches put the predicate as a core component in the sentence structure. The object of study is focused on declarative sentences of Indonesian. The data analysis consists of several stages. Basic sentence patterns of Indonesian consist of identifying the type of sentences, identifying the elements forming sentences, and putting on elements which are based on basic sentence patterns of Indonesian. Predicate calculus consists of identifying atomic or compound propositions, determining the predicate and other components, defining a form of expression predicate calculus, and making a notation function. The results showed that the basic sentence pattern analysis only identifies the internal elements in a single sentence, while the predicate calculus can as well identifies the internal elements of a single or compound sentence.

Kandai ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Pipiet Palestin Amurwani

 Bahasa sebagai instrumen komunikasi berperan dalam menyampaikan pesan dari penutur kepada petuturnya. Salah satu faktor yang mendukung lancarnya komunikasi menggunakan bahasa adalah susunan kalimat atau sintaksis yang benar. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kemampuan sintaksis Ezra setelah menjalani terapi wicara selama satu tahun. Subyek penelitian adalah seorang anak berusia tujuh tahun dengan gangguan pendengaran berat (kanan 95 dB, kiri 85 dB), bernama Ezra.  Data diperoleh dengan cara merekam dan mencatat ujaran-ujaran yang diucapkan Ezra. Data berupa ujaran dianalisis menggunakan teori sintaksis bahasa Indonesia oleh Chaer (2009). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ezra dapat mengungkapkan keinginan, kemampuan, dan kesukaannya menggunakan pola kalimat dasar S+Adverbial+P, S+Adverbial+P+O, dan S+P+O. Dalam mengungkapan aktivitas yang sudah dia lakukan, Ezra menggunakan pola yang terbalik antara predikat dan adverbial “sudah”. Ezra belum bisa merespon pertanyaan dengan benar. Ini dapat dilihat dari jawaban yang diberikan tidak relevan dengan pertanyaan. Dalam mengungkapkan pertanyaan, Ezra cenderung menggunakan kata benda sebagai pengganti kata kerja.Language as an instrument of communication plays a role in conveying messages from speakers to their listeners. One of the factors that support the smooth communication using language is the correct sentence structure or syntax. This paper aims to describe the syntactic abilities of Ezra after undergoing speech therapy for one year. The study subjects were a 7-year-old child with severe hearing loss (right 95 dB, left 85 dB), named Ezra. Data obtained by recording and recording utterances uttered by Ezra. Data in the form of speech are analyzed using the syntactic theory of Indonesian Chaer (2009). The results showed that Ezra could express his desires, abilities, and preferences using basic sentence patterns S + Adverbial + P, S + Adverbial + P + O, and S + P + O. In expressing the activities that he has done, Ezra uses an inverse pattern between predicate and adverbial "sudah". Ezra hasn't been able to respond to questions correctly. This can be seen from the answers given that are not relevant to the question. In expressing the question Ezra tends to use nouns instead of verbs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Desi Sukenti ◽  
Jamilin Tinambunan ◽  
Muhammad Mukhlis ◽  

Reading assessment is a form of assessment activity carried out by educators in assessing students' reading. This study uses a phenomenological approach to explore teachers' experiences as participants in learning to read stories, read poetry and read descriptive texts in developing reading assessments. This study involved 15 Indonesian language teachers and conducted in-depth interviews about reading assessments in schools. The theories used in this research are Setiadi (2016), Abdul (2003), Tarigan (1994), Yunus (2012), Tampubolon (2015), Razak (2001), Nurhayati (2009), Djiwandono (2011), and the theory of Burhan Nurgiyantoro (2014). In-depth interview analysis in this study shows that the assessment of reading saga pays attention to the assessment of speech sounds, words, sentences, letters, language, readings, pays attention to reading pauses, sentence breaks, paragraph breaks, sentence content, letter content, punctuation marks, appreciates the content. In contrast, the construction of poetry reading assessment includes the assessment of diction sounds, sounds, letters, sentences, rhymes, rhythms, stanzas, the figure of speech, confidence, language style, appreciation. Descriptive text-based assessment is to assess the accuracy of diction (use of vocabulary, conjunctions between sentences, clarity of language sounds); the assessment of the accuracy of the sentence structure of the reading pays attention to 3 assessments, namely the arrangement of sentence patterns, stringing sentences and the form of sentences used; and assessing the spelling and writing used including the assessment of punctuation, use of capital letters. Educators can use this research recommendation on the construction of reading assessment in high school in the concept of reading assessment in schools.

I Made Juliarta ◽  

This study aims to: (i) analyze the tree diagram structure of sentence patterns found in the data source, (ii) analyze the types of translation shifts of sentence patterns in the translation process from source language into target language. The novel entitled “Buddha” is a non-fiction book by Karen Armstrong. It tells about an examination of the life, times, and lasting influence of Siddharta Gautama with core tenets of Buddhism introduced throughout history. This research focuses on The Syntax Analysis and Its Translation Found on Sentence Patterns in the Novel entitled “Buddha”. This study aims at analyzing the tree diagram structure and the types of translation shifts found in the novel entitled “Buddha”. The analysis uses the theory of sentence patterns from Quirk and Greenbaum and the theory of translations shift proposed by Catford. The process of collecting data was started by reading the entire data source to understand the story in the novel entitled “Buddha” and observe the data of sentence patterns that can be taken from the story entitled “Buddha”. In the method of collecting data, the data source was read to find out complex sentences and simple sentence found in the story. The finding of the research is that there are seven sentence patterns that are translated by applying unit shift. The researcher uses the theories to support this research. Those are syntax, types of sentences, sentence pattern, tree diagram, and relevant previous studies. Syntax is stated as one of the branches that focus on the sentence structure. This research study uses theory of translation shift proposed by Catford

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 237-261 ◽  
J. Dickins

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