2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 337
Sri Mulyani

Tindak pidana ringan adalah perkara yang diancam dengan pidana penjara atau kurungan paling lama 3 (tiga) bulan dan atau denda sebanyak-banyaknya Rp 7.500; (tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) dan penghinaan ringan, berkaitan dengan banyaknya kasus Tindak Pidana Ringan yang yang terjadi di Indonesia, yang melibatkan masyarakat kecil yang dapat diakses oleh publik sehingga menimbulkan simpati masyarakat luas yang akhirnya memberikan advokasi. Latar belakang tulisan ini adalah penegakkan hukum Tindak Pidana Ringan ini mendapat reaksi yang keras dari masyarakat atas ketidak puasanpenyelesaian yangtidak memenuhi rasa keadilan.Tujuan dari penulisan ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam rangka menciptakan kepastian hukum, ketertiban dan perlindungan hukum terutama bagi masyarakat, tersangka maupun para pencari keadilan dan kebenaran. Metode yang digunakan adalah normatif yuridis melalui kajian peraturan perundang-undangan, doktrin, dan yurisprudensi perkara tindak pidana ringan. Tulisan ini membahas tentang pengertian tindak pidana ringan, hukum positif yang mengatur tindak pidana ringan dengan kesimpulan antara lain adalah bahwa pengaturan hukum tentang kejahatan ringan pada dasarnya telah diatur dalam KUHAP dan KUHP dan PERPU. bahkan dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (PERMA) Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang Penyesuaian Batasan Tindak pidana Ringan dan jumlah denda dalam KUHAP.AbstractA misdemeanor is a case that shall be charged to imprisonment of up three years and/or to a maximum fine of seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs. Relating to a number of the misdemeanor in Indonesia, that involves the small communities which can be accessed by the public so that it make sympathy of society and then give them advocation. The background of this writing is law enforcement of misdemeanor that has a strong reaction from people in dissatisfaction of its adjudication because it is far from a sense of fairness. Whereas the purpose of this writing can be a guideline in order to create a legal certainty, orderliness and law protection especially society, the accused or the seekers of truth and justice. This method of writing is a normative juridical by legislation study, doctrine, and jurisprudence. It discusses the understanding of misdemeanor, a positive law that order it. It concludes that law arrangements about misdemeanor basically has been ruled in the Criminal Law Procedure Code (KUHAP) and the Criminal Code (KUHP) and government regulation in lieu of Law (PERPU), even in the regulation of Supreme Court Number 2, Year 2012 concerning The Adjustment Limitation of Misdemeanor and Fine in the Criminal Law Procedure Code (KUHAP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Efraim Mbomba Reda ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

Progressive law puts forward the sociology of law rather than legal certainty which is the focus of legal positivism. In Indonesia, this law was coined by Satjipto Rahardjo. This study aims to determine the formulation of progressive law in future criminal law, and to determine the actualization of the concept of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia. The research method used is a normative legal research method with statute and conceptual approaches. The technique of collecting legal materials in this study is a descriptive method that aims to obtain the meaning of reality related to the problems to be discussed and solved in this study. The results show that in the current Criminal Code Bill, progressive law has been regulated, to be precise in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2). Progressive law is also regulated in Law no. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. Then, the actualization of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia is a judge with the powers that take into account the sociological context of society in making decisions. Judges, prosecutors and lawyers can certainly discuss together in eradicating corruption. Efforts are also being made to reconstruct and redefine the power of law enforcement. This arrangement can also encourage the KPK to be more progressive in eradicating corruption, as well as building law enforcers who have morality so that they can become role models and increase public participation, for example by forming NGOs in preventing or fighting corruption in various agencies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 237
Sumaryono Sumaryono ◽  
Sri Kusriyah Kusriyah

Fraudulent criminal acts that have been regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP) with various modes, one of which is fraud by shamans with a multiplied money mode has made law enforcers increasingly have to rack their brains to be able to prove it. This study aims to examine and analyze law enforcement by the judge in decision No.61 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN.Blora with consideration of the criminal elements. The research method used is a sociological juridical approach. The specifications of the study were conducted using descriptive analytical methods. The data used for this study are primary and secondary data. The data consists of primary data and secondary data using field research methods, interviews, and literature studies. Based on the research it was concluded that the case ruling number 61 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN Bla with a fraud case with shamanism practices in the mode of duplicating the judge's money considering that the Defendants have been indicted by the Public Prosecutor with alternative indictments, so the Panel of Judges paid attention to the facts The aforementioned law decides on the first alternative indictment as regulated in Article 378 of the Criminal Code Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code by considering the elements of that article.Keywords: Criminal Law Enforcement; Fraud; Multiple Money.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 778-783
Christina Maya Indah Susilowati ◽  

This paper seeks to evaluate minor offenses in the Criminal Code in Indonesia. So far, the value limit for determining minor offenses in Indonesia is increasingly irrelevant to the value of the currency due to inflation. It will cause a gap in criminal law in dealing with changes. As the result, police will do unfair and non-humanistic law implementation. The objective of this study is to identify the importance of revising the lower limit of minor offenses in the Criminal Code in Indonesia. The study used a socio-legal method on the contextualization of Indonesian Criminal Codes related to the categorization of minor offense regulation in Government Regulation No. 2 of 2012 and in Penal Code, by utilizing a humanitarian perspective in law enforcement, especially by police who still charge some minor offenses with 5 years imprisonment. The results confirmed that some changes have been made related to this matter as the Indonesian Supreme Court has made some regulations, such as No. 2 of 2012 on adjustment in minor offense law. This means that all criminals doing minor offenses cannot behold as prisoners in the investigation or prosecution process. The main contribution of this study is to construct a perspective of legal and regulatory issues to emphasize a fair of justice in dealing with minor offenses with a model of humanistic law enforcement. The result is expected to practically contribute and recommend the importance of constructing fairness of justice principle in law enforcement in particular and of revising minor offense sentencing in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Nur Cahya Dian Sahputra Dan Syamsul Bahri

In order to complete studies at the University of Law Faculty of August 17, 1945 Samarinda, one of the tasks that must be completed is scientific writing, this imiah writing is entitled: "Juridical Review of the Fall of the Right to Prosecute under the Criminal Law Act". This scientific research method uses normative juridies.The violation of the right to sue is regulated in Chapter VII of the Criminal Code, while the violation of the right to sue is regulated in the Criminal Code, namely:The principle of "Ne bis in idem" (Article 76 of the Criminal Code).Death of the perpetrator (Article 77 of the Criminal Code).Expiry (Article 78 of the Criminal Code).Settlement of cases outside court trials (Article 82 of the Criminal Code).Amnesty and Abolition from the President (Article 14 of the 1945 Constitution).There are no complaints on complaints offenses.This provision contained in the Criminal Code is to provide legal certainty for the community specifically the perpetrators of criminal acts. Provisions for the cancellation of the right to sue are the duties and functions of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia based on Law 16 of 2004.The fall of the right to sue is caused by: 1) natural causes, 2) causes of human actions, and 3) legal causes It is hoped that the rules on the cancellation of the right to sue can be further emphasized in the new draft Law on Criminal Law (RKUHP) to provide legal certainty to the public. Likewise, cases of minor criminal acts (tipiring) should be resolved outside the court to avoid the accumulation of cases in court and the excess capacity of State Detention Centers or Penitentiaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-30
Leo Arwansyah ◽  
Andi Najemi ◽  
Aga Anum Prayudi

The purpose of this article is to find out how the aspects of legal certainty and justice in the implementation of the death penalty in Indonesia and how the concept of the deadline for the execution of capital punishment that is legal and just. By using the normative juridical method, this article shows that the aspects of certainty and justice regarding the time limit for the implementation of the death penalty are still not regulated in positive law, the practice of capital punishment often raises problems related to the time limit for execution, aspects of legal certainty and justice for death convicts have not. guaranteed, so that it is necessary to renew the laws and regulations related to the implementation of the death penalty both in material criminal law, formal criminal law, and criminal law enforcement. Abstrak Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana aspek kepastian hukum dan keadilan dalam pelaksanaan pidana mati di Indonesia serta bagaimana konsep batas waktu pelaksanaan pidana mati yang berkepastian hukum dan berkeadilan. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, artikel ini menunjukkan aspek kepastian dan keadilan mengenai pengaturan batas waktu pelaksanaan pidana mati masih belum terdapat pengaturannya di dalam hukum positif, praktik  pidana mati kerap menimbulkan persoalan terkait batas waktu pelaksanaan eksekusi, aspek kepastian hukum dan keadilan bagi terpidana mati belum terjamin, sehingga perlu pembaharuan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pelaksanaan pidana mati baik dalam hukum pidana materiil, hukum pidana formal, maupun hukum pelaksanaan pidana.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Yuni Kartika ◽  
Andi Najemi

ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis pengaturan tentang perbuatan catcalling dalam perspektif hukum pidana serta menganalisis pengaturan perbuatan pelecehan seksual verbal menurut pembaharuan hukum pidana. Penelitian  ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa perbuatan (catcalling) berpotensi adanya tindak pidana yang telah memenuhi unsur-unsur dari tindak pidana, perbuatan ini dikategorikan sebagai perbuatan pelecehan seksual verbal dan dapat dikaji dari beberapa pasal di dalam KUHP, Undang-Undang tentang pornografi serta diperlukannya suatu kebijakan hukum terkait aturan khusus perbuatan catcalling untuk mencapai suatu kepastian hukum dan juga terpenuhinya suatu syarat-syarat kriminalisasi sehingga perbuatan catcalling bisa dibuat aturan secara khusus. Kesimpulannya yaitu perbuatan catcalling berpotensi suatu tindak pidana yang terjadi di ruang lingkup publik melalui unsur-unsur suatu tindak pidana, dampak perbuatan catcalling ini mengakibatkan terganggunya mental, psikologi, sampai pada tingkat kejiwaan dan untuk menentukan suatu kebijakan perlu memperhatikan moral, nilai dan asas yang terkadung di dalam masyarakat dan memperhatikan syarat-syarat kriminalisasi. Untuk mencapai suatu kepastian hukum perlunya kebijakan hukum mengenai aturan secara khusus terkait perbuatan catcalling serta adanya sanksi sosial bagi pelaku catcalling. ABSTRACT This article aims to understand and analyze the regulation of catcalling from the perspective of criminal law and to analyze the regulation of verbal sexual harassment according to the reform of the criminal law. This research is a normative legal research. The results of this study indicate that catcalling has the potential for a criminal act that has met the elements of a criminal act, this act is categorized as an act of verbal sexual harassment and can be reviewed from several articles in the Criminal Code, the Law on pornography and the need for a legal policy related to the special rules for catcalling acts to achieve legal certainty and also the fulfillment of a criminalization condition so that the catcalling act can be made specific rules. The conclusion is that catcalling is potentially a criminal act that occurs in the public sphere through the elements of a criminal act, the impact of this catcalling act causes mental and psychological disruption to the psychological level and to determine a policy it is necessary to pay attention to the morals, values and principles involved. in society and pay attention to the conditions for criminalization. To achieve legal certainty, it is necessary to have a legal policy regarding specific rules related to catcalling acts as well as the existence of social sanctions for catcallers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 169-173
N. M. Plysiuk

Questions about the peculiarities of the responsibility of a law enforcement officer for committing a premeditated murder in the performance of their duties in the context of necessary defense and detention of a criminal are explored. In the science of criminal law, one of the debates is the question of recognizing the subjects of premeditated killings when exceeding the limits of the necessary defense and when exceeding the measures necessary to detain the offender of law enforcement officers. In criminal law, there are several points of view regarding the qualification of actions of a police officer in causing them harm to the detained person and in the necessary defense. What are the causes of death in case of exceeding the limits of necessary defense or in case of exceeding the measures necessary for the detention of a person who committed a socially dangerous assault by a law enforcement officer – intentional murder if the limits of necessary defense are exceeded, or in case of exceeding the measures necessary for detention power or authority. When deciding on the responsibility of a law enforcement officer in the conditions of necessary defense and detention of the perpetrator, it is necessary to establish: whether the requirements of the sectoral legislation regarding the grounds for the use of weapons, special means and physical influence measures have been met, and whether the requirement that “in case of impossibility to avoid the use of force, it shall not exceed the extent necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to the police and shall minimize the possibility of harming the offender's health to members of the public”. In compliance with both requirements, liability is excluded – such acts are not criminal. In case of non-compliance with such requirements, a law enforcement officer should be criminally responsible for a crime in the field of official activity. In addition, one should not forget that one of the conditions for the lawfulness of causing harm to a person in detention is the time of detention – immediately after the commission of the encroachment. With this in mind, in the deliberate killing of a detainee immediately after committing an encroachment on him, the actions of a law enforcement officer should be qualified under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code, and in the case of a similar act, if the detained person, for example, is wanted, for a similar crime – no. In such a case there will be, in the presence of signs, excess of power (Article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 693
Mohamad Rofiqi ◽  
Anis Mashdurohatun

This study aims to: 1) Review and analyze the implementation of the criminal investigations against theft by weighting with the modus of prying Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in the jurisdiction area of Central Java. 2) Assess and analyze the factors that hinder the investigation related to solve investigator in the criminal investigations against theft by weighting with the modus of prying Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in the jurisdiction area of Central Java. 3) Assess and analyze the efforts of investigators linked the criminal investigations against theft by weighting with the modus of prying Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in the jurisdiction area of Central Java? Results: 1). The process of investigations conducted by the Central Java Police in solving criminal cases of theft through Automated Teller Machine (ATM) with prying mode in accordance with the rules contained in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Law on Police No. 2 of 2002. 2). Based on the description of the Central Java Police investigators, the obstacles faced by the team of investigators of Central Java Police, among others: a. Evidence is hidden and difficult for investigators to look suspect. b. The suspect managed to flee with his colleagues by car, so investigators have to chase. c. In providing information with convoluted.3) Relatedwith efforts to overcome obstacles investigator in a criminal law enforcement ATM theft with prying mode is as follows: a. In search of evidence of the crime of investigators need to conduct more intensive searches of suspects. b. Coordinating with other entities by way of exchange of information / Data notify each DPO (List of People Searching) and when in the area to find people who sought immediately apprise and made arrests. c. Providing information (by extension agents) to the public to participate actively in supporting the work of police in the investigation of the theft through ATM.Keywords: Investigation; Crime of Theft By Weighting; Prying Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 570
Gaza Carumna Iskadrenda ◽  
Anggita Mustika Dewi

<p><em>Article 66 paragraph (1) Act Number 2 of 2014 essentially regulates the consent of the Notary Honorary Council in the criminal justice process. The provisions in the a quo article have been still being applied and become a positive law in Indonesia. One of the criminal justice process in the notarial field relates to the criminal act of revelation of secrets as regulated in Article number 322 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. The consent given by the Notary Honorary Council as outlined above can certainly be viewed in the context of criminal law.</em></p><p><em><em>The research is a normative legal research using secondary data of both primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The data collecting technique used is documentary study with written materials as the data collection tool to be analyzed qualitatively using content analysis.</em></em></p><p><em><em>The research result showed that in the context of criminal law, basically a notary who provides a copy of the deed and/or documents attached to the minuta deed or notarial protocol in the notarial archives for the purpose of the investigator, the public prosecutor or the judge has committed a criminal act of revelation of secrets as stipulated in Article number 322 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. However, the notary is not necessarily criminally liable considering the consent of the Notary Honorary Council as the grounds of impunity.</em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Notary Honorary Council consent, grounds of impunity, criminal act of revelation of secrets.</em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-165
Prianter Jaya Hairi

The idea of criminalization of fraudulent acts by advocates in the judicial process has received public attention, especially from advocates. The criminal law norms regarding fraudulent acts by advocates in the Criminal Code Bill (CCB) raise many questions from the point of view of the criminalization policy. This study aims to analyze the criminalization policy against these acts in the CCB. This study is a juridical-normative study with descriptive-analytical methods. The discussion concluded that fraudulent acts by advocates in the form of “playing two feet” and actions “influencing parties in the law enforcement process with or without compensation” are actions that are not following the fundamental values prevailed by the public and also considered punishable. This arrangement aims to protect clients who request legal assistance services. The formulation of this regulation then becomes regulated to complement the criminal law norms related to the existing advocate profession. However, from the aspect of offense formulation, there are still things that need to be addressed so as not to cause multiple interpretations during its implementation, especially in relation to Article 282 of the CCB. AbstrakGagasan mengenai kriminalisasi terhadap perbuatan curang oleh advokat dalam proses peradilan mendapat perhatian masyarakat, terutama dari kalangan advokat. Norma hukum pidana mengenai perbuatan curang oleh advokat dalam RUU KUHP menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan dari sudut pandang kebijakan kriminalisasi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan kriminalisasi terhadap perbuatan tersebut dalam RUU KUHP. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan metode analisis yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Pembahasan di antaranya menyimpulkan bahwa perbuatan curang oleh advokat dalam bentuk perbuatan “main dua kaki” dan perbuatan “mempengaruhi pihak-pihak dalam proses penegakan hukum dengan atau tanpa imbalan” merupakan perbuatan yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai fundamental yang berlaku dalam masyarakat dan dianggap oleh masyarakat patut untuk dihukum. Pengaturan ini bertujuan untuk melindungi klien yang meminta jasa pendampingan hukum. Rumusan pengaturan ini kemudian menjadi diatur untuk melengkapi norma hukum pidana terkait profesi advokat yang ada selama ini. Namun dari aspek formulasi delik, masih ada yang perlu dibenahi agar tidak menimbulkan multitafsir saat penerapannya, khususnya terkait dengan Pasal 282 RUU KUHP. 

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