scholarly journals Rituali di segni e metamorfosi Ṭuqūs al-išārāt wa-l-taḥawwulāt

Martina Censi

Ṭuqūs al-išārāt wa-l-taḥawwulāt (Rituals of Signs and Transformations), published in 1994, is a play which can be attributed to the last phase of Saʿd Allāh Wannūs’s literary production. At this stage, the Syrian author’s political commitment is no longer expressed through the interest for the collective dimension, but it focuses on the individual, considered as a pivotal element for social change. In Ṭuqūs, Saʿd Allāh Wannūs revisits history from an individual point of view, fragmenting it into a multiplicity of micro-narratives. During the 1880s in Damascus, the muftī, the chief religious legal authority, and the leader of the ašrāf, the descendants of the Prophet, are involved in a feud that splits the city into factions and brings it on the verge of anarchy. When the chief of police arrests the leader of the ašrāf while he is engaged in lovemaking with his mistress in his semi-private garden, the muftī concocts a scheme to save his enemy’s reputation, but his real aim is to subdue him and get rid of him. This event triggers a series of transformations involving the identities of the characters. Thus, the leader of the ašrāf, a regular of prostitutes and assiduous drinker, suddenly becomes a mystic with ascetic ambitions, while the upright muftī loses his head for a high-ranking woman who leaves her respectable life to become a prostitute. The whole society is destabilized by the desires of the characters. Desire not only affects their individual identity, but it also exerts influence on their social position, undermining a system of norms based on hypocrisy and on the division between the ‘latent’ and the ‘manifest’.

2010 ◽  
Vol 64 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 143-149
Silvestra Kobal

Doctors and veterinarians in many countries of the world have an opportunity to select between allopathic or homeopathic drugs. The selection of an appropriate method for medical treatment should be performed from the individual point of view. .

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-45
Sakinah Sakinah ◽  
Nur Aslami

This review is expected to be ableto dissect the procedure of promotion work through the combination of 7Ps implemented by PT. General Insurance Bumiputera Muda 1967 Medan is now ready to compete in the field, this exam uses a fascinating exploration technique. This inspection was led by an organization engaged in the protection sector, namely PT. Bumiputera Muda General Insurance 1967 Medan. The methods of collecting information from this examination are (perception), documentation and meetings. Information obtained from the consequences of essential information and optional information. The information checking strategy used is an enlightening investigation that clarifies the actual conditions that occur substantially and significantly and explains exploratory information. The side effect of this expressive review is that the agreement is shaky and will often diminish with each passing year at PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance Medan was caused by the absence of the largest 7P advertising mix job vacancy applied by PT. Bumiputera Muda General Insurance 1967 Medan. The job of assisting the promotion procedure through the 7P advertising blend carried out by PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance Medan from the part (goods) offered to be competitive in search and very good, in terms of value it can compete in search, part of the circulation channel (place) is still not ideal and there are still weaknesses, part of progress (forward) ) is still not ideal and still uses the old strategy, the individual point of view is very large, the cycle perspective is sufficient, the point of view of tangible evidence is still poor in times of serious market competition.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 45-58
Riitta-Liisa Kinni ◽  
Helena Taskinen ◽  
Elsa Paronen ◽  
Katja Pesonen ◽  
Sari Rissanen

Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus on tarkastellut monipuolisesti työurien pitenemiseen yhteydessä olevia yksilö- ja organisaatiotason tekijöitä. Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysin keinoin, millaisina ikääntyvät työntekijät näkevät itsensä eläkkeelle jääjinä tai työssä jatkajina. Lisäksi tarkastelemme, näkyvätkö työkykyyn, terveyteen tai kuntoutukseen liittyvät teemat kategorisoinneissa. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää työelämässä jatkamiseen tai eläkkeelle siirtymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä yksilöiden näkökulmista. Aineistona oli 35 yli 40-vuotiaan työntekijän tai toimihenkilön haastattelua neljästä eri yrityksestä. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysillä. Aineistosta löytyi neljä tapaa järkeillä suhdetta työhön ja eläköitymiseen: leiväntienaajien, velvollisuudentuntoisten, tekemistä tarvitsevien ja työstä nauttivien. Nämä kategoriat sisältävät myös käsityksiä työkyvyn ja kuntoutuksen merkityksestä. Ainoastaan työstä nauttivat ovat kiinnostuneita jatkamaan työuraa eläkeiän jälkeen. Heille työn sisällöllä on suuri merkitys. Leiväntienaajille työllä on välineellinen merkitys toimeentulon lähteenä – jonka myös lottovoitto toisi. Velvollisuudentuntoisille työelämässä pysyminen asetettuun eläkeikärajaan saakka näyttäytyy itsestäänselvyytenä. Tekemistä tarvitsevilla taas esimerkiksi omaisten hoivaaminen voisi korvata työelämän.  Eri kategorioissa tehdään päätöksiä työssä jatkamisesta erilaisin perustein. Kaikissa kategorioissa tuotiin kuitenkin esille terveyden, työssä jaksamisen ja työkyvyn merkitys. Tutkimuksessa on tärkeä keskittyä arvioimaan erilaisten kannusteiden merkitystä työssä jatkamiselle erilaisissa ryhmissä. Jaksamisen tukemiseen sekä työkyvyn ylläpitoon ja parantamiseen tarvitaan henkilökohtaistettuja ratkaisuja. Abstract Ageing employees reasoning work and retirement Working careers of ageing employees are expected to extend in Finland, as well as internationally. Previous research has revealed various factors on individual and organisational level that have an impact on longer working careers. This article describes how ageing employees see themselves as retiring or continuing at work by the means of category analysis. It also explores if the themes of work ability, health or rehabilitation are found in categorisations. The aim of the study is to understand factors related to retiring or continuing work from the individual point of view.  The data consists of 35 interviews of employees 40 years of age or above in four enterprises.  Data were analysed data-driven by membership category analysis. Four different ways to reason one’s attitude to work and retirement were found:  those of breadwinners, dutiful ones, those who need activities and those who enjoy working. These categories also include perceptions on the significance of an ability to work and rehabilitation. Only those who enjoy working are interested to continue in working life beyond their retirement age. The content and meaning of work is very important to them. To a breadwinner work is instrumental in earning one’s living – which would also be fulfilled by winning in lottery. Dutiful ones think it is self-evident to stay in working life until the institutional retirement age but not beyond. Those who need activities could compensate paid work for caring.  People in different categories make decisions on continuing in working life on different grounds. However, the significance of health, coping at work and ability to work were mentioned as decisive factors in all categories. It is suggested that it is important to focus on evaluating the meaning of incentives for continuing work in different groups. In addition, personalised solutions are needed in supporting workers to cope at work and also in maintaining and improving their working ability.  Keywords: continuing at work, retirement, vocational rehabilitation, membership category analysis

Alyona I. Pershina ◽  
Elena N. Ertner

The subject of this article is the literary landscape of Western Siberia, which was represented in “Essays from life in Siberia” (1895) by Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lukhmanova. The relevance of this research is determined by the increased importance of studying “local” texts of Russian culture, including the need for a more detailed study of the phenomenon of Siberia. The mythopoetics of landscape in N. Lukhmanova’s “Essays” is considered in the context of prose of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries (G. Uspensky, K. Nosilov). The literary context of the study of “Siberian” texts for the first time includes the stories by S. I. Kartsevsky. The geographical imagery of Western Siberia is reconstructed in the texts under consideration from the point of view of philological analysis, which allows determining the features of representation of the Place in the creative thinking of a particular writer and identifying the individual author’s view of the depicted locus. “Essays from life in Siberia” by N. Lukhmanova reflect different points of view on the landscape of the Siberian city. Geographical remoteness, climatic conditions, and the closed way of life of old believers form the image of a fortress city, “the country behind the Stone”. The reflected provincial way of life of the city is destroyed on the pages of “Essays” with the arrival of merchant children who were educated in the capital, the growth of industry, the laying of the railway. Siberia in the minds of newcomers appears “a remote, lost place”, while in the perception of Siberians it is the “native land”, “Paradise”. N. Lukhmanova’s “Essays” reflect the “double mythologem” of Western Siberia: it is “alien”, closed space and at the same time “one’s own”, “reserved”, and “secret”.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Muhammad Lukman Arifianto

This paper discusses the moral messages implied in the Imam Ali’s poems. As stated by some experts, poetry is a set of signs that need to be sought for its meaning and significance. This set of signs is mostly difficult to be realized directly by ordinary people. In consequence, Imam Ali’s poems need to be explored by semiotic analysis so that the meanings implied in these poems can be elaborated in detail, and hopefully, it can be well understood by the public. The method used is descriptive-analytical framework that emphasizes systematic interpretation from of the individual point of view or population being studied to generate new concepts. Based on the result, it is found that Imam Ali’s poems imply many valuable and important moral messages that were in line with Islamic teachings and they are very important to be known, studied, and used as the guidelines in everyday life. The moral messages implied in these poems they are about the primacy of seeking knowledge and science, the primacy of reasoning, the primacy of silence, keeping away from greedy, and patient with all kinds of insult.

José García-Valdecasas Campelo ◽  
Amaia Vispe Astola

Resumen: La psiquiatría actual contribuye a configurar una cultura donde muchos malestares que podrían explicarse desde el punto de vista social son entendidos como problemas individuales subsidiarios de tratamiento farmacológico o psicoterapéutico. Esta situación se sostiene claramente por los beneficios obtenidos por diversos agentes que participan en ella: beneficio en términos económicos para la industria farmacéutica, beneficios en términos de prestigio para los profesionales, beneficios en términos de desresponsabilización para pacientes o familias, etc. Sin embargo, consideramos que los perjuicios, tanto para los sujetos individuales atrapados en esta red, como para la sociedad en su conjunto, son terribles. Señalaremos ejemplos de cómo aparece la psiquiatría en medios de comunicación y obras de la cultura popular y nos plantearemos que algo deberíamos intentar hacer en busca de un cambio emancipatorio, tanto desde un punto de vista individual como social. Palabras clave: psiquiatría, cultura, industria farmacéutica, psicoterapia, cambio social. Abstract: Current psychiatry helps to shape a culture where many discomforts that could be explained from the social point of view are understood as individual problems that need pharmacological or psychotherapeutic treatment. This situation is clearly supported by the benefits obtained by various agents involved in it: economic benefit for the pharmaceutical industry, benefits in terms of prestige for professionals, benefits in terms of patients or familias rejecting all responsibility, etc. However, we consider that the damages, both for the individual subjects caught in this network, and for society as a whole, are terrible. We will point out examples of how psychiatry appears in the mass media and works of popular culture and we will consider that something we should try to do in search of an emancipatory change, both from an individual and social point of view. Keywords: psychiatry, culture, pharmaceutical industry, psychotherapy, social change.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 65-79
Tomasz Leszniewski Tomasz Leszniewski

This paper is a attempt of reflection concerning of appearing human identity problems which take a place in differential and complex society. A special attention was paid nationality identification. Using the concept of G.H. Mead and J. Habermas describe the complex structure of an individual’s identity, presenting various forms of social relationships that connect people with others and try to explain the problem of exclusion and hostility towards others/strange in the perspective of identity. The key issue in this social relationship is the connection the individual and the collective dimension of human identity. The basic hypothesis of the text assumes that the more the community limits the development of a person’s (individual) identity, the more likely he becomes vulnerable to feelings of threat and hostility towards another.

Robert Jerome ◽  
David Cavazos ◽  
Robert Horn

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to apply Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz to illustrate the individual identity issues that can arise as a result of institutional complexity in organizations. Using Baum’s text to tell the story of four faculty members seeking the city of Oz, which in our story is a university athletic department, reveals how individuals and organizational units deal with the tensions brought about by institutional complexity. In addition to providing an entertaining, perhaps infuriating account of the typical public university, this essay reveals the importance of understanding individual struggles to deal with organizational pluralism. Design/methodology/approach The authors use the well-established example of the university using Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz in allegorical form to illustrate the tensions that emerge from organizational units that deal with contradicting external environments as well as the sensemaking and search processes that can emerge for individuals dealing with the identity issues that can result from such tensions. Findings Internal tensions can emerge within organizations when there are contradictions among the various pressures such organizations generate. These tensions have implications on individual identity. Originality/value Individuals (in this case individuals from academic units) risk having their occupational identities compromised by divergent organizational units as these units attempt to legitimate their existence within the organization. The authors illustrate how individuals deal with such risks by engaging in search processes that seek to construct their identities and develop meaning for their actions.

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