Peranan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Penjualan Jasa Asuransi pada PT Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967 Medan

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-45
Sakinah Sakinah ◽  
Nur Aslami

This review is expected to be ableto dissect the procedure of promotion work through the combination of 7Ps implemented by PT. General Insurance Bumiputera Muda 1967 Medan is now ready to compete in the field, this exam uses a fascinating exploration technique. This inspection was led by an organization engaged in the protection sector, namely PT. Bumiputera Muda General Insurance 1967 Medan. The methods of collecting information from this examination are (perception), documentation and meetings. Information obtained from the consequences of essential information and optional information. The information checking strategy used is an enlightening investigation that clarifies the actual conditions that occur substantially and significantly and explains exploratory information. The side effect of this expressive review is that the agreement is shaky and will often diminish with each passing year at PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance Medan was caused by the absence of the largest 7P advertising mix job vacancy applied by PT. Bumiputera Muda General Insurance 1967 Medan. The job of assisting the promotion procedure through the 7P advertising blend carried out by PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance Medan from the part (goods) offered to be competitive in search and very good, in terms of value it can compete in search, part of the circulation channel (place) is still not ideal and there are still weaknesses, part of progress (forward) ) is still not ideal and still uses the old strategy, the individual point of view is very large, the cycle perspective is sufficient, the point of view of tangible evidence is still poor in times of serious market competition.

2010 ◽  
Vol 64 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 143-149
Silvestra Kobal

Doctors and veterinarians in many countries of the world have an opportunity to select between allopathic or homeopathic drugs. The selection of an appropriate method for medical treatment should be performed from the individual point of view. .

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 45-58
Riitta-Liisa Kinni ◽  
Helena Taskinen ◽  
Elsa Paronen ◽  
Katja Pesonen ◽  
Sari Rissanen

Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus on tarkastellut monipuolisesti työurien pitenemiseen yhteydessä olevia yksilö- ja organisaatiotason tekijöitä. Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysin keinoin, millaisina ikääntyvät työntekijät näkevät itsensä eläkkeelle jääjinä tai työssä jatkajina. Lisäksi tarkastelemme, näkyvätkö työkykyyn, terveyteen tai kuntoutukseen liittyvät teemat kategorisoinneissa. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää työelämässä jatkamiseen tai eläkkeelle siirtymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä yksilöiden näkökulmista. Aineistona oli 35 yli 40-vuotiaan työntekijän tai toimihenkilön haastattelua neljästä eri yrityksestä. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysillä. Aineistosta löytyi neljä tapaa järkeillä suhdetta työhön ja eläköitymiseen: leiväntienaajien, velvollisuudentuntoisten, tekemistä tarvitsevien ja työstä nauttivien. Nämä kategoriat sisältävät myös käsityksiä työkyvyn ja kuntoutuksen merkityksestä. Ainoastaan työstä nauttivat ovat kiinnostuneita jatkamaan työuraa eläkeiän jälkeen. Heille työn sisällöllä on suuri merkitys. Leiväntienaajille työllä on välineellinen merkitys toimeentulon lähteenä – jonka myös lottovoitto toisi. Velvollisuudentuntoisille työelämässä pysyminen asetettuun eläkeikärajaan saakka näyttäytyy itsestäänselvyytenä. Tekemistä tarvitsevilla taas esimerkiksi omaisten hoivaaminen voisi korvata työelämän.  Eri kategorioissa tehdään päätöksiä työssä jatkamisesta erilaisin perustein. Kaikissa kategorioissa tuotiin kuitenkin esille terveyden, työssä jaksamisen ja työkyvyn merkitys. Tutkimuksessa on tärkeä keskittyä arvioimaan erilaisten kannusteiden merkitystä työssä jatkamiselle erilaisissa ryhmissä. Jaksamisen tukemiseen sekä työkyvyn ylläpitoon ja parantamiseen tarvitaan henkilökohtaistettuja ratkaisuja. Abstract Ageing employees reasoning work and retirement Working careers of ageing employees are expected to extend in Finland, as well as internationally. Previous research has revealed various factors on individual and organisational level that have an impact on longer working careers. This article describes how ageing employees see themselves as retiring or continuing at work by the means of category analysis. It also explores if the themes of work ability, health or rehabilitation are found in categorisations. The aim of the study is to understand factors related to retiring or continuing work from the individual point of view.  The data consists of 35 interviews of employees 40 years of age or above in four enterprises.  Data were analysed data-driven by membership category analysis. Four different ways to reason one’s attitude to work and retirement were found:  those of breadwinners, dutiful ones, those who need activities and those who enjoy working. These categories also include perceptions on the significance of an ability to work and rehabilitation. Only those who enjoy working are interested to continue in working life beyond their retirement age. The content and meaning of work is very important to them. To a breadwinner work is instrumental in earning one’s living – which would also be fulfilled by winning in lottery. Dutiful ones think it is self-evident to stay in working life until the institutional retirement age but not beyond. Those who need activities could compensate paid work for caring.  People in different categories make decisions on continuing in working life on different grounds. However, the significance of health, coping at work and ability to work were mentioned as decisive factors in all categories. It is suggested that it is important to focus on evaluating the meaning of incentives for continuing work in different groups. In addition, personalised solutions are needed in supporting workers to cope at work and also in maintaining and improving their working ability.  Keywords: continuing at work, retirement, vocational rehabilitation, membership category analysis

2020 ◽  
Martina Censi

Ṭuqūs al-išārāt wa-l-taḥawwulāt (Rituals of Signs and Transformations), published in 1994, is a play which can be attributed to the last phase of Saʿd Allāh Wannūs’s literary production. At this stage, the Syrian author’s political commitment is no longer expressed through the interest for the collective dimension, but it focuses on the individual, considered as a pivotal element for social change. In Ṭuqūs, Saʿd Allāh Wannūs revisits history from an individual point of view, fragmenting it into a multiplicity of micro-narratives. During the 1880s in Damascus, the muftī, the chief religious legal authority, and the leader of the ašrāf, the descendants of the Prophet, are involved in a feud that splits the city into factions and brings it on the verge of anarchy. When the chief of police arrests the leader of the ašrāf while he is engaged in lovemaking with his mistress in his semi-private garden, the muftī concocts a scheme to save his enemy’s reputation, but his real aim is to subdue him and get rid of him. This event triggers a series of transformations involving the identities of the characters. Thus, the leader of the ašrāf, a regular of prostitutes and assiduous drinker, suddenly becomes a mystic with ascetic ambitions, while the upright muftī loses his head for a high-ranking woman who leaves her respectable life to become a prostitute. The whole society is destabilized by the desires of the characters. Desire not only affects their individual identity, but it also exerts influence on their social position, undermining a system of norms based on hypocrisy and on the division between the ‘latent’ and the ‘manifest’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Muhammad Lukman Arifianto

This paper discusses the moral messages implied in the Imam Ali’s poems. As stated by some experts, poetry is a set of signs that need to be sought for its meaning and significance. This set of signs is mostly difficult to be realized directly by ordinary people. In consequence, Imam Ali’s poems need to be explored by semiotic analysis so that the meanings implied in these poems can be elaborated in detail, and hopefully, it can be well understood by the public. The method used is descriptive-analytical framework that emphasizes systematic interpretation from of the individual point of view or population being studied to generate new concepts. Based on the result, it is found that Imam Ali’s poems imply many valuable and important moral messages that were in line with Islamic teachings and they are very important to be known, studied, and used as the guidelines in everyday life. The moral messages implied in these poems they are about the primacy of seeking knowledge and science, the primacy of reasoning, the primacy of silence, keeping away from greedy, and patient with all kinds of insult.

2019 ◽  
pp. 22-29
Н. В. Фрадкіна

The purpose and tasks of the work are to analyze the contemporary Ukrainian mass culture in terms of its value and humanistic components, as well as the importance of cultural studies and Ukrainian studies in educational disciplines for the formation of a holistic worldview of modern youth.Analysis of research and publications. Scientists repeatedly turned to the problems of the role of spirituality in the formation of society and its culture. This problem is highlighted in the publications by O. Losev, V. Lytvyn, D. Likhachev, S. Avierintsev, M. Zakovych, I. Stepanenko and E. Kostyshyn.Experts see the main negative impact of mass culture on the quality approach, which determines mass culture through the market, because mass culture, from our point of view, is everything that is sold and used in mass demand.One of the most interesting studies on this issue was the work by the representatives of Frankfurt School M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno «Dialectics of Enlightenment» (1947), devoted to a detailed analysis of mass culture. Propaganda at all socio-cultural levels in the form is similar in both totalitarian and democratic countries. It is connected, according to the authors, with the direction of European enlightenment. The tendency to unify people is a manifestation of the influence of mass culture, from cinema to pop. Mass culture is a phenomenon whose existence is associated with commerce (accumulation in any form – this is the main feature of education), in general, the fact that it exists in this form is related to the direction of the history of civilization.Modern mass culture, with its externally attractive and easily assimilated ideas and symbols, appealing to the trends of modern fashion, becomes a standard of prestigious consumption, does not require intense reflection, allows you to relax, distract, not teach, but entertains, preaches hedonism as the main spiritual value. And as a consequence, there are socio-cultural risks: an active rejection of other people, which leads to the formation of indifference; cruelty as a character trait; increase of violent and mercenary crime; increase in the number of alcohol and drug addicts; anti-patriotism; indifference to the values of the family and as a result of social orphanhood and prostitution.Conclusions, perspectives of research. Thus, we can conclude that modern Ukrainian education is predominantly formed by the values of mass culture. Namely, according to the «Dialectic» by Horkheimer and Adorno, «semi-enlightenment becomes an objective spirit» of our modern society.It is concluded that only high-quality education can create the opposite of the onset of mass culture and the destruction of spirituality in our society. It is proved that only by realizing the importance of cultivating disciplines in the educational process and the spiritual upbringing of the nation, through educational reforms, humanitarian knowledge will gradually return to student audiences.Formation of youth occurs under the influence of social environment, culture, education and self-education. The optimal combination of these factors determines both the process of socialization itself and how successful it will be. In this context, one can see the leading role of education and upbringing. It turns out that the main task of modern education is to spread its influence on the development of spiritual culture of the individual, which eventually becomes a solid foundation for the formation of the individual. Such a subject requires both philosophical and humanitarian approaches in further integrated interdisciplinary research, since the availability of such research will provide the theoretical foundation for truly modern educational and personal development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 556-563
Adam Burley

This is a personal and reflective piece written from a clinician's point of view on the influence that the developing awareness around the consequences of childhood adversity has had upon the discussions, thinking and practice across the areas in which they are working. It seeks to argue that the increased understanding and recognition of the potential impact of early adversity can not only enhance and deepen the understanding of an individual's difficulties, but can serve to inform how services respond in a way that takes account of this. It suggests that the research and literature on childhood adversity can offer a route map away from a model of mental health that focuses predominantly on the individual as the sole source of interest.

2020 ◽  

BACKGROUND: This paper deals with territorial distribution of the alcohol and drug addictions mortality at a level of the districts of the Slovak Republic. AIM: The aim of the paper is to explore the relations within the administrative territorial division of the Slovak Republic, that is, between the individual districts and hence, to reveal possibly hidden relation in alcohol and drug mortality. METHODS: The analysis is divided and executed into the two fragments – one belongs to the female sex, the other one belongs to the male sex. The standardised mortality rate is computed according to a sequence of the mathematical relations. The Euclidean distance is employed to compute the similarity within each pair of a whole data set. The cluster analysis examines is performed. The clusters are created by means of the mutual distances of the districts. The data is collected from the database of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic for all the districts of the Slovak Republic. The covered time span begins in the year 1996 and ends in the year 2015. RESULTS: The most substantial point is that the Slovak Republic possesses the regional disparities in a field of mortality expressed by the standardised mortality rate computed particularly for the diagnoses assigned to the alcohol and drug addictions at a considerably high level. However, the female sex and the male sex have the different outcome. The Bratislava III District keeps absolutely the most extreme position. It forms an own cluster for the both sexes too. The Topoľčany District bears a similar extreme position from a point of view of the male sex. All the Bratislava districts keep their mutual notable dissimilarity. Contrariwise, evaluation of a development of the regional disparities among the districts looks like notably heterogeneously. CONCLUSIONS: There are considerable regional discrepancies throughout the districts of the Slovak Republic. Hence, it is necessary to create a common platform how to proceed with the solution of this issue.

2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-108
A.F. Jităreanu ◽  
Elena Leonte ◽  
A. Chiran ◽  
Benedicta Drobotă

Abstract Advertising helps to establish a set of assumptions that the consumer will bring to all other aspects of their engagement with a given brand. Advertising provides tangible evidence of the financial credibility and competitive presence of an organization. Persuasion is becoming more important in advertising. In marketing, persuasive advertising acts to establish wants/motivations and beliefs/attitudes by helping to formulate a conception of the brand as being one which people like those in the target audience would or should prefer. Considering the changes in lifestyle and eating habits of a significant part of the population in urban areas in Romania, the paper aims to analyse how brands manage to differentiate themselves from competitors, to reposition themselves on the market and influence consumers, meeting their increasingly varied needs. Food brands on the Romanian market are trying, lately, to identify new methods of differentiation and new benefits for their buyers. Given that more and more consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about what they eat and the products’ health effects, brands struggle to highlight the fact that their products offer real benefits for the body. The advertisements have become more diversified and underline the positive effects, from the health and well - being point of view, that those foods offer (no additives and preservatives, use of natural ingredients, various vitamins and minerals or the fact that they are dietary). Advertising messages’ diversification is obvious on the Romanian market, in the context of an increasing concern of the population for the growing level of information of some major consumer segments.

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