scholarly journals Plurilinguismo e intercomprensione nella classe di italiano L2 a migranti adulti

EL LE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Edith Cognigni

This article reflects on how to activate and capitalise on adult migrant learners’ plurilingual repertoires through intercomprehension in the Italian L2 classroom. Firstly, two survey results with adult migrant learners and teachers of Italian as L2 are discussed so as to show how plurilingual practices are perceived and activated by both parties. Secondly the article discusses how studies on the intercomprehension between related languages and on the role of English as a bridge language towards Romance languages can be usefully applied in the given learning context in order to enhance the metalinguistic awareness of learners and develop teachers’ ability to capitalize their language repertoires in the teaching of the target language.

Carsten Brausch ◽  
Dušan Katunský ◽  
Jana Katunská

The role of the submission was to find out what changes people think they need to make in their home because of getting older. At advanced age, the likelihood of different limitations such as vision impairment, hearing impairment or physical inability is increased. Currently, tenants are often forced to leave their long-term living space, as these spaces cannot serve “new” individual needs. This transition from the privacy of their home to the new environment often appears to be a painful change. They will not have a well-known environment because their homes cannot be adapted to their new needs. The aim is a comprehensive approach to the design of such an exterior and interior space which could serve people at all stages of their life, including the terms of mobility. This means that even if there is an unexpected situation and changes in movement abilities and physiological limitations of man, not only by natural aging, but according to accidents or disabilities we can adapt the living space to the given conditions. The survey results are presented in Germany and Slovakia. In the survey, respondents expressed their opinion on what they considered important in creating an adaptive environment considering various life changes. Results are processed graphically with explanation. The results could be of an interest to architects and designers of the environment. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, studies of possible modifications of flats and houses were developed. The contribution brought these results to three age groups of respondents; people aged 35, 50 and over 50.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. p122
Cheng Zhang

In literary translation, the way quality of translation is judged shows some special features. The translator’s understanding of the source language text and his creative reconstruction of the target language text place the whole process of translation under the influence of literary theories. With a case analysis of three different translation versions of John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn, this paper argues that based on the given features of literary translation, the relationships between the translator and the text, and the creative role of the translator in the process of translation, literary theory plays an essential role in literary translation.

Sandra Benazzo ◽  
Cecilia Andorno ◽  
Grazia Interlandi ◽  
Cédric Patin

This paper aims to study perspective-taking in L2 discourse at the level of utterance information structure. Many studies have shown how principles of discourse organization partly reflect lexico-grammatical structures available in a given language, and how difficult it is to reorganize L1 discursive habits when acquiring an L2 in adulthood. In this study we compare how L2 learners of Romance languages (French, Italian), with either a Romance or a Germanic language as an L1, organize the information structure of utterances relating contrasting events. Native speakers of Germanic and Romance languages show systematic differences in the selection of the information unit — referential entities or predicate polarity — on which the contrast is highlighted (Dimroth et al. 2010) ; moreover, they differ in the lexical, prosodic and morpho-syntactic means used to achieve this goal. Our data show that L2 learners can adopt the target language perspective in the selection of the information unit to contrast, when the input offers clear evidence for it. However, their choice of linguistic means reveals both the influence of the L1 and the role of more general acquisitional principles, which are still active at the advanced level.

Petr Roudný ◽  
Markéta Držková ◽  

The work is focused on the prepress and possibilities of its automation. The article provides a brief overview of main prepress operations together with software products available for their automation. The information on problematic areas of prepress processing and current use of software tools and prepress automation in the Czech Republic was gathered via the survey with almost a hundred participating companies. The questions about the type of company, the number of its employees and the number of orders received per day were also included so that the results could be better evaluated. As expected, most of the problems in prepress are connected to the printing data received from customers. The reported frequency of different issues and the time needed for the corrections are presented. The results also show that while almost half of the participating companies use a workflow system, which is the main means of automation, often it is not used to the full extent. Further, different possibilities of automated processing were demonstrated for three common issues selected on the basis of the survey results. The tasks included correction of files with default printer marks and a missing bleed, which belong to the most frequent problems, and adding the missing data for processing steps; this issue does not occur so often, but the participating companies reported they spend more time with its solution. The example PDF files were created in Adobe Illustrator and then processed in Adobe Acrobat, Callas pdfToolbox Desktop, Xerox FreeFlow Core, Enfocus PitStop Pro, and Esko Automation Engine. It was verified that when the given software includes the appropriate editing functions and the automated processing is employed, all the tasks can be accomplished very quickly – in the case of the example printing data, it was in less than a minute, usually in a few seconds. Based on the findings, the applicability and benefits of the alternatives considered are outlined. The comparison of functionality of the software tested and a number of their implementations in the participating companies suggests the important role of local resellers and support.

Neofilolog ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 73-86 ◽  
Krystyna Szymankiewicz ◽  
Radosław Kucharczyk

Modern language policy in Europe has put forward the concept of multilingualism,and with this plurilingual competence. The definitions of both phenomenacan be found in numerous documents of the Council of Europe, especiallyin the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.The authors of this document describe multilingual communication in somedetail, where the native speaker user is beyond the scale. A lot of attention iscurrently being given to issues of multilingualism in education, with numerousarticles, suggestions for teaching activities and tools to develop related skills.This article raises the question of the preparation of future teachers of languageswhich will be taught as the second foreign language (L3) and how plurilingualcompetence can be developed in the classroom. The study, conductedamong students of Romance languages answers the following questions.Are students, who are future L3 language teachers, adequately preparedto develop plurilingual competence in their students? Do they have theappropriate knowledge and practical skills to do this? What are their beliefsregarding the role of different languages when teaching the L3 target language?

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-202
Andrew D. Cohen

AbstractThis paper is a revised version of a plenary prompted by the upsurge of interest in the role of pragmatics in teaching, learning, and assessment, and has as its purpose to take a fresh look at recent developments in the assessment of target-language (TL) pragmatics in spoken language. The first issue considered is the question of whether to attempt to assess pragmatics as it unfolds naturally in interactions, and if so, how to do it. Next, micro-level and macro-level factors in the assessment of TL pragmatics are considered. Third, a close look is given to the specific elements of TL pragmatics to assess. Fourth, there is attention to the matter of which instruments are most appropriate for collecting the desired data in the given context. Fifth, issues relating to data analysis are discussed. Finally, matters pertaining to the assessment of classroom instruction are looked at. Recommendations are given as to potentially viable directions for dealing with these issues both in terms of research studies and for assessment of classroom instruction.

Languages ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 184
Francesco Vallerossa

The study examines how prototypes and typological relationships between the L1, the L2 and the target language (TL) interact with TL proficiency in learning Italian as additional language. Low-proficiency and high-proficiency undergraduate learners of Italian (N = 25) with Swedish as L1 performed an oral retelling story test, aiming to elicit the Italian aspectual contrast perfective-imperfective. Their tense selection was analyzed considering the predicates’ lexical aspect and the learners’ knowledge of a Romance L2, or lack thereof. The findings show that the typological proximity between the L2 and the TL exerts a differential role depending on TL proficiency. Initially, it is beneficial for accelerating the overall emergence of the imperfetto as an aspectual marker. However, the prototype factor and, more specifically, the predicates’ dynamicity influences the selection of past inflectional morphology. At more advanced stages, knowledge of a Romance language helps learners move beyond prototypical associations with the passato prossimo, but it does not seem to influence the use of the imperfetto among high-proficiency learners. These results are discussed in the light of research on the second and additional language learning of aspectual contrasts in Romance languages.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (16) ◽  
pp. 111-118
M.Yu. Volkova

The role of Ernest Seton-Thompson as a writer who started the genre of animal short-story and his contribution into the national Canadian literature are discussed in the article. Peculiar features of animal-personages from his short-stories which are close to people were singled out. The peculiarities of the literary translation which aim is to reflect ideas, feelings transforming the author’s images with the help of another language material, the main features that make it different from a classical one were stated. Contemporary scholars who scrutinize this aspect in modern translation studies were found out. The notion of adequacy in the process of a literary text translation, the necessity and strive of the translator to reflect the sense, embodied in artistic images, to preserve genre and style and structural-compositional peculiarities of the original text in the context of comparative analysis of the literary text were noted. The differences between the original text of E.Seton-Thompson’s short-story “The Biography of a Grizzly” and its translation by М.Chukovsky were analyzed in the given article. The translation can be called adequate as some change of content and form of the original text by means of the target language did not impact into general perception of the short-story in its translation. The translator conveys the author’s ideas provoking reader‘s reaction to the story. М.Chukovsky  preserved its content, the system of images and the author’s style and plot identity of the original text. Peculiarities of his translation, main structural-grammar and lexical transformations used in the translation were marked. Among the most frequently used transformation techniques actual division of the sentence, grammar changes, change of the sentence parts, concretization, generalization, addition, omission and antonymic translation are noted.

Ирина Викторовна Евстафьева

В статье исследуются вопросы попечительства в отношении несовершеннолетних, отбывающих наказание в виде лишения свободы. Проблема, поднимаемая автором настоящей статьи, многогранна, касается различных аспектов отбывания наказания несовершеннолетними в воспитательных колониях и требует комплексного исследования, способного ответить на определенно значимый вопрос: является ли колония законным представителем находящихся в ней несовершеннолетних со всеми вытекающими из статуса законных представителей последствиями. При этом необходимо обращать внимание на специфику правового статуса лиц, отбывающих наказание в воспитательных колониях, которые, во-первых, являются несовершеннолетними, то есть не обладают дееспособностью в полном объеме и нуждаются в особой заботе, защите и представительстве, а во-вторых, осуждены за совершение тяжкого или особо тяжкого преступления, влекущего изоляцию от общества и определенные ограничения и лишения. Отечественное законодательство достаточно детально регламентирует особенности режима отбывания наказания в виде лишения свободы несовершеннолетними, не определяя при этом статуса воспитательных колоний, кем они являются: воспитателями, попечителями или исключительно учреждениями исполнения наказаний. Между тем правильное понимание значения и роли воспитательной колонии в жизни находящихся в ней несовершеннолетних преступников, по мнению автора, поможет избежать ряда проблем, объективно складывающихся в учреждениях подобного рода. С этой точки зрения предлагаемая тема представляет интерес не только для ученых-теоретиков, но и для практиков - сотрудников соответствующих учреждений. Особо следует подчеркнуть, что исследований по данной тематике в специальной литературе нет. Отдельные исследования, встречающиеся в современной литературе, касаются исключительно общего гражданско-правового статуса несовершеннолетних осужденных. Однако это обстоятельство может свидетельствовать только о новизне данной темы, но никак не об отсутствии самой проблемы. The article analyzes the issues of the status of educational colonies as guardians of minors serving a sentence of imprisonment. In fact, the problem raised by the author of this article is multifaceted, concerns various aspects of the serving of punishment by minors in educational colonies and requires a comprehensive study that can answer, it seems, a definitely significant question: whether the colony is the legal representative of the minors in it with all the consequences arising from the status of legal representatives in the form of duties and responsibilities. At the same time, it seems, it is necessary to pay attention to the specifics of the legal status of citizens serving sentences in educational colonies, who, firstly, are minors, i.e. do not have full legal capacity and need special care, protection and representation, and, secondly, are convicted of committing a serious or particularly serious crime, entailing isolation from society and certain restrictions and deprivation. Domestic legislation regulates in sufficient detail the peculiarities of the regime of serving sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty by minors, without determining the status of educational colonies. Who are they: educators, Trustees or only institutions of execution of punishments. Meanwhile, the correct understanding of the importance and role of the educational colony in the life of juvenile offenders in it, according to the author, will help to avoid a number of problems that objectively develop in institutions of this kind. From this point of view, the proposed topic is of interest not only for theoretical scientists, but for practitioners-employees of relevant institutions. It should be emphasized that there are no studies on this subject in the special literature. However, this circumstance can testify only about novelty of the given subject, but in any way about absence of the problem. It seems that the relevance and importance of a problem is not always measured by the number of studies devoted to it. Sometimes these its traits are manifest only under particularly careful consideration.

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