living space
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 821
Julian Philipp ◽  
Hannes Thees ◽  
Natalie Olbrich ◽  
Harald Pechlaner

Digitalization, new work and leisure concepts and global challenges are transforming the way we live. More stakeholders, including residents and entrepreneurs, actively participate in the implementation of alternative socio-economic concepts; as such, entrepreneurial ecosystems are seen as drivers of regional development. The research still lacks holistic approaches to the application of ecosystems in tourism destinations. Hence, the objectives of this article are to capture research on entrepreneurial ecosystems in tourism and, specifically, to derive a holistic model that integrates destination and location management across stakeholders. This research utilizes the method of a systematic literature review, starting with 597 articles on ecosystems. Following four stages of exploring the literature, the results show that most articles have been published in rather isolated fields of smart tourism or quality of life aspects. Based on the rather qualitative review that reveals specific ecosystem components, we propose a model of an “Ecosystem of Hospitality” (EoH). Focusing on stakeholder interaction and encounters, the EoH fosters the adoption of the entrepreneurial ecosystem to destinations in a dynamic approach. The practical implications are, for example, a broader consideration of various stakeholders, including the local population, and a switch in typical destination management tasks from mere tourism service production to regional development and living space management.

2022 ◽  
pp. 121-141
Tari Budayanti Usop ◽  
Sudaryono Sudaryono ◽  
M. Sani Roychansyah

The rapid industrialization in the last decades significantly changed the traditional spatial arrangement in Central Kalimantan Island. The indigenous community’s traditional forest lands management and ownership were transferred to oil palm plantations and mining corporations. Therefore, it disempowered the traditional spatial arrangement by changing the community’s living conditions and transforming their livelihood sources from primary (forests) to secondary and tertiary. The disempowered traditional spatial arrangement of the Tumbang Marikoi village community includes a living area with rivers, forests, and dwellings. They access the forest through the village Kahayan Hulu and the Marikoi River. There is no power grid in Marikoi Village, making them depend on a solar-powered energy generation facility for their daily activities, including gardening, gathering forest products, hunting, mining gold, and fishing. This study applied the phenomenological method to explain the traditional spatial disempowerment in Marikoi Village, Central Kalimantan, following corporate plantation powers and mining activities. The results indicated that the palm plantations affected the Dayak community's living space and daily life. Furthermore, the ownership and management of their customary land, enhancing their economic, social, cultural, and religious life, was transferred to large plantations. As a result, the community’s traditional spatial arrangement was disempowered through river silting from soil drilling, cloudy river water, flooding, distant land for income (selling honey, vegetables, rattan, herbal medicine, and other forest wealth), farming restrictions by clearing land and losing sacred areas and ancestral rituals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 327
Beatrice Perez ◽  
Gregory Mazzaro ◽  
Timothy J. Pierson ◽  
David Kotz

Data about users is collected constantly by phones, cameras, Internet websites, and others. The advent of so-called ‘Smart Things’ now enable ever-more sensitive data to be collected inside that most private of spaces: the home. The first step in helping users regain control of their information (inside their home) is to alert them to the presence of potentially unwanted electronics. In this paper, we present a system that could help homeowners (or home dwellers) find electronic devices in their living space. Specifically, we demonstrate the use of harmonic radars (sometimes called nonlinear junction detectors), which have also been used in applications ranging from explosives detection to insect tracking. We adapt this radar technology to detect consumer electronics in a home setting and show that we can indeed accurately detect the presence of even ‘simple’ electronic devices like a smart lightbulb. We evaluate the performance of our radar in both wired and over-the-air transmission scenarios.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 302-315
Amarulla Octavian ◽  
Marsetio Marsetio ◽  
Abimanyu Hilmawan ◽  
Rizqi Rahman

Kerusakan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil akibat abrasi dan dampak perubahan iklim di Provinsi Sumatera Barat sudah di tingkat yang mengkhawatirkan. Kondisi geografis Sumatera Barat yang berhadapan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia membuat sifat tumbukan gelombang di pesisir relatif kuat sehingga abrasi berlangsung dengan cepat. Kerusakan ekosistem mangrove akibat penebangan, alih fungsi lahan, pencemaran muara, dan kerusakan terumbu karang akibat penggunaan bom, potas, dan pemutihan karang, turut mempercepat terjadinya abrasi. Kerusakan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil perlu dicegah karena dapat mengurangi keunggulan strategis pertahanan di wilayah terluar, mengganggu efektivitas fungsi infrastruktur sipil dan militer di pesisir, mengganggu stabilitas ekonomi dan mengurangi ruang hidup masyarakat, membahayakan navigasi, dan mengancam keanekaragaman hayati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sumberdaya dan upaya pemerintah daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat dalam melindungi pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil dari abrasi dan dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 15-23 September 2019 di Kota Padang dan di Pulau Sipora. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, dan wawancara mendalam kepada pejabat instansi pemerintah daerah dan warga di sekitar pesisir. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik data condensation, data display, dan conclusion drawing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan instansi-instansi daerah memiliki keunggulan uniknya masing-masing dalam mendukung pencegahan abrasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim, namun upaya-upaya yang dilaksanakan masih bersifat sporadis, reaktif, tidak terkoordinasi, dan tidak berkelanjutan. Sumber daya bahan baku untuk pencegahan abrasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim tersedia melimpah di Sumatera Barat, namun sumber daya keorganisasian yang dimiliki instansi daerah relatif terbatas. Kondisi ini membuat abrasi dan dampak perubahan iklim tidak dapat dicegah secara efektif.ABSTRACTWest Sumatera Province has an alarming rate of coastal and small islands destruction caused by abrasion and the effect of climate change. Geographical characteristic of West Sumatera Province which directly face Hindia Ocean quickly have it’s coastal area eroded with abrasion caused by a strong wave. The destruction of mangrove forest and coral reefs further made the abrasion process worse. Coastal and small islands destruction need to be stopped because it could reduce military strategic advantage in national outer areas, reducing the effectiveness of military and civilian infrastructures, destabilizing economy and narrowing the living space of people, endangering the safety of ship navigation, and threatening nature’s biodiversity. The aim of this research is to understand the resources and actions of West Sumatera Province’s local government of how it protect the coastal area and small islands from abrasion and to adapt to the effects of climate change. The research was conducted in September 15 to 23 in 2019 at Padang City and Sipora Island of Kepulauan Mentawai Regency. Data collected by field observation and in-depth interview to officials from local government and the locals. Data analyzed by using data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing analytical technique. The research shows that each provincional departments under West Sumatera Province local government have it’s own unique approach and technique to prevent abrasion and adapt to the effects of climate change, but the action taken usually implemented sporadically, reactive, uncoordinated, and not sustainable. Natural resources needed to prevent abrasion and to adapt to climate change are abundant, but the Province’s organisational resources is limited, causing the coastal area and small islands innefectively protected 

V. Burakou

The article contains a historical and legal analysis of the formation of the right to housing in the context of the formation of the legal system of the Soviet state in the period 1917-1922. As a result of rule-making during the period of the policy of "war communism", the right to housing was represented by its content: the restriction of the right of ownership of residential premises, the creation of a system of rationing and distribution of living space and the class principle of housing policy. Under the influence of the new economic policy, the principles of the right to housing were supplemented with provisions on the continuity of pre-revolutionary law, the permission of individual construction on the right of development, the provision of public services on a paid basis.

2022 ◽  
pp. 75-106
Miray Gür ◽  
Timur Kaprol

During the COVID-19 process, nature has been a place of escape regarding socialization and well-being. The aim of biophilic design, which supports physical and mental health in a fair and accessible way, is to evaluate the interaction with a healthy environment and to develop design proposals in this context. As a method, post-pandemic requirements, behaviors, and spatial scales are examined through a model in terms of biophilic design, and suggestions are made for the new normal by researching biophilic elements. The biophilic design provides the potential to use nature, daylight, air, and vitality as design elements to improve the quality of spaces and support the experiences of societies. Apart from including green spaces and ecosystems in the design, biophilic design can enrich the multisensory and multidimensional experiences both individually and socially by enabling users to participate in this experience. While this approach supports sound, healthy, and safe living spaces, it will also provide for cities to be sustainable and resilient.

2022 ◽  
pp. 286-309
Esen Gökçe Özdamar ◽  
Okşan Tandoğan

Today, in line with nature's integrated habitats and environments, the scope of biophilic architecture emerges as an essential issue for society wellbeing. When evaluating the possibilities of enhancing access to healthy food, the necessity of including every scale of living—from the smallest individual living space to collective living areas—should be discussed. In this study, cyber-gardening practices are evaluated from critical perspectives in terms of dystopia. Cyber-gardening, systems of self-organization, and self-sufficiency concepts are crucial to envisaging a sustainable city, food, and agriculture ecosystem. Biology, architecture, and urban design-oriented approaches have emerged in the works of design groups such as EcoLogic Studio. Emerging as a kind of bio-architectural hybrid, these new physical and digital interactive garden prototypes create augmented biospheres. In these new urban-food-agriculture scenarios composed of designed virtual interfaces, visitors are transformed into urban cyber-gardeners.

2022 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Duo-ping ZHAO ◽  
Wei-yi ZHAO ◽  
Xiao-long SA ◽  
Lan-zhou CAO ◽  
Wei-rong TIAN

L. A Vasylieva

The purpose of the article is distinguishing between "internal" and "external" public human through comprehending the phenomenon of Self in its virtual-digital essence as a popular demonstrative-project space "BETWEEN" aggression and harmony. Theoretical basis of the work is based on the study of the phenomenon of modern human aggression in the virtual-digital space and the "project space" of the living environment through understanding the nature of the human "I". The penetration limits of the Self of the public human into the "project space" are comprehended and the nature of the self-realization and self-search models of human through the "transcendent ego" is revealed. Originality is demonstrated through comprehending the Self phenomenon of the public human, which forms new anthropological research direction and represents a conceptual paradigm of relationship of "human I – publicity – human We – the living space of the Other". Conclusions. The Self of the public human as the space "BETWEEN" does not completely "dissolve" in a separate ontological basis, but is the basis for the formation of his/her "I", while only participation in the existence of others reveals the meaning of his/her own existence. Such interaction requires significant human efforts – skills and competencies of public communication, which are able to create a successful self-identification of a public human without aggression and conflict.

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