information unit
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Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1647
Anastasia A. Anashkina ◽  
Irina Yu. Petrushanko ◽  
Rustam H. Ziganshin ◽  
Yuriy L. Orlov ◽  
Alexei N. Nekrasov

Background: Analyzing the local sequence content in proteins, earlier we found that amino acid residue frequencies differ on various distances between amino acid positions in the sequence, assuming the existence of structural units. Methods: We used informational entropy of protein sequences to find that the structural unit of proteins is a block of adjacent amino acid residues—“information unit”. The ANIS (ANalysis of Informational Structure) method uses these information units for revealing hierarchically organized Elements of the Information Structure (ELIS) in amino acid sequences. Results: The developed mathematical apparatus gives stable results on the structural unit description even with a significant variation in the parameters. The optimal length of the information unit is five, and the number of allowed substitutions is one. Examples of the application of the method for the design of protein molecules, intermolecular interactions analysis, and the study of the mechanisms of functioning of protein molecular machines are given. Conclusions: ANIS method makes it possible not only to analyze native proteins but also to design artificial polypeptide chains with a given spatial organization and, possibly, function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Saeful Bahri ◽  
Syarifah Fadillah Rezky ◽  
Junus Sinuraya

SMS from these various considerations is feasible to use. The level of ownership of cellular phones and affordable costs are considerations that support the adoption of this technology to be widely applied for the application of information system development in the present and in the future.Distance and long time are no longer a problem that can hinder obtaining information about the exam schedule, the SMS received does not come directly from the sender, but comes from the SMS Center. So, before the SMS reaches the recipient, the SMS actually enters the SMS Center first,The PDU contains not only the message, but also a lot of information about the sender. Starting from the sender's number, the sender's SMSC number, the validity time of the SMS, and so on. Everything is built in the form of hexadecimal numbers. SMS-based student exam scheduling using AT Command GSM which is used as a command in communication with the serial port. Scheduling with the AT command technique is very effective as information for students.

Carl Eric Simmul

Kokkuvõte. Artikkel käsitleb eesti keele des-, mata- või maks-konverbitarindit sisaldavat komplekslauset. Aluseks on kvalitatiivne uurimus, mille käigus on analüüsitud 1803 konverbitarindit sisaldava lause semantilisi, morfosüntaktilisi ja infostruktuurilisi tunnuseid. Antakse ülevaate sellest, missuguseid inforolle täidab konverbitarind põhilause suhtes ja missuguste teguritega seostub konverbitarindi inforolli varieerumine. Uurimusest selgub konverbitarindi neli põhilist inforolli: 1) raamistav teema, 2) reema taustaosa, 3) fookus ja 4) omaette infoüksus. Konverbitarindi inforoll seostub tihedalt sõnajärjega, nii konverbi kui ka tarindi asukohaga. Konverbialguline tarind toimib tavaliselt omaette infoüksusena, konverbilõpuline ja ühesõnaline tarind aga moodustavad põhilausega ühise infoüksuse. Tarindi inforoll oleneb seejuures tarindi asukohast: konverbilõpuline või ühesõnaline eestarind toimib tavaliselt raamistava teemana, sisetarind reema taustaosana ja järeltarind fookusena. Teistest teguritest seostuvad konverbitarindi inforolliga nt kirjavahemärgistus, põhilause kommunikatiivne tüüp, fookustavad üldlaiendid, konverbi laiendite pikkus ja struktuur ning semantiline funktsioon. Abstract. Carl Eric Simmul: The informational role of Estonian ‑des, ‑mata and ‑maks converb constructions. This article discusses the complex clauses that entail an Estonian ‑des, ‑mata or ‑maks converb construction, i.e., an infinite construction functioning as a free modifier. The article is based on a study of 1803 sentences entailing a converb construction, and gives an overview of the informational roles of the converb construction as well as the main factors of its variation. The study revealed that the Estonian converb construction has four main informational roles: 1) frame-setting topic, 2) background of the comment, 3) focused part of the comment and 4) distinct information unit. The informational role of a converb construction mainly depends on the word order. A construction starting with a converb normally functions as a distinct information unit. A construction ending with a converb or consisting only of a converb normally forms an unitary information unit together with the main clause. The specific informational role of the construction ending with a converb or consisting only of a converb is dependent on the position of the construction: constructions located before the main clause function as topics, constructions located inside the main clause function as the background part of the comment, constructions located after the main clause function as foci. Other important factors related to the informational role are, for example, the interpunction, the communicative type of the main clause, focusing adverbs, the semantic function of the converb construction, the length and structure of the arguments of the converb construction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 190
Andressa Michelly dos Santos Gomes ◽  
Jadna Noronha de Lima Dantas

O presente artigo tem por finalidade discutir sobre as atividades de dinamização em bibliotecas escolares, utilizando-se de manifestações artísticas como a música e o teatro. Apresenta uma reflexão sobre como essa  unidade de informação pode ser mais atrativa e fomentadora do dinamismo ao seu público-alvo. Debate sobre o perfil do profissional bibliotecário no processo de ação cultural. Reflete sucintamente sobre como a sociedade da informação se comporta nos dias atuais. Conclui que a música e o teatro além de incentivarem a leitura, são capazes de proporcionar dinamismo, revitalizando não apenas a biblioteca escolar, mas também a escola, inclusive, são projetos inovadores significativos atualmente.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to discuss about dynamization activities in school libraries, using artistic manifestations such as music and theater. It presents a reflection on how this information unit can be more attractive and encourages dynamism to its target audience. Debate on the profile of the librarian in the cultural action process. It briefly reflects on how the information society behaves today. It concludes that music and theater, in addition to encouraging reading, are capable of providing dynamism, revitalizing not only the school library, but also the school, as well, are currently significant innovative projects. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 2949
Aeyoung Kim ◽  
Seong-Min Cho ◽  
Chang-Bae Seo ◽  
Sokjoon Lee ◽  
Seung-Hyun Seo

Addition is the most basic operation of computing based on a bit system. There are various addition algorithms considering multiple number systems and hardware, and studies for a more efficient addition are still ongoing. Quantum computing based on qubits as the information unit asks for the design of a new addition because it is, physically, wholly different from the existing frequency-based computing in which the minimum information unit is a bit. In this paper, we propose an efficient quantum circuit of modular addition, which reduces the number of gates and the depth. The proposed modular addition is for the Galois Field GF(2n−1), which is important as a finite field basis in various domains, such as cryptography. Its design principle was from the ripple carry addition (RCA) algorithm, which is the most widely used in existing computers. However, unlike conventional RCA, the storage of the final carry is not needed due to modifying existing diminished-1 modulo 2n−1 adders. Our proposed adder can produce modulo sum within the range 0,2n−2 by fewer qubits and less depth. For comparison, we analyzed the proposed quantum addition circuit over GF(2n−1) and the previous quantum modular addition circuit for the performance of the number of qubits, the number of gates, and the depth, and simulated it with IBM’s simulator ProjectQ.

P.A. Kozedra ◽  
Yu.A. Matveev ◽  
A.A. Pozin ◽  
Yu.V. Chikacheva ◽  
V.M. Shershakov

The paper estimates the possibility of using the MN-300 meteorological research rocket as the basis for designing a small-lift launch vehicle to form satellite constellations. The paper shows that at present there exist no standard systems of evaluating a project of this type. In order to account for all the meaningful properties of a small-lift launch vehicle to form satellite constellations, we analyse criteria using the initial data available on all the specimens under comparison. We introduced a range of constraints while selecting the criteria, substantiated by upgrading the base option, the logistics of its application and the ultimate goals of the system. While developing the launch system, we also address the problems of possible upgrade in the structural subsystems of the new design by means of circuit design solutions validated during research instrumentation unit development for meteorological research rockets; letting these problems remain unsolved incurs substantial risks to project implementation. We present a non-trivial solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency of existing achievements in research and technology, related to an integrated approach to evaluating the launch vehicle design via operational efficiency of the space constellation by means of minimising the cost of an information unit, decreasing development risks and employing the space system as a whole.

Michael Mokiy ◽  
Paul Gureev

The article justifies the application of a system-interdisciplinary approach to solving problems of managing innovative processes, especially in the field of planning, organizing and controlling innovative events. Such problems are the justification of innovative events and the selection of their dates. The article describes the principles of innovation classification based on the interdisciplinary model of the information unit of order. The development of the system can be represented as a multiplex of waves or as a set of M-waves. It is shown that the system at each stage of its development is predisposed to changes in a certain trait. The article describes the methodological principles for justifying the dates for planning, conducting and monitoring the implementation of measures in the innovation process.  

Informatics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 87-94
L. I. Tochicki

The quantitative characteristics of information resources for automated information systems (AIS) are proposed in the paper. The entities represented in the AIS by the information object mappings and their components (information unit and information element) are considered. The composition of the system information space is substantiated, which represents the whole amount of information being processed in the system, auxiliary information resources and all data of the system and its users. Application of the quantitative values to AIS information resources characteristics, taking into account the sense properties of information objects being mapped in AIS, will make it possible to raise the design decision making quality of AIS and its performance within the lifecycle.

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