adobe illustrator
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Muhammad Bambang Firdaus ◽  
Irfan Putra Pratama ◽  
Andi Tejawati ◽  
M Khairul Anam ◽  
Fadli Suandi

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat desain user interface Aplikasi Smart Home berbasis android yang mudah dipahami oleh pengguna untuk mengontrol sistem dan menguji User Experience terhadap desain aplikasi smart home. Metode dalam mengumpulkan data yang digunakan ialah studi pustaka, angket, dan pengamatan (observasi). Dalam metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan Linear Sequential Model. Aplikasi yang digunakan dalam pembuatan desain dan aplikasi smart home antara lain Android Studio, Sublime, Xampp, Adobe Xd, dan Adobe Illustrator. Metode pengujian yang di gunakan antara lain Usability testing dan Pengukuran Usability menggunakan USE Questionnaire. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah desain Aplikasi Smart Home yang dapat digunakan pengguna dengan mudah dalam mengontrol sistem.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0240280
Gregory Mazo

Publications involving fluorescent microscopy images generally contain many panels with split channels, merged images, scale bars and label text. Similar layouts of panels are used when displaying other microscopy images, electron micrographs, photographs, and other images. Assembling and editing these figures with even spacing, consistent font, text position, accurate scale bars, and other features can be tedious and time consuming. In order to save time, I have created a toolset and ImageJ Plugin called QuickFigures. QuickFigures includes many helpful features that streamline the process of creating, aligning, and editing scientific figures. Those features include tools that automatically create split channel figures from a region of interest (“Quick Figure” button and “Inset Tool”), layouts that make it easy to rearrange panels, multiple tools to align objects, and “Figure Format” menu options that help a user ensure that large numbers of figures have consistent appearance. QuickFigures was compared to previous tools by measuring the amount of time needed for a user to create a figure using each software (QuickFigures, OMERO.figure. EZFig, FigureJ and PowerPoint). QuickFigures significantly reduced the amount of time required to create a figure. The toolsets were also compared by checking each software against a list of features. QuickFigures had the most extensive set of features. Therefore, QuickFigures is an advantageous alternative to traditional methods of constructing scientific figures. After a user has saved time by creating their work in QuickFigures, the figures can be exported to a variety of formats including PowerPoint, PDF, SVG, PNG, TIFF and Adobe Illustrator. Export was successfully tested for each file format and object type. Exported objects and text are editable in their target software, making them suitable for sharing with collaborators. The software is free, open source and can be installed easily.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 480-486
Hyan Bening Abimanyu ◽  
Sentot Achmadi ◽  

Belajar dirumah sekarang digalakkan oleh pemerintah untuk menghetikan penyebaran covid 19 di Indonesia. Banyak kalangan dari anak- anak sampai usia dewasa menghibur diri dengan memainkan media hiburan seperti  game atau dengan menonton flim. Media game disini terbagi dari beberapa Platform seperti mobile dan dekstop. Game juga untuk mengasah kesehatan tubuh seperti meningkatkan fokus, mengurangi depresi, melatih kesabaran. Game “War Of Aliens Wanokuni” pada penetian ini adalah game dengan genre game pc / dekstop, yang dirancang dengan game engine Unity 2019 dan untuk perancangan asset-asset menggunkan Adobe Illustrator maupun Adobe Photoshop. Dengan menerapkan metode Finite State Machine (FSM) sebagai tingkah laku atau kecerdasan buatan yang ada pada karakter musuh maupun karakter utama.  Yang dimana metode Finite State Machine mempunya  3 hal yaitu keadaan, kejadian, action. Untuk penerapan di player (NPC) Non-playable character. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan, peneliti menggunakan 11 responden. Didapat hasil bahwa perilaku (NPC) Non-playable character berjalan dengan baik berdasarkan perpindahan seperti diam(Idle), menyerang (attack), maupun mati(die). Dan responden menyatakan kontrol pemain ini berjalan dengan baik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Darius Andana Haris ◽  
Viny Christiani Mawardi ◽  
Davin Pratama

Knights Fantasy Online is a massively multiplayer online game with role-playing game genre. This game was developed using ActionScript 3.0 of Adobe Flash for client and Java for its server, while the design of the game was designed using Adobe Illustrator. This research is intended to make multiplayer online games using Adobe Flash. In this game, Players start their adventure in a world called Edenia as a knight from a kingdom called Aurum, the player is in charge of controlling the population of monsters. Players can take on quests, collect equipment and improve their character's ability. The game was tested by using Blackbox, alpha, beta and stress test. Through the results of a questionnaire distributed to 40 people. The test results shows that Knights Fantasy Online has an interesting gameplay, easy to understand and also has enough features as a massively multiplayer online game.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Aaysha Rahim ◽  
Najam Abbas Naqvi

The expansion of technology by utilizing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) has made life much easier and handy. Global interactions have given birth to tourism and intra-culture programs.  Many foreigners as well as local tourists prefer to explore the sites on their own instead of a guide, this is quite adventurous but can be tedious too and brings along a lot of security risks. This research is based on design and development of an android application considering “Walled City, Lahore, Pakistan”. The application will help tourist geotag their information. This application has been developed with the fact to provide precise position through GNSS, the coordinates have been refined using ArcGIS and QGIS and placed in application using Android Studio and Adobe Illustrator. GIS allowed creating interactive queries, analyzing spatial information and map creation, shape file extraction and 99% precise coordinates than maps we use. In travelling world, geotagging is a great and trending feature that allows user to share their exact position. The application will locate user’s coordinates (Latitude and Longitude), current satellite count, precision, altitude, time and day. The guidance application helps user find the correct possible route to the monuments of walled City, Lahore. Information and precise location of 14 place groups of Lahore city, as well as precise route to them is also a feature of the application. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-70
В. Ф. Пилипчук ◽  
Р. В. Бойко

Дослідження історичного минулого території, популяризація та презентація пам'яток природної та культурної спадщини є одним із сучасних перспективних напрямів роботи Національного ботанічного саду ім. М. М. Гришка НАН України. Встановлено, що пам'ятка містобудування національного значення "Звіринецьке укріплення Київської фортеці 1810 р.", яка розмішена на території ботанічного саду, на сьогодні залишається одним з маловідомих історико-фортифікаційних об'єктів держави. З'ясовано, що заходи із репрезентації історико-культурних пам'яток на територіях об'єктів природно-заповідного фонду України (ПЗФУ) мають свої особливості та розробляються з урахуванням законодавчих вимог режиму охорони і збереження природного середовища таких територій. Дослідження здійснено у 2018-2021 рр. на території ботанічного саду з використанням описового та порівняльного методів. Для визначення збережених елементів використано дані Паспорта пам'ятки "Звіринецьке укріплення Київської фортеці 1810 р.". За результатами досліджень за методикою О. В. Коваленко (2020) розроблено новий екскурсійний маршрут протяжністю близько 3 км з траєкторією, що повторює контури унікального укріплення і репрезентує пам'ятку національного значення. Графічну складову маршруту виконано з використанням прикладної програми Геоінформаційної системи (ГІС) "Quantum GIS (QGIS)", графічних програм "Adobe Photoshop CS5" та "Adobe Illustrator CC 19.1.0". Особливістю цього маршруту є поєднання історичної інформації про пам'ятку з інформацією про унікальні ландшафти сучасних колекційно-експозиційних ділянок ботанічного саду з репрезентаційними рослинами, які розташовані в межах укріплення. Маршрут прокладено через колекційно-експозиційні ділянки "Сад ароматів", "Гірський сад", "Трояндовий струмок", "Голонасінні", "Березовий гай", де збережено більшість елементів фортифікаційної споруди. Виявлено деякі елементи укріплення, які не було занесено до Паспорта пам'ятки – Контрміні галереї та Гласис перед Південним люнетом. Рекомендовано використання на території НБС та подібних територіях ПЗФУ інформаційних стендів, зокрема оснащених QR-кодами, які сприятимуть популяризації і збереженню об'єктів історико-культурної спадщини та впровадженню інновацій, цифрових технологій та діджиталізації у сфері охорони природи та заповідної справи.

2021 ◽  
Angelo Leonardo Trovo Botelho de Lima ◽  
Eduardo Guidugli Maria ◽  
Guilherme Rocha Donegá ◽  
Pedro Vitor Siqueira Da Silva ◽  
Edilson Carlos Caritá

Introdução: O aplicativo denominado “Último Recurso” proporciona informações que visam orientar a população de forma didática quanto as ações que devem ocorrer após um acidente com animais peçonhentos, bem como auxiliar os profissionais da área da saúde nos procedimentos e cuidados, como por exemplo, qual soro antiofídico deve ser administrado, identificação de espécies distintas dos animais peçonhentos a partir de imagens e suas características, entre outras informações relevantes sobre esse contexto. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um aplicativo para orientar vítimas de acidentes com animais peçonhentos, com isso, desmitificar os animais e fazer com que as pessoas entendam a sua função do mesmo no meio ambiente. Materiais e Métodos: Para o desenvolvimento do estudo foram utilizadas as bases de dados Google Acadêmico, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e o portal do Ministério da Saúde. O design gráfico do app foi criado com o uso das ferramentas Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects e Adobe XD com as versões mais recentes de 2021 e o desenvolvimento deu-se com o uso do framework Android Studio e a linguagem de programação Flutter. A validação do aplicativo ocorreu com especialistas da área de biologia e com o uso da metodologia da Pesquisa Participante (PP). Resultados: A partir dos resultados obtidos com as respostas dos especialistas por meio da Pesquisa Participante, as informações e as interfaces foram sendo aprimoradas e o funcionamento do app revisto e ajustado. Pôde-se observar o interesse dos avaliadores pelo app, em razão das discussões e sugestões de mudanças. Conclusão: O aplicativo poderá ser uma ferramenta para auxiliar a sociedade e os profissionais da área da saúde no contexto da educação, divulgação da educação ambiental e promoção de saúde. Nesse sentido, acredita-se que com informações acessíveis por meio de dispositivos mobile e ações contínuas desenvolvidas com os profissionais da área da saúde, núcleos hospitalares e serviços de pronto atendimento haverá melhoria na qualidade dos atendimentos e cuidados às vítimas de acidentes com animais peçonhentos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Rena Harnadia ◽  
Sovia Harvianti Eguweleira ◽  
Iklil Fairuza Diniyah Rumantyo ◽  
Andri Cahyani Ariniil Himmah ◽  

Blind people tend to feel insecure when socializing with other people because of their limitations. Braille Dare or Truth (B-DoT) Card is an innovation of playing cards for the visually impaired designed to increase self-confidence. The purpose of this activity is to find out the benefits of the B-DoT Card game in increasing the confidence of the blind at SLB Muhammadiyah Jombang. Beginning with making a B-DoT Card designed using Adobe Illustrator, printed, and added braille manually using a reglet and stylus. After the card was finished, it was continued by visiting SLB Muhammadiyah Jombang to interact directly with blind people in August 2021. Two blind people were found who were willing to participate in this activity. Blind people are taught, trained, and assisted in playing B-DoT Card games while observing the self-confidence shown by the blind. The observations included being more confident attitude towards self-ability, optimism is a positive view of hope in playing the game, objective is a view of the problem in accordance with the reality that occurs, rational is thinking that is accepted by sense and in accordance with reality. Before the game was played, the blind people showed an attitude lack of confidence. In contrast, after the game, the blind people showed an attitude of confidence. The B-DoT Card game can be recommended as an effort to increase self-confidence for blind people at SLB Muhammadiyah Jombang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Shifa Rafida Fitri ◽  
Dwi Mandasari Rahayu

Kebudayaan Betawi semakin terkikis di era yang serba maju saat ini. Salah satu kesenian Betawi yaitu Gambang Kromong merupakan kesenian musik budaya Betawi dengan akulturasi seni dan budaya Tiongkok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memasarkan kesenian Gambang Kromong kepada masyarakat dengan menggunakan aplikasi Augmented Reality agar dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kesenian Gambang Kromong serta melestarikan kesenian dan kebudayaan Betawi. Proses memasarkannya dilakukan dengan membuat booklet yang terdiri dari informasi dan suara alat musik Gambang Kromong serta menggunakan virtual button. Pengumpulan data berasal dari studi literatur serta menggunakan kuesioner secara online. Proses produksi dengan membuat buku dan aplikasi Augmented Reality yang dirancang menggunakan software Unity 3D. Pemograman dan plug in Vuforia untuk membuat database pada Augmented Reality menggunakan software pendukungnya seperti SDK dan JDK. Beberapa software lainnya seperti Adobe Illustrator dan Adobe Photoshop untuk desain aset dua dimensi serta Blender 2.8 untuk membuat aset tiga dimensi. Aplikasi ini telah diuji coba pada empat perangkat dengan rincian percobaan mulai dari loading screen, membuka info, menu tutorial, menu settings, mendeteksi hingga kembali ke menu utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis Augmented Reality maka dapat mempermudah penyampaian informasi, menambah wawasan terhadap kesenian Gambang Kromong dan meningkatkan rasa cinta terhadap kesenian Betawi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Rizki Azandika Erdiantama ◽  
Hafid Setyo Hadi

Domade Maha Promosindo merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa advertising / periklanan, event production house. Berdasarkan yang diutarakan oleh bapak (Jati, 2020). Domade memfokuskan terjun kedalam dunia media branding Out Of Home ( OOH ) karena dari 2018 – 2019 mereka sudah berhasil memasarkan beberapa produk tersebut. Selain itu Domade juga ingin menambah akses media iklan mereka dalam bidang sarana dan prasarana. Karena beberapa klien mereka beranggapan bahwa mereka membutuhkan media yang baru untuk dapat menarik konsumen bagi brand mereka. Melihat dari sisi ini, Domade mulai merambat media iklan mereka ke dalam fasilitas umum. Halte menjadi salah satu sasaran utama Domade dalam memasarkan suatu brand. Karena halte dianggap memiliki engagement yang berbeda dari media iklan lainnya.Dalam mempromosikan media halte ini, Domade menggunakan media rate card yang berbentuk booklet dan juga menjadi target marker pada aplikasi media promosi berbasis Augmented Reality. Domade akan memberikan gambaran sketsa kasar model halte yang akan dijadikan kedalam bentuk objek 3D. Selanjutnya dalam proses produksi pembuatan aset 3D dikerjakan menggunakan software Cinema 4D dan aset 2D menggunakan Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, untuk proses pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan software Unity 3D beserta plugin Vuforia sebagai database Augmented Reality dengan software pendukung pembuatan aplikasi android seperti SDK, JDK, dan software lainnya. Aplikasi ini telah diuji coba pada empat perangkat dengan rincian percobaan mulai dari loading screen, membuka info, menu tutorial, mendeteksi hingga kembali ke menu utama. Karya ini adalah gagasan utama dari penulis yang dapat diperbaharui lagi kedepannya.

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