Economic Imperialism in Education Research: A Conceptual Review

2021 ◽  
pp. 0013189X2110661
Huriya Jabbar ◽  
Francine Menashy

In this review, we explore economic imperialism, a concept that captures the phenomenon of a single discipline’s power over so many facets of social life and policy—including education. Through a systematic search, we examine how economic imperialism has been conceptualized and applied across fields. We uncovered three key, interconnected elements of economic imperialism that hold relevance for education research. First, economics has colonized other disciplines, narrowing the lens through which policymakers have designed education reforms. Second, an overreliance on economic rationales for human behavior neglects other explanations. Third, a focus on economic outcomes of education has subjugated other important aims of education. We share implications for researchers to use economic theory in ways that are interdisciplinary but not imperialist.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 205395172110343
Salomé Viljoen ◽  
Jake Goldenfein ◽  
Lee McGuigan

Mechanism design is a form of optimization developed in economic theory. It casts economists as institutional engineers, choosing an outcome and then arranging a set of market rules and conditions to achieve it. The toolkit from mechanism design is widely used in economics, policymaking, and now in building and managing online environments. Mechanism design has become one of the most pervasive yet inconspicuous influences on the digital mediation of social life. Its optimizing schemes structure online advertising markets and other multi-sided platform businesses. Whatever normative rationales mechanism design might draw on in its economic origins, as its influence has grown and its applications have become more computational, we suggest those justifications for using mechanism design to orchestrate and optimize human interaction are losing traction. In this article, we ask what ideological work mechanism design is doing in economics, computer science, and its applications to the governance of digital platforms. Observing mechanism design in action in algorithmic environments, we argue it has become a tool for producing information domination, distributing social costs in ways that benefit designers, and controlling and coordinating participants in multi-sided platforms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-51
I Dewa Made Rai Semara

The purpose of this study was to describe the values ​​of character education contained in the ritual along with Independence Day at Pucak Temple Pelapuan Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency. Character values ​​in the development of education are very important things to do in order to realize a better nation's civilization. At the same time, in order to strengthen the values ​​of the nation's character, it can be done in various ways in everyday life. The values ​​of the nation's character have actually been contained in almost every human behavior that lives in various regions throughout Indonesia. The most basic problem with regard to realizing the values ​​of the nation's character education is to identify them in a number of behaviors in social life. The results of research in ritual activities carried out at Pucak Temple Pelapuan Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency have shown an effort to realize the values ​​of the nation's character in relation to the implementation of Hinduism. Hindus who carry out these activities simultaneously carry out two types of activities that support each other. First, religious rituals carried out by Hindus as a form of worship to the great power who resides in the temple to ask for waranugraha in order to overcome the struggle of life. Second, Hindus who carry out religious rituals also carry out national ceremonies by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya, Menhening Cipta, and chanting Pekik Merdeka as a form of love for the Republic of Indonesia. The ritual process is associated with the theory of symbols as a form of appreciation of Hindu religious teachings using symbolic media. The implementation of these activities is associated with Value theory, which is a manifestation of the implementation of the values of the nation's character as formulated by experts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-54
Jonathan S. Masur

Abstract In a series of important papers published roughly twenty years ago, Professor Robert Cooter developed a comprehensive economic theory of moral norms. He explained the value of those norms, described the process by which norms are adopted, and offered a set of predictions regarding the circumstances under which an individual will choose to adopt a particular moral norm. This brief Article applies behavioral law and economics and hedonic psychology to expand upon Professor Cooter’s path-breaking theory. In particular, understanding welfare in hedonic terms — rather than preference-satisfaction terms — suggests a multitude of further situations in which individuals will justifiably seek to internalize moral norms. The hedonic approach to welfare then further suggests an enhanced role for the government to play in encouraging the adoption of welfare-enhancing norms. Cooter’s theory, combined with modern understandings of welfare and human behavior, thus offers powerful predictive and prescriptive possibilities.

Alan Ryan

This chapter describes a “dramatistic,” “dramatic,” or “dramaturgical” approach to the study of social interaction. It asks whether the dramaturgical model insists on the theatricality of social life merely in the sense of insisting that people fill roles just as persons act parts in a play. This is the question of whether the crucial element in the dramaturgical picture is that cluster of insights that goes under the general heading of “role distance.” The chapter considers the peculiarities of rational explanation and about the role of reconstructions of “the thing to do” other than the role of explaining an action or series of actions by focusing on voting behavior in the terms proposed by Anthony Downs's An Economic Theory of Democracy. It also examines some recent accounts of the phenomenon of suicide, along with the rationality principle, which Karl Popper calls “false but indispensable” to the social sciences.

Alan Kirman ◽  
Rajiv Sethi

A central organizing principle in contemporary economic theory is the notion of equilibrium: all individuals make plans that are optimal, given beliefs that are mutually consistent. The equilibrium method is effective in generating sharp predictions, but it sidesteps important questions about how equilibrium can be attained, optimality assessed, and available alternatives enumerated. This chapter describes an alternative approach in which the process of adjustment is a central theme. Individuals adapt to changes in their environment by making incremental changes in their behavior. These changes alter the environment faced by others, which leads to further dynamic adjustments. Trajectories may eventually converge to an equilibrium, but this is not inevitable. Even when convergence does occur, it may be to one of several conceivable equilibria, so that the dynamics operate as an equilibrium selection device. These ideas are explored primarily through the example of homophily in social interactions, with other potential applications also briefly considered.

Legal Theory ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 211-226 ◽  
Jack Knight ◽  
Douglass North

Economic theory is built on assumptions about human behavior—assumptions embodied in rational-choice theory. Underlying these assumptions are implicit notions about how we think and learn. These implicit notions are fundamentally important to social explanation. The very plausibility of the explanations that we develop out of rational-choice theory rests crucially on the accuracy of these notions about cognition and rationality. But there is a basic problem: There is often very little relationship between the assumptions that rational-choice theorists make and the way that humans actually act and learn in everyday life. This has significant implications for economic theory and practice. It leads to bad theories and inadequate explanations; it produces bad predictions and, thus, supports ineffective social policies.

1994 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-136 ◽  
Johan K. De Vree

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Ida Bagus Sudharma Putra

<p>Society in social life always there is a means in the form of control or control to regulate the various behavior or behavior anngota social group, It means that human behavior should be limited by the rules so that humans can know what to do and actions that should not be done. Behavior that is governed means a limit of values ??and norms deviant and antisocial. Con- versely, the behaviors that are ordered mean that they contain values ??and norms that are komformis. Prevention or handling efforts for the community not to violate the rules, then within the community group must have a set of values ??and norms is none other than to prevent or reduce the violation of the rules. This is called the form of social control. When looking at the function of social control that applies to the life of the community, is to develop a fear that someone not to do acts that are not in accordance with the values ??and norms that apply, and provide compensation for people who comply with the values ??and norms -the prevailing norms so as to reinforce a sense of confidence in society that the value is supposed to be adhered to for the life of society towards the better. And able to create a legal system (the rules are formally formulated with the sanctions contained in it). From these limitations, it can be interpreted that social control is a designed or not designed and controlled means and process aimed at engag- ing, educating, and even forcing citizens to comply with prevailing social norms and values.</p>

محمد ماجد الدّخيل (Mohammad Majid al-Dakhil)

ملخص البحث: يُجلي هذا البحث اهتمام ابن خاتمة الأنصاري الأندلسي بتربية النفس البشرية والسمو بها، وغرس القيم السلوكية الحميدة فيها، خصوصاً، أن الشعر الأندلسي أتاح المجال واسعاً لاستيعاب قيم إنسانية نبيلة من شتى جوانب الحياة الأندلسية، ومن تلك الجوانب العلاقة بالآخر التي نبعت من اتجاهات قصيدة الخوف الأندلسية، مُتمثلة في وصايا ابن خاتمة وحِكمه الشعرية، على نحو يستجلي علاقات تقابلية ثنائية جدلية، التي تشعبت لتشمل علاقة: الأعلى أو الأدنى، والإساءةأو الإحسان، والكلام أوالصمت، والغربة أو الإقامة؛ لتظهر النفس البشرية أمام الآخر بصورة سوية. لعلني أستطيع من خلال هذا السعي وكنتيجة له أن أقدّم أهم القيم السلوكية الحميدة الكامنة في العلاقات الثنائية التقابلية الجدلية التي وجّهت ابن خاتمة الأنصاري الأندلسي من جهة، وحِرصَه الشديد على بثّها وترسيخها في نفوس أبناء عصره من جهة أخرى بوساطة سلطة القارئ على النص.الكلمات المفتاحية: الخوف- العلاقة بالآخر- وصايا الحِكَم- قيم سلوكية- تقابل.Abstract:This study will polish Ibn. Khātimah Al–Anṣāriy concern on Human psychology Education; and how to erect good behavior value in it, for the reason that Andalus poems gave a wide chance to accommodate human behavior value in different Andalus social life. Among this sides is the relationship with others which flow out from Andalus Al-Khawf poem trends, such as Ibn. Khātimah injunctions and poetry wisdom. It draws out from its dual opposite relationships the following relationship that comprise highest and lowest, good and misdeed, speaking and silence, migration and residence, to exhibit human minds in front of other with a straight illustration. I will present in this work the most important good human behavior value that exist in dual opposite controversial relationship that guide Ibn. Khātimah in a side, and his strong desire to disseminate and plant it in mind of the people of his time in other side, towards power of reader on the text.Keywords: Fear- Relationship with Other- Conjunctions of Wisdom- Behavior Value- Opposite.AbstrakKajian ini memaparkan kecenderungan Ibn Khātimah Al–Anṣāriy Al-Andalusiy dalam menjadikan tema pendidikan jiwa serta nilai-nilai perilaku yang terpuji dalam hasil karangannya. Puisi di zaman Andalus adalah satu wadah yang luas yang mampu mencerap nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang terpancar dari pelbagai aspek kehidupan Andalusia. Di antaranya ialah aspek hubungan dengan pihak lain yang timbul daripada halatuju yang menggariskan perjalanan puisi yang bertemakan perasaan takut di Andalus seperti yang di dapati dalam kumpulan wasiat Ibn Khatimah dan juga kata hikmah berpuitis beliau. Hubungan kontra dua hala yang turut merangkumi hubungan di antara pihak atasan dan bawahan, kebaikan dan kekejaman, luahan dan berdiam diri, duduk dan berkelana; menjadikan jiwa manusia terlukis dengan satu bentuk yang sama di mata pihak yang lain. Melalui kupasan ini, nilai perilaku terpenting yang tersirat dalam bentuk hubungan kontras dua hala tersebut yang mencorakkan hasil kerja Ibn Khatimah yang amat komited untuk melihatnya tersebar dan tertanam di kalangan pembacanya dengan autoriti mereka; akan diketengahkan.Kata kunci: Takut– Hubungan dengan yang Lain– Wasiat dan Kata Hikmah– Nilai-Nilai Perilaku– Kontras.

2015 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-277
Adam M. Croom

Abstract For some time now moral psychologists and philosophers have ganged up on Aristotelians, arguing that results from psychological studies on the role of character-based and situation-based influences on human behavior have convincingly shown that situations rather than personal characteristics determine human behavior. In the literature on moral psychology and philosophy this challenge is commonly called the “situationist challenge,” and as Prinz (2009) has previously explained, it has largely been based on results from four salient studies in social psychology, including the studies conducted by Hartshorne and May (1928), Milgram (1963), Isen and Levin (1972), and Darley and Batson (1973). The situationist challenge maintains that each of these studies seriously challenges the plausibility of virtuous personal characteristics by challenging the plausibility of personal characteristics more generally. In this article I undermine the situationist challenge against Aristotelian moral psychology by carefully considering major problems with the conclusions that situationists have drawn from the empirical data, and by further challenging the accuracy of their characterization of the Aristotelian view. In fact I show that when properly understood the Aristotelian view is not only consistent with empirical data from developmental science but can also offer important insights for integrating moral psychology with its biological roots in our natural and social life.

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