Features of morphogenesis in some forms of Lupinus angustifolius L.: IV. The fruit set potential and the features of its realization

2009 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 169-181
Z. P. Voronova ◽  
V. V. Murashov
1981 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 293 ◽  
P Farrington ◽  
JS Pate

Interaction of vegetative and reproductive development was examined in Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Unicrop, a grain legume in which only small proportions of flowers normally form fruit. Outgrowth of lateral shoots below an inflorescence coincided with shedding of flowers from upper positions on that inflorescence. Removal of laterals during early flowering of the inflorescence increased fruit number three- to fourfold, as did application to developing laterals of the growth retardants maleic hydrazide, AMO-1618, 'UNI-P-293', and 'Disugran'. Already-formed fruits appeared to restrict the number of fruit formed higher up an inflorescence, but their effect was small compared with that of lateral shoots. Shading of inflorescences due to overgrowth of surrounding laterals did not appear to affect fruit number of the inflorescence. Expanding laterals and secondary thickening of the main stem were major sinks for assimilates, while flowering inflorescences acquired only very small proportions (less than 3 %) of the shoot's current increment of dry matter. Studies of floral development showed that flower buds, open (white) flowers, and fruits were rarely shed, but that the 'corolla mauve' and 'corolla senescing' stages of late floral development were particularly vulnerable to abscission-promoting influences. This vulnerable period was marked by declining dry weight of the flower. It was not possible to determine whether the restrictive influence of lateral shoots on fruit number was of a hormonal character or due to the reduced supply of nutrients to developing flowers.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-71 ◽  
Abdoul Amir Rahnama ◽  
Esmaeil Rahkhodaei

Date palm is unisexual, being either male or female. Male and female flowers grow on buds called Spathe, which opens naturally when fully mature. It is easy to identify the male and female flowers. Under the method of manual pollination, pollen from a male flower is smeared over female flowers. The pollen variety and pollination time have important effects on date palm fruit set, yield and quality. This experiment was carried out to study the effect of date pollinizer variety and pollination time on fruit set, growth and development of Medjhol date palm variety, in date palm garden of date palm and tropical fruit research institute of Iran during three years from 2009 to 2011. The trail was randomized complete block design in factorial manner with three pollen variety as Ghaname, Vardy, and Samesmave, two pollination time as 1-3 days before or after spathe opening and four replication. The results showed that the Vardy pollen had significant effects and increased the fertility percent and fruit yield, rather than two other pollen varieties. The pollen variety had no significant effects on fruit quality as total sugar, acidity, and bricx. The pollination time before spathe opening significantly increased fertility percent, decreased fruit weight and date palm yield. Finally the pollen variety and pollination time interaction effects showed that, application of Vardy pollen from 1-3 days after spathe opening with the most production date palm yield, equal 19.9 kilogram per any date palm trees, so this treatment is the best and are recommended.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-77
Imelda J Lawalatta ◽  
Francina Matulessy ◽  
Meitty L Hehanussa

Chili (Capsicum annum L.) often experience the highest price fluctuations in Indonesia. This is caused by the production that is often disrupted in certain months, especially in the months in the rainy season due to flowers and fruits that fall before the harvest. Since agricultural land has changed its function for infrastructure development, marginal land (Ultisol) is used. The ultisol problem is: high acidity, low organic matter content, nutrient deficiency important for plants (eg N, P, Ca, Mg and Mo) and high solubility of Al, Fe and Mn. The provision of organic materials such as manure and marine mud will overcome the problem of acid-rich mineral soil and play an important role in improving, increased and maintaining sustainable land productivity. Research results for chili flower significantly. the highest number of flowers found in the treatment of L0P3, L1P2, L1P3 and L2P3 that is > 60 flower/plant. There was a single factor effect for the amount of fruit, mostly found in L3 treatment (600 ton/ha marine mud) that is 22.36 fruit/plant. The treatment of manure significantly influenced the formation of the most fruit set in the treatment of P0 and P2 (without manure and manure 20 ton/ha) that is 77.60% and 70.,45%. Keywords: Ultisol, Marine mud, Manure, Flowers and Fruit sets   ABSTRAK Tanaman cabai besar (Capsicum annum L.) sering mengalami fluktuasi harga paling tinggi di Indonesia. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh produksi yang sering terganggu pada bulan tertentu terutama pada bulan-bulan di musim penghujan dikarenakan bunga dan buah yang rontok sebelum panen. Karena lahan pertanian banyak beralih fungsinya untuk pembangunan infrastuktur, maka digunakan lahan marginal (Ultisol). Masalah ultisol ialah: kemasaman tinggi, kadar bahan organik yang rendah, kekurangan unsur hara penting bagi tanaman (contoh: N, P, Ca, Mg dan Mo) serta tingginya kelarutan Al, Fe dan Mn. Pemberian bahan organik seperti pupuk kandang dan Lumpur laut akan mengatasi persoalan tanah mineral masam berkadar Al tinggi dan berperan penting dalam memperbaiki, meningkatkan serta mempertahankan produktifitas lahan secara berkelanjutan Hasil Penelitian untuk jumlah bunga cabai berpengaruh signifikan. jumlah bunga terbanyak terdapat pada perlakuan L0P3, L1P2, L1P3 dan L2P3 yaitu > 60 bunga/tanaman. Terjadi pengaruh faktor tunggal untuk jumlah buah, terbanyak terdapat pada perlakuan L3 ( 600 ton/ha lumpur laut) yaitu 22,36 buah/tanaman. Perlakuan pupuk kandang berpengaruh signifikan Pembentukan fruit set terbanyak pada perlakuan P0 dan P2 (tanpa pupuk kandang dan pupuk kandang 20 ton/ha) yaitu 77,60% dan 70,45%. Kata kunci: Ultisol, Lumpur Laut, Pupuk Kandang, Bunga dan Fruit set

HortScience ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 543c-543
Ami N. Erickson ◽  
Albert H. Markhart

Fruit yield reduction due to high temperatures has been widely observed in Solanaceous crops. Our past experiments have demonstrated that Capsicum annuum cultivars Ace and Bell Boy completely fail to produce fruit when grown at constant 33 °C. However, flowers are produced, continually. To determine which stages of flower development are sensitive to high temperatures, pepper buds, ranging in size from 1 mm to anthesis, were exposed to high temperatures for 6 hr, 48 hr, 5 days, or for the duration of the experiment. Fruit set for each bud size was determined. Exposure to high temperatures at anthesis and at the 2-mm size stage for 2 or more days significantly reduced fruit production. To determine whether inhibition of pollination, inhibition of fertilization, and/or injury to the female or male structures prevents fruit production at high temperatures, flowers from pepper cultivars Ace and Bell Boy were grown until flowers on the 8th or 9th node were 11 mm in length. Plants were divided between 25 °C and 33 °C constant growth chambers for 2 to 4 days until anthesis. At anthesis, flowers from both treatments were cross-pollinated in all combination, and crosses were equally divided between 33 or 25 °C growth chambers until fruit set or flowers abscised. All flower crosses resulted in 80% to 100% fruit set when post-pollination temperatures were 25 °C. However, post-pollination temperatures of 33 °C significantly reduced fruit production. Reduced fruit set by flowers exposed to high temperatures during anthesis and pollination is not a result of inviable pollen or ovule, but an inhibition of fertilization or initial fruit development.

HortScience ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 510f-511 ◽  
D.C. Ferree ◽  
S.J. McArtney ◽  
D.M. Scurlock

Four French–American hybrid grape cultivars grown in a greenhouse were subjected to 5 days of 80% shade at four different times around bloom. Fruit set of `Seyval' was reduced by shade imposed before, during, or immediately after bloom. `Vidal' and `Chambourcin' were less sensitive, with fruit set reduced only by shade at bloom. Shade had little effect on fruit set of `DeChaunac'. In a second study, `Chambourcin' vines were exposed to ambient, ambient plus supplemental lights, and 30%, 50%, or 80% shade for 5 weeks beginning just prior to bloom. Fruit set was positively related to light intensity. At harvest, soluble solids, pH, and hue angle had a negative linear relationship to light level. Fruit color developed earliest and most rapidly with the reduced light treatments applied at bloom. Cluster weight was positively related to light intensity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Agus Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Agus Susanto

Elaeidobius kamerunicus is the main pollinating agent in oil palm plantations in Indonesia today. The development of oil palm plantations in new areas requires introduction of these insects, moreover the new areas are located on different islands. First introduction of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust had been done from North Sumatra to Seram Island on 23 September 2013. The introduction was performed on larva and pupa stadium in 4-5 days post anthesising of male inflorescences. The introduction of E. kamerunicus using plywood boxes has an average risk of death by 7.89% at 6 days delivery period. Observation before releasing of the weevils showed that this insect was not detected in both of oil palm male and female flowers and the oil palm fruit set was very low approximately 11.27%. For about 500 weevils/ha were released in Marnuhu estate and could be developed into 362,401 weevils/ha in 5 months with 97.86% of oil palm sex ratio. The oil palm fruit sets were increased after 1 and 2 months introduction, 53.70% and 75.56 %, respectively. The lower sex ratio of oil palm or the more availability of male inflorescences make growth of E. kamerunicus population became faster and the greater number of weevils that visiting anthesising of female flowers make the higher value of oil palm fruit set.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Sri Wening ◽  
Agus Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Tjut Ahmad Perdana Rozziansha ◽  
Agus Susanto

African pollination weevil (Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust) has an important role in the productivity of Indonesian oil palm plantation. Up to now, there has not been a comprehensive biological study of the species at molecular level. The basic knowledge is very useful for exploitation of the weevil for effective oil palm fruit set development. This research aimed to obtain DNA extraction protocol of E. kamerunicus for DNA fingerprinting of the species. Results showed that using a DNA extraction kit,material disruption by using micro pestle resulted the highest quantity of DNA, while there were no significant differences of resulted DNA quantity among treatments using tissue lyser for material disruption. DNA extracted by using micro pestle or tissue lyser for material disruption is adequate for DNA fingerprinting using AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) and sequencing techniques.

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