The effect of agrochemical loading on the migration mobile phosphates in profile dark gray podzolized soil

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (93) ◽  
pp. 35-38
S.G. Korsun ◽  
A.V. Davydiuk ◽  
M.O. Panasiuk

The purpose of the study was to investigate the direction of migration processes of mobile phosphorus in the dark gray profile of podzolized soil for the long systematic application of various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. Methods. Laboratory and mathematical-statistical. Results. The results of researches on studying migration processes of mobile phosphorus in the profile of dark gray podzolized soil under the influence of agrochemical loading are given. It was established that the application of mineral phosphates in the dose P74 on the fone of N75K83 and organic fertilizers on the dark gray podzolized soils of the right bank of the Forest steppe is sufficient for the expanded reproduction of the natural level of factor the capacity phosphates for preventing the migration of phosphorus compounds in the lower horizons of the soil.

Bioenergy ◽  
2021 ◽  
H. P. Voitova

Purpose. To study the ways of improving energy and economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation based on the biological system of fertilizer grain-beet crop rotations under the conditions of sufficient moisture, the right-Bank forest-Steppe. Methods. Laboratory and field, statistical. Results. The results of studies on ways of improving energy and economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation based on the biological system of fertilizers in grain-beet crop rotations under the conditions of sufficient moisture in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe are presented, which included technology for sustainable cultivation of sugar beet under the conditions of an acute shortage of organic fertilizers. The technology includes the following elements of biologization: straw, green manure biomass was used as an alternative organic fertilizer directly under sowing of pre-crop. The positive results of increasing energy and economic efficiency of sugar beet is shown. Conclusions. In the acute shortage of organic fertilizers, it is required to use mineral fertilizers and basic elements of biologization, such as green manure, crop residues, and perennial grasses and legumes as pre-crops. This will contribute to the increase in the value of the gross output of feedstock, energy-economic viability and sustainability of agricultural systems in agronomic sense.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (95) ◽  
pp. 35-41
S.H. Korsun ◽  
A.V. Davydiuk ◽  
V.V. Hirnyk

Purpose. Identify the features of changes in the factor of potassium capacity of dark gray soil under long-term systematic application of different doses of mineral and organic fertilizers. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. Results. At various intensities of fertilizer systems and fertilizer ratios, it has been established that the long (30 years) use of organic and mineral fertilizers contributed not only to stabilization but also to the restoration of the stock of moving potassium in the arable soil layer in comparison with the initial data (1987).The growth of mobile potassium content was consistent with the increase in the agrochemical load in crop rotation. Conclusions. Long-term systematic application for 1987–2000 years mineral fertilizers in doses of 265–397 kg of NPK on the background of 10 tons of manure per 1 ha of crop rotation, in 2001–2010 years – 211–316,5 kg of NPK per 1 ha, and in 2011–2017 years – 217,5–326,4 kg of NPK per 1 ha on the background plowing crop by-products had a significant impact in the factor on the capacity factor of potassium of dark gray podzolized soil, ensuring it is elevated and very high level.

Ivan Filippovich Medvedev ◽  
Sergey Sergeevich Derevyagin ◽  
Ilya Olegovich Molchanov ◽  
Anastasiya Sergeevna Buzueva ◽  
Mikhail Nikolaevich Panasov ◽  

The effectiveness of sapropel as an organic fertilizer is revealed. It was compared with the traditional organic and mineral fertilizers. So, the most noticeable softening of the soil compared to the control variant was after application of sapropel. During the study, application of sapropel maximally increased the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil from 2.8 to 4.1 mg/kg, exceeding the indicator of ammonium nitrate by 48.8% and manure by 36.6%.  Sapropel increases the content of mobile forms of potassium in the soil over an average of 2 years from 306 to 316 mg/kg, while the content of mobile phosphorus is minimal - 20.3 mg/kg. The highest yield of spring wheat was in the variant  the variant after application of  ammonium nitrate in a dose of N60 (1.64 t/ha) and sapropel in a dose of 6 t ha (1.57 t/ha).  

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (90) ◽  
pp. 49-52
S.G. Korsun ◽  
А.V. Davidyuk ◽  
V.M. Yula ◽  
N.A. Panasiuk

Identify the features of changes in the factor of capacity of phosphates in the dark gray soil in long-term systematic application of different doses of mineral and organic fertilizers. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. Results. By varying the intensity of fertilizer systems, it found that long-term (28 years) application of organic and mineral fertilizers contribute to not only stabilize but also the reproduction of the stock of mobile fraction of phosphates in the arable soil layer, compared with the original data (1987). The growth of mobile phosphorus content was consistent with the increase in the agrochemical load in crop rotation. Conclusions. Long-term systematic application for 1987–2000 years mineral fertilizers in doses of 265–397 kg of NPK on the background of 10 tons of manure per 1 ha of crop rotation, in 2001–2010 years – 211–316,5 kg of NPK per 1 ha, and in 2011–2015 years – 213,8–326,4 kg of NPK per 1 ha on the background plowing crop by-products had a significant impact of changes in the factor of capacity of phosphates regime, ensuring the enrichment of dark gray soil available to plants mineral phosphates.

Я. П. Цвей ◽  
М. В. Тищенко ◽  
С. В. Філоненко ◽  
В. В. Ляшенко

Наведено результати досліджень впливу різних доз органічних та мінеральних добрив, що вносяться під цукрові буряки в короткоротаційній плодозмінній сівозміні, на вміст нітратного і мінерального азоту, рухомого фосфору та обмінного калію в чорноземі типовому слабкосолонцюватому. У результаті польових досліджень було встановлено, що в зоні недостатнього зволоження в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України в короткоротаційній плодозмінній сівозміні формування поживного режиму чорнозему типового слабкосолонцюватого під цукровими буряками залежало від системи удобрення. Найбільший вміст нітратного і мінерального азоту в орному шарі ґрунту виявився на час сходів цукрових буряків на ділянках, де вносили під культуру 50 т/га гною + N90Р120К90, – 17,2 і 20,1 мг/кг ґрунту відповідно. Така доза органічних і мінеральних добрив забезпечила і найбільшу кількість рухомого фосфору в орному шарі у період сходів культури – 80,0 мг/кг ґрунту, що обумовлено зростаючою рухомістю фосфатів з органічних добрив і меншим переходом фосфору в малорозчинні сполуки. Заміна дози добрив із 25 т/га гною + N180Р240К180, яку вносили під цукрові буряки, на 50 т/га гною + N90Р120К90 сприяла підвищенню вмісту обмінного калію в орному шарі ґрунту на час сходів буряків із 170,0 до 177,0 мг/кг ґрунту, що обумовлено високою дозою внесених органічних добрив під культуру, які після мінералізації гною і забезпечили зростання вмісту обмінного калію в ґрунті. Optimization of mineral nutrition of plants is one of the most significant means to regulate physiological processes that determine yield formation of any crop. In intensive farming the yield of crops depends on the natural fertility of soil and weather conditions only by 25%. In this case, fertilizers provide from 30 to 60% of the yield, high quality seeds – from 5 to 20%, and plant protection products – from 5 to 15%. Therefore, studying of the optimal provision of sugar beet plants with nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium due to the application of various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers is important and relevant, especially for the conditions of the zone of inadequate moisture. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of sugar beet fertilization on the formation of the nutrient regime of the soil underneath in short-rotation fertile crop rotation. The research task was the study of the effect of various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, applied to sugar beets, on the content of nitrate and mineral nitrogen, as well as  the effect of various fertilization systems used during the cultivation of sugar beets on the content of mobile phosphorus in the field of crop in short-term crop rotation and the study of the content of exchangeable potassium in typical slightly alcanlinized black soil while applying various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers to sugar beets. The following preliminary conclusions can be made based on the data of one-year research: In short-term crop rotation, the highest content of nitrate and mineral nitrogen in the arable soil layer was at the time of germination of sugar beets in the areas where the manure + N90P120K90 was applied in the amount of 50 tons per hectar - 17.2 and 20.1 mg/kg of soil. The application of 50t/ha of manure + N90P120K90provided the largest amount of mobile phosphorus in the arable layer during the period of the crop germination – 80.0 mg/kg of soil, due to the increasing mobility of phosphates from organic fertilizers and a smaller transition of phosphorus in the insoluble compounds. The change of the dose of fertilizers applied to sugar beets from 25 t/ha of manure + N180Р240К180 to 50 t/ha of manure + N90Р120К90resulted in the increase of the content of exchangeable potassium in the arable soil layer during sugar beets germination from 170.0 to 177.0 mg/kg of soil. It is the effect of the application of high dose of organic fertilizers, which after mineralization of manure provided the increase of the content of exchangeable potassium in the soil.

Р. О. М’ялковський

Досліджено вплив добрив на продуктивність бульб картоплі в умовах правобережного лісостепу України. Встановлено, що найвищу масу бульб отримали від сумісного внесення органічних і мінеральних добрив з нормою фон + N120P120K120 у середньостиглих сортів – 616 г. Високою врожайністю бульб картоплі характеризувалися середньостиглі сорти (Віра, Слов'янка, Надійна), при цьому найвищу врожайність встановлено у варіанті (фон + N120P120K120) – 38,8 т/га. Біохімічними аналізами встановлено, що вміст крохмалю в бульбах картоплі залежала від сорту та фону живлення, при цьому найвищий показник становив 17,2 % у варіанті (без добрив). The influence of fertilizers on the productivity of potato tubers in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine was investigated. It was established that the highest mass of tubers was obtained from the combined introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers with the norm of background + N120P120K120 in the middle-grade varieties – 616 g. The high yield of potato tubers was characterized by medium-grade varieties (Vera, Slovianka, Nadiina), while the highest yield was set in the variant (background + N120P120K120) – 38.8 t/ha. Biochemical analysis revealed that the content of starch in potato tubers depended on the variety and background of nutrition, with the highest rate of 17.2 % in the version (without fertilizers).

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-44
V. Lopushniak

Aim. To establish the effect of different fertilization systems in short fi eld crop rotation on the change in the state of humus in the dark gray podzolic soils in Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field studies were carried out in a stationary experiment of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the L’viv National Agrarian University; determination of humus content – according to DSTU 4289:2004, and that of its labile forms – in accordance with DSTU 4732:2007, fraction-group composition – by Ponomare- va-Plotnikova’s method, according to the measurement procedure 31-497058-008-2002. Results. The use of organo-mineral fertilizer system in short fi eld crop rotation with the saturation of organic fertilizers of 15 t/ha of crop rotation contributes to the humus content increase by 0.7 % after the third rotation in 0–40 cm layer of dark gray podzolic soil, the increase in the share of stable forms of humic compounds up to 57–59 % and the increase in the ratio of R HA :R FA to 1.3–1.4. The study demonstrated very high dependence of amount of gross energy reserves in the humus on the R HA :R FA ratio. Conclusions. The combined application of organic fertili- zers in the form of manure, non-market of the crop (straw) and siderate, along with mineral fertilizers is re- commended in short fi eld crop rotations of Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine toensure expanded reproduction of fertility of dark gray podzolic soil, improvement of its humus status, increase in gross energy reserves and the share of the stable forms and humic acids in the humus.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-28
Н.Т. Чеботарев ◽  
Н.Н. Шергина

Пахотные угодья Республики Коми в основном представлены дерново-подзолистыми почвами с низким естественным плодородием, которые без применения удобрений быстро подвергаются деградационным процессам, что резко снижает их продуктивность. Цель исследований: оценка эффективности долговременного применения органических и минеральных удобрений при выращивании картофеля в кормовом севообороте в условиях Республики Коми. Методической основой выполнения работ были комплексные исследования дерново-подзолистых почв, клубней картофеля на участках многолетнего полевого эксперимента, заложенного на землях Института агробиотехнологий ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН в соответствии с «Методическими указаниями географической сети опытов с удобрениями». Длительный период исследований (более 40 лет) характеризовался различными климатическими условиями, которые отразились на количестве урожая и качестве клубней картофеля. Было проведено 7 ротаций (14 лет) с выращиванием картофеля. Вносили органические удобрения – торфонавозный компост (ТНК) в дозах 40 и 80 т/га (1 и 2 фон, соответственно) под картофель и минеральные удобрения – NPК в дозах 1/3; 1/2 и 1 для восполнения выноса растениями элементов питания. Установлено положительное влияние комплексного применения органических и минеральных удобрений на урожайность и качество картофеля, а также на плодородие дерново-подзолистой легкосуглинистой среднеокультуренной почвы в кормовом севообороте в почвенно-климатических условиях Республики Коми. В результате применения шестипольного севооборота и комплексного внесения удобрений с 1978 года к 2019 году в почвах снизилась обменная и гидролитическая кислотность; повысилось содержание гумуса на 0,5% (в контроле); на 0,2–0,5% (с тремя дозами минеральных удобрений); на 0,3–1,1% (с ТНК); на 0,2–1,6% (при совместном применении органических и минеральных удобрений). Наибольшие урожаи картофеля получены при совместном применении органических (80 т/га) и минеральных удобрений (1 NPК) и составили 37,1 т/га клубней (8,5 тыс/га кормовых единиц). При таком соотношении удобрений показано высокое качество клубней картофеля: содержание крахмала 15,5%, витамина С – 19,4 мг%, сырого протеина – 14,1%. Количество нитратного азота не превышало ПДК (ПДК 250 мг.с.м.). Экономические расчеты показали, что при внесении ТНК 40 т/га + 1 NPК в дерново-подзолистые почвы с.-х. использования в среднетаежной зоне Республики Коми при выращивании картофеля, условный чистый доход составит 68,4 тыс. р. с 1 га, себестоимость 1 т картофеля – 2,8 тыс. р., рентабельность 188,7%. The arable land of the Republic of Komi is mainly represented by dern-sub-ground soils with low natural fertility, which without the use of fertilizers are quickly subjected to degradation processes, which dramatically reduces their productivity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of long-term use of organic and mineral fertilizers in the growing of potatoes in feed crop rotation in the conditions of the Komi Republic. The methodological basis for carrying out the works was comprehensive studies of dern-subhead soils, potato tubers on the sites of a multi-year field experiment laid on the lands of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the FRC Komi SC UB RAS in accordance with the «Methodological Instructions of the Geographical Network of Experiments with Fertilizers». A long period of research (more than 40 years) was characterized by different climatic conditions, which affected the number of crops and the quality of potato tubers. There were 7 rotations (14 years) with potato cultivation. Organic fertilizers – peat-avous compost (TNK) in doses of 40 and 80 t/ha (1 and 2 background, respectively) for potatoes and mineral fertilizers – NPK in doses of 1/3; 1/2 and 1 to replenish the carry-out of food elements by plants. The positive effect of the integrated use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of potatoes, as well as on the fertility of soddy-podzolic light loamy medium cultivated soil in fodder crop rotation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Komi Republic, has been established. As a result of the use of six-bed crop rotation and the integrated application of fertilizers, metabolic and hydrolytic acidity decreased in soils from 1978 to 2019; humus content increased by 0.5% (in control); 0.2–0.5% (with three doses of mineral fertilizers); 0.3–1.1% (with TNCs); 0.2–1.6% (with combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers). The largest potato yields were obtained from the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha tubers (8.5 thousand/ha feed units). The largest potato harvests were obtained with the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha of tubers (8.5 thousand/ha of feed units). With this ratio of fertilizers, the high quality of potato tubers was also determined: the starch content was 15.5%, vitamin C – 19.4 mg%, crude protein – 14.1%. The amount of nitrate nitrogen did not exceed the MPC (MPC 250 mg.s.m.). Economic calculations showed that if TNK is added 40 t/ha 1 NPK to the dern-sub-ground soils of agricultural use in the medium-sized zone of the Komi Republic when growing potatoes, the conditional net income will be 68.4 thousand rubles from 1 ha, the cost of 1 t of potatoes – 2.8 thousand rubles, profitability 188.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 03018
A.V. Surinov

The Borisovsky district of the Belgorod region, located in the south-west of the forest-steppe zone of the Central Forest Region, was chosen for the study. The study covered an 11-year period, during which 3 cycles of agrochemical soil survey were conducted in the district - in 2010, 2016 and 2020. Analyzing the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, an increase in crop yield indicators was noted. Thus, an increase in the dose of organic fertilizers (up to 1.96 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (up to 127.2 kg/ha) made it possible to obtain 5.13 t/ha of winter wheat, 4.19 t/ha of spring barley, 7.9 t/ha of corn for grain and 3.29 t/ha of sunflower seeds. In addition, the content of macro and microelements in the soil has changed. The active fight against soil acidity affected the content of available forms of phosphorus and zinc, the indicators of which decreased slightly.

2019 ◽  
pp. 93-101
A. L. Kyrylesko

The results of the energy assessment of the crop rotation chain in the Forest-Steppe of the Western Ukraine, humus balance in the soil, nitrogen circulation and plant residues are presented. It has been established that all the proposed fertilization systems are effective in terms of energy accumulation. It has been proved that application of mineral fertilizers in combination with organic fertilizers increases Kee values by 1.2 times. The results of energy estimation of a crop rotation link in the northern part of Forest Steppe of Ukraine are presented. It is established that effective in terms of the energy accumulation are all the proposed fertilizer systems. It is proved that the application of mineral fertilizers in the combination with organic ones increases Kee indices 1.2 times.

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