scholarly journals USING THE ZOOM SERVICE IN DISTANCE LEARNING// International Journal of Educational and Scientific Research 4(12), 2021/ Chief Editor K. Kumpulainen /OEAPS OU - Tallinn, Estonia (Open European Academy of Public Sciences). Vienna, Austria 30.04.2021: OEAPS OU., 2021. P. 29-32.

2021 ◽  
Ulzhamilya Bibatyrovna Serikbayeva ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

Remote virtual learning has become the new normal for many teachers, administrators, students, and parents. While the transition may not be easy, we want to provide resources to ensure users are creating secure and effective virtual classrooms using Zoom. Zoom is the best way and means for teachers and educators around the world to design their teachings and lesson for properly addressing their students sitting at their homes.

2021 ◽  
Sahinat Dzhamaldinovna Imramzieva

Distance learning is an ideal solution not only for students, but also for employees who want to improve their skills, as well as for those who, for various reasons, cannot travel to university or school. The opportunity to gain knowledge without leaving home makes the learning process comfortable, flexible, for example, because you do not need to spend time getting ready to go to institution or overcoming traffic jams. This article discusses, why the future is distance learning, what challenges can be faced by those who choose this way of learning, and how to overcome them.

2021 ◽  
Sahinat Dzhamaldinovna Imramzieva ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

Distance learning is an ideal solution not only for students, but also for employees who want to improve their skills, as well as for those who, for various reasons, cannot travel to university or school. The opportunity to gain knowledge without leaving home makes the learning process comfortable, flexible, for example, because you do not need to spend time getting ready to go to institution or overcoming traffic jams. This article discusses, why the future is distance learning, what challenges can be faced by those who choose this way of learning, and how to overcome them.

2021 ◽  
Sahinat Dzhamaldinovna Imramzieva ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

Distance learning is an ideal solution not only for students, but also for employees who want to improve their skills, as well as for those who, for various reasons, cannot travel to university or school. The opportunity to gain knowledge without leaving home makes the learning process comfortable, flexible, for example, because you do not need to spend time getting ready to go to institution or overcoming traffic jams. This article discusses, why the future is distance learning, what challenges can be faced by those who choose this way of learning, and how to overcome them.

2019 ◽  
Раиса Николаевна Афонина ◽  
Татьяна Степановна Малолеткина

В статье рассматриваются психодидактические аспекты освоения студентами-гуманитариями содержания естественнонаучных дисциплин. Специфика обучения естественнонаучным дисциплинам студентов-гуманитариев определяется наличием у данной группы обучающихся особенностей восприятия и переработки информации. Для гуманитариев в большей мере характерно превалирование ассоциативного, образного мышления, эмоционального восприятия информации, отторжение формализованных, доказательных способов рассуждений, доминирование реального восприятия окружающего мира над абстрактным, идеализированным. Современные педагогические методики в основном ориентированы на левополушарное восприятие, именно поэтому правополушарные учащиеся оказываются в невыгодном положении. The article deals with psychodidactic aspects of mastering the content of natural sciences by humanities students. The specificity of teaching the natural science disciplines of humanities students is determined by the presence of features of perception and processing of information in this group of students. For the humanities, the prevalence of associative, figurative thinking, emotional perception of information, the rejection of formalized, evidence-based ways of reasoning, the dominance of the real perception of the world over the abstract, idealized, are more characteristic. Modern pedagogical methods are mainly focused on left hemisphere perception, which is why right hemispheric students find themselves at a disadvantage.

2019 ◽  
Gulnar Dmitrievna Sharakpaeva ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

The article deals with the object of analysis of the Kazakh heroic epic literature. Heroic epic literature – stories and poems, which tells about the feats of arms of the warriors, who had extraordinary strength and protect their people from the raids of foreigners. The Kazakh epic literature originated on the basis of historical events experienced by the Kazakh people at different times. Therefore, it is a valuable monument that testifies to the heroic deeds of batyrs, fortitude, manners and customs of the Kazakh people. The works of the heroic epic literature entered the structure of Kazakh folklore as its most important component and occupy a special place in it. The peculiarity of the epic literature is that it discursive forms of thinking give way to artistic and imaginative thinking.

2019 ◽  
Александра Сергеевна Ращупкина ◽  
Анастасия Андреевна Лескова ◽  
Артем Олегович Еськов ◽  
Ирина Александровна Манакова

В статье рассматриваются требования, выдвигаемые к образовательным услугам, а также обеспечивающим конкуретноспособность высшего учебного заведения. Предлагается применение инструмента в области управления качеством, такого как диаграмма сродства, с целью определения требований потребителей для повышения качества образовательных услуг.The article discusses the requirements for educational services, as well as ensuring the competitiveness of higher education. It is proposed to use a tool in the field of quality management, such as the affinity diagram, in order to determine the requirements of consumers to improve the quality of educational services.

2019 ◽  
Вячеслав Александрович Кудашкин ◽  
Бейбулат Салихович Атаев ◽  
Ольга Владимировна Письменская ◽  
Мария Александровна Латышева ◽  
Marina Vladimirovna Kislinskaya ◽  

Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences is an international journal devoted solely to research in this important field. It provides an environment for research that may not appear in more specialized journals, either because of the interdisciplinary or applied nature of the study, or from the mathematical / quantitative nature of the study. Thus, the journal serves as a focal point for research that has so far appeared in widely distributed sources and / or less suitable sources.Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences strongly encourage contributions regarding the application of quantitative models and methods to address important problems in the service sector and in the public sector. Of particular interest are the accounts of such studies conducted in developing countries and in the economically developing regions of the world. Also of interest are articles in important methodological and substantive areas.The main criterion used in assessing the manuscript submitted to the journal is: uniqueness or innovation in the work from the point of view of the methodology being developed and / or its application to a problem of particular importance in the public sector or service sector and / or the setting in which the efforts, for example, in the developing region of the world. That is, the very model / methodology, application and context of problems, at least one of them must be unique and important.Additional criteria considered in the consideration of the submitted document are its accuracy, organization / presentation (ie logical flow) and recording quality.

2021 ◽  
Indira Kamalseitovna Izembayeva

Unfortunately, not always the desire of students to speak and know the language coincides with their abilities to it. Language is easy for some, difficult for others. Some of the students quickly memorize words, someone learns to read faster, someone is easier to imitate foreign speech. Thanks to psychology, it has become easier to explain some of the difficulties that arise in the process of teaching children, in relations with them, as well as in the problem of learning foreign languages. There is a connection between the student’s temperament, the peculiarities of his perception, attention and memory, and the difficulties he has in learning a foreign language. It is assumed that students with the phlegmatic and melancholic temperament have the greatest difficulty in learning a foreign language. Foreign language as an academic discipline is very different from other subjects of the school curriculum, and thus, obviously, students have some difficulties in studying this subject.

2019 ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

At present a new system of education is introduced. This system enables people to get knowledge and a good foundation in the sciences basic to his or her field of study. Distance learning has developed over years from satellite video courses to modern videoconferencing through personal computers.

2019 ◽  
Константин Георгиевич Деменин ◽  
Илья Андреевич Влазнев ◽  
Алексей Александрович Гречкин ◽  
Ксения Евгениевна Добрынина ◽  
Раиса Николаевна Афонина ◽  

Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences Journal is an international journal devoted solely to research in this important field. It provides an environment for research that may not appear in more specialized journals, either because of the interdisciplinary or applied nature of the study, or from the mathematical / quantitative nature of the study. Thus, the journal serves as a focal point for research that has so far appeared in widely distributed sources and / or less suitable sources. Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences strongly encourage contributions regarding the application of quantitative models and methods to address important problems in the service sector and in the public sector. Of particular interest are the accounts of such studies conducted in developing countries and in the economically developing regions of the world. Also of interest are articles in important methodological and substantive areas. The main criterion used in assessing the manuscript submitted to the journal is: uniqueness or innovation in the work from the point of view of the methodology being developed and / or its application to a problem of particular importance in the public sector or service sector and / or the setting in which the efforts, for example, in the developing region of the world. That is, the very model / methodology, application and context of problems, at least one of them must be unique and important. Additional criteria considered in the consideration of the submitted document are its accuracy, organization / presentation (ie logical flow) and recording quality.

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