ПСИХОДИДАКТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ОСВОЕНИЯ СТУДЕНТАМИ-ГУМАНИТАРИЯМИ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ ЕСТЕСТВЕННОНАУЧНЫХ ДИСЦИПЛИН// Academy Journal No.5(17), 2019/ Chief Editor Susan Belih /OEAPS Inc.(Open European Academy of Public Sciences). Tallinn, Estonia. 09.05.2019: OEAPS Inc., 2019. - pp. 37-44.

2019 ◽  
Раиса Николаевна Афонина ◽  
Татьяна Степановна Малолеткина

В статье рассматриваются психодидактические аспекты освоения студентами-гуманитариями содержания естественнонаучных дисциплин. Специфика обучения естественнонаучным дисциплинам студентов-гуманитариев определяется наличием у данной группы обучающихся особенностей восприятия и переработки информации. Для гуманитариев в большей мере характерно превалирование ассоциативного, образного мышления, эмоционального восприятия информации, отторжение формализованных, доказательных способов рассуждений, доминирование реального восприятия окружающего мира над абстрактным, идеализированным. Современные педагогические методики в основном ориентированы на левополушарное восприятие, именно поэтому правополушарные учащиеся оказываются в невыгодном положении. The article deals with psychodidactic aspects of mastering the content of natural sciences by humanities students. The specificity of teaching the natural science disciplines of humanities students is determined by the presence of features of perception and processing of information in this group of students. For the humanities, the prevalence of associative, figurative thinking, emotional perception of information, the rejection of formalized, evidence-based ways of reasoning, the dominance of the real perception of the world over the abstract, idealized, are more characteristic. Modern pedagogical methods are mainly focused on left hemisphere perception, which is why right hemispheric students find themselves at a disadvantage.

2019 ◽  
Aybibi Erkinovna Matchanova ◽  
Bekhzod Bakhrom ugli Aminov

This article explores the problems of raising the tourism potential of villages and developing agrotourism. Development of agro-tourism at the demand of tourists using the fertility of existing rural resources in Uzbekistan is one of the most pressing issues of the present day. Especially the villages on the banks of the river, the mountain are widely described in the article.

2019 ◽  
Раиса Николаевна Афонина ◽  
Людмила Константиновна Синцова

В статье рассматривается проблема согласования гуманитарного стиля мышления и естественнонаучного знания. Практика показывает, что у студентов, выбравших для обучения гуманитарные специальности, преобладает гуманитарное мышление. Оно сформировано условиями профильного обучения в средней школе и продолжает развиваться на этапе получения высшего образования. Гуманитарный тип мышления характеризуется диалогичностью, вариативностью, креативностью, самостоятельностью в освоении новых знаний, способностью к интеллектуальным изобретениям и экспериментам с неизвестными и неочевидными результатами, к рефлексивности и критичности результатов деятельности. Важнейшими условиями повышения эффективности в освоении содержания естественнонаучных дисциплин студентами-гуманитариями являются учет возможностей и познавательных интересов студентов, использование резервов учебной информации, интерактивных методов обучения.The article deals with the problem of harmonizing the humanitarian style of thinking and natural science knowledge. Practice shows that students who choose humanities to study in humanities have humanitarian thinking that prevails. It is shaped by the profile of secondary school education and continues to evolve at the stage of higher education. The humanitarian type of thinking is characterized by dialogue, variability, creativity, autonomy in the development of new knowledge, the ability to intellectual inventions and experiments with unknown and non-obvious results, to reflexivity and criticality of the results of activities. The most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness in mastering the content of natural science disciplines by students of the humanities are taking into account the capabilities and cognitive interests of students, the use of reserves of educational information, interactive teaching methods.

2019 ◽  
Оrifjon Bahromovich Mamatkulov ◽  
Shakhboz Khasanovich Khasanov ◽  
Temur Turakulovich Mavlonov ◽  
A’zam Тursunovich Khudayberdiev

In the present work with the help of the scintillation gamma spectrometric method the specific activity of the natural radioactive isotope K-40 and the techno genic radionuclide Cs-137 in the trunks and fruits of perennial trees were determined.

2019 ◽  

Authoritative and critical reviews of the latest achievements of natural and technical disciplines are published by Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences. Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, an international peerreviewed journal, publishes both theoretical and experimental highquality documents of constant interest, previously unpublished in journals, in the field of technical and natural sciences, whose purpose is to promote theory and practice. In addition to the peerreviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, modern surveys and communications in a broadly defined field of technical and natural sciences.

2019 ◽  
Inc. OEAPS ◽  
Михаил Владимирович Кармаза ◽  
Роман Владимирович Мотылев ◽  
Вероника Александровна Одрузова ◽  
Нишчхал ◽  

Authoritative and critical reviews of the latest achievements of natural and technical disciplines are published by Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences.Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, an international peer¬reviewed journal, publishes both theoretical and experimental high¬quality documents of constant interest, previously unpublished in journals, in the field of technical and natural sciences, whose purpose is to promote theory and practice. In addition to the peer¬reviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, modern surveys and communications in a broadly defined field of technical and natural sciences.

2019 ◽  
Татьяна Андреевна Водчиц

В предложенной статье поднята на рассмотрение общераспространённая проблематика напряженного состояния социальной инфраструктуры города на примере Москвы. Также берется к рассмотрению тот факт, что растущая инфраструктура – одна из глобальных проблем мегаполиса. Выявлены основные причины формирования дисбаланса городской среды. Предложен ряд способов возможного решения данной задачи.In the proposed article, the widespread problems of the tense state of the social infrastructure of the city are raised for consideration. Also taken into consideration is the fact that the growing infrastructure is one of the global problems of the metropolis. The main causes of the imbalance of the urban environment are revealed. A number of possible solutions to this problem are proposed.

2019 ◽  
Raisa Nikolaevna Afonina

The content of the course unit Contemporary Concepts of Natural Science is of great importance in the common cultural and common professional training of a Clinical Psychology specialist. Conceptual bases of the educational process realization of the course unite Contemporary Concepts of Natural Science reflect modern scientific beliefs about its essence, content and specificity. The theory of gradual formation of mental operations and notions is to the most extent appropriate for the formation of common cultural and common professional competencies.

2019 ◽  
Саида Адиловна Низамова ◽  
Alina Evgenievna Averina ◽  
Руслан Сергеевич Решетов ◽  
Дмитрий Алексеевич Погожев ◽  
Мария Михайловна Кошелькова ◽  

Authoritative and critical reviews of the latest achievements of natural and technical disciplines are published by Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences. Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, an international peerreviewed journal, publishes both theoretical and experimental highquality documents of constant interest, previously unpublished in journals, in the field of technical and natural sciences, whose purpose is to promote theory and practice. In addition to the peerreviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, modern surveys and communications in a broadly defined field of technical and natural sciences

R.R. Ismagilova ◽  
G.Kh. Akhmetshina

The humanitarian potential of school mathematics and natural science disciplines for the education of a person who has a unified representation of the modern picture of the world, its scope and content require more and more study. The humanities-oriented teaching of mathematics and natural sciences at school is implemented in the learning process within the framework of traditional academic disciplines and has the full means for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the student's personality. The use of components of literature, language, history of the native land in the implementation of programs of mathematical, natural science education contributes to the development of interest in learning, the formation of personal values of students. Cognitive interest is created and maintained through the design of problem situations in the classroom, through the development of the ability to solve, develop plot problems that form functional (mathematical and natural science) literacy. The combination of natural science and humanitarian approaches in the representation and assessment of the world in the process of mastering the content of educational disciplines will spiritually enrich every student.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-7
Vincentas Lamanauskas

Natural science education (NSE) - one of the most actual fields of activity of a comprehensive school. One of most acute problems of today's education - low interest to natural sciences and especially to chemistry. This problem is actual not only in Lithuania, but also all over the world. Many researches of last years specify necessity of perfection of natural science education at all levels of an education system and especially at a level of a primary school. Acquaintance to natural sciences in a primary school does not meet today's requirements. It is necessary to return teaching of natural sciences in primary schools. The main accent of process of natural science education in a primary school should become a different sort of researches and experiments. The teaching and learning process in primary school level should have strong focus on constructivist learning and the role of social interaction in learning. The teachers should be able to improve motivation for learning through enjoyment and giving children some control of their science activities. The primary goal of natural sciences in an primary school is acquaintance of pupils to world around, formation of a complete picture of the world to all complex interrelations that further, in the basic school, to pass to studying separate subjects of a natural cycle (for example, chemistry, physics, biology). One of many reasons of low interest to chemistry - insufficient attention to a component of chemistry in the content of a primary education. For the period of primary school pupils does not receive the basic initial knowledge in chemistry and research skills. On the other hand, teachers of primary classes are not prepared at a sufficient level in sphere of modern natural science education. We should help children learn more about the chemicals that surround them in their everyday life. Also we should to complete the design of equipment and supporting materials for chemistry at the primary school level. It is obvious, that science remains abstract and alien to young students and they are not attracted to further study. We should try to change such a situation. First of all, a complete system for doing practical work from grade 1 to 4 in science must be carefully designed. Finally, we can note, that encouraging interest in the natural sciences is the priority of education (teaching and learning) process in primary school. Key words: science education, primary school, priority of education.

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