scholarly journals A Structural Postcolonial Analysis of Voice and Noise in Joseph Conrad's The Lagoon

2020 ◽  
Hussein Zeidanin

This article explores the motifs of voice and noise in Joseph Conrad's The Lagoon from a structural postcolonial perspective. The dialectic relations between voice and power, structure, and function are critically investigated to identify the ideologies involved in the subjugation of the Orient and sustainment of the racial superiority of the Occident. The noise narrative structure and ethnic conflict add to voice disrupts the effective reception of the message conveyed. The Lagoon encapsulates a story-within-a-story with two storytellers relating different narratives and addressing different characters and audiences from different viewpoints. Their narratives elicit responses ranging from trust to distrust depending on the identity of the storyteller and hierarchy of the narrative structure within the story. The study evaluates the impact of structure and ethnic identity on the reception of voice, and shows how structural and cultural noises disrupt the voice of the Orient. It finds that the Occident's perception of the Orient is based on certain stereotypes and misconceptions. The voice of Arsat, a protagonist and storyteller, is accordingly subordinated to the framing voice of the third-person narrator, and his tale structurally functions as a flashback.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Muh Ali Imran ◽  
Nur Resky Evawanti

AbstractThe main problem in this research  how to find out about the form and function of personal references in the novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu in order to determine the differences contained in the novel especially those on personal references contained therein. This research was a literature review of research that contains one topic that contains some ideas or propositions related and must be supported by the data obtained from literature sources. This research procedure included planning, action and analysis. Subjects in this study was the novel of  Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu. The results showed that the observation of novel moon sinking in the face are analyzed on personal references indicate that there are a lot of words including personal references such as personal pronoun first (referring to himself), pronouns second person (referring to the speaker) , and the third person pronoun (which refers to the person in question). Based on these results above, it can be concluded that the words include references persona there are differences both in writing and in speech.Keywords: Novel, personal referencesAbstrakMasalah utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana mengetahui tentang bentuk dan fungsi referensi personal di dalam novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan yang terdapat di dalam novel tersebut terkhusus pada referensi personal yang terdapat di dalamnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kajian pustaka yang berisi satu topik yang memuat beberapa gagasan atau proposisi yang berkaitan dan harus didukung oleh data yang diperoleh dari sumber pustaka. Prosedur penelitian ini meleputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, dan analisis. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah novel rembulan tenggelam di wajahmu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pengamatan terhadap novel rembulan tenggelam di wajahmu yang menganalisis tentang referensi personal menunjukkan bahwa terdapat banyak kata-kata yang termasuk referensi personal seperti pronomina persona pertama( yang mengacu pada diri sendiri), pronomina persona kedua (yang mengacu pada lawan bicara), dan pronomina persona ketiga (yang mengacu pada orang yang dibicarakan). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata-kata yang mencakup referensi persona terdapat perbedaan baik didalam penulisan maupun didalam tuturan.  Kata kunci: Novel,referensi personal

2016 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
pp. 682-702 ◽  
Ven-Hwei Lo ◽  
Ran Wei ◽  
Hung-Yi Lu

How do news coverage of a grassroot protest movement and perceived importance of the movement affect people’s participation in the movement? And does people’s inference of the effect of the news on themselves versus others make a difference in participation? Informed by the third-person effect hypothesis, we examine these questions in the context of the student-led Sunflower Movement in Taiwan that rose in opposition to a trade pact with China. In the study, we advanced three propositions: First, that the perceived effects of the protest news on oneself would be a better predictor of political participation than would perceived effects of such news on others. Second, that the perceived effect on oneself, not on others, would enhance the impact of issue importance on participation in the movement. And third, how people processed protest news would be another intermediate mechanism on subsequent participatory activities. We found support for these propositions in data collected from a probability sample of 1,137 respondents. The implications of the findings for the robust third-person effect research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0044118X2110400
Shuhuan Zhou ◽  
Zhian Zhang

Based on the third-person effect hypothesis–people’s belief that the media influences others more than it influences themselves–we administered a questionnaire to Chinese teens ( N = 1,538) to discover the impacts of exposure to internet pornography on perceptions of pornography and attitudes toward censorship of pornography. The results validated the third-person effect hypothesis and showed that teens’ subjective perceptions of what constitutes internet pornography and their exposure to it are critical variables for predicting perceptions of negative impacts of pornography on self and others and affirmative attitudes toward censorship. The study also found that the impact on self is the best variable for predicting attitudes toward censorship. The discussion is framed in the context of Chinese collective culture and conservative attitudes toward sex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 359-369
Galina Petrova ◽  

This article analyzes and compares two types of Bulgarian reflexivedative constructions with optative meaning: bi-clausal (Иска ми се да танцувам ‘I wish to dance’) and monoclausal (Танцува ми се ‘I feel like dancing’). It presents the structural and semantic specificity of these constructions as well as the possibilities and constrains for their use. Both structures are distinguished by the presence of a verb in the third person, the reflexive particle се and an obligatory dative clitic expressing an experiencer argument. The bi-clausal constructions are viewed as resulting from optative diathesis: аз искам да ‘I want to’ → иска ми се да ‘I wish to’. The monoclausal constructions are viewed as resulting from a further transformation: Иска ми се да танцувам → Танцува ми се. The semantic specialization of the monoclausal constructions is to express a desire for something based on an internal need (primary or secondary). The dative argument is understood as a ‘feel like/experiencer’ subject of the denoted event.

2014 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 330-358 ◽  
Julia Fernández Cuesta

This article comprises a sociolinguistic analysis of the distribution of northern features in two sixteenth-century collections of wills of urban and rural provenance ( York Clergy Wills and Swaledale Wills and Inventories, respectively). It is suggested that there is a correlation between dialect features such as the Northern Subject Rule, the uninflected genitive, and the third person plural pronouns and the urban or rural provenance of the wills as well as, to some extent, the social rank of the testators. This sheds light on how social factors might condition the resilience of dialect features in sixteenth-century northern English.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-69
Anke Holler

Abstracts Erlebte Rede (free indirect style) is a narrative technique used to present reports of consciousness which to some extent blends direct and indirect speech. It is characterized by the interaction of specific linguistic markers which allow the presentation of a character’s point of view while simultaneously maintaining the narrative frame. A character’s thoughts are expressed in the third person, indicative and narrative tense giving the impression that the voice of both the narrator and the character somehow overlap. This contribution summarizes the research on erlebte Rede, focussing on German. Regarding narratological aspects, I discuss linguistic problems specific to identification and analysis of texts which employ erlebte Rede. This paper primarily addresses the use of erlebte Rede in fiction, although it is also found in non-fiction.

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