scholarly journals Integrasi teknologi dalam pembelajaran: Upaya untuk beradaptasi dengan tantangan era digital dan revolusi industri 4.0

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 449-455
Afrianto Daud ◽  
Ando Fahda Aulia ◽  
Nita Ramayanti

Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 telah membawa tantangan dan peluang baru untuk dunia pendidikan. Salah satu peluang itu adalah semakin terbukanya peluang bagi guru untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga hasil belajar bisa lebih efektif. Masalahnya adalah belum banyak guru yang memiliki kemampuan mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam kelas mereka. Terutama guru sekolah swasta dengan fasilitas terbatas. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berusaha membantu guru memilki kemampuan ini dengan memperkenalkan penggunaan Google Apps For Education, seperti Google Classroom dan Google Hangout (Youtube Live) untuk Pembelajaran. Selain itu, guru juga dilatih dengan kemampuan video editing yang bisa mereka gunakan untuk pembuatan video pembelajaran. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk workshop kepada para guru di SMP Juara Pekanbaru. Ini adalah sekolah gratis di bawah managemen lembaga zakat Indonesia. Mayoritas siswanya adalah anakanak miskin. Setelah workshop, guru juga dibimbing dalam pelaksanaan/praktek di kelas. Kegiatan pengabdian saat ini pengabdian masih berjalan. Program berjalan relatif efektif. Hal ini terlihat dari perbanding hasi pre-tes dan pos-tes yang diberikan kepada peserta pelatihan. Empat orang (36,4%) dari 11 peserta menyatakan memiliki kemampuan sangat baik dalam menggunakan Google Classroom, dan lima orang (45,4%) dari 11 peserta menyatakan baik. Angka ini jauh berbeda dari hasil pre-tes yang menunjukkan bahwa 10 (90,0%) dari 11 peserta menyatakan belum mengenal dan tidak mampu menggunakan aplikasi Google Classroom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 437
Sarmini Sarmini ◽  
Palupi Pandanarum ◽  
Dinda Apriyatul Permanasari

ABSTRAKMayoritas guru-guru MA di Tanbihul Ghofiliin telah menggunakan google namun belum semua guru mengetahui dan paham bagaimana memanfaatkan fasilitas google apps for education untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar. Solusi permasalahan yang ditawarkan kepada mitra adalah memberikan pelatihan penggunaan google classroom, form, meeting dan drive sebagai alternatif model pembelajaran baru yaitu pembelajaran kolaboratif non tatap muka (daring). Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam kegiatan mengajar sehingga lebih menjadi profesional. Kegiatan Amikom Mitra Masyarakat pelatihan google aps for education kepada guru MA Tanbihul Ghofiliin dilaksanakan pada hari sabtu tanggal 8 Agustus 2020, kegiatan diawali dengan menjelaskan apa fungsi dari masing-masing aplikasi dan bagaimana cara penggunaannya. Kegiatan berikutnya melakukan praktik langsung bagaimana membuat kelas daring pada google classroom, membuat form pada google form dan pemanfaatan google drive sebagai penyimpanan awan dan diakhiri dengan diskusi/sesi tanya jawab dengan peserta. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan antusiasiame peserta yang cukup tinggi dengan kegiatan pelatihan yang diberikan dan diharapkan kedepannya akan ada pelatihan selanjutnya seperti pelatihan edit video untuk pembelajaran. Kata kunci: pelatihan; guru; google; pembelajaran; daring. ABSTRACTThe majority of MA teachers in Tanbihul Ghofiliin have used Google, but not all teachers know and understand how to use Google Apps for Education facilities to support teaching and learning activities. The solution to the problems offered to partners is to provide training on the use of google classrooms, forms, meetings and drives as an alternative to new learning models, namely non-face-to-face (online) collaborative learning. This training aims to improve the ability of teachers in teaching activities so that they become more professional. Amikom Community Partners activities Google Aps for Education training for MA Tanbihul Ghofiliin teachers was held on Saturday, August 8, 2020, the activity begins by explaining what the function of each application is and how to use it. The next activity is to do hands-on practice on how to make online classes in google classroom, create forms on google forms and use google drive as cloud storage and ends with a discussion / question and answer session with participants. The results of the activity show that the participants' enthusiasm is quite high with the training activities provided and it is hoped that in the future there will be further training such as video editing training for learning. Keywords: training; teacher; google; learning; online.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Rebecca Zuege Kuglitsch ◽  
Natalia Tingle ◽  
Alexander Watkins

The increasing complexity of the information ecosystem means that research consultations are increasingly important to meeting library users' needs. Yet librarians struggle to balance escalating demands on their time. How can we embrace this expanded role and maintain accessibility to users while balancing competing demands on our time? One tool that allows us to better navigate this shifting landscape is Google Appointment Calendar, part of Google Apps for Education. It makes it easier than ever for students to book a consultation with a librarian, while at the same time allowing the librarian to better control their schedule. Our research suggests that both students and librarians felt it was a useful, efficient system.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-202
Intan Putri Cahyani

Cloud-computing technology present as an impact of the changing cultural environment and competitive ecosystem of Higher Education in the world, including Indonesia. Cloud computing is actually a combination use of computer technology ("computing") and the development of Internet-based ('cloud'). Higher education is considered ideal for the diffusion of innovation because they have a core that can encourage innovation and there are frequently changes in faculty or department’s level, pedagogical and technological. This study pointed out a uniqueness where lecturers (digital immigrant) and students (digital native) could collaborate in realtime by adopting cloud-computing technology, namely Google's Google Apps for Education (GAFE), in the learning system. Diffusion-innovation theory of Rogers will be in depth elaborated to explain the process of adoption of new kind of communication technologies which is currently becoming trendsetter. This type of study is qualitative descriptive with grounded theory method involving several universities in Central Java that are already using GAFE technology during the last three years, i.e. UNNES, UDINUS, and UNISSULA. This study used purposive sampling with total sample of 12 people who are lecturers and students, GAFE active users  in learning system. The results showed lecturers especially junior lecturers have a central role as a facilitator of learning technologies in deciding what to use. Common interest is the main reason behind. Though lecturers and students came from different generation but both of them adopted GAFE Keywords : Difussion Innovation, Cloud Computing Technology, GAFE, Digital Immigrant, Digital Native  ABSTRAK Teknologi komputasi awan atau sering dikenal dengan cloud computing hadir sebagai sebuah dampak perubahan lingkungan budaya dan ekosistem yang kompetitif pada Pendidikan Tinggi di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Cloud computing ini sejatinya merupakan gabungan pemanfaatan teknologi komputer (‘komputasi’) dan pengembangan berbasis Internet (‘awan’). Pendidikan tinggi dianggap sangat ideal untuk difusi inovasi karena mereka memiliki jantung yang bisa mendorong inovasi dan selalu ada perubahan baik di level fakultas atau jurusan, pedagogis serta teknologi. Studi ini akan mengangkat keunikan dimana dosen (digital immigrant) dan mahasiswa (digital native) dapat berkolaborasi secara realtime dengan mengadopsi teknologi cloud computing milik Google yaitu Google Apps for Education (GAFE) dalam sistem pembelajaran. Teori difusi inovasi milik Rogers akan dielaborasi secara mendalam untuk menjelaskan proses adopsi teknologi komunikasi jenis baru yang sekarang tengah menjadi trendsetter ini. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode grounded yang melibatkan beberapa Perguruan Tinggi di Jawa Tengah yang sudah menggunakan teknologi GAFE selama tiga tahun terakhir, yaitu UNNES, UDINUS, dan UNISSULA. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 12 orang yang merupakan dosen dan mahasiswa pengguna aktif GAFE dalam sistem pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dosen terutama dosen junior memiliki peranan sentra sebagai fasilitator dalam memutuskan teknologi pembelajaran apa yang akan digunakan. Kesamaan kepentinganlah yang menjadi faktor utama mengapa walaupun berbeda generasi, namun dosen dan mahasiswa bisa mengadopsi  GAFE. Kata Kunci:  Difusi Inovasi, Teknologi Cloud Computing, GAFE, Digital Immigrant, Digital Native,

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.13) ◽  
pp. 460 ◽  
S Subandi ◽  
C Choirudin ◽  
M Mahmudi ◽  
N Nizaruddin ◽  
H Hermanita

Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is a technology is provided and designed for college by promoting the use of information technology and collaboration. One of Google Apps for Education products is Google Classroom being a learning media between for Lecturers and Students to build interactive communication. Interactive communication leads to good feedback in the form of educational transformation from learning source to learner. This is what improves the engagement for the students themselves. By the concept of digital classroom, students no longer just sit passively in the classroom, they are interested in themselves to explore the things offered by technology. Building interactive communication among students need a good strategy. Strategy not only serves as a concept map that shows only direction, but is able to demonstrate operational tactics to achieve the established goals. A teacher or lecturer who does not have a good teaching strategy will not be able to create good communication with students. Building interactive communication among students need a good strategy. Strategy not only serves as a concept map that shows only direction, but is able to demonstrate operational tactics to achieve the established goals. A teacher or lecturer who does not have a good teaching strategy will not be able to create good communication with students.  

2011 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 117-130
Angelė Pečeliūnaitė

Informacinės komunikacinės technologijos sparčiai vystosi ir tobulėja. Debesų kompiuterija (Cloud Computing) yra dar viena naujovė, sparčiai pradėjusi plisti XXI a. pradžioje. Debesų kompiuterija – tai galimybė naudotis kompiuterine ir programine įranga internete ir mokėti tik už tai, kiek teikiama paslauga buvo pasinaudota. Debesų kompiuterijos paslaugos pirmiausia buvo orientuotos į verslą. Šio straipsnio tikslas – apžvelgti debesų technologijas ir jų teikiamas galimybes akademinei bendruomenei – studijoms, mokslui, bendradarbiavimui ir mokslinei komunikacijai. Analizuojamos trijų korporacijų siūlomos paslaugos, kreipiant dėmesį į paslaugų įvairovę, galimybes rengti projektus, konferencijas etc., technologijos saugumą, mobilumą ir paslaugų kainą. Tyrimo išvadose pabrėžiama, kad debesų kompiuterija yra patraukli mokslui ir studijoms. Debesį galima panaudoti studijoms, moksliniam darbui, bendradarbiavimui ir mokslinėje komunikacijoje, tik svarbu pasirinkti poreikius tenkinantį atitinkamą debesį.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: debesų technologijos, debesų kompiuterija, viešas ir privatus debesis, virtualus privatus tinklas, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualizacijos procesai, duomenų centrai, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Web Apps, Zoho debesis, Google Apps studijoms, mokslo komunikacija.Cloud Computing: The job, co-operation and communication Does Cloud Meet the Needs of Students and Scholars?Angelė Pečeliūnaitė SummaryThe information and communication technologies are rapidly evolving and progressing. Cloud computing is one of the innovations that began rapidly spreading from the beginning of the 21st century. The article summarizes the cloud computing paradigm, an introduction to cloud computing platforms, the cloud service offered by the cloud providers, and highlights the attractive features of this technology. The collaboration and communication methods in the cloud are discussed. The cloud computing services were primarily focused on business. The aim of the article is an overview of the cloud technologies and opportunities for the academic community – in studies, research, col-laboration and scientific communication.Delic divides research into three significant periods: empirical, theoretical, and experimental/simulation (Delic et al., 2010, p. 3). This article falls within the third study phase: an experimen-tal study comparing the services of three selected cloud providers. We analyze the cloud services of Zoho Web Apps, Microsoft Web Apps and Google Apps for Education according to the selected five categories (information gathered from web sites and company experts speaking): education in a variety of services offered working with documents and projects, scientific communication and col-laboration, data protection, mobility and price.The results have shown that cloud services are attractive to the educational community. The largest variety of service diversity and performance improvements are offered by the Microsoft and Zoho clouds on the SaaS and PaaS platforms. Zoho is a leader of these cloud services. The most attractive environment for scientific communication and collaboration (including mobility) is the Microsoft cloud. Data protection takes care of all service providers: SLA of 99.9% guarantee. Zoho uses web encryption for 256-bit SSL, and Microsoft 128-bit SSL / TSL. Google Apps for Education is in many ways behind the above-mentioned corporations, while Google's cloud services are offered to meet students' needs; services are provided free of charge.The investigation was conducted in December 1–15, 2010.

First Monday ◽  
2016 ◽  
Maria Lindh ◽  
Jan Nolin ◽  
Karen Nowe Hedvall

The study focuses on the implications of affordances identified in Google Apps for Education (GAFE), by strategic staff within a Swedish school organisation, with responsibility for schools in around 30 municipalities. A complex picture emerged, where GAFE was perceived both as a neutral, well-functioning tool and as a means of educating in partly new ways. Furthermore, the study shows that GAFE, despite its characteristic of being a non-generative appliance, still can be used in creative ways. The implementation of cloud technology, such as GAFE, endorses a tunnel-vision affordance that downgrades more nuanced perceptions of the different technological, economical, and ethical aspects of the technology. Studying GAFE, different tensions of power emerge: Google vs. the school, IT professionals vs. teachers, management vs. teachers, teachers vs. pupils, Google vs. pupils.

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