2020 ◽  
Adolat Vakhidova ◽  
Gavkhar Khudoyarova ◽  
Komil Boltaev ◽  

To date, large-scale targeted measures have been taken in the domestic healthcare sector to radically improve the quality and significantly expand the range of medical care provided to the population. In this direction, especially in improving the quality of treatment of echinococcosis, positive results have been achieved. Along with this, to improve the system of medical care, scientific-based results are required to assess the effectiveness of new methods of prevention and treatment of hydatids liver diseases. Among the most relevant aspects of the problem of echinococcosis are the identification of factors that affect the development of the disease, the causes of complications and relapses. It, along with numerous States, is also quite often found on the territory of Central Asian countries, which includes Uzbekistan. It is safe to say that echinococcosis today is one of the most important world problems of medical, veterinary and biological significance. Echinococcosis is a serious human disease that affects various organs, especially the liver and lungs, and more than 1.5 thousand operations are performed for it per year; only in terms of referrals to surgical clinics, the incidence rate ranges from 4 to 9 per 100 thousand people; the number of patients with complicated forms reaches 25-45% the number of postoperative complications – 20-30 %; lethality – 2-5 %. In some regions of the Republic, the incidence of echinococcosis in people as a result of indirect hemagglutination is 8-9%, according to autopsy data-2-3 %. The main role in the complex of anti-helminth measures continues to play a specific deworming of animals and humans. The success of deworming depends on highly effective and low-toxic anthelmintic agents, many of which, despite a wide range, do not meet modern requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (10) ◽  
pp. 3011-3017 ◽  
Olga Mineeva ◽  
Mateo Rojas-Carulla ◽  
Ruth E Ley ◽  
Bernhard Schölkopf ◽  
Nicholas D Youngblut

Abstract Motivation Methodological advances in metagenome assembly are rapidly increasing in the number of published metagenome assemblies. However, identifying misassemblies is challenging due to a lack of closely related reference genomes that can act as pseudo ground truth. Existing reference-free methods are no longer maintained, can make strong assumptions that may not hold across a diversity of research projects, and have not been validated on large-scale metagenome assemblies. Results We present DeepMAsED, a deep learning approach for identifying misassembled contigs without the need for reference genomes. Moreover, we provide an in silico pipeline for generating large-scale, realistic metagenome assemblies for comprehensive model training and testing. DeepMAsED accuracy substantially exceeds the state-of-the-art when applied to large and complex metagenome assemblies. Our model estimates a 1% contig misassembly rate in two recent large-scale metagenome assembly publications. Conclusions DeepMAsED accurately identifies misassemblies in metagenome-assembled contigs from a broad diversity of bacteria and archaea without the need for reference genomes or strong modeling assumptions. Running DeepMAsED is straight-forward, as well as is model re-training with our dataset generation pipeline. Therefore, DeepMAsED is a flexible misassembly classifier that can be applied to a wide range of metagenome assembly projects. Availability and implementation DeepMAsED is available from GitHub at Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

2017 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 322-333 ◽  
Mariam Gersamia ◽  
Eric Freedman

Since achieving independence in 1991, the Republic of Georgia has made significant progress with democratization and now has what is considered the freest, most independent, and most diverse press among the ex-Soviet Caucasus and Central Asian countries. Improvements have been made in the quality of journalism education as part of a national process of educational reform, but curricula remain hampered by Soviet-era legacies in content and pedagogy. This essay compares a leading university’s curriculum with the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) model curricula for journalism education, discusses the purposes and standards of accreditation for journalism and mass communication programs, and concludes that the current accreditation process in Georgia needs improvement.

2020 ◽  
Park MooJong ◽  
Song Youngseok ◽  
Lee Heesup ◽  
Park Juhyeok

<p>Recently, climate change due to global warming has been frequented by large-scale weather disasters that have not been experienced in the past. Among various weather disasters, drought is one of the representative weather disasters in Korea recently along with heavy rains. In the case of drought, it occurs in a wide range in the short term and long term, and it is difficult to identify specific occurrence times, places, and causes, and damage and influence are enormous.</p><p>In the past, the Republic of Korea has been prepared with non-structural measures such as securing irrigation water for drought restoration, developing emergency management, and developing a drought information system based on drought index. The reduction measures for drought degradation were mainly used by Palmer Draught Severity Index (PDSI), Standardized Precision Index (SPI), Crop Moisture Index (CMI), Crop Specific Drug Index (CMI), and Profication (DICS Index), and Survey.</p><p>In this study, we intend to establish standards for reducing drought damage by investigating and analyzing drought damage characteristics in Korea. In the past, drought damage in Korea occurred in agriculture, living and industry, and the ministry manages and stores the data on drought damage. The drought damage in South Korea from 1965 to 2018 occurred a total of 204 times, mostly in South Gyeongsang and South Jeolla provinces, rather than in special cities and metropolitan cities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of drought damage in Korea and establish the measures to reduce mega drought.</p><p>Acknowledges : This research was supported by a grant(2019-MOIS31-010) from Fundamental Technology Development Program for Extreme Disaster Response funded by Korean Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS).</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Samira Melki ◽  
Moncef Gueddari

The production of phosphoric acid by the Tunisian Chemical Group, in Sfax, Tunisia, led to the degradation of the groundwater quality of the Sfax-Agareb aquifer mainly by the phosphogypsum leachates infiltration. Spatiotemporal monitoring of the quality of groundwater was carried out by performing bimonthly sampling between October 2013 and October 2014. Samples culled in the current study were subject to physicochemical parameters measurements and analysis of the major elements, orthophosphates, fluorine, trace metals, and stable isotopes (18O, 2H). The obtained results show that the phosphogypsum leachates infiltration has a major effect on the downstream part of the aquifer, where the highest values of conductivity, SO42-, Ortho-P, and F-, and the lowest pH were recorded. In addition, these results indicated that phosphogypsum leachates contained much higher amount of Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Al compared to the groundwater. Spatiotemporal variation of the conductivity and concentrations of major elements is linked to the phosphogypsum leachates infiltration as well as to a wide range of factors such as the natural conditions of feeding and the water residence time. Contents of O18 and 2H showed that the water of the Sfax-Agareb aquifer undergoes a large scale evaporation process originated from recent rainfall.

2018 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 03001
Han Yang ◽  
Chen Kerui ◽  
Li Yang ◽  
Qu Bao

In twenty-first Century, China vigorously promoted the research and construction of AC and DC transmission technology in order to ensure the optimal allocation of energy resources in a large scale[1]. In the construction of AC UHV transmission line, the welding quality of tower and stiffening plate as the load bearing tower and the tension of the welded structure plays an important role in the overall quality of the steel structure. In the past, the welding process of semi automatic carbon dioxide solid core welding wire often has the characteristics of weld spatter not easy to clean up and low efficiency of welding. The semi-automatic CO2 flux cored arc welding, has the characteristics of current and voltage to adapt to a wide range, melting speed, has important significance for improving the process, this paper describes the technology in practical engineering applications, and developed the basic strategy of training for grid steel structure welding technicians. This paper also lists both V groove plate butt FCAW welding typical welding project, hope this welding process will continue to spread.

Medicina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (11) ◽  
pp. 1180
Iulia Rusu ◽  
Nicoleta-Monica Popa-Fotea ◽  
Mihaela Octavia Stanculescu ◽  
Diana Rusu ◽  
Alexandra Dumitru ◽  

Background and Objectives: biomarker-based studies are the cornerstone of precision medicine, providing key data for tailored medical care. Enrollment of the planned number of patients is a critical determinant of a successful clinical trial. Moreover, for inclusive medical care, patients from different socio-demographic backgrounds must be recruited. Still, a significant number of trials fail to reach these prerequisites. Designing the informed consent forms based on the patients’ feedback could optimize accrual. We aimed to explore the attitudes of patients from a Romanian tertiary cardiology center towards participation in biomarker-based clinical trials. Materials and Methods: three hundred forty inpatients were interviewed based on a semi-structured questionnaire which included four sections: demographics, personal medical history, attitudes and trust. Results: Roughly, 62.5% of the respondents were interested in enrolling, while altruistic reasons were the most frequently expressed. Clear exposure of the possible risks was most valued (37.78%), followed by the possibility of directly communicating with the research team (23.78%). The most frequently chosen answer by acutely ill patients was improvement of their health, whereas chronically ill individuals indicated the possibility of withdrawal without affecting the quality of medical care. Importantly, the participation rate could be improved if the invitation to enrollment were made by both the current physician and the study coordinator (p = 0.0001). The level of trust in researchers was high in more than 50% of the respondents, and was correlated with therapeutic compliance and with the desire to join a biomarker study. Conclusions: the information gained will facilitate a tailored approach to patient enrollment in future biomarker-based studies in our clinic.

С.И. Носков ◽  
М.П. Базилевский ◽  
Ю.А. Трофимов ◽  
А. Буяннэмэх

В статье рассматривается проблема разработки (формирования) функции эффективности (агрегированного критерия, свертки критериев) входящих в состав Улан-Баторской железной дороги (УБЖД) участков, которая содержала бы специальным образом взвешенные частные характеристики качества функционирования этих участков. Решение этой проблемы осуществляется на основе разработанной в Иркутском государственном университете путей сообщения информационно-вычислительной технологии (ИВТ) многокритериального оценивания эффективности функционирования сложных социально-экономических и технических систем. ИВТ позволяет на модельном уровне оценивать эту эффективность одним числом (выраженным, например, в процентах), что открывает широкие возможности в управлении этими системами, поскольку позволяет выполнять, в частности, масштабный многофакторный сравнительный анализ деятельности однородных организационных и других структур и принимать на этой основе решения самого различного характера. Построена функция эффективности функционирования участков УБЖД, включающая в свой состав взвешенные частные индикаторы такой эффективности: погрузка, статическая нагрузка, выгрузка, отправление вагонов, перевозка пассажиров, простои вагонов с одной переработкой, простои местных вагонов, простои транзитных вагонов с переработкой, простои транзитных вагонов без переработки. На основе этой функции рассчитана масштабированная на сто процентов эффективность каждого участка. При этом все показатели предпочтения упорядочены по убыванию значимости. Подобная информация, формируемая с годичной периодичностью, может быть весьма полезна руководству УБЖД для принятия широкого спектра управленческих, в том числе кадровых, решений. Аналогичная работа может быть выполнена в интересах РАО РЖД. The article discusses the problem of developing (forming) an efficiency function (aggregated criterion, convolution of criteria) of the sections included in the Ulan Bator Railway (UBZhD), which would contain specially weighted private characteristics of the quality of the functioning of these sections. The solution to this problem is carried out on the basis of the information and computational technology (ICT) developed at the Irkutsk State University of communication lines for multi-criteria assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of complex socio-economic and technical systems. IWT makes it possible at the model level to evaluate this efficiency by one number (expressed, for example, as a percentage), which opens up ample opportunities in the management of these systems, since it allows performing, in particular, a large-scale multifactorial comparative analysis of the activities of homogeneous organizational and other structures and on this basis solutions of the most varied nature. The function of the effectiveness of the functioning of the UBZhD sections has been built, which includes weighted private indicators of such efficiency: loading, static load, unloading, dispatch of cars, transportation of passengers, idle time of cars with one processing, idle time of local cars, idle time of transit cars with processing, idle time of transit cars without processing. Based on this function, a 100% scaled efficiency is calculated for each site. Moreover, all preference indicators are sorted in descending order of importance. Such information, generated on a yearly basis, can be very useful to the UBZhD leadership for making a wide range of managerial, including personnel, decisions. Similar work can be performed in the interests of RAO Russian Railways.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (5) ◽  
pp. 300-310 ◽  
Natalya G. Mokrysheva ◽  
Svetlana S. Mirnaya ◽  
Ekaterina A. Dobreva ◽  
Irina S. Maganeva ◽  
Elena V. Kovaleva ◽  

BACKGROUND: There are no large-scale epidemiological studies on primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) in Russia. The high prevalence of the disease, the high risk of disability and death in this cohort of patients requires the study of the epidemiological and clinical structure of PHPT to determine the extent of medical care. AIM: Evaluate the frequency of PHPT detection and characterize its clinical forms in Russia using an online registry. METHODS: The object of the study is the database of the State Register of Patients with PHPT 1914 patients from 71 regions of the Russian Federation. New cases of the disease, as well as dynamic indicators are recorded when patients visit outpatient clinics or medical institutions. The analysis of data made at the end of December 2017 was carried out. The following parameters were evaluated: demographic and clinical indicators; indicators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, the main forms of PHPT and its course, the primary characteristic of PHPT in hereditary syndromes and parathyroid carcinoma. Results are presented as mean and standard deviations, or medians and quartiles; descriptive statistics of qualitative attributes absolute and relative frequencies. RESULTS: the total number of patients with PHPT in the registry on 31 of December 2017 was 1914 cases (0.001% of the population of the Russian Federation). Identification of PHPT was 1.3 cases per 100 thousand of the population in Russia, 7.6 cases in Moscow, 6.1 cases per 100 thousand in the Moscow region. The average age of patients at the time of diagnosis was 55.6 10 years. The active phase of the disease was registered in 84.6% of patients (1620/1914), most of whom had a symptomatic PHPT 67.1% (1087/1620), and 32.9% a asymptomatic disease (533/1620). Symptomatic disease with visceral complications was detected in 15.8% cases (172/1087), with bone complications in 48.4% (526/1087). The mixed form of the disease was detected in 35.8% of patients with manifest form (389/1087). Normocalcemic variant PHPT (nPHPT) was registered in 14.5% cases (234/1620). Sporadic PHPT occurs in 83% of cases (1592/1914). 326 patients (17%) had a suspicion for hereditary form of the disease: average age was 31.2 12.3 years. A genetic analysis was conducted in 61 patients (3.2%): showed the mutation in the MEN1 gene in 2.9% of cases (55/1914) and the mutation in the CDC73 gene in 0.3% of cases (6/1914) (HPT-JT syndrome). Parathyroid carcinoma was confirmed in 1.8% of all patients (35/1914). Surgical treatment was performed in 64.5% of patients (1234/1914). Remission was achieved in 94% of cases (1160/1234), in 6% of cases relapse after surgical treatment or persistence of PHPT was recorded. CONCLUSION: detection of PHPT in the Russian Federation raised in comparison to 2016, which is associated with an active start of registration of patients in the regions. At this stage, it is necessary to modify the principles of registration and control, to make a platform for gathering information and calculating the necessary volumes of medical care for PHPT patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Inggit Akim

ABSTRACTSupervise the government as the provider of public services to carry out their duties and authorities under applicable regulations. Large-Scale Social Restrictions are restrictions on certain activities in an area suspected of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which causes the quality of public services to be disrupted. The Ombudsman has the task of supervising the implementation of shared services organized by state or government officials and private or individual bodies assigned the task of providing services according to minimum service standards as a benchmark for service delivery and assessing the quality of services to the community. The research method used is normative juridical research with a conceptual approach (Statute Approach).The results of this study are large-scale social restriction policies through the Mayor of Tarakan Regulation Number 17 of 2020, restrictions on activities outside the house such as the implementation of learning at schools and/or other educational institutions, Work From Home (WFH), religious movements in houses of worship, activities in public places, social and cultural activities and Mandatory rapid tests for those using Sea and Air transportation modes, and providing social assistance to communities affected by COVID-19. Ombudsman's supervision of public services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tarakan City, namely by conducting coordination and control and cooperation with state and private officials as well as community or individual organizations, opening an Online Complaint Post for COVID-19 Affected Persons. Also, conduct unannounced checks to improve public services in the City of Tarakan. Based on the supervision, the receipt of reports on suspicion of maladministration and the Ombudsman's investigation results are subject to examination. Suppose it is proven that it has committed maladministration in public services, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia can take corrective action and provide recommendations/suggestions to state administrators to improve the quality of public services. Keywords: Surveillance; Ombudsman; Public Service; COVID-19 Pandemic

Donovan H Parks ◽  
Michael Imelfort ◽  
Connor T Skennerton ◽  
Philip Hugenholtz ◽  
Gene W Tyson

Large-scale recovery of genomes from isolates, single cells, and metagenomic data has been made possible by advances in computational methods and substantial reductions in sequencing costs. While this increasing breadth of draft genomes is providing key information regarding the evolutionary and functional diversity of microbial life, it has become impractical to finish all available reference genomes. Making robust biological inferences from draft genomes requires accurate estimates of their completeness and contamination. Current methods for assessing genome quality are ad hoc and generally make use of a limited number of ‘marker’ genes conserved across all bacterial or archaeal genomes. Here we introduce CheckM, an automated method for assessing the quality of a genome using a broader set of marker genes specific to the position of a genome within a reference genome tree and information about the collocation of these genes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CheckM using synthetic data and a wide range of isolate, single cell and metagenome derived genomes. CheckM is shown to provide accurate estimates of genome completeness and contamination, and to outperform existing approaches. Using CheckM, we identify a diverse range of errors currently impacting publicly available isolate genomes and demonstrate that genomes obtained from single cells and metagenomic data vary substantially in quality. In order to facilitate the use of draft genomes, we propose an objective measure of genome quality that can be used to select genomes suitable for specific gene- and genome-centric analyses of microbial communities.

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