active phase
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Abstract This study investigated the diurnal cycle of convection over Sumatra Island in an active phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during the Pre-Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC) observation campaign in December 2015 based on in-situ and satellite observations and a convection-permitting numerical model. Observations suggest that before the active phase of the MJO in early December, convection occurred frequently over the island during the afternoon and at midnight. By contrast, during the active phase of the MJO in mid-December, afternoon convection over the island was delayed and suppressed, and midnight convection was suppressed. Numerical experiments also successfully replicated the main features of the observed modulations. In general, during the active phase of the MJO, the troposphere became drier in the Sumatra region. While the clouds reduced the solar radiation over the land, the sea breeze was also found to be delayed and weakened. As a result, the afternoon convection initiation was delayed and weakened. Further analyses suggested that the sea breeze was weakened mainly due to the orographic stagnation effect rather than the slightly reduced land-sea temperature contrast. On the other hand, the increased stratiform-anvil clouds induced the anomalous evaporative cooling in the mid-troposphere and generated island-scale subsidence during the nighttime, which finally led to the suppression of inland convection. Overall, our study reveals the modulation of diurnal convection over Sumatra Island by an active phase of the MJO and also shows the potential role of land-sea interaction in convection initiation and maintenance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Iris C. ten Have ◽  
Josepha J. G. Kromwijk ◽  
Matteo Monai ◽  
Davide Ferri ◽  
Ellen B. Sterk ◽  

AbstractTransforming carbon dioxide into valuable chemicals and fuels, is a promising tool for environmental and industrial purposes. Here, we present catalysts comprising of cobalt (oxide) nanoparticles stabilized on various support oxides for hydrocarbon production from carbon dioxide. We demonstrate that the activity and selectivity can be tuned by selection of the support oxide and cobalt oxidation state. Modulated excitation (ME) diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) reveals that cobalt oxide catalysts follows the hydrogen-assisted pathway, whereas metallic cobalt catalysts mainly follows the direct dissociation pathway. Contrary to the commonly considered metallic active phase of cobalt-based catalysts, cobalt oxide on titania support is the most active catalyst in this study and produces 11% C2+ hydrocarbons. The C2+ selectivity increases to 39% (yielding 104 mmol h−1 gcat−1 C2+ hydrocarbons) upon co-feeding CO and CO2 at a ratio of 1:2 at 250 °C and 20 bar, thus outperforming the majority of typical cobalt-based catalysts.

Polymers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 332
Qiang Li ◽  
Xianhui An ◽  
Xueren Qian

Cellulose fiber (CelF) is a biodegradable and renewable material with excellent performance but negligible triboelectric polarizability. Methods to enhance and rationally tune the triboelectric properties of CelF are needed to further its application for energy harvesting. In this work, methyl-orange-doped polypyrrole (MO-PPy) was in situ coated on CelF as a mediating layer to promote the growth of metal–organic framework ZIF-8 and to construct a cellulose-based triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG). The results showed that a small amount of MO-PPy generated in situ significantly promoted the growth of ZIF-8 on CelF, and the ZIF-8 deposition ratio was able to increase from 7.8% (ZIF-8/CelF) to 31.8% (ZIF-8/MO-PPy@CelF). ZIF-8/MO-PPy@CelF remained electrically conductive and became triboelectrically positive, and the triboelectricity’s positivity was improved with the increase in the ZIF-8 deposition ratio. The cellulose-based TENG constructed with ZIF-8/MO-PPy@CelF (31.8% ZIF-8 deposition ratio) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) could generate a transfer charge of 47.4 nC, open-circuit voltage of 129 V and short-circuit current of 6.8 μA—about 4 times higher than those of ZIF-8/CelF (7.8% ZIF-8 deposition ratio)—and had excellent cycling stability (open-circuit voltage remained almost constant after 10,000 cycles). MO-PPy not only greatly facilitated the growth of ZIF-8 on CelF, but also acted as an electrode active phase for TENG. The novel TENG based on ZIF-8/MO-PPy@CelF composite has cheerful prospects in many applications, such as self-powered supercapacitors, sensors and monitors, smart pianos, ping-pong tables, floor mats, etc.

2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-86

Thermodynamic structure of atmospheric boundary layer during October - December covering southwest and northeast monsoon activities over interior Tamilnadu (ITN), coastal Tamilnadu (CTN) and adjoining Bay of Bengal (BOB) has been studied using  TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) data of 1996-98. Heights of neutral stratified mixed layer, cloud layer and planetary boundary layer (PBL) have been estimated through available standard pressure level data. Highest PBL occurs during active northeast monsoon. Cloud layer thickness during weak northeast monsoon over interior Tamilnadu  is significantly higher than that over coastal Tamilnadu and  also over Bay of Bengal. Convective stability (instability)  of the atmosphere in 850-700 hPa layer is associated with weak / withdrawal (active) phase of northeast monsoon. One of  the plausible reasons for  subdued rainfall activity during weak northeast monsoon over interior Tamilnadu could be convective instability  seen over this region in 850-700 hPa layer. But the same is absent in CTN and BOB where no rainfall activity exists during weak monsoon phase. Virtual temperature lapse rate in 850-700 hPa layer exceeding (less than) 6oK/km is associated with active (weak) phase of northeast monsoon over the interior, coastal Tamilnadu and Bay of Bengal.

2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
E. Spalding ◽  
K. M. Morzinski ◽  
P. Hinz ◽  
J. Males ◽  
M. Meyer ◽  

Abstract The Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) has two 8.4 m primary mirrors that produce beams that can be combined coherently in a “Fizeau” interferometric mode. In principle, the Fizeau point-spread function (PSF) enables the probing of structure at a resolution up to three times better than that of the adaptive-optics-corrected PSF of a single 8.4 m telescope. In this work, we examined the nearby star Altair (5.13 pc, type A7V, hundreds of Myr to ≈1.4 Gyr) in the Fizeau mode with the LBT at Brα (4.05 μm) and carried out angular differential imaging to search for companions. This work presents the first filled-aperture LBT Fizeau science data set to benefit from a correcting mirror that provides active phase control. In the analysis of the λ/D angular regime, the sensitivity of the data set is down to ≈0.5 M ⊙ at 1″ for a 1.0 Gyr system. This sensitivity remains limited by the small amount of integration time, which is in turn limited by the instability of the Fizeau PSF. However, in the Fizeau fringe regime we attain sensitivities of Δm ≈ 5 at 0.″2 and put constraints on companions of 1.3 M ⊙ down to an inner angle of ≈0.″15, closer than any previously published direct imaging of Altair. This analysis is a pathfinder for future data sets of this type, and represents some of the first steps to unlocking the potential of the first Extremely Large Telescope. Fizeau observations will be able to reach dimmer targets with upgrades to the instrument, in particular the phase detector.

Giuseppe Lippi ◽  
Emmanuel J. Favaloro

AbstractThe clinical course of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is often complicated by the onset of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism (VTE), encompassing also pulmonary thrombosis. Recent statistics attests that the cumulative frequency of VTE can be as high as 30% in COVID-19 hospitalized patients, increasing to nearly 40 to 70% (depending on systematic screening) in those with severe illness, mechanical ventilation, or intensive care unit admission. The risk of venous thrombosis seems mostly limited to the active phase of disease, and is directly associated with some genetic (i.e., inherited prothrombotic predisposition) and demographical factors (male sex, overweight/obesity), disease severity (risk increasing progressively from hospitalization to development of severe illness, being the highest in patients needing mechanical ventilation and/or intensive care), presence and extent of pulmonary disease, coexistence of multiple risk factors (immobilization, mechanical ventilation, co- or superinfections), along with increased values of inflammatory and thrombotic biomarkers. At least three different phenotypes of pulmonary thrombosis may develop in COVID-19 patients, one caused by typical embolization from peripheral venous thrombosis (e.g., deep vein thrombosis), a second type triggered by local inflammation of nearby pulmonary tissue, and a third one mostly attributable to the prothrombotic state consequent to the pronounced systemic inflammatory response (i.e., the so-called cytokine storm) that is frequently observed in COVID-19. Although the pathogenesis of these three conditions has different features, their discrimination is essential for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The prognosis of COVID-19 patients who develop pulmonary thrombosis is also considerably worse than those who do not, thus probably needing frequent monitoring and more aggressive therapeutic management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Chi-Hui Tsao ◽  
Jonathan Flint ◽  
Guo-Jen Huang

AbstractBehavioral measurements in mice are critical tools used to evaluate the effects of interventions. Whilst mice are nocturnal animals, many studies conduct behavioral tests during the day. To better understand the effects of diurnal rhythm on mouse behaviors, we compared the results from behavioral tests conducted in the active and inactive phases. C57BL/6 mice were used in this study; we focus on sensorimotor performance, anxiety, learning and memory. Overall, our results show mice exhibit slightly higher cutaneous sensitivity, better long-term contextual memory, and a greater active avoidance escape response during the active phase. We did not observe significant differences in motor coordination, anxiety, or spatial learning and memory. Furthermore, apart from the elevated-O-maze, there was no remarkable sex effect among these tests. This study provides information on the effects of different diurnal phases on types of behavior and demonstrates the importance of the circadian cycle on learning and memory. Although we did not detect differences in anxiety and spatial learning/memory, diurnal rhythm may interact with other factors to influence these behaviors.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Takashi Matsuo ◽  
Tsuneo Sasai ◽  
Ran Nakashima ◽  
Yoshihiro Kuwabara ◽  
Eri Toda Kato ◽  

Anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) antibody, a dermatomyositis (DM)-specific antibody, is strongly associated with interstitial lung disease (ILD). Patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) who are anti-MDA5 antibody positive [anti-MDA5 (+)] often experience chest symptoms during the active disease phase. These symptoms are primarily explained by respiratory failure; nevertheless, cardiac involvement can also be symptomatic. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate cardiac involvement in anti-MDA5 (+) DM. A total of 63 patients with IIM who underwent electrocardiography (ECG) and ultrasound cardiography (UCG) during the active disease phase from 2016 to 2021 [anti-MDA5 (+) group, n = 21; anti-MDA5-negative (-) group, n = 42] were enrolled in the study, and their clinical charts were retrospectively reviewed. The ECG and UCG findings were compared between the anti-MDA5 (+) and anti-MDA5 (-) groups. All anti-MDA5 (+) patients had DM with ILD. The anti-MDA5 (+) group showed more frequent skin ulcerations and lower levels of leukocytes, muscle enzymes, and electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, and Ca) than the anti-MDA5 (-) group. According to the ECG findings obtained during the active disease phase, the T wave amplitudes were significantly lower for the anti-MDA5 (+) group than for the anti-MDA5 (-) group (I, II, and V4–6 lead; p < 0.01; aVF and V3, p < 0.05). However, the lower amplitudes were restored during the remission phase. Except for the E wave, A wave and Sep e’, the UCG results showed no significant differences between the groups. Four patients with anti-MDA5 (+) DM had many leads with lower T wave and cardiac abnormalities (heart failure, diastolic dysfunction, myocarditis) on and after admission. Though anti-MDA5 (+) patients clinically improved after immunosuppressive therapy, some of their ECG findings did not fully recover in remission phase. In conclusion, anti-MDA5 (+) DM appears to show cardiac involvement (electrical activity and function) during the active phase. Further studies are necessary to clarify the actual cardiac condition and mechanism of these findings in patients with anti-MDA5 (+) DM.

2022 ◽  
Chris Nicholls ◽  
Marko Bacic

2022 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 366
Shixin Zhao ◽  
Chengxun Yuan ◽  
А.А. Кудрявцев ◽  
Jingfeng Yao ◽  
Г.Д. Шабанов

The behavior in magnetic and electric fields of the Gatchina discharge, which is used mainly to create an analog of ball lightning in the laboratory in a normal atmosphere, is analyzed. Shown that in these studies it is possible to determine the sign of an uncompensated electric charge as in the active phase of the discharge, and in the forming long-lived luminous formations. Also shown that electric and magnetic fields can change the direction of movement of the forming luminous formation and even completely block its formation. The type and mechanism of existence firework ball lightning are considered, photos of which are presented in widely known monographs on the ball lightning.

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