scholarly journals Joachim Wach and the Phenomenological Tradition in the Religious Studies

2021 ◽  
pp. 317-332
Татьяна Сергеевна Самарина

Целью статьи является определение места Иоахима Ваха (1898-1955 гг.) в феноменологической религиоведческой традиции. Для этого проводятся реконструкция концептуальных основ его религиоведческой системы и философский анализ его теории религиозного опыта, анализируются социологические и религиоведческие элементы, наследие Ваха сопоставляется с трудами классиков немецкой феноменологии религии Р. Отто, Ф. Хайлером. В результате исследования доказывается, что теория Иоахима Ваха близка к идее концентрической схемы Ф. Хайлера, но система Хайлера была препарирована и использована им в угоду модной тенденции социологических исследований. Отмечается, что важный момент в учении И. Ваха составляет его представление об отношениях мастера и ученика. Анализируя эту концепцию, можно заключить, что для социологии Ваха важно не то, что общество воздействует на религию, а то, что религия создаёт общество. Описывая центр религии, И. Вах полностью полагался на концепцию нуминозного Р. Отто. Вах убежден, что в самой сути человека заложено нуминозное чувство, которое активизируется при встрече с тем, что он именовал предельной реальностью, Святым или нуминозным. Диалогические отношения человека и предельной реальности - фундамент религиоведческого метода Ваха. В то же время сам процесс религиозного опыта, его характеристики, значение для жизни индивида больше напоминают не Ahndung Я. Фриза, воспринятый Р. Отто, а чувство, описанное У. Джеймсом. The purpose of the article is to determine the place of Joachim Wach (1898-1955) in the tradition of phenomenology of religion. For this purpose, the reconstruction of the conceptual foundations of his religious system and the philosophical analysis of his theory of religious experience are carried out, the sociological and religious elements are analyzed, the legacy of Wach is compared with the works of the classics of the German phenomenology of religion, R. Otto and F. Heiler. The article shows the proximity of this theory to the concentric model, proposed by F. Heiler, but Heiler’s system was dissected and used by Wach in favor of the fashionable trend of sociological research. In his description of the center of religion J. Wach completely relied on the concept of numinous by R. Otto. Wach is convinced that there is a numinous feeling inherent in the very essence of man, which is activated when man faced with Ultimate reality, Holy or Numinous. The dialogical relations of man and Ultimate reality are the foundation of the Wach’s method of religious studies. At the same time, the process of religious experience itself more closely resembles with religious experience in the terms of W. James.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 423-446 ◽  
Jason N. Blum

William James stands at the nexus of two intellectual traditions important to religious studies: phenomenology of religion and radical empiricism. Focusing on James’s work, I identify three essential points of contact between radical empiricism and phenomenology of religion: epoché, the affective character of consciousness, and the inevitably open-ended nature of experience. I argue that these resonances allow them to be integrated, thereby furnishing a more robust and defensible understanding of the category of “experience.” This integrated approach responds to recent criticisms of phenomenology of religion, and describes a complimentary relationship between it and other, explanatory approaches to the study of religion and religious experience.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-192
Akhiyat Akhiyat

The phenomenological approach in religious studies has played an essential role in uncovering the mysteries of religious experience. With the epoché concept, which refers to the meaning of "delaying all judgments", or it can be said as meaning with the intention of suspending an understanding, that is interpreted as "confinement" (bracketing), the researcher must temporarily let go of all his judgments or understanding of the phenomenon under study to obtain universal knowledge that is transcendental to the phenomenon of religion and experience the essence that they obtain. However, critics from experts for this phenomenological approach to religion still exist, in this case, summarized in three points: first, about the continuity of the phenomenology of religion as a philosophical tradition. Second, hidden theological assumptions or motives behind the phenomenological approach of religion. Third, what is the involvement of religious scientists in the public role as social scientists face current social and political realities or the challenges of religious scientists whether they accept the public role or do not face the reality of various problems faced by society.

2005 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-133 ◽  
Kimerer LaMothe

AbstractThis article engages the dancing and writing of the American modern dance pioneer, Isadora Duncan (1877-1927), and the phenomenology of religion and dance authored by the Dutch phenomenologist, theologian, and historian of religion, Gerardus van der Leeuw (1890-1950), in order to argue that "dance" is a valuable resource for developing theories and methods in the study of religion that move beyond belief-centered, text-driven approaches. By setting the work of Duncan and van der Leeuw in the context of the emergence of the field of religious studies, this article not only offers conceptual tools for appreciating dance as a medium of religious experience and expression, it also plots a trajectory for the development of a theory of religion as practice and performance. Such a theory will benefit scholars eager to attend more closely to the role of bodily being in the life of "religion."

2018 ◽  
pp. 103-117
Irina L. Kozlova ◽  

The article presents the reconstruction of the system of criteria by Joachim Wach's (1898-1955), created by him for definition of religious experience. The main source is the author's translation of fragments of English-language works of the German-American classic of religious studies, which have not been translated into Russian before. The main characteristics of religious experience are singled out. In the J. Wach's understanding, this experience is presented as an experience structured, emotionally-intellectual, ordering, situational, and integrating. The structurally functional content of the four formal J. Wach's criteria in their connection with the concept of “numinous” introduced by R. Otto is described and analyzed. The specifics of the definition of religion, represented in the religious approach of J. Wach are considered. The author of the article proposes a new formulation of the definition of religion based on the constructions of J. Wach, in which religion is understood as the experience of life in the confront of ultimate reality...

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (2) ◽  
Garth J. Mason

This article offers an analysis of Keiji Nishitani’s understanding of the religious self as a window into his wider understanding of religion. It serves two purposes: to motivate for a revisiting of Nishitani’s book Religion and Nothingness (1983) and to argue that his ideas offer innovative approaches to contemporary Religious Studies. The self is the focus of Nishitani’s understanding of religion. Nishitani argues that the self is in crisis, rooted in the following question: ‘For what purpose do I exist?’ At the point of our deepest doubt (what he terms ‘the Great Doubt’) emerges an awareness of nothingness. That paradoxically leads to the potential for conversion: a uniquely religious experience. Nishitani’s analysis of religion and the self in crisis is valuable for the study of the religion more broadly because it locates the self as an important focus in the study of religion. Nishitani’s argument for the importance of religion and conversion in peoples’ lives foreshadowed two contemporary theoretical topics in the study of religion, namely posthumanism and postsecularism. To be human, to be aware of one’s death as a human being and the absolute doubt it causes, drives us to understand that we share the same fate as all life in the wider ecology and forces us to recognise that we share our creatureliness with all other life forms. Postsecularism is based on the prevalence of religion globally, despite predictions of its demise by secularists. This article reads the later writings of Derrida in the frame of postsecularism.Contribution: This article contributes to the current research into religious experience in the field of Religious Studies. It also suggests that the current sociological research of religious expression concentrates on identity advocacy but does not acknowledge the opposite issue of identities in crisis. This article addresses the dearth of research on the latter.

2021 ◽  
pp. 284-299
Татьяна Сергеевна Самарина

Задача статьи состоит в сопоставлении религиоведческой концепции Мирчи Элиаде с традицией феноменологии религии. Устоявшаяся идея существования так называемой «чикагской школы», понимаемой обычно как форма феноменологии религии на американской почве, вызывает большие сомнения. Современные исследователи утверждают, что между лидерами этой «школы» (И. Вахом и М. Элиаде) нет никакой научной связи, а само понятие «чикагская школа» - конструкт, созданный учеником И. Ваха Дж. Китагавой. Чтобы проверить эти утверждения, в статье последовательно анализируются центральные концепции системы Элиаде: представление о центре религии, иерофании, крипторелигиозности, его идеи сопоставляются с системами классиков феноменологии религии - Р. Отто, Ф. Хайлера, И. Ваха. В заключении статьи делается вывод о том, что Элиаде не принадлежал к феноменологической традиции изучения религии ни в её голландском, ни в её немецком вариантах. Концепты illud tempus , ностальгии по истокам, иерофании, а также систематика через архаизацию проявлений священного пространства и времени, составляющие ядро системы Элиаде, не имеют параллелей в творчестве феноменологов-классиков. Показывается, что религиоведческая концепция Элиаде была укоренена не в феноменологической традиции, а в его внутреннем психологическом опыте. Не проблема систематизации и описания религиозной жизни и не дискуссии о «Святом» лежали в её основе, а поиск противоядия против исторического редукционизма, желание сбежать от необходимых процессов старения, изменения, экзистенциальной неуверенности в идеализированный образ вечного прошлого. Эта психологическая ориентация Элиаде роднит его с направлением, называемым «политикой мифа», пытавшимся реабилитировать мифологическое сознание, к которому принадлежали К. Г. Юнг, Дж. Кэмпбелл, А. Корбен. Но тем не менее, проект Элиаде схож с феноменологией религии, поскольку религия понимается им как suigeneris . The aim of the article is to compare Mircea Eliade concept of religion with the tradition of the phenomenology of religion. The well-established idea of the existence of the so-called Chicago school , usually understood as a form of phenomenology of religion on American soil, raises great doubts. Modern researchers argue that there is no scientific connection between the leaders of this school (J. Wach and M. Eliade), and the very concept of Chicago school is a construct created by a student of J. Wach, J. Kitagawa. To verify these claims, the article has analyzed the central concepts of Eliade’s system: the idea of the center of religion, hierophany, crypto-religion, his ideas are compared with the systems of the classical phenomenology of religion - R. Otto, F. Heiler, and J. Wach. The article concludes that Eliade did not belong to the phenomenological tradition of studying religion, either in its Dutch or German versions. The concepts of Illud tempus , nostalgia for the origins , hierophany , systematics through the archaization, manifestations of sacred space and time, which form the core of the Eliade’s system, have no parallels in the work of classical phenomenologists. It is shown that Eliade’s religious concept was rooted not in the phenomenological tradition, but in his inner psychological experience. In its core lay the search for an antidote to historical reductionism, the desire to escape from the necessary processes of aging and existential uncertainty into an idealized image of the eternal past. This psychological orientation of Eliade is related to the so called the politics of myth , which tried to rehabilitate the mythological consciousness, to which C. G. Jung, J. Campbell, H. Corbin belonged. Nevertheless, Eliade’s project is similar to the phenomenology of religion, since religion is understood by him as sui generis .

1997 ◽  
pp. 51-58
O. Karagodina

Psychology of religion as a branch of religious studies, in contrast to the philosophy and sociology of religion, focuses attention mainly on the problems of individual religiosity - the phenomena of religious experience, religious beliefs, mechanisms of the emergence and development of religious experience. The psychology of religion studies the experience of the supernatural person, the psychological roots of this experience and its significance for the subjective. Since a person is formed and operates in a society, the study of religious experience must include its social sources.

1997 ◽  
pp. 44-48
Mykhailo Babiy

In the structural architectonics of religious studies one of the important places is the sociology of religion. Being in close intercourse with philosophy, history, psychology, phenomenology of religion, culturology and ethics, it also appears as a specific branch of socio-scientific knowledge.

محمد خليفة حسن

يعرض البحث جهود إسماعيل الفاروقي في مجال تاريخ الأديان؛ وإسهامه في التأسيس المنهجي لهذا العلم على المستوى الدولي وعلى مستوى المنهج والمضمون. درس الفاروقي طبيعة التجربة الدينية في الإسلام، وعلاقتها بالتجارب الأخرى. وانخرط في الدرس الديني الحديث في الغرب، ومناهج فهم الدين ودراسته. وأبرز البحث دور الفاروقي في تطوير نظام من المبادئ الماوراء دينية؛ والمصدر الإلهي للأديان والحاجة إلى الدراسة النقدية للتراث الديني، أملاً في تعاون البشر في إقامة دين الفطرة، الذي يُوحِّد كل الأديان. This paper presents the efforts of Ismail al-Faruqi in the field of history of religions and his contributions in the methodological establishment of this field on the international level, particularly in the areas of methodology and content. Al-Faruqi studied the nature of the religious experience in Islam, and its relationship with other experiences.  He engaged in the modern religious studies in the West, and the methods of understanding and studying religion. The paper highlights Al-Faruqi's role in developing a system of Meta-Religious principles, the divine source of religions, and the need for critical assessment of religious heritage, in the hope that human beings would cooperate to establish the religion of Fitra (natural disposition), which unites all religions.

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