2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Eko Naning Sofyanita ◽  
Roni Afriansya

Honey and cinnamon are plant products that have many properties, one of which is used as an antibacterial agent for various diseases. The effectiveness of the two active substances against bacteria in the Enterobacteriaeae family is unclear. The study was conducted to determine the differences in the effectiveness of forest honey and cinnamon in inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae family. This research method is an experimental study with a combination method of diffusion and wells using samples of the bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae, Esherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Serratia marcescens, and Enterobacter cloacae. Forest pure honey and cinnamon were prepared as test solutions with concentrations of 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, 85% and 100%. The results obtained were the inhibition zone formed on Nutrient Agar Plate (NAP) media, in forest pure honey the inhibition zone formed in S. typhi, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, and Enterobacter cloacae was greater at 100% concentration, namely 30.5mm, 32.5mm, 38mm, 29.5mm, 26mm, while the 100% concentration of cinnamon showed results, namely 12mm, 10mm, 8.5mm, 11mm, and 11mm. Conclusion is Forest pure honey was more effective at inhibiting bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family than cinnamon.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Sri Darmawati ◽  
Eko Naning Sofyanita ◽  
Sri Sinto Dewi

Honey is a product produced by bees which is believed has many benefits in the medical field. Wild honeys are more natural than livestock honey, and it has high antimicroba activities, but the effect of the antimicroba towards the bacteria on the positive widal blood culture of Enterobacteriaceae familia member was not clear yet. This research was to find out The effectiveness of wild honey in inhibiting the growth of bacteria on the positive widal blood culture of Enterobacteriaceae familia member. Method in this research was an experimental research which was using combination of diffusion and draw well method using Klebsiella pneumonia, Esherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Serratia marcescens, and Enterobacter cloacae bacteria sample. Wild honey as a test solution with a 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, 85% and 100% concentrate. The result is that wild honey is effective to inhibit the growth of the Enterobacteriaceae bacteria familia, the inhibition zone which is performed on the 70% Nutrien Agar Plate (NAP) concentrate medium is a minimal concentrate that sensitive to all bacteria with the  inhibition zone similar to Kloramfinekol antibiotics. S. typhi is sensitive to all wild honey concentrate within 26,5mm, 29mm, 31,5mm, 32mm, 35mm, and 38mm inhibition zone. Wild honey on E.coli and Serratia marescens is sensitive in all concentrate except on the 25% concentrate. On the Klebsiella pneumonia the wild honey is sensitive on the 70%, 85%, and 100% concentrate while on the Enterobacter cloacae the wild honey is sensitive on 55%, 70%, 85% and 100% concentrate. Conclusion : wild honey is effective to inhibit bacteria growth on the positive widal blood culture of Enterobacteriaceae familia member and there are effect of various wild honey concentrate with the growth of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria which the higher concentrate of the wild honey, the greater inhibition potency towards the bacteria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
Marcone Helmer Silva ◽  
Hilma Lúcia Tavares Dias ◽  
Ednaldo da Silva Filho ◽  
Sarah Raphaela Rocha de Azevedo Scalercio ◽  
Wellington Bandeira da Silva ◽  

Resumo Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram identificar bactérias isoladas da cavidade oral e da ampola retal de Saimiri collinsi e Callithrix jacchus e determinar a sensibilidade a 16 antimicrobianos. Trinta indivíduos de cada espécie foram analisados e foram isoladas 136 bactérias em C. jacchus e 84 em S. collinsi. As bactérias isoladas em maior número em S. collinsi foram Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Raoutella ornithinolytica, Staphylococcus xylosus e Proteus mirabilis. As bactérias isoladas em C. jacchus foram K. pneumoniae, E. cloacae, E. coli, Serratia marcescens e S. xylosus na cavidade oral e ampola retal. O teste de sensibilidade mostrou que, dentre as cepas isoladas, os maiores percentuais de resistência foram observados para ampicilina, amoxicilina, cefalotina e nitrofurantoína. Na cavidade oral de ambas as espécies as cepas foram sensíveis à ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, meropenem, amicacina, levofloxacina e a sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim. Na ampola retal, as isoladas foram sensíveis à cefoxitina, ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, ertapenem, meropenem, amicacina e levofloxacina. Conclui-se que as espécies de S. collinsi e C. jacchus apresentam sua microbiota oral e retal composta por várias espécies bacterianas e que a resistência pode ser um problema no criatório, uma vez que as cepas mostraram percentuais elevados de resistência a diferentes antimicrobianos.

2015 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 1083 ◽  
Júlio Cesar Meyer Junio ◽  
Márcia Marinho ◽  
Cilene Vidovix Táparo ◽  
João Bosco da Costa ◽  
Hilma Lúcia Tavares Dias

<p class="Textodecomentrio1">La tortuga amazónica <em>Podocnemis expansa</em> Schweigger, 1812 es un recurso muy importante para las poblaciones ribereñas de fauna de la región amazónica, además de ser una de las principales especies enumeradas para la producción en cautiverio. El consumo de esta especie como alimento en la región ha generado una demanda de estudios sobre salud animal y sus posibles impactos en la salud pública. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue evaluar la microbiota gastrointestinal de las tortugas amazónicas en cautiverio y vida libre, y la influencia del hábitat en la composición de la flora. Un total de 116 tortugas adultas, de ambos sexos fueron elegidas, y 51 fueron capturados en la isla de São Miguel, Santarém (PA), 50 animales en cautiverio para comercio y 15 provenían de un criadero de reproducción para la conservación, que se encuentra en la región metropolitana de Belém. De cada animal se recogió material biológico de la cloaca y se envió al laboratorio de la Universidad Federal de Pará, Brazil. De 116 muestras se obtuvieron 245 aislamientos bacterianos en el que 83 (33.87 %) eran de animales de vida libre, y 162 (65.72 %) de cautiverio. Especies de <em>Klebsiella pneumoniae</em> fueron los aislamientos más frecuentes de las 52 muestras, 21.22 % del crecimiento total de bacterias, seguido de <em>Enterobacter cloacae</em> 29 %, (35/14), <em>Serratia marcescens </em>84 % (11/29) y <em>Salmonella </em>spp. 80 % (24/9). En las tortugas de vida libre, los microorganismos aislados corresponden a los géneros: <em>Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Citrobacter </em>y<em> Aeromonas. Klebsiella pneumoniae, S. marcescens, E. cloacae </em>y <em>Salmonella </em>spp. presentaron frecuencias altas en animales de cautiverio. Este resultado muestra una mayor diversidad de microorganismos en animales de vida libre y muestras con alta contaminación en animales de cautiverio<strong>.</strong> Las especies de <em>Salmonella </em>spp., <em>E. coli </em>y<em> Acinetobacter </em>spp., pueden ser sugeridas como indicadores de la calidad sanitaria de las poblaciones de la tortuga amazónica. Sin embargo el estudio reveló que el hábitat influyó en la composición de la flora gastrointestinal de las tortugas. El conocimiento de la flora gastrointestinal de los animales es de suma importancia en la identificación de los agentes patógenos presentes en la fauna nativa de la región amazónica.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-60
A.G. Salmanov ◽  
A.V. Rudenko

Мета роботи — вивчити резистентність до антибіотиків бактеріальних збудників інфекцій сечових шляхів (ІСШ), виділених у пацієнтів урологічного стаціонару в м. Києві. Матеріали і методи. Досліджено 1612 штамів бактерій, виділених із сечі хворих з ІСШ (цистит, уретрит, пієлонефрит), госпіталізованих в урологічне відділення ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України» у м. Києві протягом 2016 р. Серед пацієнтів переважали жінки — 1201 (74,5 %). Вік хворих становив від 17 до 74 років. Для збору даних використано медичну документацію лікарні. Мікробіологічні дослідження виконано у лабораторії мікробіології ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України». Аналізували результати культурального дослідження зразків сечі, зібраних за наявності клінічних ознак ІСШ. Дослідження клінічного матеріалу та інтерпретацію отриманих результатів проводили загальноприйнятими методами. Вивчено чутливість уропатогенів до 31 антибіотика дискодифузійним методом відповідно до рекомендацій Інституту клінічних та лабораторних стандартів США (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)). Результати та обговорення. Аналіз мікробного спектра сечі виявив домінування серед уропатогенів штамів Escherichia coli (32,0 %), Enterococcus faecalis (19,5 %), Klebsiella pneumoniae (10,9 %), Staphylococcus epidermidis (8,9 %), S. haemolyticus (6,5 %) та Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6,4 %). Частка Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter aerogenes і Streptococcus viridans становила відповідно 2,5, 2,2 і 1,6 %, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Acinetobacter baumannii, Proteus vulgaris та Providencia rettgeri — менше 1,0 %. У більшості випадків (69,7 %) мікроорганізми виділено у монокультурі, у решті випадків — у мікробних асоціа- ціях. Високу резистентність до тестованих антибіотиків виявили штами E. aerogenes (45,1 %), E. cloacae (45,7 %), E. faecium (40,9 %), E. faecalis (40,7 %), E. coli (39,9 %), P. aeruginosa (34,0 %), K. pneumoniae (28,6 %). Найбільш активними до уропатогенів були іміпенем (E. coli — 87,6 %, P. aeruginosa — 75,7 %, E. cloacae — 67,3 %, E. aerogenes — 72,6 %, K. pneumoniae — 93,2 %), меропенем (E. coli — 89,1 %, P. aeruginosa — 76,7 %, K. pneumoniae — 82,6 %), лефлоцин (E. coli — 74,5 %, ентерококи — 78,7 %, P. aeruginosa — 76,7 %, E. cloacae — 73,9 %, E. aerogenes — 80,4 %, K. pneumoniae — 83,5 %), амоксицилін/клавуланат (ентерококи — 84,6 %), фурагін (ентерококи — 82,6 %), цефоперазон (K. pneumoniae — 89,2 %, P. aeruginosa — 73,8 %), цефтріаксон (K. pneumoniae — 80,1 %). Висновки. Антибіотикорезистентність збудників ІСШ — важлива терапевтична проблема. Найбільшою активністю до уропатогенів характеризуються іміпенем, меропенем, лефлоцин, амоксицилін/ клавуланат, фурагін, цефоперазон, цефтріаксон, які можна розглядати як препарат вибору для призначення стартової терапії ІСШ. Необхідно здійснювати постійний моніторинг за резистентністю до дії антибіотиків. Політику використання антибіотиків у кожному стаціонарі слід визначати залежно від локальних даних щодо резистентності до протимікробних препаратів.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Galo Cárdenas-Triviño ◽  
María J. Saludes-Betanzo ◽  
Luis Vergara-González

The nanotechnology is considered as a tool to overcome antibiotic-resistant infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the antibacterial properties of quantum dots (QDs) of Au, Ag, and Cu supported in chitosan against Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29213), and Salmonella Typhi (ATCC 9993) strains. The QDs were synthesized by the method (Chemical Liquid Deposition, CLD) using 2-ethoxyethanol as solvent (1×10−3 M approximate dispersion concentration). Then, NPs supported in chitosan were synthesized by solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) in two concentrations, labelled [A] and [B] (0.05 and 0.1 g/L) for each metal with chitosan resulting in an average size of Au 10±2.0, Ag 6±1.3, and Cu 10±2.4 nm, respectively. Several other techniques were performed such as TEM, SEM/EDX, TGA, DSC, and FT-IR for characterizing QDs. The antibacterial assay was performed with 8 agents on cultures of E. coli, S. aureus, and S. Typhi by disk diffusion, broth macrodilution, and determining death curve to the most sensitive pathogen. The antibacterial effect of the nanoparticles was compared using the diameter of growth inhibition zone by agar disk diffusion and through the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericide concentration (MBC) obtained by macrodilution in batch culture with an initial inoculum of 5×105 CFU/mL. The highest bactericidal effect was obtained with nanoparticles of Au, Ag, and Cu (0.1 g/L) with MIC and MBC of 200 and 400 mg/mL, respectively. The greatest bactericidal effect considering the three pathogens turned out to be Ag QDs (0.05 and 0.1 g/L). A bactericidal effect of metal nanoparticles is affected mainly by the electronegativity, the concentration of nanoparticles, and the bacterial age culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
Edgar Gonzales Escalante ◽  
Katherine Yauri Condor ◽  
Jose A. Di Conza ◽  
Gabriel O. Gutkind

ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to evaluate an easy-to-perform assay based upon inhibition of mobile colistin resistance (MCR) activity by EDTA. We included 92 nonrelated isolates of Enterobacteriaceae (74 Escherichia coli, 17 Klebsiella pneumoniae, and 1 Serratia marcescens). Our proposed method is based on a modification of the colistin agar-spot screening test (CAST), a plate containing 3 μg/ml colistin, by adding an extra plate of colistin agar-spot supplemented with EDTA (eCAST). Bacterial growth was evaluated after 24 h of incubation at 35°C. All the colistin-resistant isolates showed development on the CAST plates. Colistin-resistant K. pneumoniae without mcr-1 and S. marcescens also grew on the eCAST plates. In contrast, colistin-resistant MCR-producing E. coli was not able to grow in eCAST plates. The combined CAST/eCAST test could provide a simple and easy-to-perform method to differentiate MCR-producing Enterobacteriaceae from those in which colistin resistance is mediated by chromosomal mechanisms.

2008 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 2014-2018 ◽  
Jia Chang Cai ◽  
Hong Wei Zhou ◽  
Rong Zhang ◽  
Gong-Xiang Chen

ABSTRACT Twenty-one Serratia marcescens, ten Klebsiella pneumoniae, and one Escherichia coli isolate with carbapenem resistance or reduced carbapenem susceptibility were recovered from intensive care units (ICUs) in our hospital. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis demonstrated that all the S. marcescens isolates belonged to a clonal strain and the 10 K. pneumoniae isolates were indistinguishable or closely related to each other. The MICs of imipenem, meropenem, and ertapenem for all isolates were 2 to 8 μg/ml, except for K. pneumoniae K10 (MICs of 128, 256, and >256 μg/ml). Isoelectric focusing, PCRs, and DNA sequencing indicated that all S. marcescens isolates produced KPC-2 and a β-lactamase with a pI of 6.5. All K. pneumoniae isolates produced TEM-1, KPC-2, CTX-M-14, and a β-lactamase with a pI of 7.3. The E. coli E1 isolate produced KPC-2, CTX-M-15, and a β-lactamase with a pI of 7.3. Conjugation studies with E. coli (EC600) resulted in the transfer of reduced carbapenem susceptibility compared to that of the original isolates, and only the bla KPC-2 gene was detected in E. coli transconjugants. Plasmid restriction analysis showed identical restriction patterns among all E. coli transconjugants. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ompK35/36 gene sequence analysis of outer membrane proteins revealed that K. pneumoniae K10 failed to express OmpK36, because of insertional inactivation by an insertion sequence ISEcp1. All these results indicate that KPC-2-producing S. marcescens, K. pneumoniae, and E. coli isolates emerged in ICUs in our hospital. KPC-2 combined with porin deficiency results in high-level carbapenem resistance in K. pneumoniae. The same bla KPC-2-encoding plasmid was spread among the three different genera.

2018 ◽  
Howard T. H. Saw ◽  
Mark A. Webber ◽  
Neil Woodford ◽  
Laura J. V. Piddock

SynopsisKlebsiella-associated plasmid pKpQIL and its variant have been isolated globally. Our study aimed to determine whether a naturally occurring variant has altered host range and impacts on the fitness of different bacterial host strains. The plasmids pKpQIL-UK and pKpQIL-D2 were transferred from the original clinical isolate host strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae into Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhimurium, Enterobacter cloacae and Serratia marcescens strains by filter-mating and conjugation frequencies determined and compared. The fitness of the resulting transconjugants was assessed by determining growth kinetics, ability to form a biofilm and persistence of the plasmids in each host was also measured. Transfer of either plasmid into Salmonella and S. marcescens was similar. However, pKpQIL-UK transferred into E. coli at a higher rate than did pKpQIL-D2; the reverse was found for E. cloacae. Both plasmids were rapidly lost from the E. coli population. Plasmid pKpQIL-UK, but not -D2, was able to persist in Salmonella. Although pKpQIL-UK imposed a greater fitness cost (inferred from an increased generation time) than -D2 on E. cloacae, it was able to persist as well as pKpQIL-D2 in this host. The pKpQIL-D2 plasmid did not confer any fitness benefit on any of the hosts under the conditions tested. Variants of the globally important pKpQIL plasmid have arisen in patients due to recombination. The impacts of the pKpQIL-UK plasmid and the -D2 variant in various Enterobacteriaceae are host-dependent. Continuing evolution of pKpQIL may alter its host range in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-52
O SiddoFarka ◽  
O Abdoualye ◽  
M Doutchi ◽  
A Biraima ◽  
O Amadou ◽  

Objectif : Dans un contexte de ressources limitées, la connaissance du profil des germes contaminant les blocs opératoires et leur résistance aux antibiotiques constitue un maillon de la prévention des infections associées aux soins. Ainsi, l'objectif de notre étude était de déterminer la sensibilité aux antibiotiques des bactéries isolées de l'environnement du bloc opératoire de l'Hôpital National de Zinder. Matériels et Méthodes : Nous avions mené une étude prospective, transversale et descriptive de Janvier à Mars 2020. Les prélèvements avaient été réalisés par écouvillonnage le matin avant le début des activités et avaient concerné les mains et blouses des chirurgiens, le matériel de chirurgie et les équipements du bloc opératoire. Nous avions effectué l'isolement, l'identification et l'antibiogramme des souches bactériennes au niveau du laboratoire de biologie par des techniques conventionnelles classiques. Résultats : Au total, 74 prélèvements avaient été effectués. La culture était positive dans 58,10% des cas (43/74). Les bactéries isolées étaient constituées de 25 souches de Bacillus spp (58,13%), 10 souches de bactéries Gram négatif non fermentaires avec Acinetobacter bamanii (14,0%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (7,0%) et Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (2,3%) et 8 souches d'entérobactéries représentées par Serratia marcescens (4,7%), Enterobacter cloacae (4,7%), Enterobacter aerogenes (4,7%), Escherichia coli (2,3%) et Klebsiella pneumoniae (2,3%).Concernant la sensibilité des souches aux antibiotiques, une seule souche d'Enterobacter aerogenes était résistante à l'Imipenème et 3 des 9 entérobactéries isolées étaient productrices de bétalactamase à spectre élargi. Conclusion : Au vu de résultats de cette étude, il convient de mettre en place des procédures adaptées en vue d'une meilleure surveillance microbiologique des blocs opératoires. Cela contribuera sans doute à la prévention des infections associées aux soins.

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