2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (324) ◽  
pp. 135-143
D. Kuatova ◽  
A Zhakupova ◽  
Zh Malgaraeva ◽  
Olha Yeromenko

The article raises the topical issue of training competitive professionals capable of working under modern market conditions. The transition to market relations changes the education policy and the system of educational services provision. The professional destiny of a future manager and the success rate of an educational institution depend on the quality of providing educational services to graduate students specialised in educational institution management. The purpose of the article is to analyse the results of a survey of graduate students aimed at determining the status of educational services given within the specialty 073 "Management" (specialization "Educational Institution Management") in various higher education institutions of Ukraine. Monitoring the state of the educational services provided to graduate students majoring in educational institution management has been carried out on the basis of general scientific and empirical cognition methods: comprehensive study of quality training of master-course students, observation, survey in the form of questionnaires, analysis of graduate students’ responses, analogy. The criteria enabling graduate students to assess the quality of educational services provided by higher education institutions have been defined: the fundamental nature of training; level of knowledge and experience of teaching staff; organization of the educational process; culture and communication level of teachers; reaction of teachers and administration of higher education institution to further demands of graduate students, etc. On the basis of the analysis and generalisation of the processed material, the basic demands of master-course students majoring in educational institution management for increase in the level of educational services have been defined: decrease in theorising of educational material; practice orientation; increase in the use of interactive teaching methods by teachers; expansion of the list of optional courses; increase in opportunities for individual counselling at a convenient time; involvement of leading specialists, experts, experienced educational institution managers in teaching; improvement of facilities and resources of an institution; increase in the level of additional educational services provision in higher education institutions. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that it is necessary to establish a flexible system of training master-course students majoring in educational institution management.

N. Klokar ◽  
I. Perevozova ◽  
O. Dzoba ◽  
M. Kulik

Ukraine’s integration into global and European educational space, efficient implementation of educational reforms in this direction, the improvement of the quality of children and young people education is impossible without proper development of fundamental principles of marketing and management of educational innovations, first of all, among the Heads of New Ukrainian School. However, the absence of efficient mechanisms in Ukraine for training the above-mentioned Heads on marketing and management of educational innovations in New Ukrainian School negatively affects the quality of education therein and undermines the State education system in general. Therefore, the pressing issue at the current stage of education development in Ukraine is to determine the modalities and resources for the development of entrepreneurial and managerial competencies among the Heads of general secondary education institutions in the context of the power decentralization and establishment of consolidated territorial communities. With due regard for priority and pendency of the above-mentioned issue, its incomplete study, the principal objective of this study is to determine the key stages and describe the process of developing fundamental principles of marketing and management of educational innovations among the Heads of New Ukrainian School and measures for their efficient implementation. After performing analysis we have found that marketing and management of educational innovations of the Head of New Ukrainian School is his/her integrated, consistent and purposeful activity along with analysis and satisfaction of fundamentally new types of demand for educational services in the context of taking unconventional managerial decisions at his/her institution during such process.  Moreover, with due regard to the aforementioned approach, we outlined the key stages of the fundamental principles development of marketing and management of educational innovations among the Heads of New Ukrainian School. So they include: the formation and control of specialists team towards development and implementation of educational innovations; determination of educational services market segment, demand for which needs to be satisfied; definition of criteria and conditions towards formation and satisfaction of demand for providing certain types of educational services etc. It is established that there are problems in the process of implementation of all above-mentioned stages, namely: absence of financial independence of educational institutions; the desire of the Heads of educational institutions to have legal and financial independence; positive managerial experience of the Heads of educational institutions regarding development and implementation of educational innovations etc. In order to avoid all above-mentioned problems, we have determined measures for the efficient implementation of marketing and management of educational innovations by the Heads of New Ukrainian School. They include: providing financial autonomy to educational institutions; performing professional training of the Heads of educational institutions, their deputies and teaching staff in general; forming new and improving the existing material and technical resources of educational institutions; implementing professionally oriented staff policy by the Heads of educational institutions in order to attract the most promising and young professionals to work as teachers etc. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to determine, substantiate and analyze the key stages of fundamental principles development of marketing and management of educational innovations by the Heads of New Ukrainian School in the context of transformation of regulatory system and scientific and pedagogical approaches to children and young people education (shift in priorities and components of the development in this area of social activity). The obtained results of the research is the ground for studying and providing a practical solution of the problem regarding the formation of high-quality staffing and provision of fundamentally new educational services at educational institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Т. І. Kovalchuk ◽  
O. S. Kozoriz ◽  

The article addresses one of the actual aspects of potential of educational impact on preschoolers. The subject of the research is relevant and is based on new approaches to assessing the quality of educational services provided by teaching staff in pre-school establishments. The research was conducted on the basis of pre-school establishment “Yabluchko” of Kyiv-Svyatoshinsky district and is characterized by theoretical substantiation, practical embodiment, efficiency and democracy. The purpose of the article is to monitor the dynamics of personal achievements among preschool children, in particular, senior preschool children, to assess the conformity of the results of educational activities in the institution of preschool education, with standards and regulatory requirements. Conditions for the effective solving of educational tasks in the institution of preschool education are analyzed and the essence of the qualimetric approach to the assessment of the development of the child is disclosed. Monitoring the development of children of the senior preschool age and assessing the quality of educational services provided at the “Yabluchko” Pre-school establishment, was conducted whilst taking into account the Basic component of preschool education. The basic principles of the new Basic Component of the Preschool are: recognition of the value of preschool childhood; preservation of children's subculture; creating favorable conditions for the formation of the child's personal maturity; the priority of full-time living by the present child in comparison with preparation for school life; respect for the child, taking into account the individual personal experience of the preschool child; competent approach to personality development; giving priority to the social and moral development of the individual; formation of the ability of children to reconcile personal interests with the collective; formation of the basics of world outlook among children. The best innovative approaches in assessing the quality of educational services provided by teaching staff are found in the lowest link in pre-school education. Through monitoring, the dynamics of the development of the personality of the preschool child is monitored and the factors of existing educational gaps are identified. A further action plan has been developed to eliminate it.

Kh. Bakhtiyarova

This article focuses on the issues of methodology of the concepts of "quality" and "quality of education" in the relevant regulatory documents and views of the researchers from the ancient – and to our times. The new philosophy of quality is a general category. In addition to products (goods) and services, it generically applies to enterprises, organizations, institutions, their personnel, and management systems. And nowadays, the term "quality" means not only the high quality of goods but also, above all, the way of management, as well as life. In the recent years the issue of the quality of educational services in higher education has gained considerable popularity both in the civil society and in the world. The modern educational paradigm considers this concept as a multifaceted model of social norms and requirements for a personality, an educational environment in which its development and development of a system of education that implements educational tasks at certain stages of study in higher education institutions takes place. It does comprise everything: the quality of the teaching and methodological base, the quality of teaching staff and teaching staff, the quality of providing educational services, the high degree of satisfaction of educational needs of students and, finally, the quality of the subject of learning. The quality of education is a generalized indicator of the development of a society in a particular temporal dimension, and therefore it is considered in the dynamics of changes characterizing the state's progress in the context of the latest world trends. The International Standard also regulates the concept of "quality of education" as a set of properties and characteristics of the educational process that meet the educational needs of consumers of educational services. All these are worldview concepts that have a methodological value to ensure the high quality of education at all stages and levels.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-278
Diah Rina Miftakhi ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah

describe the implementation of an integrated quality management component consisting of the quality of services provided by the school, human resources in teaching, the school environment, and learning process  in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang.               The method used in this study, namely by using a naturalistic qualitative approach. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study include the principal, teachers, employees, and students. The validity of the data is done by triangulation, and deeper observation. Analysis of the data used is the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.              The results showed that: (a) the quality of services to students in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang had met good service standards. This can be seen from the services in the form of facilities and infrastructure which are quite complete in schools; (b) the quality of human resources in the education process shows good teacher resources. This can be seen from the teacher data which shows that the teaching staff at SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang 95% of educators with S1 qualifications in the field of education; (c) the quality of the environment in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang is already good. This can be seen from the very strategic location of the school because the location of the school is in the middle of the city so that it is easily accessible by the community; (d) the quality of the learning process carried out by teachers at Pangkal Pinang YPAC SLB is good. This can be seen from the realization of the form of activities through learning planning by preparing lesson plans for each subject, then implementing learning, which includes strategies and methods used by teachers in delivering learning material, and evaluation of learning. Keywords: Integrated quality management, student achievement     ABSTRAK Tujuan dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini  adalah untuk melihat pelaksanaan serta mendeskripsikan implementasi  komponen Manajemen Mutu Terpadu yang terdiri dari kualitas layanan yang diberikan sekolah, sumber daya manusia dalam mengajar, lingkungan sekolah, dan proses pembelajaran di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini antara lain kepala sekolah, guru, pegawai, dan peserta didik. keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi, dan pengamatan yang lebih mendalam. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman melalui kegiatan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (a) mutu layanan terhadap peserta didik di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah memenuhi standar layanan yang baik. Hal ini dilihat dari layanan yang berupa fasilitas sarana dan prasarana yang sudah cukup lengkap di sekolah; (b) mutu sumber daya manusia dalam proses pendidikan menunjukkan sumber daya guru yang baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data guru yang menunjukkan bahwa tenaga pengajar di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang 95% pendidik berkualifikasi S1 bidang kependidikan; (c) mutu lingkungan yang ada di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah baik. Hal ini terlihat dari letak sekolah yang sangat strategis karena lokasi sekolah yang berada di tengah kota sehingga mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat; (d) mutu proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari realisasi bentuk kegiatan melalui perencanaan pembelajaran dengan menyusun RPP setiap mata pelajaran, kemudian pelaksanaan pembelajaran, yang meliputi strategi dan metode yang digunakan guru dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-69
Umar Abdullahi ◽  
Musa Sirajo

It seems that educational system in Nigeria has undergone only quantitative improvement in terms of number of schools and students’ enrolment. However, there has been little effort in respect to the capacity to manage them through provisions of adequate financial, human, material and physical resources. Physical and material resources in secondary schools were discovered to be inadequate and poorly equipped. Some of the secondary school buildings were dilapidated, also the allocated financial resource, teaching and non-teaching staff are grossly inadequate compared with the students’ enrolment. The public, the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders in education are expressing serious concern about the consistency of the poor performance of secondary school students especially in mathematics. Increase in population and the government’s free education programs make people want to take advantage of the education provided. Provision of both professionally qualified and non-qualified teachers by government and non-state providers of education also appear not to ameliorate the problem of declining performances in mathematics. The effect of all these on the public secondary school student academic performance in mathematics concern the researchers of this study. It is against this background that the study sought to empirically investigates effect of resource factors and quality of instruction on performance in mathematics of Nigeria secondary school students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 663-669
Hristina Milcheva ◽  
Pavlina Teneva ◽  
Katya Mollova ◽  
Albena Andonova

Achieving the desired high quality of student education is a major goal and task of the higher medical schools. Training is a very factual process involving not only learning and material facilities, but also teaching staff and motivated students. The main objective in the preparation of healthcare students is the quality practical training that modern higher education has to provide. No less important is the student's opinion on the methods and tools used in their training. For this reason, the younger generation sets its requirements in its formation as a medical specialist. The modern lecturer must skillfully pass on knowledge so that a transfer of competences from theory to practice can be successfully accomplished. The purpose: Establish the students' opinion on the quality of the learning process, allowing an effective transfer of competences from theory to practice. Materials and Methods: The analyzes in this report are from an anonymous questionnaire conducted among 145 students from the Thracian University from the professional field "Health Care" - first, second and third courses specialty "Rehabilitator therapist", "Medical Laboratory assistant", "Geriatric Care" and " Nursing "during the summer semester of the school year 2017/18. MSExcel and StatGrafics were used to process the data. Results and Discussion: To achieve effective training, it is imperative for lectures to maintain a high level of competence and constantly get acquainted with developments in medical science. Students highly appreciate as the most important qualities of the teacher's ability to maintain the interest of students "; "Attitude towards students" and its "competence". A significant percentage of those surveyed believe that the theory, in theory, finds real application in practice. A significant percentage of those surveyed believe that the theory, to practice, finds real application in practice. The transfer of knowledge from theory to practice is a two-way information process between lecturers and students of scientific knowledge and practical skills. Finally, we can point out that the transfer of competence from theory to practice is a process influenced by a number of factors such as: the professional competencies of the academic lecturer and the clinical tutor; better collaboration between the higher medical school and the clinical base; organization of training. Maintaining the interest of the students in acquiring the medical profession is an important prerequisite for their subsequent successful realization.

O. Yu. Strelova ◽  
E. N. Stepanova ◽  
A. N. Grebenyuk

The need for basic training in toxicology of students of pharmaceutical universities and departments of toxicology is justified. The experience of teaching toxicology and medical protection to students of the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy was analyzed. Academic teaching staff were trained in the methodology of teaching toxicology, and a participated in the preparation of the all-Russian textbook «Toxicology and Medical Protection» (2016) and three tutorials for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities. It is shown that in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, toxicology issues are included in the curriculum of a complex discipline «Life Safety. Emergency Medicine» as a stand-alone module. Students study toxicology in the fifth year having received a good basic training in medical, biological, and professional disciplines in previous years. For realization of cognitive and creative activity of students in the educational process, modern educational technologies are used which make it possible to improve the quality of teaching and to use school time more efficiently. The potential of using algorithmic workbooks, interactive forms of training, test control, case-method for facilitating the perception of theoretical knowledge and improving the quality of practical skills development is demonstrated. Results of the anonymous questionnaire survey, in which 153 of 198 students who studied toxicology and medical protection in the autumn semester of the 2017/2018 academic year participated, are reported. It was shown that more than 80% of the students surveyed are convinced of the need to study toxicology during the undergraduate training of specialists of pharmaceutical profile and positively assessed the methodology of teaching toxicology that is performed at the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy.

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