Unexpected soil amplification effect on seismic performance of highway bridges during the Aegean earthquake of October 2020, Mw 6.6

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Gamze Muratoğlu ◽  
Berk Karakuş ◽  
Alp Caner ◽  
Havin Arslan ◽  
Nurettin Pelen ◽  

On October 30, 2020, an earthquake about 70 km away from the city center of Izmir with a 4.3 million population has shaken the city tremendously and has resulted in destruction of many building type of structures due to an unexpected high soil-amplified vibrations very similar to the Mexico City earthquake in 1985. The bridges at the soil-amplified sites has performed in elastic range with no damage at all. In the city of Izmir, the 42 year old twin bridges located on the main transportation route, were tremendously shaken by the earthquake had observed to have no seismic induced damage. Surprisingly twin bridges suffering from the alkali silica reaction (ASR) over the years did not even pound to each other despite the small size of longitudinal gap between them. As it has been known, the past performance of Turkish designed bridges are typically succesfull with almost no damage as observed in the Van 2011 and Sivrice 2020 earthquake mainly due to allowing movements at their joints and to flexible type of framing. The focus of the paper is given to understand the successful performance of bridges and to investigate the non-pounded twin bridges of the Izmir city. In this scope, a bridge inspection has been performed and the twin bridges have been analyzed for the recorded ground motion. The results have indicated that the structures have been subjected to 0.3 g at their vibration modes and the twin bridges have a synchronized motion due to having the identical vibration mode shape with a period of 1.5 seconds

CEM ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 218-238
Cristiana Vieira ◽  
Ana Catarina Antunes ◽  
Sónia Faria

The present work explores the recognition of the past and present genius loci of three spaces of Porto city center as remaining and transformed representations of spaces with distinct, interconnected and pertinent botanical missions in the nineteenth century landscape of the city. Through the exploration of sources left by the interveners or graphic testimonies of the urban landscape from 1850 to the present day of these (ethno-)botanical spaces, we explore how the interveners and spaces of the Jardim Botânico da Academia Polythecnica do Porto, the Horto-pharmacêutico da Botica da Hospital Real de Santo António and the Horto das Virtudes mutually influenced. On the other hand, it is demonstrated how these spaces determined a time of special interest in botany that would not be repeated in the history of the city and its population.

Carmelo Maria Porto

The gradual modernization of commercial activities during the past 20 years has had a deep impact on the urban landscape of Ancona and has strongly affected the stable relationship that for decades had marked the city center and its suburbs. The traditional hierarchy of commercial areas has undergone a new configuration due to suburban territorialization processes brought by a large-scale polarization of the city’s suburbs. Understanding these new commercial hierarchies represents a valid tool for planning proper territorial policies and boosting more resilient-based processes which aim at restoring the primary role of a city center that has slowly lost its social appeal and its functional status-quo within the city’s metropolitan area and in the urban network of the Marche.

Purnawan Basundoro ◽  
Laode Rabani

AbstractSeveral kampong in the Surabaya city are currently used as tourist destinations, by offering the uniqueness of the kampong. One of the kampong that has succeeded in becoming a tourist destination is Kampung Maspati, which is located in the city center. The ancientness of the kampong is offered to tourists so they are interested in visiting it. One of the weaknesses, Kampung Maspati does not have a historical narrative that explains the development of the kampong from the past until now. The Department of History, Faculty of Humanties, Universitas Airlangga organizes community service activities to assist in writing village history, o increase the promotion of kampong tourism. This paper was written in reference to these activities. The methods used to explain are field work, in-depth interviews, the use of library collections, and assitances. The findings obtained from these activities are that the understanding of the people of Kampung Maspati on the history of the kampung is still not good, so that continuous assistance is needed. This kind of activities also needs to be extended to others kampong because currently there are still many historic kampong in the Surabaya city that do not yet have historical narratives. This activity needs to be done so that the promotion of kampong tourism can be improved.Keyword: kampong tourism, promotion, Maspati, SurabayaAbstrakBeberapa kampung di kota Surabaya saat ini dijadikan sebagai tujuan wisata, dengan menawarkan keunikan yang ada di kampung tersebut. Salah satu kampung yang berhasil menjadi tujuan wisata adalah Kampung Maspati yang terletak di pusat kota. Kekunoan kampung ditawarkan kepada wisatawan sehingga mereka tertarik untuk mengunjunginya. Salah satu kelemahan, Kampung Maspati tidak memiliki narasi sejarah yang menjelaskan perkembangan kampung sejak dulu sampai sekarang. Departemen Ilmu Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Airlangga menyelengarakan  kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat pendampingan menulis sejarah kampung, untuk meningkatkan promosi wisata kampung. Makalah ini ditulis mengacu kepada  kegiatan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan adalah kerja lapangan, wawancara mendalam,  penggunaan koleksi pustaka, dan pendampingan.Temuan yang diperolah dari kegiatan tersebut bahwa pemahaman masyarakat Kampung Maspati terhadap sejarah kampung masih kurang sehingga perlu dilakukan pendampingan secara berkesinambungan. Kegiatan semacam ini juga perlu diperluas ke kampung lain karena saat ini masih banyak kampung bersejarah di Kota Surabaya yang belum memiliki narasi sejarah. Kegiatan itu perlu dilakukan agar promosi wisata kampung bisa ditingkatkan.Kata kunci: wisata kampung, promosi, Maspati, Surabaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-83
R Siti Rukayah ◽  
Muhammad Abdullah

Based on the previous research on the former of Semarang capital city, Kanjengan, there is a supposition that the area is a coastal city. As the consequence of the sedimentation process occurred by Java Island, Semarang city, and some cities in Java are no longer on the seashore. The cities that are archived in the Map of Indonesia in the 15th century and some records from foreign sailors, absolutely have several different conditions compared to the past and the present condition.  How the architecture and the city’s patterns of the Old Semarang? The method of this research was conducted by exploring historical articles, toponyms, maps, and old pictures which were then compared with the remaining architecture and spatial patterns. The reading of old maps and pictures was done by using the seeing by believing approach. The analysis was performed by using the manual sketch. The architectural heritage like the former lighthouse, commercial corridors in the north of the square, and toponyms were tools to prove that the area was a seaport and a waterfront city. Old Coastal Semarang has an Architecture and urban design concept as the main gate from the sea to the city center at the time. Surrounding the main gate, they were the existence of the former lighthouse (the Menara Layur Mosque), multi-ethnics houses, toponyms indicating that some places were a former harbor, and the remaining trade corridor connecting the port and the local government center. This concept is similar to the Islamic Sultanates on the north coast of Java and the waterfront-based cities in the interior of Java. It is assumed that Semarang Old city has a similar role with the other Islamic Sultanates. This area is proper to be a city conservation area and become a part that is integrated into future urban planning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Cecília Avelino Barbosa

Place branding is a network of associations in the consumer’s mind, based on the visual, verbal, and behavioral expression of a place. Food can be an important tool to summarize it as it is part of the culture of a city and its symbolic capital. Food is imaginary, a ritual and a social construction. This paper aims to explore a ritual that has turned into one of the brands of Lisbon in the past few years. The fresh sardines barbecued out of doors, during Saint Anthony’s festival, has become a symbol that can be found on t-shirts, magnets and all kinds of souvenirs. Over the year, tourists can buy sardine shaped objects in very cheap stores to luxurious shops. There is even a whole boutique dedicated to the fish: “The Fantastic World of Portuguese Sardines” and an annual competition promoted by the city council to choose the five most emblematic designs of sardines. In order to analyze the Sardine phenomenon from a city branding point of view, the objective of this paper is to comprehend what associations are made by foreigners when they are outside of Lisbon. As a methodological procedure five design sardines, were used of last year to questioning to which city they relate them in interviews carried in Madrid, Lyon, Rome and London. Upon completion of the analysis, the results of the city branding strategy adopted by the city council to promote the sardines as the official symbol of Lisbon is seen as a Folkmarketing action. The effects are positive, but still quite local. On the other hand, significant participation of the Lisbon´s dwellers in the Sardine Contest was observed, which seems to be a good way to promote the city identity and pride in their best ambassador: the citizens.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 439-455 ◽  
Saburo SAITO ◽  
Tran Ngoc HUY ◽  
Masakuni IWAMI ◽  
Takahiro SATO ◽  
Kosuke YAMASHIRO ◽  

Omar S. Asfour ◽  
Samar Abu Ghali

City centers worldwide are perceived as essential parts of the city, where city memories are preserved and its identity is expressed. They are planned to satisfy the functional requirements and pleasurable qualities of the city. Under the accelerating urbanization of the modern city, several challenges face these centers including demographic, economic, and environmental challenges. This requires a continuous and incremental urban development process based on clear strategy and action plans. Thus, this study focuses on urban development strategies of city centers, with a focus on Rafah city located in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories. The geographic location of this city near the Palestinian-Egyptian borders makes it a promising commercial city at local and regional levels. Thus, the current situation of Rafah city center has been analyzed, and several development strategies have been proposed. This has been done through a field survey based on observation and a questionnaire directed to city center users. It has been found that there is a great potential of Rafah city center to be developed as a commercial center. In this regard, several strategies and required actions have been proposed in the fields of transportation, environmental quality, shopping activities, investment opportunities, and visual perception.

2019 ◽  
pp. 98-100
Д. М. Кудайбердиева

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается проблема восприятия городской среды студентами из города и сельской местности. Обозначены определения терминов «среда», «пространственная среда», «городская среда». Проведено экспериментальное сравнительное исследование особенностей восприятия города Бишкек городскими и сельскими студентами в количестве 50 человек. Статья содержит результаты проведенного анализа исследования. Выявлены различия и сходства в восприятии города Бишкек у студентов двух групп. В контексте восприятия города изучена неудовлетворенность прошлым и настоящим временем, трудности языкового барьера у студентов из сельской местности. Также было выявлено, что актуальной для студентов обеих групп является потребность в социальных контактах, общении, включенности в социум. Полученные результаты будут иметь пользу в проведении воспитательной работы со студентами из сельской местности, в оказании поддержки им в период адаптации с учетом особенностей восприятия города студентами. Ключевые слова. среда, городская среда, восприятие пространства, городские студенты, сельские студенты, восприятие города Бишкек, неудовлетворенность прошлым и настоящим, языковой барьер, учеба в городе, сходства и различия в восприятии города. Аннотация. Бул макалада шаардык жана айылдан келген студенттердин шаардык чөйрөнү кабыл алуу көйгөйү каралган. «Чөйрө», «мейкиндик чөйрө», «шаардык чөйрө» терминдеринин түшүнүктөрү келтирилген. 50 адамдан турган шаардык жана айылдык студенттердин Бишкек шаарын кабыл алуу өзгөчөлүктөрүнө эксперименталдык салыштырма изилдөө жүргүзүлгөн. Макалада изилдөөнүн анализ жыйынтыктары камтылган. Эки студенттик топторунун Бишкек шаарын кабыл алуусунун айырмачылыктары жана окшоштуктары белгиленген. Шаарды кабыл алуу контекстинде өткөн жана учур чактарга канагаттанбоо, тил барьеринин кыйынчылыктары изилденди. Ошондой эле студенттердин эки тобуна актуалдуу болуп социалдык катнаштарга, баарлашууга, коомго кошулуу муктаждыгы белгиленүүдө. Алынган жыйынтыктар студенттердин шаарды кабыл алуу өзгөчөлүктөрүнө эске алып, айылдан келген студенттерге адаптация убагында колдоо көрсөтүү максатында тарбиялык иштерди жүргүзүүдө жардам берет. Түйүндүү сөздөр. Чөйрө, шаардык чөйрө, мейкиндикти кабыл алуу, шаардык студенттер, айылдык студенттер, Бишкек шаарын кабыл алуу, өткөн жана учур чакка канагаттанбоо, тил барьери, шаарда окуу, шаарды кабыл алуусунун айырмачылыктары жана окшоштуктары. Annotation. This article addresses the problem of perception of the urban environment by students from the city and countryside. The definitions of the terms “environment”, “spatial environment”, and “urban environment” are indicated. An experimental comparative study of the characteristics of the perception of the city of Bishkek by urban and rural students in the amount of 50 people was conducted. The article contains the results of the analysis of the study. The differences and similarities in the perception of the city of Bishkek among students of the two groups are revealed. In the context of the perception of the city, dissatisfaction with the past and the present has been studied, and the difficulties of the language barrier among students from rural areas. It was also revealed that the need for social contacts, communication, inclusion in society is relevant for students of both groups. The results will have the benefit of conducting educational work with students from rural areas, in providing support to them during the adaptation period, taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of the city by students. Кeywords. Environment, urban environment, space perception, urban students, rural students, perception of the city of Bishkek, dissatisfaction with the past and the present, language barrier, studying in the city, similarities and differences in the perception of the city.

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