scholarly journals Navigating the Non-Native Planting Rule: Permit Requirements for Large-Scale Plantings of Non-Native Species in Florida

EDIS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Deah Lieurance ◽  
Eric Rohrig ◽  
Stephen Enloe

This fact sheet discusses why plantings of non-native plants are regulated, describes how plantings are regulated in Florida, and shows how the UF/IFAS Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas is critical to this process. Written by Deah Lieurance, Eric Rohrig, and Stephen Enloe, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, June 2021.

2014 ◽  
pp. 124-129
Z. V. Karamysheva

The review contains detailed description of the «Atlas of especially protected natural areas of Saint Petersburg» published in 2013. This publication presents the results of long-term studies of 12 natural protected areas made by a large research team in the years from 2002 to 2013 (see References). The Atlas contains a large number of the historical maps, new satellite images, the original illustrations, detailed texts on the nature of protected areas, summary tables of rare species of vascular plants, fungi and vertebrates recorded in these areas. Special attention is paid to the principles of thematic large-scale mapping. The landscape maps, the vegetation maps as well as the maps of natural processes in landscapes are included. Reviewed Atlas deserves the highest praise.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 462
Enrico Ruzzier ◽  
Andrea Galli ◽  
Luciano Bani

Detecting and monitoring exotic and invasive Coleoptera is a complex activity to implement, and citizen science projects can provide significant contributions to such plans. Bottle traps are successfully used in wildlife surveys and can also be adapted for monitoring alien species; however, a sustainable, large scale trapping plan must take into account the collateral catches of native species and thus minimize its impact on local fauna. In the present paper, we tested the use of bottles baited with standard food products that can be purchased in every supermarket and immediately used (apple cider vinegar, red wine, and 80% ethyl alcohol) in capturing exotic and invasive beetles in the area surrounding Malpensa Airport (Italy). In particular, we reduced the exposition type of the traps in each sampling round to three days in order to minimize native species collecting. We found a significant effect of the environmental covariates (trap placement, temperature, humidity, and forest type) in affecting the efficiency in catching target beetles. Nearly all invasive Nitidulidae and Scarabaeidae known to be present in the area were captured in the traps, with apple cider vinegar usually being the most effective attractant, especially for the invasive Popillia japonica.

EDIS ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 2007 (11) ◽  
Frederick M. Fishel

PI-150, a 2-page fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, explains the licensing and regulation of persons who apply restricted use herbicides to natural areas in Florida. Published by the UF Pesticide Information Office, February 2007.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0260390
Kowiyou Yessoufou ◽  
Annie Estelle Ambani ◽  
Hosam O. Elansary ◽  
Orou G. Gaoue

Understanding why alien plant species are incorporated into the medicinal flora in several local communities is central to invasion biology and ethnobiology. Theories suggest that alien plants are incorporated in local pharmacopoeias because they are more versatile or contribute unique secondary chemistry which make them less therapeutically redundant, or simply because they are locally more abundant than native species. However, a lack of a comprehensive test of these hypotheses limits our understanding of the dynamics of plants knowledge, use and potential implications for invasion. Here, we tested the predictions of several of these hypotheses using a unique dataset on the woody medicinal flora of southern Africa. We found that the size of a plant family predicts the number of medicinal plants in that family, a support for the non-random hypothesis of medicinal plant selection. However, we found no support for the diversification hypothesis: i) both alien and native plants were used in the treatment of similar diseases; ii) significantly more native species than alien contribute to disease treatments particularly of parasitic infections and obstetric-gynecological diseases, and iii) alien and native species share similar therapeutic redundancy. However, we found support for the versatility hypothesis, i.e., alien plants were more versatile than natives. These findings imply that, although alien plant species are not therapeutically unique, they do provide more uses than native plants (versatility), thus suggesting that they may not have been introduced primarily for therapeutic reasons. We call for similar studies to be carried out on alien herbaceous plants for a broader understanding of the integration of alien plants into the pharmacopoeias of the receiving communities.

Sara E. Kuebbing

Abstract In 1999, Daniel Simberloff and Betsy Von Holle introduced the term 'invasional meltdown'. The term and the concept have been embraced and critiqued but have taken a firm hold within the invasion biology canon. The original formulation of the concept argued two key points: first, biologists rarely study how non-natives interact with one another. Second, nearly all the conceptual models about the success and impact of invasive species are predicated on the importance of competitive interactions and an implicit assumption that non-natives should interfere with establishment, spread and impact of other non-natives. In response, Simberloff and Von Holle called for more research on invader interactions and proposed an alternative consequence of non-native species interactions - invasional meltdown - where facilitative interactions among non-natives could increase the invasion rate or ecological impacts in invaded systems. This chapter outlines the primary pathways in which direct and indirect interactions among non-natives could lead to invasional meltdown. It provides examples of how different types of interactions among non-natives could lead to net positive effects on the invasion success of non-native plants or the impact of non-native plants on invaded ecosystems. Direct effects are by far the most commonly explored form of non-native- non- native interaction, primarily focusing on plant mutualisms with pollinators, seed dispersers or soil microbial mutualists. There are, however, also examples of non-native plants that benefit from commensal and even herbivorous interactions with other non-natives. Indirect interactions among non-natives are very infrequently studied. Although examples are scarce, non-natives may indirectly benefit other non-native plants through trophic cascades, apparent competition and indirect mutualisms. It remains unclear whether indirect effects are important pathways to invasional meltdown. More work is needed on studying ecosystems that are invaded by multiple non-native species and we need to consider the full range of interactions among non-natives that could either stymie or promote their spread, population growth and impact. Only then can we address how common facilitative interactions are relative to competitive interactions among non-natives or provide robust suggestions on how to manage ecosystems.

M. Celeste Díaz Vélez ◽  
Ana E. Ferreras ◽  
Valeria Paiaro

Abstract Animal dispersers are essential for many non-native plants since they facilitate seed movement and might promote seed germination and seedling establishment, thereby increasing their chances of invasion. This chapter reviews the published literature on seed dispersal of non-native plant species by native and/or non-native animals. The following questions are addressed: (i) Are interactions between non-native plants and their animal dispersers evenly studied worldwide? (ii) Which are the distinctive traits (i.e. geographical origin, life form, dispersal strategy and propagule traits) of non-native plants that are dispersed by animals? (iii) Which are the most studied groups of dispersers of non-native plants around the world? (iv) Does the literature provide evidence for the Invasional Meltdown Hypothesis (non-native plant-non-native disperser facilitation)? (v) What is the role of animal dispersers at different stages of the non-native plant regeneration process? Our dataset of 204 articles indicates that geographical distribution of the studies was highly heterogeneous among continents, with the highest number coming from North America and the lowest from Asia and Central America. Most of the non-native plants involved in dispersal studies were woody species from Asia with fleshy fruits dispersed by endozoochory. More than the half of the animal dispersal agents noted were birds, followed by mammals, ants and reptiles. The dominance of bird-dispersal interactions over other animal groups was consistent across geographical regions. Although most of the studies involved only native dispersers, interactions among non-native species were detected, providing support for the existence of invasional meltdown processes. Of the total number of reviewed articles reporting seed removal, 74% evaluated seed dispersal, but only a few studies included seed germination (35.3%), seedling establishment (5.4%) or seed predation (23.5%). Finally, we discuss some research biases and directions for future studies in the area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Michael R. Ngugi ◽  
Victor John Neldner

Naturalised non-native plants that become invasive pose a significant threat to the conservation of biodiversity in protected areas (areas dedicated and managed for long-term conservation of nature), economic productivity of agricultural businesses, and societal impacts including community, culture infrastructure and health. Quantifying the spread, potential dominance and invasion threat of these species is fundamental to effective eradication and development of threat mitigation policy. But this is often hampered by the lack of comprehensive data. This study used existing ecological survey data from 2548 sites and 64 758 Herbarium specimen records to document the status and abundance of non-native plants in two case study bioregions, Cape York Peninsula (CYP) and the Desert Uplands (DEU) in Queensland covering a total area of 186 697 km2. There were 406 non-native species in the CYP, 186 (45.6%) of which are known environmental weeds and 159 non-natives in DEU, of which 69 (43.5%) are environmental weeds. Inside the protected areas, there were 98 species of environmental weeds in CYP, 27 of which are listed as weeds of State significance (Weeds of National Significance (WONS), Queensland declared and non-declared pest plants categories). In DEU, there were 18 environmental weeds inside protected areas and none of them was listed as a weed of State significance. Non-native species that recorded foliage cover dominance in the ecological site data are generally recognised as environmental weeds in Queensland. The threat of weeds from outside of protected areas was serious, with 41 weeds of State significance found in CYP, five of which are WONS, and 25 weeds of State significance found in DEU, 10 of which are WONS.

2020 ◽  

Abstract This book contains 23 chapters divided into seven parts. Part I reviews the key hypotheses in invasion ecology that invoke biotic interactions to explain aspects of plant invasion dynamics; and reviews models, theories and hypotheses on how invasion performance and impact of introduced species in recipient ecosystems can be conjectured according to biotic interactions between native and non-native species. Part II deals with positive and negative interactions in the soil. Part III discusses mutualistic interactions that promote plant invasions. Part IV describes antagonistic interactions that hinder plant invasions, while part V presents the consequences of plant invasions for biotic interactions among native species. In part VI, novel techniques and experimental approaches in the study of plant invasions are shown. In the last part, biotic interactions and the management of ecosystems invaded by non-native plants are discussed.

Forests ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 576
Wang ◽  
Awaya ◽  
Zhu ◽  
Motooka ◽  
Nelson ◽  

Non-native plant species have become serious pests in Hawaii’s delicate island ecosystems. It is necessary to control invasive plants. The herbicides hexazinone and tebuthiuron were evaluated for defoliation efficacy to control several major invasive plants and for non-target effects on native plants at Site I in a rainforest at 1200 m elevation and Site II in a mesic area at 640 m elevation on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. The invasive weed species in the sites included daisy fleabane (Erigeron karvinskianus DC.), faya tree (Myrica faya Ait.), strawberry guava (Psidium cattleyanum Sabine), banana passion fruit (Passiflora mollissima Bailey), vaseygrass (Paspalum urvillei Steud.), and highbush blackberry (Rubus argutus Link. 1822). Native plants included ohia lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha Gaudich.), naupaka (Scaevola cerasifolia Labill.), pilo (Hedyotis mannii), hona (Urera glabra (Hook. & Arn.)), aalii (Dodonaea viscosa Jacq.), and amau (Sadleria sp.). The results showed that broadcast applications of hexazinone granules and tebuthiuron pellets were effective on some of those invasive species. Herbicidal tolerance varied among the native species. For example, D. viscosa showed high tolerance to hexazinone. S. cerasifolia was susceptible to hexazinone, but not to tebuthiuron. The inconsistent defoliation of Sadleria sp. occurred among different applications rates of the two herbicides. M. polymorpha, particularly when it was small, could tolerate hexazinone and tebuthiuron. U. glabra was severely injured by the two herbicides. H. mannii was moderately tolerant to hexazinone, but fairly sensitive to tebuthiuron. The invasive loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) was highly tolerant to hexazinone, but was very sensitive to tebuthiuron. M. faya was very sensitive to hexazinone, but very tolerant to tebuthiuron. P. cattleyanum was sensitive to both herbicides. Six and nine months after hexazinone and tebuthiuron treatment, respectively, native plants were transplanted into the Sites to observe injury from residual herbicides. Approximately less than 10% mortality was observed for the out-planted native species three months after planting (MAP), indicating that the native species showed less injury in the early period of transplant. The mortality of the three endangered species Kauai hau kuahiwi (Hibiscadelphis distans), Kauai delissea (Delissea rhytidosperma H.Mann) and kawawaenohu (Alsinidendron lynchnoides), however, increased as the MAP increased. Overall, broadcast treatments of hexazinone and tebuthiuron at rates higher than 1 kg active ingredient per hectare would be problematic. The dissipation half-life values of hexazinone and tebuthiuron in the 1-15 cm layer of soils at the two sites were approximately 7 days and greater than 180 days, respectively.

2014 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 465 ◽  
Paul R. Williams ◽  
Eleanor M. Collins ◽  
Mick Blackman ◽  
Clare Blackman ◽  
Jackie McLeod ◽  

Introduced grasses, such as buffel, alter the dynamics of grassy ecosystems by replacing native species and influencing recruitment. Several different smoke-derived chemicals are separately responsible for the promotion and inhibition of germination of various plant species. We tested whether smoke derived from the introduced buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) produced the same density of germination as provided by smoke derived from a native spinifex grass (Triodia brizoides). Smoke from both spinifex and buffel grass significantly enhanced the germination of a native lemon grass (Cymbopogon obtectus) in comparison to untreated seed, reflecting the significant role of fire in woodlands across northern Australia. This is the first record of smoke-promoted germination in a species of Cymbopogon. However, smoke from the exotic buffel grass provided the same level of germination as that from the native spinifex, suggesting similarity in smoke chemicals involved. Further research is required to test the effect of buffel smoke on the germination of other species and whether exotics such as buffel grass provide the same temperature profile in the topsoil as does spinifex, and therefore equivalent germination cues to heat-shock responsive native plants.

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