scholarly journals Prevention of Criminal Offenses as One of the Tasks of Criminal Proceedings

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (4) ◽  
pp. 86-91
А. В. Рось ◽  
Р. М. Балац

The topical problem of preventing criminal offenses as a task of criminal proceedings has been studied. It has been established that the current state of crime in Ukraine and the negative tendencies that have occurred in the process of its development in modern conditions, in particular the growing number of criminal offenses, necessitates scientific and practical research to combat these socially dangerous phenomena, including in regard to the forms, methods and means of their prevention. The emphasis has been placed on crime prevention as the most socially dangerous acts. The historical development of crime prevention at different stages of society development has been studied. The author has analyzed regulatory acts of Ukraine, which contain the tasks on preventing criminal offenses within criminal proceedings. Certain terms have been defined, in particular: “prevention”, “preventive activities”, “cessation of criminal offenses and their relationship”. The author of the article hold the view that all the specified terms have a common feature, which is to carry out actions that prevent the commission of criminal offenses. The concept of “prevention of criminal offenses during the pre-trial investigation” has been formulated, which should be understood as the activities of investigators, interrogators, prosecutors aimed at applying certain procedural measures provided by the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine in order to prevent a person suspected of committing a criminal offense to commit criminally illegal or other actions that could destabilize the investigation of criminal proceedings. It has been concluded that it is necessary to further improve the functions of investigators (interrogators) on preventive activities during the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings to eliminate the identified causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of a criminal offense as one of the tasks of criminal proceedings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 224-234
Т. О. Кузубова

The latest amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, which are related to the terms of inquiry before handling a charge sheet to a person, have been studied. The author has carried out the analysis of judicial practice of applying the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine regulating prolongation of terms of prejudicial inquiry of crimes before handling a charge sheet to a person depending on gravity of a crime and other criteria, which are guided in practice by investigators, prosecutors while determining the urgency of criminal proceedings. The author has compared legal positions of scholars and practitioners, in particular lawyers and prosecutors, on the advantages and disadvantages of establishing clear terms for prejudicial inquiry of crimes before handling a charge sheet to a person. The author has provided the legal assessment of the procedure to cease the criminal proceedings in case of expiration of the terms of prejudicial inquiry before handling a charge sheet to a person. The author has conducted a comparative analysis of the legal consequences of the two general rules of prejudicial inquiry, namely: uncertainty of the terms for prejudicial inquiry of criminal offenses before handling a charge sheet to a person in the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine and regulation of clear terms for prejudicial inquiry of crimes before handling a charge sheet to a person in the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. The emphasis has been placed on the fact that the specific terms of prejudicial inquiry according to the theory of criminal procedure, are determined in the criminal procedural legislation in accordance with the severity of the criminal offense. At the same time, the author has emphasized that the gravity of the committed criminal offense should not determine the presence or absence of a specific term of prejudicial inquiry in conjunction with all the legal consequences of its clear establishment. The author has distinguished a number of applied issues related to the establishment of clear terms for the prejudicial inquiry of crimes before handling a charge sheet to a person, as well as the application of the rule to cease criminal proceedings in case of their completion. The author has suggested the ways to solve practical problems on the outlined issue, in particular, propositions to exclude destructive provisions from the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, namely provisions setting the terms for prejudicial inquiry of crimes before handling a charge sheet to a person, and related provisions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 414-425
O. Mazur

The article discusses the concept, types and essence of special knowledge in criminal proceedings, as well as their evidentiary value in pre-trial investigation and trial. It is analyzed the practice of the European Court of Human Rights on the appointment of a forensic examination. The objectives of criminal proceedings are to ensure a prompt, complete and impartial investigation and trial so that everyone who has committed a criminal offense is prosecuted to the best of his/her own fault. In addition, an innocent person is accused or convicted, no person is exposed, unjustified procedural coercion, and that due process is applied to each participant in criminal proceedings. It is emphasized that among the ways of collecting evidence by the parties to criminal proceedings listed in the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, there are those that require the use of special knowledge, namely: requesting and obtaining expert conclusions and carrying out other procedural actions with the participation of a specialist. At the same time, the expert opinion is an independent source of evidence. Special knowledge in criminal proceedings is used in the investigation of any criminal offenses, but the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine does not define its concept, despite the fact that many scientific works have been devoted to the issue. Unfortunately, the legislator has not yet reflected the conclusions of scientists about the essence of special knowledge. It is considered examples of practice in the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and the fact of violation of the law, when applying special knowledge. Based on the analysis of theoretical and various aspects of the use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings, a conclusion is made about the extremely important value of special knowledge for the process of proving and fulfilling the tasks of criminal proceedings. On the example of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, attention is drawn to the inadmissibility of violations of the requirements of the current legislation in the work of an investigator, prosecutor, judge, since this can lead to negative consequences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-103
V. O. Gusieva

The author has substantiated the need to establish the circumstances to be clarified and has determined their significance during the investigation. It has been emphasized that the circumstances to be clarified include the circumstances to be proved in criminal proceedings, criminal and forensic characteristics of a criminal offense. In order to determine the circumstances to be clarified during the investigation of interference in the activities of a law enforcement officer, the author has studied the circumstances to be clarified within the group of criminal offenses related to obstruction of the activities of a law enforcement officer, as well as during the investigation of interference in the activities of a forensic expert. Taking into account the specified scientific provisions, the author has defined a detailed list of circumstances to be clarified during the investigation of interference in the activities of a law enforcement officer. It has been established that the circumstances to be clarified during the interference in the activities of a law enforcement officer include: 1) circumstances related to the criminal offense, namely: time, place, situation and traces of a criminal offense, methods of its commission (preparation, direct commission and concealment), tools and means used during the interference, the scope of procedural costs; circumstances that are the basis for ceasing criminal proceedings; the reasons and conditions that contributed to the commission of a criminal offense; 2) circumstances related to the identity of the victim, including: socio-demographic characteristics of the victim, place of work, position held; official and functional responsibilities, the victim’s belonging to a law enforcement agency during the commission of a criminal offense against him; the type and scope of damage caused to the victim; 3) circumstances related to the identity of the offender, namely: socio-demographic data of the offender, physiological and psychological condition, gender, citizenship, financial status, place of work, the record of criminal conviction and the facts of bringing to administrative liability; the presence of dependent disabled people; the presence of guilt in the form of direct intent, the purpose of the action; circumstances that aggravate or mitigate the punishment of the offender are grounds for releasing from criminal liability or punishment that exclude criminal liability; presence of accomplices.

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-11
О. А. Антонюк

The relevance of the article is that the forensic characteristics should be based on the study of materials of criminal cases and proceedings, as well as have a direct practical direction. That is, to solve specific tasks of the investigation: to provide opportunities for the development of versions, to build correlations between individual elements, to ensure better planning of the investigation, and so on. Otherwise, it will really be a "phantom", ie an ineffective tool of investigation. At the same time, scientists continue to investigate illegal acts in terms of constructing their forensic characteristics. The scientific article is devoted to the study of some aspects of the investigation of criminal offenses against public order. The peculiarities of forensic characteristics as an element of the methodology of investigation of a certain category of criminal offenses are considered. The author emphasizes that the forensic characteristics should be based on the study of materials of criminal cases and proceedings, as well as has a direct practical direction. That is, to solve specific tasks of the investigation: to provide opportunities for proposing versions, building correlations between individual elements, ensuring better planning of the investigation, and so on. Otherwise, it will really be a "phantom", ie an ineffective tool of investigation. At the same time, scientists continue to investigate illegal acts in terms of constructing their forensic characteristics. In our opinion, this is really important for the methodology of investigation of any criminal offense, so we will try to solve the problem of its construction in the studied category of actions: against public order. The notion of forensic characteristics is formulated as a set of data on forensically important features and properties of an illegal act, which is due to the natural connections between its individual elements and provides construction and verification of versions to solve specific problems of criminal proceedings.

2020 ◽  
pp. 408-416
А. А. Саковський

The relevance of the article is that the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates that a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in our state as the highest social value. The activity of law enforcement bodies and judicial authorities in the state is aimed at ensuring the implementation of this provision of the Basic Law of Ukraine. Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities is one of the tasks of criminal proceedings which is achieved through the implementation of others - by prompt and full disclosure of crimes, exposing the perpetrators and ensuring the proper application of the Law. The purpose of the article is to determine the current state of scientific developments of operational and investigative documentation in the process of combating crime by units of the National Police of Ukraine. The state of scientific development of problems of operative-search documentation by generalization and systematization of results of monographic works of domestic and foreign scientists, and also scientific researches on the researched subjects, stated in manuals, methodical recommendations, lectures and scientific articles of different historical periods is analyzed. For in-depth study of these issues, the chronological principle of presentation of the material was chosen, which provides an opportunity to highlight the defining ideas and views of the formation of modern operational and investigative documentation. It was found that today, in the legal literature and practice, along with the term "operational documentation" has become widespread concept of "operational and technical documentation" of criminal offenses, as these terms are used not only in forensic, operational and investigative, but also other aspects , where they have different meanings, although identical in meaning, which is the need to ensure compliance of the process of operational and technical documentation of criminal offenses with the requirements of applicable regulations governing the admissibility, procedure and conditions of its implementation. It is stated that the study indicates the need and relevance for modern theory and practice of ORD conducting at the monographic level of a comprehensive study of theoretical, legal and organizational and tactical principles of operational and investigative documentation in the fight against crime by the National Police of Ukraine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Kovalova Svitlana ◽  

The article analyzes the feasibility of introducing the institution of criminal offense. The focus is on reforming the criminal justice system. It was found out that one of the directions of reforming the criminal justice of Ukraine is the introduction of the institute of criminal misdemeanor in the criminal legislation. According to the results of the study, different approaches to the expediency of establishing liability for misconduct in the criminal legislation of Ukraine have been identified. It is reasonable that changing the understanding of the concept of crime and the criteria for its evaluation is not an easy path, but in today's conditions the introduction of criminal offenses is a progressive, timely and unalterable step, as no scientific developments can solve law enforcement problems. Keywords: criminal proceedings, institute of criminal offense, crime, reforming, criminal legislation, Concept of reforms, criminal justice

Maksym Ocheretyatyy

The article analyzes the essence of the outlined problem, focuses on the importance of the investigator's interaction with operational units in the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses, outlines the concept, which is defined as a comprehensive and purposeful process of communication between different actors involved in criminal proceedings. , is the ultimate goal, which makes it possible to obtain factual information about the event of a criminal offense. This gave grounds for distinguishing the essence of this process, which in general is distinguished by the fact that the investigator is a procedural person who is directly responsible for the quality of pre-trial investigation, its planning and effectiveness of investigative (search) actions, their timeliness and consistency. It is also argued that the issues of theoretical generalization of the elements of the process of interaction of the investigator in the pre-trial investigation were effectively and accurately formulated in the above stages, which partially duplicate the stages of the pre-trial investigation. However, the proposed approach of individual researchers to differentiate the interaction not only in terms of criminal procedural law, but also from the standpoint of operational and investigative activities, as a process can also be useful in planning a pre-trial investigation. This logically gives grounds to claim that the interaction with operational units is based on close and coordinated cooperation within the current legislation, on the initiative of both parties, as well as the planned conduct of any investigative or non-public investigative (search) actions. The author, as a result of the received interpretations of basic terms it was given an opportunity to investigate its stages. Therefore, the approaches of scientists to determine the stages of interaction in the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses are analyzed, they are generalized, and the most effective approach totheir structuring for theory and practice is determined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 212-223
Я. Ю. Конюшенко

A comprehensive study of the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, which regulate the general requirements for secret investigative (search) actions, has been carried out. A comparative analysis of the legislative provisions on the issue has been carried out, which made it possible to distinguish seven groups of general requirements for the implementation of secret investigative (search) actions. The first general requirement of secret investigative (search) actions includes restrictions on their use in criminal proceedings, as they are carried out only in cases where information about the criminal offense and the person who committed it, cannot be obtained in any other way. The second general requirement for conducting secret investigative (search) actions includes restrictions on their use in criminal proceedings, in particular the fact that they are conducted exclusively in criminal proceedings for grave or especially grave offenses. The third general requirement for conducting secret investigative (search) actions is that the legal basis for their implementation is a lawful, reasoned and motivated decision of the investigating judge, issued at the request of the prosecutor or investigator, agreed with the prosecutor. The fourth general requirement for conducting secret investigative (search) actions is that the investigating judge of the appellate court has the right to make the decision to implement them, where the pre-trial investigation agency is within the territorial jurisdiction of that judge. The fifth general requirement includes rules concerning the content of the application for a permit to conduct secret investigative (search) action, the procedure for its consideration by the investigating judge and the content of the decision of the investigating judge. The sixth general requirement for conducting secret investigative (search) actions includes rules that set deadlines for their implementation. The seventh general requirement for conducting secret investigative (search) action includes the rule that the investigator, the interrogator conducting the pre-trial investigation, or, on his behalf or on behalf of the prosecutor, authorized operative units have the right to conduct secret investigative (search) actions.

Milana Pisaric

Every person has the right to privacy and protection of personal data and these rights may be restricted only in order to protect the general interest or the preservation of important values in society. If there is a certain degree of suspicion that a person committed a criminal offense, the competent authorities are authorized to limit his/her privacy rights and to collect and process personal data for the purposes of criminal proceedings, by taking certain actions and measures in accordance with the law. On the basis of legal authorization certain subjects may take regular and special evidentiary actions and measures, but possible privacy infringement and data collection should be limited to the extent necessary to suppress a specific criminal offense in accordance with the principle of proportionality. It is necessary and useful to apply the methods and techniques of information technology in order to detect and prove criminal offenses. However, uncritical regulation and voluntary application of advanced methods and techniques of surveillance and monitoring of user?s activities (whose daily activities increasingly rely on information technology) would create a real risk of expanding and deepening the scope of spheres of life to be monitored to a much greater extent than legitimate monitoring within the concept of pro?activity and creation of a complete and panoptic surveillance of personal data. This could not be justified by the needs to oppose even the most severe forms of criminal offenses. Thus, actions and measures based on the use of these techniques and methods should be laid down and applied in accordance with the principles of specificity, necessity and proportionality, and with control of the judicial authorities, so the right to privacy would not be jeopardized. It is necessary to find a proper balance between the needs of criminal proceedings and respect for human rights, with regard to regulating powers of investigative bodies in collecting data of individuals. In online environment, the protection of the right to legal personality and the right to free development of personality through the right to privacy as well as the protection of personal data are necessary to be provided by legal regulations containing even stricter and more precise rules (comparing to offline environment) that determine the scope of powers of the authorities to collect evidence for the purposes of criminal proceedings, because certain actions or measures can greatly interfere with the private sphere of individuals in the direction of a complete privacy annulment.

Andrii Begma ◽  
Galyna Muliar ◽  
Oleksii Khovpun

The scientific article pays attention to the consideration of the concepts of “criminal offense”, “criminal offense”, “crime” andtheir implementation in criminal and criminal procedure legislation. Amendments to the legislation that came into force in connectionwith the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Simplification of Pre-trial Inves -tigation of Certain Categories of Criminal Offenses” are considered. The issue devoted to the new subject of criminal procedure – thecoroner and the head of the inquiry body is investigated.The article considers the types of evidence that are taken into account in the investigation of criminal offenses. Such evidenceshould include: explanations of persons, results of medical examination, expert opinion, testimony of technical devices and technicalmeans that have the functions of photography and filming, video recording, or means of photography and filming, video recording. Thepossibility of using evidence in the investigation of crimes is considered.During the criminal proceedings, a new entity is identified, which is actually engaged in the investigation of criminal offenses,such an entity is the investigator. Inquiry is a new unit that investigates criminal offenses. Inquiries are carried out by inquiry subdivisionsor authorized persons of other subdivisions.A criminal offense is an act (action or omission) provided by the Criminal Code, for which the main penalty is a fine of not morethan three thousand non-taxable minimum incomes or other punishment not related to imprisonment. Procedural sources of evidencein criminal proceedings on criminal offenses, in addition to certain Art. 84 of the CPC, there are also explanations of persons, the resultsof medical examinations, expert opinion, indications of technical devices and technical means that have the functions of photographyand filming, video recording, or means of photography and filming, video recording.The legislator does not rule out that the sources of evidence are testimony, physical evidence, documents, expert opinions, but infact the explanations of persons, the results of medical examinations, expert opinion, indications of technical devices and equipmentthat have the functions of photography and filming, video or photo – and filming, video recordings are also identified as sources of evidence.The purpose of such a division is to distinguish between sources of evidence that can be used to prove crimes and criminal offenses.In addition, there is a misunderstanding – what exactly can we use to form the evidence base in criminal proceedings.

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