theoretical generalization
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Lesya Mykulanynets

The purpose of the article is to reveal the communicative potential of the master's biography, to prove its influence on the cultural dialogue between humanity and the achievements of the artist. The research methodology is to apply a number of approaches: analytical – to comprehend the literature on the topic of the article; interdisciplinary - for a comprehensive study of factual material and in obtaining new knowledge; systemic using a whole range of methods (biographical, semiotic, culturological, hermeneutic, historical, theoretical generalization) – comprehending the stated quest, etc. Scientific novelty – for the first time in the national humanities, biography is explained as the way of civilizational contact between the creator and the public, the translator of the most important meanings of the era. Conclusions. The publication states that the artist's biography is an important component of the communicative space of nowadays. It embodies the anthropological dimensions of history, the worldview of the day through the coverage of the hero's life, his significant achievements. The author of the chronicles builds the life strategy of the master in such a way that he becomes clear to the recipients of any period. An analysis of the chronicle reveals the richness of symbolic forms of cultural contact associated with works of art, epoch-making features and social circumstances, and so on. In unity, they affect the perception of the artist's image. This process is carried out by the public as a result of decoding spiritual information in accordance with existing norms, traditions of a particular time, awareness of the existential and creative experience of the character. Biography as a means of communication demonstrates freedom from ideological, social limitations, as it allows communication of individuals of different eras, removes territorial, speech, social, and others barriers. Due to their ability to embody the universal concepts of civilization, the chronicles express not only the story of the artist, but also allow the modern recipient to express himself. Thus the listener (viewer) through the biography is in contact with the master, his time, humanity. Keywords: biography, cultural communication, artist, audience.

Gabriella Astalosh

The purpose of the article is to reveal the role of I. J. Paderewski in realization the patriotic ideas of Poland's independence through the prism of synthesis of creative and political activity. In accordance with the goal the following tasks were set: to consider the figure's biography in interaction aspect of the basic spheres of functioning; determine the personal prerequisites for national ideas formation; to reveal the practical implementation of life credo; to characterize the historical, social and cultural, artistic contribution. Methodology. In course of the research the following methods were used to reveal the presented problems: historical (study of the life story), source studies (elaboration of existing scientific works on related issues), analytical and structural-logical (coverage of the chronological aspect of the problem, understanding the specifics of activities), method of theoretical generalization (to summarize). The scientific novelty. For the first time in the history of Ukrainian scientific thought the figure of І. J. Paderewski was considered as a complex phenomenon of the interaction of human's radically different spheres of activity. Conclusions. The personality of pianists, public figures, orators, politicians, and philanthropists became a main in both the musical and political life of Poland in the late XIX - early XX century. Thanks to his incredible musical talent and rich concert practice, he brought the problem of Polish national identity to the world level and enlisted the support of the most influential circles in matters of statehood. Paderewski’s phenomenon is in his indomitable spirit, faith in the independence of his country, efficiency in all spheres of his life, in the complex unity of poetic art and prudent politics. In the European cultural heritage, this is a unique case of coexistence of contrasting human activities, their mutual functioning in achieving the existential credo of an outstanding person. Keywords: І. J. Paderewski, political activity, patriotic ideas, artistic heritage.

Nataliia Myroniuk

The purpose of the article is to find out the role of K. Vasylenko in the establishment and further functioning of the art-pedagogical school of the choreography department of the KSIC named after O.E. Korniychuk. Methodology. Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, and deduction were used in the research process. The method of theoretical generalization was used to sum up the results. Scientific novelty. The activity of K. Vasylenko was analyzed in the optics of the management of the artistic and pedagogical choreographic school of KSIC named after O. E. Korniychuk for the first time. Conclusions. K. Vasylenko – the founder of the department of choreography KSIC named after O.E. Korniychuk, the leader of the art-pedagogical school formed on its basis. At the initial stage of the formation of artistic and pedagogical principles of the department, the authority of K. Vasylenko, his organizational and managerial, scientific-methodical, and choreographic abilities turned out to be extremely significant. He created a partnership, a friendly circle of like-minded people, passionate about the ideas of building an educational environment in order to develop a system of mastering folk-stage choreography, producing an artistic product. Through a number of mechanisms introduced by the leader (mutual attendance of classes, methodical seminars, discussion of open demonstrations and concert performances, etc.), there was a constant increase in the professional level of teachers. His own example of writing scientific and methodological works stimulated the revival of this type of activity in the teaching environment, which contributed to the creation of educational and methodological support of disciplines. Keywords: Kim Vasylenko, art and pedagogical school, department of the choreography of KSIC, dance.

Anastasia Zhuravleva

The purpose of the article is to identify the genre, stylistic and rhythmic specifics of the social dance Brazilian Sound, as well as to theorize the artistic and aesthetic features of the new dance backgrounds developed on its basis. Methodology. A typological method was applied, thanks to which the main characteristics of the social dance Brazilian Zuk were determined; figurative-stylistic and formal-stylistic method, which helped to identify a system of typical forms and lexical features inherent in the dance and developed on its basis substrates; the method of comparative analysis, which revealed the common and distinctive features of the traditional social dance Brazilian Sound and innovative backgrounds created on its basis; method of theoretical generalization, which helped to summarize the results of the study. Scientific novelty. The process of origin and development of one of the most popular social dances of the XXI century is studied. Brazilian Zuk; the compositional features of the Brazilian Sound were identified and analyzed; For the first time in domestic art history the genre-stylistic and rhythmic features of the main sub-styles (Rio-zouk style, Porto-Seguro style, M-zouk, Neo-zouk) and sub-styles (Modern zouk, Soulzouk R&B zouk) of the Brazilian Zuk are considered and the specificity of their art is revealed. aesthetic variability. Conclusions. The study found that the Brazilian Sound is an independent style of modern dance art, which is characterized by a number of features: the atmosphere of performance (platforms for social dances, dance conferences, seminars, etc.); creating a composition of the Brazilian Sound is usually a collective process - the authorship of style and background belongs to talented dancers, who are endowed with the gift of improvisation and specific temperament; special individual type of dance movement: the basic sequence of steps is connected with metrorhythmic features of musical accompaniment; a specific combination of plasticity, flexibility, and rotations creates individual dance backgrounds: acrobatic Acro Zouk, smooth Flow Zuk, contrast Zuk Revolution, improvisational M-zuk, inflammatory Lambazuk, philosophical-hypnotic Neo-zuk, and others. Prospects for innovative research in the field of genre-style interaction of the Brazilian Sound and modern dance trends are the unique basis of dance, which is positioned as the initial impetus for further lexical and rhythmic-intonational choreographic experiments and depends on the peculiarities of musical material. Keywords: Brazilian Zuk, social dance, artistic and aesthetic features, M-zuk, Neo-zuk, Lambazuk.

Olena Chumachenko

The purpose of the article consists of exploring sculpture as a form of the agonal tradition of ancient culture. The research methodology consists in the application of analytical method - to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the phenomenon of sculpture as a form of the agonal tradition of ancient culture, using works of ancient classics; the method of comparative studies is used to analyze approaches to understanding sculpture as a form of agonal tradition in the context of «Entertainment» (the discourse of antiquity); the hermeneutic method is used to interpret the concept of «Entertainment» in the context of ancient culture; the method of theoretical generalization is used to summarize the intermediate and general results of the study. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the essence of the sculpture as a form of the agonal tradition of ancient culture in the context of the phenomenon of «Entertainment». Conclusions. In ancient culture, agonism was its fundamental essence, and this manifested itself in all spheres of socio-cultural life, in art, politics, and sports. The spirit of competition was present in all aspects of the phenomenon of «Entertainment», shows dedicated to the February Lupercalia, December Saturnalia, Big and Small Dionysias, Big Panathenes, Pythian, Nimean, Isthmian, Olympic Games, where gods and winners were revered by the personification of their statue (Dionysus; Olympic winners: Epikharin hoplitodrome, Xenombrot, Xenodik, Kinisk). In antiquity, the anthropocentric perception of a person as an individual is not important, but an exclusively living body, corporeality is the main category underlying all forms of ancient culture. But sculpture, as a form of agonal tradition in ancient culture, is a great opportunity to show your own individuality within the framework of the canon, generally accepted traditions (Myron, Polycletus). Ancient plasticity became a great force, for it was the personification of the bodily understanding of life, the slave was understood exclusively as a thing, a body. But there is also a mythologized aspect of the artist's divine gift, sculpture as a means of transferring the divine gift of the gods to the artist who creates it, with this aspect of irrationality, antique plastic looks from a different perspective, from the perspective of the exaltation of the gods and heroes, the winners of the Olympics, who are beginning to be seen in the context of anthropocentrism. A hero is a person, he becomes, at least for a moment, like a god, and this is personified in the sculpture. Keywords: sculpture, agonal tradition, «Entertainment», collective experience, interpretation, ancient culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Heorhiy Cherevko

The main purpose of this study was to analyze the labor resources migration phenomenon from Ukraine in the context of theoretical basics of it generalization and against the background of its evolution and world trends, to identify its specific features, real consequences and possible perspectives regarding the regulation possibility taking into account the specifics of the nature and structure of this phenomenon in this country. The research methodology is formed on the basis of the classic economic theory of migration in combination with the behavioral approach and the interpretation of human as homo oeconomicus. Methods were used in the research process: dialectical, historical and semantic analysis, method of theoretical generalization and scientific abstraction, induction and deduction, monographic, graphic, statistical and analytical. The main findings are related to the detection of the tendency to increase the scale of labor migration from Ukraine even under conditions of pandemic, the identification of threats and harms connected with this phenomenon. Substantiated recommendations for eliminating the threats and harms of international labor migration from Ukraine may have practical applications. The originality of the article is determined by its timeliness and by diversified set of used sources of information, what together forms its value as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-267
Lubоv Lipych ◽  
Оksаnа Khilukhа ◽  
Myroslava Kushnir ◽  
Ivаnnа Mаtviichuk

Topicality. Thе predisposition to сrіsіs sіtuаtіons of hotеl enterprises, whісh are thе mаіn іnfrаstruсtural сomponеnt of the hospitality industry in Ukraine, іs hіghеr, сompаrеd to othеr types of economic activity. Thе сurrеnt сrіsіs сondіtіons, саusеd by СOVІD-19 pandemic, wаr іn Eаstеrn Ukrаіnе аnd thе decline of thе fіnаnсіаl аnd есonomіс systеm, led to the case that most hotel enterprises are in a very difficult situation, and some of them are even on the verge of bankruptcy. The necessity to adapt quickly to the changes and to offer the consumers new approaches to business development, innovative methods and technologies of service delivery, new services and new products in compliance with all safety standards and appropriate quality requires from hotel еntеrprіsеs to form an effective anti-crisis management system. Thе aim and methods. The aim of this аrtісlе іs to develop the recommendations for thе anti-сrіsіs mаnаgеmеnt systеm improvement of thе hotеl еntеrprіsе, taking into account the stage of its life cycle, the index of diversification potential, and the level of the system of anti-crisis management development. To achieve this aim such methods are used: theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis; statistical; economic and mathematical modeling, and graphic. Rеsults. Іt іs еstаblіshеd thаt the еffісіеnсy of the hotеl enterprise ovеrсomіng thе сrіsіs situations dеpеnds on іts аbіlіty in quick adaptation to new operating conditions and moving to thе provіsіon of nеw advanced sеrvісеs or thе іntroduсtіon of the nеw typе of асtіvіty. Durіng thе сrіsіs mаny еntеrprіsеs аrе dеvеlopіng the strаtеgy of dіvеrsіfісаtіon, whісh саn bе an еffесtіvе tасtісs for some short tеrm, or morе fundаmеntаl strаtеgy for thе mеdіum аnd long tеrm pеrіod. Thе hotеl enterprises are forced to rеnеw the sеrvісеs аnd produсts, dіstrіbutіon сhаnnеls, dеlіvеry mеthods аnd mаrkеtіng strаtеgy сonstаntly, thеrеforе, the dіvеrsіfісаtіon of their асtіvіty should bе a pаrt of thе anti-сrіsіs enterprise mаnаgеmеnt systеm. Conclusions and discussions. The effесtіvе anti-сrіsіs mаnаgеmеnt provides thе nееd to dеtеrmіne thе lеvеl of its systеm dеvеlopmеnt, thе аssеssmеnt of thе іndеx of thе hotеl еntеrprіsе dіvеrsіfісаtіon potеntіаl, thе formаtіon of the mаtrіx of dіvеrsіfісаtіon strаtеgy сhoісе аnd thе mесhаnіsm for іts іmplеmеntаtіon. Thе prасtісаl sіgnіfісаnсе of this rеsеаrсh іs in the anti-crisis management system, bаsеd on thе dіvеrsіfісаtіon strаtеgy, whісh аllows to mаkе аdеquаtе dесіsіons on strаtеgіс plаnnіng of thе hotеl enterprise activity іn сondіtіons of іnstаbіlіty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 2313-2323
Zhanna A. KEVORKOVA ◽  

Subject. The article addresses the organization and implementation of process approach when setting up a system of internal control of an economic entity, which ensures the management of effectiveness of divisions’ activities. Objectives. We aim at investigating the organization of the internal control system of an economic entity, based on its activities, accounting policies, classification of business processes, and risk identification. Methods. The study rests on methods of theoretical generalization, structural grouping, logical analysis, as well as the analysis of scientific and practical literature and accounting and control practice. Results. The analysis of practices revealed a number of problems in the implementation of the process approach in the accounting and control activities of economic entities, in particular, insufficient understanding and unpreparedness of management to implement the process approach, the lack of a system for regulating business processes, the lack of interconnection between the system of control indicators and the created business processes. It is advisable to divide the process of organizing the internal control system into a number of stages, i.e. the definition of activities, typology of business processes, risk identification, testing the internal control system’s quality. Conclusions. The introduction of the process approach in organizing an internal control system involves the systematization of information, depending on the nature of the business process, requiring permanent updating. The emergence of non-standard situations makes it necessary to adjust the boundaries of business processes. The resources of accounting business processes are personnel, software, equipment, and other infrastructure elements.

Ruslan Mokhnyuk

The purpose of the article is to systematize the regional material on the cultural approach of communities to the development of civil society. The research methodology was based on the use of general scientific and special methods. The method of theoretical generalization was used to develop the concept of the stated topic and develop recommendations for improving the development of territorial communities, which are presented in the conclusions. The culturological method allowed to analyze the resource and cultural potential of civil society development in the regional dimension. Methods of systematization and comparison made it possible to identify features of socio-cultural development of different territorial communities of the Rivne region. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the cultural potential of territorial communities to build civil society in Ukraine. Conclusions. Problems of territorial communities are typical for Ukraine: insufficiency and inefficiency of financing; inconsistency and imperfection of the existing infrastructure; lack of quality roads; inconsistency of work or lack of CNAPs; obsolescence of premises in need of repair or reconstruction; staff shortage, etc. Activation of communities affects the development of civil society, which in turn is a stimulating factor for their development. Ways to improve the development of territorial communities are inter-municipal cooperation in all spheres of community life; providing quality services to citizens; job creation not only for young people but for all citizens; cluster approach (a partnership between public, private, civic structures) to the implementation of cultural activities for the formation of the regional cultural space; the cultural heritage of territorial communities as a basic basis of regional development; introduction of innovations, including digitalization, in community development; the synergy of modern information technologies at the community level as a way to timely public awareness of local cultural and artistic projects and activation of citizens to participate in them. Key words: civil society, territorial communities, identity, cultural potential, cultural and artistic projects, Rivne region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Leonardo Ranaldi ◽  
Francesca Fallucchi ◽  
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Modern AI technologies make use of statistical learners that lead to self-empiricist logic, which, unlike human minds, use learned non-symbolic representations. Nevertheless, it seems that it is not the right way to progress in AI. The structure of symbols—the operations by which the intellectual solution is realized—and the search for strategic reference points evoke important issues in the analysis of AI. Studying how knowledge can be represented through methods of theoretical generalization and empirical observation is only the latest step in a long process of evolution. For many years, humans, seeing language as innate, have carried out symbolic theories. Everything seems to have skipped ahead with the advent of Machine Learning. In this paper, after a long analysis of history, the rule-based and the learning-based vision, we would investigate the syntax as possible meeting point between the different learning theories. Finally, we propose a new vision of knowledge in AI models based on a combination of rules, learning, and human knowledge.

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