2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Paikun Paikun ◽  
Elis Suminar ◽  
Aldi Irawan ◽  
Saiful Bahri

<p>Roads that have been functioned are in good condition, slightly damaged, moderately damaged, and heavily damaged, therefore road maintenance is needed. Road maintenance uses costs, and the available costs are often insufficient to carry out road repairs as a whole, so it is necessary to determine the priority scale of road repairs. The Surface Distress Index (SDI) method is a method used by the DGH to determine the level of road damage, furthermore as a basis for determining the priority scale for road repairs. Along 2.25 km of Jalan Merdeka 1, Sukabumi City, it is the sampling location for the study to determine the condition of road damage. Each investigation point is determined to be 200 m long, starting from the initial STA 0 + 000 - 0 + 200 to the last STA 2 + 200 - 2 + 250. The results showed that the road conditions consisted of moderately damaged, lightly damaged to heavily damaged, so it needed maintenance at STA 0 + 000 - 0 + 400, it needed rehabilitation at STA 0 + 400 - 1 + 800 and STA 2 + 200 - 2 + 250 , as well as need reconstruction at STA 1 + 800 - STA 2 + 200. The results of this study can be used as a basis for determining road handling by policymakers.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 581-592
Evi Zulfan ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Yuhanis Yunus

Abstract : Road maintenance activities is one part of the road management and road organizer shall prioritize road maintenance to maintain the level of services in accordance with defined minimum service standards. Assessment of road conditions resulting from the survey activities. Km.77 (Batas Pidie) - Batas Kota Sigli is a national road with a length of 29.34 Km. Rating national road refers Free Road Condition Survey, No. SMD-03 / RC (relationship International Roughness Index, IRI-Surface Distress Index, SDI), which is only capable of supporting votes to traffic lanes. This research is assessed road conditions and a comparative analysis (IRI-SDI indicators and per-percentage area of damage) on the carriageway. The method used in the study, refers to the Minister of Public Works  No. 15 / PRT / M / 2007 and No. 13 / PRT / M / 2013, which is able to support the assessment of traffic lanes, shoulders, and complementary buildings (BPLK) with elements: median, ditches, culverts, retaining walls, island roads and sidewalks. The condition of the road is done through a detailed survey of road conditions with the visual method followed by processing and analyzing data, producing road conditions, type of treatment and allocation of the required budget requirements. The results show the value of the condition is above 60% steady-state condition and needs maintenance budget of Rp. 113,645,850,000.00 for all elements of the road. From the results of a comparative analysis of known value of a deviation of 4.77% for the stability of the road and -Rp.98.825.850.000,00 for road maintenance budget requirements.Abstrak: Kegiatan pemeliharaan jalan merupakan salah satu bagian dari penyelenggaraan jalan dan penyelenggara jalan wajib memperioritaskan pemeliharaan jalan untuk mempertahankan tingkat pelayanan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan minimal yang ditetapkan. Kegiatan penilaian kondisi jalan dihasilkan dari kegiatan survei jalan. Ruas jalan Km.77 (Batas Pidie) - Batas Kota Sigli merupakan ruas jalan nasional dengan panjang 29,34 Km. Penilaian ruas jalan nasional mengacu pada Panduan Survei Kondisi Jalan, No. SMD-03/RC (hubungan International Roughness Index, IRI - Surface Distress Index, SDI), yang hanya mampu mendukung penilaian untuk jalur lalu lintas. Penilitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai kondisi jalan dan analisis perbandingan (Indikator IRI - SDI dan persentase luasan kerusakan) pada jalur lalu lintas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian, mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (Permen PU) Nomor : 15/PRT/M/2007 dan Nomor : 13/PRT/M/2013, yang mampu mendukung penilaian jalur lalu lintas, bahu jalan, dan bangunan pelengkap (BPLK) dengan elemen : median, saluran samping, gorong-gorong, tembok penahan tanah, pulau jalan dan trotoar. Penilaian kondisi jalan dilakukan melalui survei kondisi rinci jalan dengan metode visual dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan dan analisis data, yang menghasilkan kondisi jalan, jenis penanganan dan alokasi kebutuhan anggaran yang dibutuhkan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui nilai kondisi berada diatas 60 % kondisi mantap dan kebutuhan anggaran pemeliharaan Rp. 113.645.850.000,00 untuk seluruh elemen jalan. Dari hasil analisis perbandingan diketahui nilai deviasi sebesar 4,77 % untuk kemantapan jalan dan -Rp. 98.825.850.000,00 untuk kebutuhan anggaran pemeliharaan jalan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Rizky Ardhiarini

The enhancement of connectivity between the main corridors of the economy in South Sumatera, as a purpose of the StrategicPlan of Directorate General Bina Marga and also an objective of MP3EI, Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion ofIndonesia's Economic Development which is an ambitious plan by the Indonesian government to accelerate the realization ofbecoming a developed country would be able to achieve on the requirement of good condition on performance and pavement. Inorder to support the optimal condition of the road, the identification of road management was conducted to determine thenecessity of road maintenance based on technical conditions and importance level of development of the road traversed. Themanagement program proposed is expected to be used as a baseline in determining the maintenance of the road network in SouthSumatera from 2015 until 2019. This research used Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA) method, which consists of: (1) road networkperformance, covering width of roadways, traffic flow, V/C ratio, travel speed and travel time of the vehicle, and (2) pavementcondition, with IRI, SDI, and the proportion of good pavement condition as a parameter. Multi-criteria analysis used combinedroad condition assessment score and importance level of development of the area traversed by. This analysis was conductedfrom 2015 until 2019. The research concluded that maintenance necessity in 2015 were dominated by routine maintenance(95.86% of the total length), then in 2016 until 2019 the needs were dominated by routine maintenance (near 100% of the totallength). As the maintenance applied, a vast amount of total road length fulfilled as an achievement target. The results arefollows: (a) 100% with width of roadways ≥ 7 meter, (b) 97.83% with V/C ratio < 0.75, (c) 18.50% with travel speed >60km/hour, (d) 17.32% with travel time (TT) < 1.6 jam/100km, (e) 100% with good pavement condition > 95%, (f) 90.37% withIRI < 4 m/Km, and (g) 91.59 with SDI < 50. Yet with the achievement of 100% of total road length with a minimum width 7.0meter, and 90.37% of total road length with an IRI less than 4.0 m/km in 2019, the impact was not significant on increasinglength of the road with a travel time (TT) less than 1.6 jam/100km. The condition is caused by there are no maintenancerequirements concerning the improvement of the substandard road geometric.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-150
Fadly Usman ◽  
Septiana Hariyani ◽  
Fadhilatus Shoimah

The research aims to mapping the tsunami-prone areas in Watulimo District using numerical simulation methods and spatial analysis as well as compiling tsunami response planning by determining shelters and evacuation routes in a participatory manner according to the characteristics of residents local wisdom of Watulimo District using weighting analysis and network analysis with ArcGIS. The most prone area to tsunami is Prigi Village because it has the lowest topography compared to the other two villages. Determination of shelter is carried out by considering the building function, number of floors, building area, building capacity, distance from the coastline, location from the road, and building construction. Public facilities with the number of floors >1 such as flat, trade facilities; religious facilities; educational facilities; government facilities; as well as health facilities in Watulimo District can be used as shelters during tsunami. Based on the analysis, the shelters obtained can accommodate the population in tsunami-prone areas. The evacuation route can be determined by considering the distance, road width, road conditions, road class, and travel time to obtain the fastest route from settlement to the nearest shelter. The evacuation routes that can be used in Watulimo District are the existing roads. However, there is a need for road repairs in damaged/ potholed road conditions, road widening, adding new roads to facilitate the evacuation process of disaster victims to the shelter, and carrying out routine road maintenance on roads that will be used as evacuation routes, so that these roads are always in good condition.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 701-714 ◽  
Rita Martina ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Muhammad Isya

Abstract: Road infrastructure plays an important role as land transportation in Aceh. The transport mobility in Aceh province west coast highway kept increase every year. So that, the construction of the road had got load (traffic volume and axle load) increased every time. The addition of traffic load caused the level of damage to the road construction was increasing. Early damage can happen immediately, if the load exceeded the standard load plan. So that needed to be examined to the weight of the vehicle on the construction of theAceh province west coast highway by using Weigh In Motion (WIM). The goal is to identify the actual condition of the vehicle burden on the construction of roads (traffic volume and axle load) which occurred on roads Bts. Kota Banda Aceh-Aceh Barat and to reviewgovernment policy to the road maintenance management and to instruct management of road infrastructure maintenance. This studywas located at Simpang Rima point. The research method was descriptive- analysis, Weigh In Motion was used as the primary means of data collection. The data measured by WIM, including the data types of vehicles, speed, vehicle length, weight and configuration of the vehicle wheelbase. The data was analyzed to obtain the value of Destroyer Road factor (Vehicle Damage Factor - VDF) of each type of vehicle. From the results of flattenering during the measurement of axis load it was obtained the average of Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA) factor of each type of vehicle for each road was being reviewed. Results of this study are indicative of the occurrence of overloading the vehicle 2-axis and 3-axis truck type. It indicated that the direction of road maintenance was appropriate with the direction of government policy. The Value of International Roughness Index (IRI) are in the good category is between 4- 8, precisely 5.03. While the value of Surface Distress Index (SDI) was less than 50 m / km.Abstrak: Infrastruktur jalan memegang peranan penting sebagai prasarana transportasi darat di Aceh. Mobilitas arus transportasi lintas Barat Provinsi Aceh terus meningkat tiap tahunnya. Sehingga konstruksi jalan dari waktu ke waktu mengalami pembebanan (volume lalulintas dan beban sumbu) yang terus meningkat. Penambahan beban lalulintas mengakibatkan tingkat kerusakan terhadap konstruksi jalan semakin meningkat. Kerusakan dini dengan segera dapat terjadi, apabila beban lalulintas melebihi beban standar rencana. Sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian terhadap beban kendaraan pada konstruksi jalan lintas Barat Provinsi Aceh menggunakan Weigh In Motion(WIM). Tujuannya untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi aktual beban kendaraan pada konstruksi jalan (volume lalulintas dan beban sumbu) yang terjadi pada ruas jalan Bts. Kota Banda Aceh-Aceh Barat dan mengkaji kebijakan pemerintah terhadap manajemen pemeliaraan jalan serta mengarahkan manajemen pemeliharaan infrastruktur jalan. Penelitian iniberlokasi pada ruas jalan titik Simpang Rima. Metode penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif, Weigh In Motion digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data primer. Data yang diukur oleh WIM antara lain data jenis kendaraan, kecepatan, panjang kendaraan, konfigurasi berat dan jarak sumbu kendaraan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis untuk memperoleh nilai Faktor Perusak Jalan (Vehicle Damage Factor – VDF) dari tiap jenis kendaraan. Dari hasil perataan selama pengukuran beban sumbu diperoleh faktor Equivalent Standard Axle (ESA) rata-rata dari setiap jenis kendaraan untuk masing-masing ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Hasil penelitian ini adalah indikasi terjadinya overloading pada kendaraan jenis truk 2 sumbu dan 3 sumbu.Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa arahan pemeliharaan jalanadalah pemeliharaan rutin telah sesuai dengan arahan kebijakan pemerintah. Nilai International Roughness Index (IRI) berada pada kategori baik yaitu antara 4-8, tepatnya dengan nilai 5,03. Sedangkan nilai Surface Distress Index (SDI) lebih kurang dari 50 m/km.

A. Suraji ◽  
A. T. Sudjianto ◽  
Riman Riman

Road maintenance action program must begin with identification of road surface defects before compiling a work program. One method of identification of road defects is the Road Condition Index (RCI) method. This method is simpler than the other methods because the survey method is by visualizing. This study aims to identify road defects with the RCI method carried out by several surveyors and how defects occur on the Caruban-Ngawi road section.The method used in this study is by direct survey of primary data on road surface defects conditions. There were 3 surveyors who conducted a survey with normal and opposite directions along the road. Data slices are made at lengths of every 100 m to identify road defects. The data is processed by doing an average on each data which is then made a strip map of road defects image. Data processing was done by determining the percentage of defects categories ranging from good, moderate, light defects, and heavy defects.The results of the study showed that the survey conducted by several surveyors was good and the general results were not significantly different. This means that the surveyors have almost the same perception in terms of assessing the condition of road defectss with the RCI method. The condition of road pavement on the Caruban-Ngawi road in general can be said that the road is still in good condition where heavy defects road damage in the normal and opposite directions is only 1.13% and 0.28% respectively.

1991 ◽  
Steve Carapetis ◽  
Hernan Levy ◽  
Terje Wolden

Transport ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 244-251 ◽  
Laura Žiliūtė ◽  
Alfredas Laurinavičius ◽  
Audrius Vaitkus

The measurements and analysis of traffic intensity were performed in the capital city – Vilnius, the largest urban area in Lithuania. Vilnius is a centre of business, industry and tourism, and therefore traffic intensity remains the highest in this part of the country. The intensity of vehicle traffic is not only generally calculated but also simultaneously classified which means is divided predefining vehicles into beforehand established categories. Data on traffic flows are used in a road maintenance program for calculating and assessing air pollution, ensuring traffic safety, regulating traffic flows etc. The article presents the methods for measuring traffic intensity which are and were used for calculating traffic intensity not only in the streets of Vilnius but also across Lithuania. Data on vehicle intensity and classification are collected either using technologies (loop and tube detectors, counters and video detectors) or expressing them visually. The article presents the dynamics of changes in the traffic volume on the roads of Lithuania for the period 2000–2009. Also, this article examines traffic intensity of all transport means, including trucks in the permanent traffic volume measuring stations that were installed near the roads in Vilnius zone (data on traffic for the period 2005–2009) and the streets of Vilnius city (data on traffic for the period 2007–2009). Data on traffic intensity were obtained by the Road Research Laboratory of the Road Department of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in cooperation with the State Enterprise Transport and Road Research Institute (TRRI).

2021 ◽  
Vol 283 ◽  
pp. 02033
Ziyi Zhang ◽  
Yu Sun ◽  
Han Xu ◽  
Qiyun Zhu

In recent years, urbanization has developed rapidly, and urban road play a vital role as the premise. Due to the good effectiveness of asphalt pavement, which is more popular in urban road, and road maintenance demands are also increasing. In order to make the maintenance work appropriate, accurate pavement performance evaluation is the premise. This paper collects the data of a road pavement condition in Shanghai and calculates the sub-indexes of each section. We use the entropy weight method to obtain the influence degree of each sub-index. Then we use the revised set pair analysis to construct the comprehensive performance evaluation model of urban road pavement. The analysis shows that compared with the standard method and the set pair analysis, the revised model is more objective, in line with the actual use of the road.

T. Tachi ◽  
Y. Wang ◽  
R. Abe ◽  
T. Kato ◽  
N. Maebashi ◽  

Abstract. Mobile mapping technology is an effective method to collect geospatial data with high point density and accuracy. It is mainly used for asset inventory and map generation, as well as road maintenance (detecting road cracks and ruts, and measuring flatness). Equipment of former mobile mapping systems (MMS) is large in size and usually installed (hard-mounted) onto dedicated vehicle. Cost-effectiveness and flexibility of MMS have not been regarded as important until Leica Pegasus series, a much smaller system with integrated and configurable components, come out. In this paper, we show you how we realize a versatile MMS with a Pegasus II loaded on a remodelled Japanese light vehicle (small size and less than a cubic capacity of 660 cc). Besides Pegasus II and data-processing PC, we equip this system with a small crane to bring the sensor onto a different platform, an electric cart to survey narrow roads or pedestrian walkway, and a boat attachment so that the sensor can be fixed on a boat. Thus, one Pegasus II can collect data from various platforms. This paper also discusses the precision and accuracy of the Pegasus II working on various platforms. When mounted on a light vehicle, we verified the accuracy of the difference with GCP and evaluated the accuracy of the road maintenance (detecting road cracks and ruts, and measuring flatness). When mounted on an electric cart, we verified the accuracy of the difference with GCP on a pedestrian road and generated road hazard map as a data utilization. When mounted on a boat, we verified the accuracy of the difference with GCP on a dam slope and created slope shading map of landslide area as a data utilization. It turns out that Pegasus II can totally achieve to required surveying-grade.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 405-411
Mohammad Reza Jelokhani-Niaraki ◽  
Ali Asghar Alesheikh ◽  
Abbas Alimohammadi ◽  
Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki

In recent years, the development of the GIS-T (Geographic Information System for Transportation) applications has gained much attention, providing the transportation planners and managers with in-depth knowledge to achieve better decisions. Needless to say, developing a successful GIS for transportation applications is highly dependent on the design of a well-structured data model. Dynamic segmentation (DS) data model is a popular one being used more and more for different GIS-T analyses, serving as a data model that splits linear features into new set of segments wherever its attributes change. In most cases, the sets of segments presenting a particular attribute change frequently. Transportation managers place great importance on having regular update and revision of segmented data to ensure correct and precise decisions are made. However, updating the segmented data manually is a difficult task and a time-consuming process to do, demanding an automatic approach. To alleviate this, the present study describes a rule-based method using topological concept to simply update road segments and replace the manual tasks that users are to carry out. The proposed approach was employed and implemented on real road network data of the City of Tehran provided by the Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization (RMTO) of Iran. The practical results demonstrated that the time, cost, human-type errors, and complexity involved in update tasks are all reduced. KEYWORDS: GIS-T, dynamic segmentation, segment, automatic update, change type, rule

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