scholarly journals When Modern Monuments are an Act of Autoplagiarism.

2020 ◽  
pp. 155-176
Krzysztof Krzysztof

This paper discusses the autoplagiarism of monuments as a system for the reworking structure of the public space in the interdisciplinary meta-analysis. The research rises the problem of blocking art and art activism in the region. The theoretical part focuses on Polish legislation (acts of 1994, 1997, 2003, and 2016), the opinions of historians on the division between the terms “places of memory” and “places of gratitude” (Ożóg 2011; Czarnecka 2015; Jach 2018), and an overview of the classification of monuments in artistic theories (Krauss 1993; Lacy 1995; Kwon 2004; Ranciere 2004; Walsh 2013; Taylor and Altenburg, 2006; Bellentani and Panico, 2016). Insights into psychological theories related to aesthetic judgment are also presented as supportive statements (Ishizu and Zeki 2013; G. E. Vaillant, M. Bond, and C.O. Vaillant, 1986; Reicher 2003; Le Bon 1929). The research covers six case studies of erected and removed monuments in the area of Smaller Poland during the period from the end of 2017 to the first part of 2018. All samples are related to the stakeholder's reactions to the past Soviet presence in the area and their current aims. The conclusions suggest strategies which could be helpful to strengthen the public space and classification for the autoplagiarized monument.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-95
Suhaila Ismail ◽  
Elena Sitnikova ◽  
Jill Slay

Past cyber-attacks on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems for Critical infrastructures have left these systems compromised and caused financial and economic problems. Deliberate attacks have resulted in denial of services and physical injury to the public in certain cases. This study explores the past attacks on SCADA Systems by examining nine case studies across multiple utility sectors including transport, energy and water and sewage sector. These case studies will be further analysed according to the cyber-terrorist decision-making theories including strategic, organisational and psychological theories based on McCormick (2000). Next, this study will look into cyber-terrorist capabilities in conducting attacks according to Nelson's (1999) approach that includes simple-unstructured, advance-structured and complex-coordinated capabilities. The results of this study will form the basis of a guideline that organisations can use so that they are better prepared in identifying potential future cybersecurity attacks on their SCADA systems.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (1, 2 & 3) ◽  
pp. 2006
Benjamin L. Berger

The relationship between law and religion in contemporary civil society has been a topic of increasing social interest and importance in Canada in the past many years. We have seen the practices and commitments of religious groups and individuals become highly salient on many issues of public policy, including the nature of the institution of marriage, the content of public education, and the uses of public space, to name just a few. As the vehicle for this discussion, I want to ask a straightforward question: When we listen to our public discourse, what is the story that we hear about the relationship between law and religion? How does this topic tend to be spoken about in law and politics – what is our idiom around this issue – and does this story serve us well? Though straightforward, this question has gone all but unanswered in our political and academic discussions. We take for granted our approach to speaking about – and, therefore, our way of thinking about – the relationship between law and religion. In my view, this is most unfortunate because this taken-for-grantedness is the source of our failure to properly understand the critically important relationship between law and religion.

2020 ◽  
pp. 446-464
Suhaila Ismail ◽  
Elena Sitnikova ◽  
Jill Slay

Past cyber-attacks on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems for Critical infrastructures have left these systems compromised and caused financial and economic problems. Deliberate attacks have resulted in denial of services and physical injury to the public in certain cases. This study explores the past attacks on SCADA Systems by examining nine case studies across multiple utility sectors including transport, energy and water and sewage sector. These case studies will be further analysed according to the cyber-terrorist decision-making theories including strategic, organisational and psychological theories based on McCormick (2000). Next, this study will look into cyber-terrorist capabilities in conducting attacks according to Nelson's (1999) approach that includes simple-unstructured, advance-structured and complex-coordinated capabilities. The results of this study will form the basis of a guideline that organisations can use so that they are better prepared in identifying potential future cybersecurity attacks on their SCADA systems.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-169 ◽  
Lars Meier

This essay analyses biographic memories of practices of resistance of workers in the industrial transformation region in the south of Nuremberg. These memories are marked by a nostalgic view of public space in former times, which is put in contrast with public space as it is today. While former practices of resistance are remembered with nostalgia, present-day resistance practices are described as threatening practices performed by others. It turns out that nostalgia for resistance in the public space in the past is also a social positioning in the present.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-171 ◽  
Olufunke Adeboye

AbstractOver the past two decades Nigeria has become a hotbed of Pentecostal activity. It is the view of this study that Pentecostal visibility in Nigeria has been enhanced not just by Pentecostals’ aggressive utilization of media technology for proselytization as claimed by previous scholars, but also by their appropriation of public spaces for worship. This study not only focuses on the church in the cinema hall, but also on churches in nightclubs, hotels, and other such places previously demonized as ‘abode[s] of sin’ by classical Pentecostals. This paper argues that users’ perception of public spaces having rigid meanings and unchanging usage was responsible for much of the tensions experienced. It would be more useful for academic analysts and various ‘publics’ to construe such spaces as dynamic sites, at once reflecting mutations in the public sphere, responsive to local and global socio-economic processes, and amenable to periodic reinventions and negotiations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Wahyu Oktavia

Indoglish is a unique and unique form of language and is a blend of English and Indonesian. The purpose of this study is to describe the phenomenon of indoglish language escalation in the public space of social media. The form of this study is descriptive qualitative which as a whole utilizes the methods of interpretation by presenting it in the form of descriptions of words. Research data comes from various written languages ​​obtained from facebook, whatsapp and instagram.. Data collection is used the method of note and note. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of the study show that there are a) form of indoglish language, b) classification of indoglish languages ​​based on Indonesian elements in foreign languages ​​and foreign elements in Indonesian, c) factors that cause indoglish language namely age, linguistic, historical, foreign language influences, word needs new, equivalent Foreign or non-standard words, and social and cultural.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Edial Rusli

Perkembangan zaman akan mengubah citra dan simbol Malioboro. Citra kawasan yang dulunya asri dan nyaman itu sekarang berubah menjadi semrawut dan tidak nyaman lagi. Keadaan ini menstimulasi ide penciptaan karya bahwa ruang publik Malioboro yang semrawut dan tidak nyaman itu dipersonifikasikan sebagai rumah besar yang ruang-ruangnya telah disekat-sekat layaknya kamar pribadi yang nyaman dengan kamar yang memiliki keunikan sendiri-sendiri. Konsep penciptaan dan perwujudan ini merupakan kumpulan objek imaji visual fotografi yang realistis untuk dikonstruksikan kembali dengan tujuan menghasilkan realitas imajiner. Pendekatan teori penciptaan ini adalah citra, konstruksi fotografi, dan makna. Proses eksperimentasi dan pembentukan karya diawali dari imaji-imaji visual fotografi yang dikumpulkan, diseleksi, dan direpresentasikan dengan citra objek kaum urban yang berjuang untuk hidup dan ruang cagar budaya yang terpinggirkan oleh bangunan modern di Malioboro melalui imaji visual fotografi. Imaji-imaji visual fotografi dari suatu realitas imaji masa lalu tersebut diimajinasikan ke masa yang akan datang untuk dikonstruksi kembali menjadi kesatuan dengan menggunakan teknik montase dan kolase digital imaging ke bentuk imajinasi visual fotografi yang imajinatif dan bernilai kreatif estetis untuk dimaknai kembali pada keadaan sekarang. Penciptaan karya ini tidak lagi berbicara tentang tataran teknis saja, namun juga berbicara tentang estetika, citra, tanda-tanda dan makna baru di dalamnya. Melalui penciptaan karya ini, masyarakat diharapkan dapat mengetahui citra, proses konstruksi, penyajian penciptaan karya, dan makna yang dihadirkan kembali dari perwujudan imaji ke bentuk karya imajinasi visual fotografi yang bernilai kreatif estetis. Karya imajinasi visual fotografi ini diharapkan menjadi media untuk mengungkapkan perasaan atau ekspresi dan emosi estetis pencipta dalam bentuk parodi visual. Penciptaan ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk memperkaya khazanah citra/imaji/makna baru dan untuk membangun rasa memiliki serta kesadaran akan permasalahan tata kehidupan dan tata ruang Malioboro sekarang ini.AbstractImage and Symbols of Malioboro in the Construction of Photography. Change of time will change the image and symbol of Malioboro. The image of this area that once was beautiful and comfortable now has changed into a chaotic and an uncomfortable one. This situation has stimulated an idea of creating artworks that the public space of Malioboro which is chaotic and uncomfortable is personified as a big house with separated rooms as in private bedrooms with their own uniqueness. The concept of the creation and the embodiment is a compilation of objects from photography visual images, which are realistic to be reconstructed with the aim of generating an imaginary reality. The approach for this creation is a photography construction’s image and its meaning. The processes of experimentation and the formation of the works were started with the visual images of photography which were collected, selected, and represented with the images of urban people who struggle to live there and the cultural heritage which is marginalized by modern buildings in Malioboro through visual images of photography. Visual images of photography from the past reality of those images were imagined into the future time to be reconstructed as a unity by using techniques of montage and collage in digital imaging which would transform them into creative and aesthetic photography visual imagination to be reinterpreted in recent time. This creation does not only articulate the technique itself, but also to articulate the aesthetics, images, signs and new meanings in them. Through this creation, society is expected to know the images, the construction process, the presentation, and the meaning which are brought back from the visualization of images to the form of creative and aesthetic photography visual imagination. It is expected to be a media to express the artist’s aesthetic feeling and emotion in the form of visual parody. This creation is expected to be beneficial in enriching the corpus of new images/meanings and to raise the sense of belonging as well as awareness of the problem of life order and the spatial layout of current Malioboro.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 73-82
Kornelia Kajda

The debate about “Who owns the past?” has been and still is the subject heated discussion in heritage studies. Deciding what should be protected and what needs special social and governmental attention triggers many questions which are often met with equivocal answers. This article concentrates on a phenomenon framed as heritagization in relevant scholarship. The first section is devoted to the situations in which experts notify the public about the importance of places and historical events. Four case-studies will be discussed. The first two will touch upon cultural and natural heritage sites (Jewish and German heritage in Poland and Rospuda Valley) and show how a group of experts can influence Polish society to build a positive atmosphere around neglected heritage in Poland. The next two case-studies (communist heritage in Poland and Białowieża Forest) present how the situation of conflict between experts and the public may influence the way in which heritage is understood by the society. The case studies will also show how the public renegotiates the meaning of heritage and designates what should be preserved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 114-135
Ilija Upalevski

The aim of this paper is to closely examine the ways in which the outdoor mural as a form of art. has been used for commemorative purposes in the context of the Polish capital. Drawing on content analysis this paper will argue that regardless of their democratic potential and potential to act subversively in the public domain, the commemorative murals in the case of Warsaw are predominantly reflecting the official narrations/representations of the past and thus reproducing the state-supported, nation-centered, male-dominated perspective of history. Referring to Wulf Kansteiner methodological instructions, the paper introduces the notion of “secondary” memory makers in order to describe the position the mural makers are occupying in the field of Warsaw’s cultural memory. It will also be argued that mural makers, by adapting their works to the demands of the cultural institutions responsible for the memory production and dominant discourses of memory from mainly pragmatic reasons, are forgoing a fair portion of the democratic and subversive potential of the murals. As such, the paintings on the walls are, intentionally or not, further involved in more complex state-sponsored strategies of nationalizing the public space.

This handbook takes on the task of examining the history of music listening over the past two hundred years. It uses the “art of listening” as a leitmotif encompassing an entanglement of interdependent practices and discourses about a learnable mode of perception. The art of listening first emerged around 1800 and was adopted and adapted across the public realm to suit a wide range of collective listening situations from popular to serious art forms up to the present day. Because this is a relatively new subject in historical research, the volume combines case studies from several disciplines in order to investigate whether, how, and why practices of music listening changed. Focusing on a diverse set of locations and actors and using a range of historical sources, it attempts to historicize and reconstruct the evolution of listening styles to show the wealth of variants in listening. In doing so, it challenges the inherited image of the silent listener as the dominant force in musical cultures.

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