scholarly journals Concept of Accounting Information System and Management Control System to Improve Company Performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-92
Fella Yunita Fitriyani

Accounting information systems (AIS) are collections of activities from organizations that are responsible for providing financial information obtained from data transactions for computer-based reporting purposes. So an accounting information system (AIS) is part of a Management Information System (MIS) that is responsible for financial statements and data transactions. Whereas the Management Control System (MCS) is a system used by management including methods, procedures, and strategies to collect, analyze information, evaluate and use it, as well as other actions to exercise control. The explanation above shows that information (accounting information and additional information) is needed by management to control in the company. This study provides a concept regarding Accounting Information Systems, Management Control Systems, and Company Performance. When the management control process is right, then the company's performance in increasing management control systems can provide information in an adequate communication structure so that it can be used as a basis for decision making. Decision making supported by accurate information makes the performance of unit managers able to take anticipatory steps and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness so that the performance of unit managers will be improved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-189
Putu Ayu Yohana Putri ◽  
I Dewa Made Endiana

One important function of the accounting information system is internal control. The weak internal control system in several cooperatives in Payangan District also results in employees having the opportunity to commit fraud that can harm the company. Performance is the result of work achieved by employees in carrying out tasks in accordance with their responsibilities. Through the achievement of each individual, the company can produce complete performance and achieve success in accordance with what is expected by the company. To improve cooperative performance, it is very important to know the effect of applying accounting information systems and internal controls in improving company performance and increasing company productivity. The population in this study amounted to 531 cooperative members who work at cooperatives in Payangan District. Sampling uses a purposive sampling method and the test tool used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study prove that the accounting information system has no effect on company performance while the internal control structure has a positive effect on company performance. Salah satu fungsi penting dari sistem informasi akuntansi adalah pengendalian internal. Lemahnya sistem pengendalian internal di beberapa koperasi yang ada di Kecamatan Payangan juga mengakibatkan karyawan memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan kecurangan yang dapat merugikan perusahaan. Kinerja merupakan hasil kerja yang dicapai oleh karyawan dalam melakukan tugas sesuai dengan tanggung jawabnya. Melalui pencapaian masing–masing individu maka perusahaan dapat menghasilkan kinerja seutuhnya dan mencapai keberhasilan sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan perusahaan. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja koperasi sangatlah penting untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi dan pengendalian internal dalam meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 531 anggota koperasi yang bekerja pada koperasi di Kecamatan Payangan. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan alat uji yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa sistem informasi akuntansi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan sedangkan struktur pengendalian internal berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
I Nyoman Sutapa ◽  
I Gde Agung Wira Pertama

Abstract This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the Accounting Information System (AIS) and Management Information System (SIM) in Padang Adat Village as a source of budgeting information for the development of Ecotourism in the tourist attraction of Ubud's Monkey Key. Data collection is carried out through literature studies, verification and direct observation in the field, interviews and observations. The place of this research is in the traditional village of Padang Tegal and the Ubud Forest tourist attraction. Based on the research results of accounting information systems and management information systems can help the development of Ecotourism in the tourist attraction of Ubud's Monkey Forest through information generated and used as material for decision making by the Padangtegal village through the effectiveness of accounting information systems and the effectiveness of management information systems. Keywords: Effectiveness of Information Systems, Ecotourism Development Abstrak Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mendeskripsikan efektivitas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (SIA) dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) di Desa Adat Padang tegal sebagai sumber informasi pembuatan anggaran untuk pengembangan Ekowisata di objek wisata Monkey Forest Ubud. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi literatur, verifikasi dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan, wawancara serta observasi. Tempat penelitian ini adalah di desa adat padang tegal dan objek wisata monkey forest Ubud. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sistem informasi akuntansi dan sistem informasi manajemen dapat membantu pengembangan Ekowisata di objek wisata Monkey Forest Ubud melalui informasi yang dihasilkan dan dijadikan bahan pengambilan keputusan oleh desa pekraman padangtegal melalui efektifitas sistem informasi akuntansi dan efektifitas sistem informasi manajemen. Kata Kunci: Efektifitas Sistem Informasi, Pengembangan Ekowisata

2018 ◽  
pp. 91-113
Edison Hamid

Abstract. Accounting information system in charge of providing the information needed to facilitate monitoring and assessment of control measures against the management. There are five main functions of the accounting information system of data collection, data processing, data management, control data (including security), and producer information. This study aims to examine the effect of accounting information systems and financial reporting to management control. The results are expected to provide benefits in explaining and predicting the effects of accounting information systems and financial reporting to management control. This form of survey research studies that used questionnaires to collect data that need. To provide an overview of the demographics of respondents, the research data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The quality of data generated from the use of research instruments was evaluated by rehabilitation and validity testing. The hypothesis was tested by multiple regression analysts to determine its influence on management control. The  results  with  the  conclusion  that  the  accounting  information  system significantly influence the management control, financial reporting significant influence on management control, and test results together financial reporting was only significantly affected majanemen control, whereas no effect of accounting information systems are significant. Keywords:  Accounting Information Systems, Financial Reporting, Management Control. Abstrak Sistem Informasi akuntansi bertugas memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan pengawasan dan tindakan terhadap penilaian pengendalian manajemen. Terdapat lima fungsi utama sistem informasi akuntansi yaitu pengumpulan data, pemerosesan data, manajemen data, pengendalian  data (termasuk security), dan penghasil informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh sistem informasi akuntansi dan pelaporan keuangan terhadap pengendalian manajemen. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat dalam menjelaskan dan memprediksi tentang pengaruh sistem informasi akuntansi dan pelaporan keuangan terhadap pengendalian manajemen. Penelitian ini berbentuk survey research yang menggunakan instrumen kuesioner untuk mengumpulkan data yang di perlukan. Untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai demografi responden, data penelitian dianalisis dengan  statistik deskriptif. Kualitas data yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan instrumen penelitian dievaluasi dengan uji reabilitas dan validitas. Hipotesis diuji dengan analis multiple regression untuk mengatahui pengaruhnya terhadap pengendalian manajemen. Hasil penelitian dengan kesimpulan bahwa sistem informasi akuntansi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pengendalian manajemen, pelaporan keuangan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pengendalian manajemen, dan hasil uji secara bersama-sama ternyata hanya pelaporan keuangan yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pengendalian manajemen, sedangkan sistem informasi akuntansi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Kata kunci:  Sistem   Informasi  Akuntansi,  Pelaporan  Keuangan, Pengendalian Manajemen  

2012 ◽  
Vol 490-495 ◽  
pp. 1456-1460
Lian Xiang Liu

REA model based on accounting information system accounting and business events will organically blend in with the help of advanced computer and Internet technology, change the "accounting information island" situation, the integration of business processes and information processing, the integration of financial information and non-financial information, the integration of accounting and management ,accounting information in order to achieve the business and internal and external supply chain and community collaboration, ultimately upgrade accounting information system for management control system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Beni Nurochman ◽  
Nining Ika Wahyuni ◽  
Alwan Sri Kustono

PT NURTIWI is a manufacturing company engaged in the field of furniture that is growing using the accounting information system based Zahir Accounting application, to facilitate the company in decision making. So the author's goal is to analyze and design the information system by making supporting data in the process of input data into accounting information system based Zahir application in the form of Microsoft Excel in order to facilitate the director or employees of the company in making decisions to determine company policy to be taken. In his research the authors used a qualitative approach with descriptive research design, focusing on the systematic explanation of the facts obtained when the research was conducted. The result of SIA analysis applied by PT NURTIWI still has weakness especially in purchasing and supply part, delay in recording of supplier's debt card, and repayment of trade payable, stock card, general journal no grouping of production cost between raw material cost, factory overhead cost and direct labor cost insert per item code. The lack of manpower within the company raises the Administration and Finance in the company’s administrative process to experience delays. Keywords: Decision Making, Reconstruction, Accounting Information Systems, Zahir Accounting

Owner ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-185
Suprantiningrum Suprantiningrum ◽  
Aurora Diskayani Lukas

The success of garment companies in increasing business competition is influenced by good managerial performance. Managers to achieve optimal performance in planning, control and decision making need the support of management accounting information systems, management control systems and information technology. This study aims to determine the effect of management accounting information systems and management control systems on managerial performance, the effect of management accounting information systems and management control systems on managerial performance with information technology as a moderating variable. The research object is the manager of a garment company in the city of Semarang with a population of 200, sampling using probability sampling, the sample used is 67 managers, determining the number of samples using the Slovin formula. The data used are primary data, data collection using a questionnaire with 5 Likert scale. The data analysis used in this research is validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression and interaction regression. The results showed that the management accounting information system had a significant positive effect on managerial performance. The management control system has a significant positive effect on managerial performance. Information technology is a moderating variable on the effect of management accounting information systems and management control systems on managerial performance, meaning that information technology strengthens the influence of management accounting information systems and management control systems on managerial performance in garment companies in the city of Semarang.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
Faujan Otinur ◽  
Sifrid S. Pangemanan ◽  
Jessy Warongan

The accounting information system and the system of Internal control is a component that collect, classify, process, analyze and combine the relevant financial information for decision making the outside parties (suc as Government, community, investors, and creditors) parties in (especially management). Campladean Manado is a merchant selling sports equipment with various brands and types of goods so that it has a stockpile of goods quite a lot. This research aims to analyze accounting information systems inventory and enacted on Campaldean Manado. This research uses descriptive research method. Research results showed the accounting information system on Campladean Manado are still using manual systems of internal control systems but very helping and supporting accounting information systems in Manado in Campladean minimize the occurrence of errors in system of inventory items.Keywords: Accounting information systems, Interalcontrol systems supplies.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 510
Aries Wicaksono

Rapid technological developments make the whole thing easier. Many companies also take advantage of these technological developments. Similarly, the corporate accounting system that uses the benefits of information technology in the form of Accounting Information Systems (AIS). PT. Lagio Furniture is amanufacturing company that produces furniture for the premium class. Information system is an important part that helps the company's operations become more effective and efficient, therefore it is important for information systems running properly.This research aimed to audit the general control and applications control on the expenditure cycle accounting information system at PT. Lagio Furniture. This type of audit is audit around the computer. And then also collecting data through observation and interviews with relevant parties. Results of thereserarch is the expenditure cycle accounting information system at PT. Lagio Furniture was good. But there is still need to be improved in the control plan security, operational management control, and control inputs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-376
Wartoyo Wartoyo ◽  
Nova Gina Meutia

Lembaga keuangan khususnya perbankan merupakan lembaga yang menganut prinsip kehati-hatian (prudential principe) terutama dalam hal penyaluran pembiayaan kepada nasabah. Hal ini berlaku juga bagi perbankan syariah yang secara konsep dan prinsipnya sama dengan perbankan konvensional dalam hal penerapan sisem informasi akuntansi. Sistem informasi akuntansi di perbankan lebih dimaksudkan untuk melakukan sistem pengawasan, kontrol dan evaluasi terhadap pembiayaan yang disalurkan, supaya lebih efektif dan terkendali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi dalam menunjang efektivitas pengendalian internal pembiayaan murabahah pada PT Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Cirebon. Penelitian ini menggunakanmetode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi pembiayaan mura>bahah} sudah diterapkan oleh PT Bank BNI Syariah kantor cabang Cirebon dan telah memadai serta memenuhi unsur-unsur sistem informasi akuntansi. Sedangkan pengendalian internal dapat dikatakan telah efektif. yang terdiri dari komponen pengendalian internal yaitu lingkungan pengendalian, penaksiran risiko, informasi dan komunikasi, aktivitas pengendalian dan pemantauan. Dalam praktiknya pada pembiayaan, hanya saja lingkungan pengendalian pada manajemen selalu menetapkan target pembiayaan yang tinggi sehingga karyawan bisa saja mengabaikan prosedur atau peraturan yang telah ditetapkan pada  Bank. Dan penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi dalam menunjang efektivitas pengendalian internal pembiayaan mura>bahah} diukur dari NPF pada Bank BNI syariah Kantor Cabang Cirebon menunjukkan tingkat NPF yang berfluktuatif namun masih dibawah standar BI yaitu 5%. Financial institutions, especially banks, are the institutions that embrace the prudential principle, especially in terms of the distribution of funding to customers. This principle is also applied by Islamic banks, which have the same concepts and principles as conventional banks in terms of the application of accounting information system. Accounting information system in banking is intended to monitor, control, and evaluate the system of finance distribution to make it more effective and controlled. This study was aimed at determining the application of accounting information systems to support the effectiveness of internal controls of murabaha financing at PT Bank BNI Syariah Branch Office Cirebon. This study used a qualitative method and descriptive analysis. Based on the research findings and discussion, it can be concluded that the accounting information system of murabaha financing has been applied by PT Bank BNI Syariah Branch Office Cirebon and has been adequate and met the elements ofaccounting information systems. Meanwhile, internal control is considered to be effective, consisting of components of internal control, namely the control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, and controlling and monitoring activities. However, in financing practices, management control environment always sets high targets of financing transaction that drive the employees to ignore the procedures or rules set by the Bank. In addition, application of accounting information systems in supporting the effectiveness of internal control of murabaha financing, which is measured by NPF, at Bank BNI sharia Cirebon Branch Office shows that fluctuative level but still below BI standard of 5%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Kamilia Lestari

This study aims to determine how the influence of internal control systems and accounting information systems on good corporate governance at Perum Bulog (Logistics Business Entity) in Bandung City. The factors tested in this study are the internal control system and the accounting information system as independent variables. Meanwhile, good corporate governance is the dependent variable. The research method used in this research is the verification method. The study population was employees of Perum Bulog (Logistics Business Entity Public Company) in Bandung, totaling 4,151 employees. The sampling technique used was probability sampling with simple random sampling method using the Slovin formula, so that there were 97 employees of Perum Bulog in Bandung City. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS Version 23.00. The results of the research partially and simultaneously show that the internal control system and accounting information system have an effect on good corporate governance at Bulog Corporation in Bandung City. In addition, the magnitude of the influence of the internal control system and accounting information system in contributing to good corporate governance is 77.2%.    

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