scholarly journals Pengaruh Pelatihan Kader Tanggap Bencana Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Bencana

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (04) ◽  
pp. 156-162
Maula Mar’atus Solikhah ◽  
M. Agung Krisdianto ◽  
Lita Heni Kusumawardani

Pendahuluan: Sampai saat ini Indonesia rentan secara geologis terjadi bencana. Semua orang mempunyai risiko terhadap potensi bencana, sehingga penanganan bencana merupakan urusan semua pihak. Akan tetapi selama ini penanganan bencana di masyarakat hanya melibatkan instansi terkait saja belum melibatkan peran aktif masyarakat dalam tanggap darurat bencana. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan kader tanggap bencana terhadap kesiapsiagaan bencana di RW 36 Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain quasi experiment dengan pre and posttest without control group. Sejumlah 30 kader diberikan pelatihan kader tanggap bencana dan diukur kesiapsiagaan bencana sebelum dan setelah diberikan pelatihan. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner kesiapsiagaan bencana dan modul tanggap bencana banjir. Analisa data menggunakan uji nonparametrik yaitu uji wilcoxon. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada pengaruh pelatihan tanggap bencana terhadap kesiapsiagaan bencana dengan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test menghasilkan nilai p-value sebesar 0,000 (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi inovasi program bagi kader tanggap bencana untuk meningkatkan kesipasiagaan bencana

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Suri Salmiyati ◽  
Agustina Rahmawati

Hipertensi jika tidak terkendali menimbulkan komplikasi bahkan kematian. Penatalaksaan hipertensi melalui latihan fisik masih jarang dilakukan oleh lansia yang menderita hipertensi. Salah satu penanganan hipertensi adalah dengan melakukan senam Qigong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam qigong terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia hipertensi. Metode penelitian Quasi Experiment dengan Pretest-Posttest Control Group. Teknik sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test diperoleh nilai signifikan pada tekanan darah sistolik p-value 0,002 (sig0,05) dan tekanan darah diastolik p-value 0,002 (sig0,05). Terdapat pengaruh senam qigong terhadap penurunan tekanan darah. Lansia hipertensi diharapkan dapat melakukan senam qigong secara rutin untuk menjaga kestabilan tekanan darah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1A) ◽  
pp. 171-175
Moh Syaifulloh ◽  
Mujib Akhis Susanto ◽  
Minidian Fasitasari ◽  
Muhammad Aziz ◽  
Saras Pudjowati ◽  

Latar belakang : Metode Wim Hoff merupakan kombinasi dari paparan dingin, tekhnik pernafasan, dan meditasi. Kombinasi antara terapi konvensional medis dengan terapi non farmakologis seperti pada Metode Wim Hoff yang berusaha mengkombinasikan antara yoga dengan pengaturan nafas sehingga memberi kesempatan pada peningkatan volume/kapasitas tidal paru menjadi stabil. Ada banyak variasi dari metode Wim Hoff meliputi mengontrol pernafasan,  menahan nafas, dan memulai pernafasan, ketiga fase tersebut dapat diulang dalam kurun waktu tiga kali secara berturut – turut atau lebih. Dengan dilakukan terus menerus sangat membantu peningkatkan sel darah merah, meningkatkan kapasitas tidal paru, meningkatkan sirkulasi, dan dapat dibuktikan secara klinis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Metode Wim Hoff terhadap pola nafas, denyut jantung, dan SpO2 pasien Covid – 19 yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Metode : Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain pre dan post test tanpa kelompok kontrol. Sampel pada penelitian ini dipilih secara consecutive, dan terdiri dari 25 responden dengan rincian 9 laki – laki dan 16 perempuan. Ditemukan hasil  bermakna antara intervensi sebelum dan sesudah terhadap pola nafas, dan SpO2, selanjutnya data diolah menggunakan uji paired T test dampak komparatif Wim Hoff dengan perbandingan respirasi, denyut jantung, SpO2 dan uji Wilcoxon signed rank test pada kelompok perlakuan didapatkan P = 0,0014 < ? = 0,05, sehingga H0 ditolak. Pada kelompok kontrol didapatkan P = 1,000 > ? = 0,05 sehingga H0 diterima, artinya bahwa ada pengaruh terhadap kemandirian responden kelompok perlakuan. Hasil : Hasil uji statistik adalah  p value 0,000 pada pola nafas dan SpO2, akan tetapi terhadap denyut jantung didapatkan p value 0,447. Simpulan : Metode Wim Hoff mampu menstabilkan pola nafas dan SpO2, akan tetapi tidak untuk denyut jantung. Kata kunci : Wim Hoff, Pola nafas, SpO2,  Denyut jantung   Background : Wim Hof Method (WHM) is combination of frequent cold exposure, breathing techniques and meditation. The combination of conventional medical therapy with non-pharmacological therapies such as the Wim Hoff Method which seeks to combine yoga with breath control so as to provide an opportunity for the increase in lung tidal volume / capacity to become stable.There are many types of breathing method including Controlled breathing, Breath retention, and Recovery. these three phases may be repeated for three or more consecutive rounds. By being done continuously it really helps increase red blood cells, increase lung tidal capacity, improve circulation, and can be proven clinically. This research aimed to explore the effect of Wim Hoff Method on respiration rate, heart rate, and SpO2 among Covid – 19 patients at Islamic Sultan Agung Hospital Semarang. Methods : Quasi experiment used in this study was pre and post test design without control group. Sampel were recruited using consecutive sampling. The samples of this study consists of 25 Covid – 19 patients including 9 male and 16 female. The study found significant result between pre and post test intervention for respiration rate and  SpO2. A meaningful result between the before and after intervention of the breath pattern, and the SpO2, subsequently the data was processed using a test paired T comparative impact of Wim Hoff with a ratio of respiration, heart rate, SpO2 and a test of Wilcoxon signed rank test on the treatment group obtained P = 0.0014 < ? = 0.05, so that H0 rejected. In the control group acquired P = 1.000 > ? = 0.05 so that H0 was accepted, meaning that there was an influence on the self-reliance of the group treatment. Result : The statistical test result was p value 0,000 for respiration rate and SpO2  but for the heart rate p value 0,447. Conclusion : Wim Hoff Method was effective on stabilizing respiration rate and increasing SpO2  but not for heart rate. Keyword : Wim Hoff Method, Respiration rate, SpO2, Heart rate.

Yulfiah Suleman ◽  
Tasnim Tasnim ◽  
Herianto Wahab

Background:Data The Bombana Health Office stated that the details of stunting cases in 19 Districts were highest in Central Kabaena District with 160 cases, Central Kabaena 120 cases, Masolaka Raya 57 cases, North Poleang 54 cases, and the lowest was Mataoleo District. The purpose of this research isto analyze the effect of health education in efforts to prevent stunting through changes in knowledge, attitudes and actions of mothers of children under five in Masolaka Raya District, Bombana Regency. Methods:The research conducted was a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study amounted to 159 people. The sample size was 114 people. The data were processed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Kruskal Wallis H. test. Result:Based on the test results with the Wilcoxon signed rank test, the significance value shows the value of p-value = 0.000 <? = 0.05 for all health education methods to increase the knowledge of mothers under five in preventing stunting in Masolaka Raya District, Bombana Regency. Conclusion:There is an effect of health education with the lecture method, lecture method and leaflet, lecture method and video on increasing the knowledge of mothers under five in preventing stunting in Masolaka Raya District, Bombana Regency.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 052-056
Ajeng Mahardika Wati ◽  
Nevy Norma Renityas

Massage baby was done to smooth the surface of the skin performed by the hand which aims to produce effects of neurons, the muscles, respiratory systems and circulating blood and limpha.The aim of this research is to find out about babies health is the educational practices massage ain on an infant by the baby. Method: Research design was pretest-postest without control group designs. Research sample was 20 mother who have babies age 0-12 months in the BPS kirana, Jatinom Village, it choosed with purposive sampling. Analysis using wilcoxon, with significant level ≤0.05 Result: The results showed that health education of baby massage influence baby massage skill, with wilcoxon signed rank test obtained p-value 0,000. Discuss: With education about the expected health massage parents babies have knowledge and skills of massage infants it can massaging her baby independently and right.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-255
Suharno ◽  
Slamet Wardoyo ◽  
Taufik Anwar

Masalah sampah pasar tradisional sebenarnya tidak terlalu susah, namun juga tidak sederhana,  karena memiliki karakteristik yang sedikit berbeda dengan sampah dari perumahan. Komposisi sampah pasar tradisional lebih dominan sampah organik yang dapat di daur ulang menjadi kompos  atau pupuk organik. Agar proses pengomposan dapat berlangsung lebih cepat diperlukan alat biakan berupa komposter dan menambahkan aktivator atau biang kompos. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu enganalisis perbedaan penggunaan Komposter An-aerob dengan Komposter Aerob terhadap laju proses pengomposan sampah organik. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen semu (quasi experiment), antara perlakuan (komposter Aerob) dengan kontrol (komposter An-aerob). Hasil menunjukkan kecepatan waktu pematangan kompos pada parameter perubahan warna bahan dan bau bahan kompos dengan komposter anaerob rata-rata kecepatan kematangan kompos sebesar 10,22 hari, sedangkan dengan komposter aerob rata-rata kecepatan kematangan kompos sebesar 9,89 hari. Berdasarkan uji statistik Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dengan α 5%, untuk parameter warna diperoleh tingkat signifikansi (p value) sebesar 0,006, sedangkan berdasarkan parameter bau diperoleh tingkat signifikansi (p value) sebesar 0,003. Dengan demikian ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara proses pengomposan dengan menggunakan komposter anaerob dengan komposter aerob

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sri Sumaryani ◽  
Indri Nurasa

PENGARUH PEMBACAAN DZIKIR PADA IBU MELAHIRKAN TERHADAP TINGKAT NYERI INTRA NATAL DI RUMAH BERSALIN FAJAR YOGYAKARTAEffect of Reading Dhikr Women On The Level Of Birth Pain Intra Christmas At Home Delivery Dawn YogyakartaSri Sumaryani1 & Indri Nurasa21, 2)Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah YogyakartaJl. Lingkar Barat Taman Tirto Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta 55182*)e-mail: [email protected] atau yang biasa disebut dengan proses persalinan merupakan suatu proses membuka dan menipisnya serviks, dan janin turun ke dalam jalan lahir. Gejala awal persalinan akan menimbulkan nyeri yang sangat hebat karena adanya kontraksi uterus dan otot abdomen. Nyeri intra natal adalah suatu nyeri yang dirasakan saat terjadinya proses persalinan (melahirkan). Saat nyeri persalinan muncul, ada baiknya bagi ibu untuk membaca dzikir. Dzikir adalah mengingat Allah SWT dan menghadirkan apa yang tadinya ada di dalam benak untuk kemudian dilafadzkan atau disebut-sebut yang dapat dilakukan secara lisan dengan menggunakan lidah atau bisa juga diucapkan tanpa adanya keterlibatan lidah, yaitu melalui hati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembacaan dzikir pada ibu melahirkan terhadap tingkat nyeri intra natal. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Desain penelitian pra eksperimen, dengan rancangan pre test-post test tanpa kelompok kontrol. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 30 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung kepada responden untuk mengukur tingkat nyeri. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik wilcoxon signed rank test dan regresi linier dengan menggunakan SPSS 14. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil uji statistik untuk nilai pre test dan post test tingkat nyeri diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,02 dengan p < 0,05.Kata kunci: pembacaan dzikir, melahirkan, nyeri intra natal, tingkat nyeriABSTRACTThe delivery or usually called labor process is a process open and thin the cervix, and descent of the fetus into the way of birth. The early symptom of delivery will be appearing very heavy because there are uterus contraction and abdomen muscle. In partum pain is a pain which feel when delivery process happening (labor). When labor pain appears, there is a good for the mother to read dzikir. Dzikir is remembering Allah SWT and make present what before in the mind and then pronounced or make cal can do spoken by tongue or pronounced without there are involving tongue, by heart. The purpose of this research is to know about the influence of reading dzikir to the delivery mother toward in partum level of pain. Technique sampling used purpose sampling. The research of design pre experiment, with pre test-post test without control group design. The sample in this research’s total is 30 respondents. The manner of data was did by direct observation to the respondents to measure pain level. Data analysis used statistic test wilcoxon signed rank test and regression linier in SPSS 14. The results of research showed that results of the statistic pretest and posttest of pain level show significance value 0,02 with p < 0,05.Keywords: reading dzikir, delivery, in partum pain, pain level

2021 ◽  
pp. 279
Angelita Afina Arif Putri ◽  
Amirah Salwa ◽  
Utami Wahyuningsih

One of the nutritional problems that often occurs among adolescents is iron deficiency anemia. Especially for adolescent girls who have a higher risk of anemia than adolescent boys. Based on data from Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence of anemia in adolescents aged 15-24 years is 32%, meaning that there are still anemia problems in Indonesia that have not been resolved. The purpose of this community dedication activity is to provide education about iron deficiency anemia for adolescent girls using leaflet media. The target of this community dedication activity is adolescent girls aged 12-19 years in the JABODETABEK area. The community dedication activity is carried out online through the WhatsApp group due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are 31 adolescent girls who participated in this community dedication activity. This community dedication activity consists of three stages including pretest, education with leaflets, and posttest. The amount and types of pretest and posttest questions are the same. The amount of questions given is 15 questions. The correct answer is given a score of 10 and the wrong one is given a score of 0. The level of knowledge of adolescent girls is categorized as 3 groups, which is less if the correct answer is <60%, sufficient if the correct answer is 60-80%, and good if the correct answer is >80%. Most of the adolescent girls are in the age range of 17-19 years (54.8%). The results showed that there was an increase in knowledge about iron deficiency anemia in adolescent girls. The results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test showed significantly different pretest and posttest results (p-value = 0.000), so it can be concluded that providing education using leaflets can help increase knowledge of iron deficiency anemia for adolescent girls.Salah satu masalah gizi yang sering terjadi pada kalangan remaja yaitu anemia defisiensi besi. Khususnya bagi remaja putri yang memiliki risiko lebih tinggi mengalami anemia dibandingkan remaja putra. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2018, prevalensi anemia pada remaja berusia 15-24 tahun sebesar 32%, artinya masih terdapat permasalahan anemia di Indonesia yang belum teratasi. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi mengenai anemia defisiensi besi bagi remaja putri dengan media leaflet. Sasaran dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah remaja putri berusia 12-19 tahun di wilayah JABODETABEK. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan secara online melalui grup whatsappkarena kondisi pandemi covid-19. Total remaja putri yang mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berjumlah 31 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan diantaranya pretest, edukasi dengan leaflet, dan posttest.  Jumlah dan jenis pertanyaan pretest dan posttest sama. Jumlah pertanyaan yang diberikan adalah 15 soal. Jawaban yang benar diberikan nilai 10 dan yang salah diberikan nilai 0. Tingkat pengetahuan remaja putri dikelompokkan menjadi 3 diantaranya kurang jika jawaban yang benar < 60%, cukup jika jawaban yang benar 60-80%, dan baik jika jawaban yang benar > 80%. Sebagian besar remaja putri berada pada rentang usia 17-19 tahun (54,8%). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai anemia defisiensi besi pada remaja putri. Hasil uji Wilcoxon signed rank test menunjukkan hasil pretest dan posttest yang berbeda nyata (p-value = 0,000), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian edukasi menggunakan leaflet dapat membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan anemia defisiensi besi bagi remaja putri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-69
Suswati Suswati

Hemoglobin is the red pigment-protein contained in red blood cells. The function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs and in the bloodstream to be carried to the tissues. Hemoglobin can increase by increasing the intake of iron in the body. One way to increase hemoglobin can be done by giving method Infused Water Dates. Infused water is a drink consisting of plain water with fresh fruit added and soaking or settling together for a certain time. The making of infused water is carried out by soaking for a period of 0 to 12 hours, so that the infused water becomes a liquid medium that carries more nutrients than ordinary water and will be more easily absorbed by cells and distributed throughout the body (Sidauruk, 2018 ). In several studies, it is stated that dates can increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. Where dates contain iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein to form red blood cells. With the method, Infused Water the date palm water becomes alkaline so that it can accelerate the absorption process in the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of dates infused water provision to increase hemoglobin levels of midwifery adolescent girls at Medan Health Polytechnic in 2020. This research was quasi-experimental study using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Without Control Design approach. The sample in this study were 20 respondents of midwifery adolescent girls from Medan Health Polytechnic, using the technique of purposive sampling. The statistical test used wa the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test because the data was not normal. The results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained the value of P-Value = 0.001. So it can be concluded that the date infused water  is effective in increasing hemoglobin levels of midwifery adolescent girls at Medan Health Polytechnic in 2020.   Keywords: Dates Infused Water, Increased Hemoglobin Levels, Girls Adolescent

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Lono Wijayanti ◽  
Ghady Anggun M

The type of sport suggested for Diabetes Mellitus patient is Diabetes Gym, but most societies, especially diabetes mellitus patients are lazy to do it. On diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetes gym acts as glycemic control which manages and control blood sugar rate. This research purposes to know diabetes gym influence toward the decrease of blood sugar rate on Diabetes Mellitus patient type 2 in Puskesmas Pakis Surabaya. This research used quasy experiment design. Total of the population of all Diabetes Mellitus patients type 2 is 28 respondents taken by probability sampling - simple random sampling technique; 14 respondents in control group and 14 respondents in treatment group. The independent variable is Diabetes Gym and the dependent variable is the decrease of blood sugar rate. Data are collected by using Glucometer, striptest, needle and observation sheet. Data are analyzed by using Wilcoxon signed rank test with α < 0.05. The result of this research shows that almost all of the respondents in the treatment group have a good category of blood sugar decrease after performing gym, meanwhile almost all of the respondents in control group that do not perform gym have an adequate category of blood sugar decrease. Then, the result is analyzed by Wilcoxon signed rank test and obtained ρ (0,019) < α (0,05) so H0 is refused. It means that there is an influence of diabetes gym to the decrease of blood sugar on the Diabetes Mellitus patients type 2 in Puskesmas Pakis Surabaya. Performing Diabetes Gym influences in decreasing blood sugar rate. Therefore, nurse can take a part in leading diabetes patients to perform diabetes gym so it can be used as the therapy in controlling and decreasing blood sugar rate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 118
Endang Yuswatiningsih ◽  
Dyah Elvi Meiedietik ◽  
Nining Mustika Ningrum

Low back pain is one of health problems that distrub a daily comfort and activities. Low back pain increasing along with the increase of age and bent forward position which was applied in daily working by elderly farmers. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of tai chi gymnastic on decreasing low back pain of elderly farmers. The research design of this study was one group of pre test-post test design. The population objects in this study were all of elderly farmers with low back pain complaints which were recorder in the elderly medical center, which contained of 32 samples in total and were determined using simple random sampling technique. The independent variable in this study was Tai Chi gymnastic and low back pain of elderly farmers as dependent variable. Verbal descriptor scale was used as the data collection method. This study was using editing, coding, scoring and tabulating as data processing techniques, and Wilcoxon signed rank test on testing the statistics. The result of this study showed the percentages of each low back pain phases, which contained of 41% mild low back pain, 50% moderate low back pain and 9% hard low back pain before tai chi gymnastics. Besides, the percentages of low back pain phases after tai chi gymnastic were 69% for mild low back pain, 31% moderate low back pain and 0% hard low back pain. The result of Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that the p-value = 0.001 < 0.05, so that H0 was rejected. The conclusion there was an effect of Tai chi gymnastic on decreasing low back pain of elderly farmers. Keywords: low back pain; elderly farmers; Tai chi gymnastic

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