Conclusion: Imagined States

2019 ◽  
pp. 181-194
Katherine Isobel Baxter

The conclusion reflects on the prior chapters of the book. It also considers the literary and political influence of the period under discussion on later Nigerian fiction. The conclusion provides a brief account of the Biafran War, its relationship to the reception of Nigerian fiction at the time, and its impact on post-war fiction. The conclusion argues that the imaginative space of fiction has continued to be a crucial site of negotiation for ideas of statehood and the law. Moreover, fiction has continued to be a powerful tool for shedding light on the imaginative operations of the law and the state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-28
Kamil Zaradkiewicz

The second part of the article concerns the interpretation and application in the central parts of Poland of the provisions of the Napoleonic Code on vacant inheritances. The Code does not provide a definition of the vacant inheritance. The key to the interpretation of the provisions on the acquisition of vacant inheritances by the state is the term “is presumed to be” (a vacant inheritance) used in the former Article 811 of the Napoleonic Code (French: est réputée vacante), see the current Article 809 of the French Civil Code which omits the term “is presumed to be”).This indicates that, in the absence of suitable heirs, the law introduced a specific rebuttable presumption of a vacant inheritance, belonging to the state. Only after an appropriate period of time did the presumption turn into certainty, i.e. it resulted in the inability to invoke the inheritance title. In practice, this meant that thirty years after the time necessary to draw up an inventory of the inheritance and to deliberate (ad deliberandum), the inheritance ultimately fell to the State. The mechanism adopted in the Napoleonic Code made it possible, on the one hand, for the heir to acquire the inheritance, which remained under the supervision of a curator for the period when it was presumed vacant, and on the other hand, it prevented the existence of inheritances without a claimant, i.e. inheritances devoid of the persons entitled to take them over. In the post-war period, when the communist authorities passed subsequent legal acts concerning the provisions of the inheritance law, the deadlines for heirs to apply for inheritance changed. Ultimately, the legislator did not adopt the model of vacant inheritances in the regulations harmonising the inheritance law on the Polish lands since 1947; instead, a solution analogous to the one provided for in the German Civil Code of 1986 (BGB) was adopted. The “shortening” of the statute of limitations also influenced the assessment of the admissibility of further application of the provisions of the Napoleonic Code in regard to vacant inheritances during the period of the People’s Republic of Poland regime (despite the existence of different inheritance law solutions).

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 193-208
Marta Ordon

This study casts light on the circumstances and effects of changes to the legal acts defining the legal framework of the activities of religious orders in post-war Poland. Until 1949, religious orders had not been covered by the regulations on the creation and legalization of secular associations. Pursuant to the decree of 5 August 1949, however, they were obligated to comply with the provisions of the Law on Associations. Failure to apply for the registration resulted in the dissolution of the order and the forfeiture of its assets by the state. Still, despite the submission of the applications as provided by law, the authorities refused to registered orders and did not maintain an official register of such entities, either. In point of fact, the communist regime only intended to develop such a legal context in which the law might be used as a tool of repression against religious orders. The actual aim of the 1949 amendment was not the intent to clarify the legal status of religious orders, which remained uncertain in the aftermath of the Resolution of the Provisional Government of National Unity of 12 September 1945 invalidating the 1925 Concordat. The authorities only intended to establish a strict state control over religious organizations and, by extension, gradually reduce their activity until their complete disappearance from public life. The content relies primarily on the analysis of the legislation and archival material gathered in the state and ecclesiastical archives in Poland.

Matthew Williams

This chapter examines the reasons for the changes in Parliament's use of language. It begins by elaborating on the meaning of legislative indeterminacy, focusing on four parts of speech that are significant to the determinacy of a text and their policy benefits: noun/verb qualifers, conjunctions, modal auxiliary verbs and enabling verbs. It then traces the historic patterns in the use of legislative language since 1900 and presents three case studies that illustrate how and why choices were made to change the language of the law: the cases of Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission (1969) and Franklin and Others v The Minister of Town and Country Planning (1947), and the Immigration Act 1971. The chapter shows that enactment of indeterminate legislation increased substantially since 1900, in part due to choices taken by post-war governments to ‘roll back the state’ and allow policy to adapt to changeable market conditions.

Africa ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26 ◽  
Jocelyn Alexander

The article explores the ways in which post-independence political practices in Mozambique's rural areas have shaped attitudes towards official authority, and considers the legacy of those attitudes for the recently promulgated Municipalities Law. The law will transfer a range of state functions to elected district institutions, and grant a greater role to ‘traditional authorities’ (chiefs). Mozambican officials and academics see the law—and decentralisation more widely—as a means of making the state more efficient and more responsive to local needs. However, drawing on case study material from Manica Province, the article argues that neither the Frelimo party-state, nor the opposition military movement Renamo, inculcated a political practice which prepared the way for democratic demands. Nor are chiefs likely to represent community interests effectively. In Manica's rural areas ‘local leaders’ such as businessmen, political party leaders, chiefs and church leaders strongly associate official authority with a level of wealth and education that they do not possess, and which consequently exclude them from holding such positions. They also see elections as potentially destabilising. While there is a strong popular desire for chiefs to resume various roles, officials (and chiefs themselves) usually see their future in terms of a late colonial model, i.e. as an extension of administrative authority. Academic literature on democratisation and civil society often posits an opposition between state and civil society, and democratic aspirations within civil society. However, local attitudes towards authority in Manica Province were strongly based in the history of political practice, and are not necessarily sympathetic to democratic ideals. Nor is there a clear opposition between what has often been called ‘civil society’ and the state: individuals moved in and out of association with official authority; leaders of ‘civil society’ often sought to become part of, not to oppose, the state.

Ю. М. Оборотов

В современной методологии юриспруденции происходит переход от изучения состо­яний ее объекта, которыми выступают право и государство, к постижению этого объек­та в его изменениях и превращениях. Две подсистемы методологии юриспруденции, подсистема обращенная к состоянию права и государства; и подсистема обращенная к изменениям права и государства, — получают свое отображение в концептуальной форме, методологических подходах, методах, специфических понятиях. Показательны перемены в содержании методологии юриспруденции, где определяю­щее значение имеют методологические подходы, определяющие стратегию исследова­тельских поисков во взаимосвязи юриспруденции с правом и государством. Среди наи­более характерных подходов антропологический, аксиологический, цивилизационный, синергетический и герменевтический — определяют плюралистичность современной методологии и свидетельствуют о становлении новой парадигмы методологии юриспру­денции.   In modern methodology of jurisprudence there is a transition from the study the states of its object to its comprehension in changes and transformations. Hence the two subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence: subsystem facing the states of the law and the state as well as their components and aspects; and subsystem facing the changes of the law and the state in general and their constituents. These subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence receive its reflection in conceptual form, methodological approaches, methods, specific concepts. Methodology of jurisprudence should not be restricted to the methodology of legal theory. In this regard, it is an important methodological question about subject of jurisprudence. It is proposed to consider the subject of jurisprudence as complex, covering both the law and the state in their specificity, interaction and integrity. Indicative changes in the content methodology of jurisprudence are the usage of decisive importance methodological approaches that govern research strategy searches in conjunction with the law and the state. Among the most characteristic of modern development approaches: anthropological, axiological, civilization, synergistic and hermeneutic. Modern methodology of jurisprudence is pluralistic in nature alleging various approaches to the law and the state. Marked approaches allow the formation of a new paradigm methodology of jurisprudence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Indra Rahmatullah

Abstract:A draft law must be able to answer and solve the main problem of the society so that with the existence of the law the community gets legal protection from the state. However, the draft of Cipta Kerja Law makes an endless controversy. In fact, the draft was allegedly containing some problems since its appearance. Therefore, academic research (Assesment Report) is needed so that the rules in the draft have basic scientific arguments that can be justified. Unfortunately, the draft does not conduct an assesment report to know whether the society need the law and urgent.Keywords: Legal Protection, Controversy and Assesment Report Abstrak:Sebuah rancangan undang-undang harus dapat menjawab dan menyentuh pokok permasalahan masyarakat sehingga dengan adanya undang-undang tersebut masyarakat mendapatkan sebuah perlindungan hukum dari negara. Namun, dalam RUU Cipta Kerja ini justru berakibat pada kontroversi yang tiada hentinya. Bahkan, disinyalir RUU ini mengandung kecacatan sejak awal pembentukannya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penelitian akademis sehingga aturan-aturan yang ada dalam RUU ini mempunyai basis argumentasi ilmiah yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan yang salah satunya adalah dengan membuat Laporan Kelayakan. Sayangnya RUU ini belum melakukan laporan kelayakan apakah RUU ini dibutuhkan dan penting di masyarakat.Katakunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Kontroversi dan Laporan Kelayakan

Karen J. Alter

In 1989, when the Cold War ended, there were six permanent international courts. Today there are more than two dozen that have collectively issued over thirty-seven thousand binding legal rulings. This book charts the developments and trends in the creation and role of international courts, and explains how the delegation of authority to international judicial institutions influences global and domestic politics. The book presents an in-depth look at the scope and powers of international courts operating around the world. Focusing on dispute resolution, enforcement, administrative review, and constitutional review, the book argues that international courts alter politics by providing legal, symbolic, and leverage resources that shift the political balance in favor of domestic and international actors who prefer policies more consistent with international law objectives. International courts name violations of the law and perhaps specify remedies. The book explains how this limited power—the power to speak the law—translates into political influence, and it considers eighteen case studies, showing how international courts change state behavior. The case studies, spanning issue areas and regions of the world, collectively elucidate the political factors that often intervene to limit whether or not international courts are invoked and whether international judges dare to demand significant changes in state practices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Chuks Okpaluba

‘Accountability’ is one of the democratic values entrenched in the Constitution of South Africa, 1996. It is a value recognised throughout the Constitution and imposed upon the law-making organs of state, the Executive, the Judiciary and all public functionaries. This constitutional imperative is given pride of place among the other founding values: equality before the law, the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution. This study therefore sets out to investigate how the courts have grappled with the interpretation and application of the principle of accountability, the starting point being the relationship between accountability and judicial review. Therefore, in the exercise of its judicial review power, a court may enquire whether the failure of a public functionary to comply with a constitutional duty of accountability renders the decision made illegal, irrational or unreasonable. One of the many facets of the principle of accountability upon which this article dwells is to ascertain how the courts have deployed that expression in making the state and its agencies liable for the delictual wrongs committed against an individual in vindication of a breach of the individual’s constitutional right in the course of performing a public duty. Here, accountability and breach of public duty; the liability of the state for detaining illegal immigrants contrary to the prescripts of the law; the vicarious liability of the state for the criminal acts of the police and other law-enforcement officers (as in police rape cases and misuse of official firearms by police officers), and the liability of the state for delictual conduct in the context of public procurement are discussed. Having carefully analysed the available case law, this article concludes that no public functionary can brush aside the duty of accountability wherever it is imposed without being in breach of a vital constitutional mandate. Further, it is the constitutional duty of the courts, when called upon, to declare such act or conduct an infringement of the Constitution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Budi Suhariyanto

Diskresi sebagai wewenang bebas, keberadaannya rentan akan disalahgunakan. Penyalahgunaan diskresi yang berimplikasi merugikan keuangan negara dapat dituntutkan pertanggungjawabannya secara hukum administrasi maupun hukum pidana. Mengingat selama ini peraturan perundang-undangan tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi tidak merumuskan secara rinci yang dimaksudkan unsur menyalahgunakan kewenangan maka para hakim menggunakan konsep penyalahgunaan wewenang dari hukum administrasi. Problema muncul saat diberlakukannya Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 dimana telah memicu persinggungan dalam hal kewenangan mengadili penyalahgunaan wewenang (termasuk diskresi) antara Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara dengan Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Pada perkembangannya, persinggungan kewenangan mengadili tersebut ditegaskan oleh Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2015 bahwa PTUN berwenang menerima, memeriksa, dan memutus permohonan penilaian ada atau tidak ada penyalahgunaan wewenang (termasuk diskresi) dalam Keputusan dan/atau Tindakan Pejabat Pemerintahan sebelum adanya proses pidana. Sehubungan tidak dijelaskan tentang definisi dan batasan proses pidana yang dimaksud, maka timbul penafsiran yang berbeda. Perlu diadakan kesepakatan bersama dan dituangkan dalam regulasi tentang tapal batas persinggungan yang jelas tanpa meniadakan kewenangan pengujian penyalahgunaan wewenang diskresi pada Pengadilan TUN.Discretion as free authority is vulnerable to being misused. The abuse of discretion implicating the state finance may be prosecuted by both administrative and criminal law. In view of the fact that the law on corruption eradication does not formulate in detail the intended element of authority abuse, the judges use the concept of authority abuse from administrative law. Problems arise when the enactment of Law No. 30 of 2014 triggered an interception in terms of justice/ adjudicate authority on authority abuse (including discretion) between the Administrative Court and Corruption Court. In its development, the interception of justice authority is affirmed by Regulation of the Supreme Court Number 4 of 2015 that the Administrative Court has the authority to receive, examine and decide upon the appeal there is or there is no misuse of authority in the Decision and / or Action of Government Officials prior to the criminal process. That is, shortly before the commencement of the criminal process then that's when the authority of PTUN decides to judge the misuse of authority over the case. In this context, Perma No. 4 of 2015 has imposed restrictions on the authority of the TUN Court in prosecuting the abuse of discretionary authority.

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