scholarly journals Histopathologic Features of Antibody Mediated Rejection: The Banff Classification and Beyond

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lynn D. Cornell

Antibody mediated rejection (ABMR) in the kidney can show a wide range of clinical presentations and histopathologic patterns. The Banff 2019 classification currently recognizes four diagnostic categories: 1. Active ABMR, 2. Chronic active ABMR, 3. Chronic (inactive) ABMR, and 4. C4d staining without evidence of rejection. This categorization is limited in that it does not adequately represent the spectrum of antibody associated injury in allograft, it is based on biopsy findings without incorporating clinical features (e.g., time post-transplant, de novo versus preformed DSA, protocol versus indication biopsy, complement inhibitor drugs), the scoring is not adequately reproducible, and the terminology is confusing. These limitations are particularly relevant in patients undergoing desensitization or positive crossmatch kidney transplantation. In this article, I discuss Banff criteria for these ABMR categories, with a focus on patients with pre-transplant DSA, and offer a framework for considering the continuum of allograft injury associated with donor specific antibody in these patients.

2012 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1319-1334 ◽  
Michael Gill

AbstractA wide range of developmental disorders present with characteristic psychopathologies and behaviors, with diagnoses including, inter alia, cognitive disorders and learning disabilities, epilepsies, autism, and schizophrenia. Each, to varying extent, has a genetic component to etiology and is associated with cytogenetic abnormalities. Technological developments, particularly array-based comparative genome hybridization and single nucleotide polymorphism chips, has revealed a wide range of rare recurrent and de novo copy number variants (CNVs) to be associated with disorder and psychopathology. It is surprising that many apparently similar CNVs are identified across two or more disorders hitherto considered unrelated. This article describes the characteristics of CNVs and current technological restrictions that make accurately identifying small events difficult. It summarizes the latest discoveries for individual diagnostic categories and considers the implications for a shared neurobiology. It examines likely developments in the knowledge base as well as addressing the clinical implications going forward.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (Supplement_3) ◽  
Željko Kikić ◽  
Haris Omic ◽  
Georg A Böhmig ◽  
Nicolas Kozakowski ◽  
Michael Eder

Abstract Background and Aims Post transplant (pTX) glomerulonephritis (GN) is an important factor contributing to early and late allograft failure. De novo or recurrent IgA GN are the most frequent pTX-GN forms, however little is known about the optimal risk and therapeutic assessment. Recently, immunopathological evidence of glomerular C4d staining has been suggested as a prognostic tool in native glomerular kidney disease, in particular IgA GN. While peritubular capillary C4d is an accepted diagnostic criterion for antibody mediated rejection (ABMR), the role of glomerular C4d in pTX-GN is unkown. The primary hypothesis was that the finding of immunohistochemical glomerular C4d may be associated renal graft survival in post TX IgA GN. Method This large retrospective cohort study included all indication biopsies performed for cause in 885 kidney allografts from 1999-2006. Cases were screened for biopsy verified de novo or recurrent pTX-GN. GN cases were re-assessed by a single nephropathologist (NK). Primary endpoint was death-sensored graft survival followed until 01.01.2017. Results The prevalence of pTX-GN was 9.6% (n=85/885). De novo or recurrent IgA-GN was the most common pTX GN form with 40%. Of the 34 cases with pTX IgA GN, 27 had adequate material for interpretation of immunohistochemical glomerular C4d in the biopsy specimen. Eighteen of the 27 cases (66%) with pTx-IgA GN showed positive immunohistochemical C4d staining along glomerular capillary walls. There was no difference in renal function at biopsy or after one year comparing glomerular C4d positive vs. C4d negative pTX IgA GN. In univariate KM analysis glomerular C4d positive pTX-IgA GN showed significantly worse renal allograft survival rates (28%) compared to glomerular C4d negative pTX IgA GN (50%) or cases without GN (66%), p<0.001, respectively. In a multivariate Cox-Regression analysis including baseline covariates as well C4d+ABMR, Borderline lesion and TCMR, C4d+pTX IgA-GN remained independently associated with death censored graft-loss (HR 2.92, 95% CI 1.51-5.64, p=0.001). Conclusion Glomerular C4d staining in post transplant IgA glomerulonephritis is an independent risk factor for worse allograft survival and may provide a valuable risk assessment tool for prognostic and therapeutic decisions in post transplant glomerulonephritis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 152 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S72-S72
Priya Johal

Abstract Background Histiocytic sarcoma is a rare neoplasm of mature histiocytes with a wide range of clinical presentations and manifestations. The heterogeneity of this neoplasm can cause difficulty in both diagnosis and treatment. It is a diagnosis of exclusion, requiring verification of the histiocytic lineage and the exclusion of other B-cell related malignancies. Although cases of postrenal transplant histiocytic sarcoma have been reported, incidences in a native kidney are rare. Case Report We present the case of a 70-year-old male with a history of colorectal adenocarcinoma, status post chemotherapy, with an incidental exophytic renal mass found on imaging, which was determined to be a sarcomatoid renal cell cancer on biopsy. Radical nephrectomy was performed, revealing a 4.5 × 3.5 × 3.2-cm mass invading the renal pelvis and fat. Microscopic examination of the tumor showed large, poorly cohesive neoplastic cells with abundant pale, eosinophilic cytoplasm that stained positive for vimentin, CD4, CD163, and CD68 and weakly/focally positive for lysozyme. Negative immunostains included PAX-8, pan-CK, AE1/AE3, HMB45, S100, CD34, CD30, ALK1, CD1a, myeloperoxidase, CD138, myo-D1, SMA, and CD21. A diagnosis of histiocytic sarcoma, grade 4 was made based on these findings. Discussion Histiocytic sarcoma is a disease of unknown etiology accounting for less than 1% of all hematolymphoid neoplasms. Our literature review revealed no other cases arising de novo in the kidney, but several cases were reported in postrenal transplant patients. Diagnosis of histiocytic sarcoma is difficult as it is a diagnosis of exclusion. The immunohistochemical profile most often expresses lysosome-related markers, such as CD68, CD163, or lysozyme. Additionally, negative staining is expected for markers related to B cells, T cells, and melanocytes. The cells are often large with eosinophilic cytoplasm, well-defined borders, and vesicular chromatin. Although there are numerous differentials, distinct morphologic and immunohistochemical features allow for accurate diagnosis.

А.Р. Зарипова ◽  
Л.Р. Нургалиева ◽  
А.В. Тюрин ◽  
И.Р. Минниахметов ◽  
Р.И. Хусаинова

Проведено исследование гена интерферон индуцированного трансмембранного белка 5 (IFITM5) у 99 пациентов с несовершенным остеогенезом (НО) из 86 неродственных семей. НО - клинически и генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание соединительной ткани, основное клиническое проявление которого - множественные переломы, начиная с неонатального периода жизни, зачастую приводящие к инвалидизации с детского возраста. К основным клиническим признакам НО относятся голубые склеры, потеря слуха, аномалия дентина, повышенная ломкость костей, нарушения роста и осанки с развитием характерных инвалидизирующих деформаций костей и сопутствующих проблем, включающих дыхательные, неврологические, сердечные, почечные нарушения. НО встречается как у мужчин, так и у женщин. До сих пор не определена степень генетической гетерогенности заболевания. На сегодняшний день известно 20 генов, вовлеченных в патогенез НО, и исследователи разных стран продолжают искать новые гены. В последнее десятилетие стало известно, что аутосомно-рецессивные, аутосомно-доминантные и Х-сцепленные мутации в широком спектре генов, кодирующих белки, которые участвуют в синтезе коллагена I типа, его процессинге, секреции и посттрансляционной модификации, а также в белках, которые регулируют дифференцировку и активность костеобразующих клеток, вызывают НО. Мутации в гене IFITM5, также называемом BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), участвующем в формировании остеобластов, приводят к развитию НО типа V. До 5% пациентов имеют НО типа V, который характеризуется образованием гиперпластического каллуса после переломов, кальцификацией межкостной мембраны предплечья и сетчатым рисунком ламелирования, наблюдаемого при гистологическом исследовании кости. В 2012 г. гетерозиготная мутация (c.-14C> T) в 5’-нетранслируемой области (UTR) гена IFITM5 была идентифицирована как основная причина НО V типа. В представленной работе проведен анализ гена IFITM5 и идентифицирована мутация c.-14C>T, возникшая de novo, у одного пациента с НО, которому впоследствии был установлен V тип заболевания. Также выявлены три известных полиморфных варианта: rs57285449; c.80G>C (p.Gly27Ala) и rs2293745; c.187-45C>T и rs755971385 c.279G>A (p.Thr93=) и один ранее не описанный вариант: c.128G>A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC>AAC (S/D), которые не являются патогенными. В статье уделяется внимание особенностям клинических проявлений НО V типа и рекомендуется определение мутации c.-14C>T в гене IFITM5 при подозрении на данную форму заболевания. A study was made of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 gene (IFITM5) in 99 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) from 86 unrelated families and a search for pathogenic gene variants involved in the formation of the disease phenotype. OI is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease of the connective tissue, the main clinical manifestation of which is multiple fractures, starting from the natal period of life, often leading to disability from childhood. The main clinical signs of OI include blue sclera, hearing loss, anomaly of dentin, increased fragility of bones, impaired growth and posture, with the development of characteristic disabling bone deformities and associated problems, including respiratory, neurological, cardiac, and renal disorders. OI occurs in both men and women. The degree of genetic heterogeneity of the disease has not yet been determined. To date, 20 genes are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of OI, and researchers from different countries continue to search for new genes. In the last decade, it has become known that autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and X-linked mutations in a wide range of genes encoding proteins that are involved in the synthesis of type I collagen, its processing, secretion and post-translational modification, as well as in proteins that regulate the differentiation and activity of bone-forming cells cause OI. Mutations in the IFITM5 gene, also called BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), involved in the formation of osteoblasts, lead to the development of OI type V. Up to 5% of patients have OI type V, which is characterized by the formation of a hyperplastic callus after fractures, calcification of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, and a mesh lamellar pattern observed during histological examination of the bone. In 2012, a heterozygous mutation (c.-14C> T) in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) of the IFITM5 gene was identified as the main cause of OI type V. In the present work, the IFITM5 gene was analyzed and the de novo c.-14C> T mutation was identified in one patient with OI who was subsequently diagnosed with type V of the disease. Three known polymorphic variants were also identified: rs57285449; c.80G> C (p.Gly27Ala) and rs2293745; c.187-45C> T and rs755971385 c.279G> A (p.Thr93 =) and one previously undescribed variant: c.128G> A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC> AAC (S / D), which were not pathogenic. The article focuses on the features of the clinical manifestations of OI type V, and it is recommended to determine the c.-14C> T mutation in the IFITM5 gene if this form of the disease is suspected.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (05) ◽  
pp. 362-368 ◽  
Federica Sullo ◽  
Agata Polizzi ◽  
Stefano Catanzaro ◽  
Selene Mantegna ◽  
Francesco Lacarrubba ◽  

Cerebellotrigeminal dermal (CTD) dysplasia is a rare neurocutaneous disorder characterized by a triad of symptoms: bilateral parieto-occipital alopecia, facial anesthesia in the trigeminal area, and rhombencephalosynapsis (RES), confirmed by cranial magnetic resonance imaging. CTD dysplasia is also known as Gómez-López-Hernández syndrome. So far, only 35 cases have been described with varying symptomatology. The etiology remains unknown. Either spontaneous dominant mutations or de novo chromosomal rearrangements have been proposed as possible explanations. In addition to its clinical triad of RES, parietal alopecia, and trigeminal anesthesia, CTD dysplasia is associated with a wide range of phenotypic and neurodevelopmental abnormalities.Treatment is symptomatic and includes physical rehabilitation, special education, dental care, and ocular protection against self-induced corneal trauma that causes ulcers and, later, corneal opacification. The prognosis is correlated to the mental development, motor handicap, corneal–facial anesthesia, and visual problems. Follow-up on a large number of patients with CTD dysplasia has never been reported and experience is limited to few cases to date. High degree of suspicion in a child presenting with characteristic alopecia and RES has a great importance in diagnosis of this syndrome.

2021 ◽  
pp. 123-130
Anker Stubberud ◽  
Emer O’Connor ◽  
Erling Tronvik ◽  
Henry Houlden ◽  
Manjit Matharu

Mutations in the <i>CACNA1A</i> gene show a wide range of neurological phenotypes including hemiplegic migraine, ataxia, mental retardation and epilepsy. In some cases, hemiplegic migraine attacks can be triggered by minor head trauma and culminate in encephalopathy and cerebral oedema. A 37-year-old male without a family history of complex migraine experienced hemiplegic migraine attacks from childhood. The attacks were usually triggered by minor head trauma, and on several occasions complicated with encephalopathy and cerebral oedema. Genetic testing of the proband and unaffected parents revealed a de novo heterozygous nucleotide missense mutation in exon 25 of the <i>CACNA1A</i> gene (c.4055G&#x3e;A, p.R1352Q). The R1352Q <i>CACNA1A</i> variant shares the phenotype with other described <i>CACNA1A</i> mutations and highlights the interesting association of trauma as a precipitant for hemiplegic migraine. Subjects with early-onset sporadic hemiplegic migraine triggered by minor head injury or associated with seizures, ataxia or episodes of encephalopathy should be screened for mutations. These patients should also be advised to avoid activities that may result in head trauma, and anticonvulsants should be considered as prophylactic migraine therapy.

Microbiome ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Hannes Petruschke ◽  
Christian Schori ◽  
Sebastian Canzler ◽  
Sarah Riesbeck ◽  
Anja Poehlein ◽  

Abstract Background The intestinal microbiota plays a crucial role in protecting the host from pathogenic microbes, modulating immunity and regulating metabolic processes. We studied the simplified human intestinal microbiota (SIHUMIx) consisting of eight bacterial species with a particular focus on the discovery of novel small proteins with less than 100 amino acids (= sProteins), some of which may contribute to shape the simplified human intestinal microbiota. Although sProteins carry out a wide range of important functions, they are still often missed in genome annotations, and little is known about their structure and function in individual microbes and especially in microbial communities. Results We created a multi-species integrated proteogenomics search database (iPtgxDB) to enable a comprehensive identification of novel sProteins. Six of the eight SIHUMIx species, for which no complete genomes were available, were sequenced and de novo assembled. Several proteomics approaches including two earlier optimized sProtein enrichment strategies were applied to specifically increase the chances for novel sProtein discovery. The search of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data against the multi-species iPtgxDB enabled the identification of 31 novel sProteins, of which the expression of 30 was supported by metatranscriptomics data. Using synthetic peptides, we were able to validate the expression of 25 novel sProteins. The comparison of sProtein expression in each single strain versus a multi-species community cultivation showed that six of these sProteins were only identified in the SIHUMIx community indicating a potentially important role of sProteins in the organization of microbial communities. Two of these novel sProteins have a potential antimicrobial function. Metabolic modelling revealed that a third sProtein is located in a genomic region encoding several enzymes relevant for the community metabolism within SIHUMIx. Conclusions We outline an integrated experimental and bioinformatics workflow for the discovery of novel sProteins in a simplified intestinal model system that can be generically applied to other microbial communities. The further analysis of novel sProteins uniquely expressed in the SIHUMIx multi-species community is expected to enable new insights into the role of sProteins on the functionality of bacterial communities such as those of the human intestinal tract.

Nephron ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Takahiro Tsuji ◽  
Sari Iwasaki ◽  
Keishi Makita ◽  
Teppei Imamoto ◽  
Naomichi Ishidate ◽  

<b><i>Aim:</i></b> Chronic active antibody-mediated rejection (CAABMR) is an important cause of late-stage renal allograft loss. Early inflammatory events such as acute rejection and infection after transplantation are considered to be the risk factors of de novo donor-specific antibody (dnDSA) production. In this study, we investigated the relationship between pre­disposing T-cell-mediated rejection and dnDSA-positive CAABMR. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We recruited 365 patients who underwent ABO-compatible renal transplantation at our hospital. Among them, 16 patients diagnosed as having dnDSA-positive CAABMR were designated as a CAABMR group, and 38 randomly selected patients were designated as a control group. All biopsies from 1 month after transplantation were included in the study. The presence or absence of borderline changes (BLCs), acute T-cell-mediated rejection (ATMR), microvascular inflammation (MVI), and C4d positive on peritubular capillaries (C4d-P) was examined. <b><i>Results:</i></b> In the CAABMR group, BLC/ATMR was found in 12 cases (75%), and the mean duration until appearance of BLC/ATMR was 282.7 ± 328.7 days. C4d-P was found in 11 cases (68.8%), and the mean duration until its appearance was 1,432 ± 1,307 days. MVI was found in all cases, and the mean duration until its appearance was 1,333 ± 1,126 days. The mean duration until diagnosis of CAABMR was 2,268 ± 1,191 days. In the control group, BLC/ATMR was found in 13 cases (34.2%), and the mean duration until the appearance of BLC/ATMR was 173.1 ± 170.4 days. C4d-P was found in 2 cases (5.3%), and the durations until its appearance were 748 and 1,881 days. No cases of MVI were found in the control group. The frequency of BLC/ATMR was significantly higher in the CAABMR group (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.01). <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Preceding BLC/ATMR is associated with the development of CAABMR with dnDSA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Ákos Sudár ◽  
Gergely Futaki ◽  
Róbert Kovács

Abstract The thermal modeling of biological systems is increasingly important in the development of more advanced and more precise techniques such as ultrasound surgery. One of the primary barriers is the complexity of biological materials: the geometrical, structural, and material properties vary in a wide range. In the present paper, we focus on the continuum modeling of heterogeneous materials of biological origin. There are numerous examples in the literature for non-Fourier thermal models. However, as we realized, they are associated with a few common misconceptions. Therefore, we first aim to clarify the basic concepts of non-Fourier thermal models. These concepts are demonstrated by revisiting two experiments from the literature in which the Cattaneo–Vernotte and the dual phase lag models are utilized. Our investigation revealed that these non-Fourier models are based on misinterpretations of the measured data, and the seeming deviation from Fourier’s law originates from the source terms and boundary conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (Supplement_2) ◽  
N Nakamura ◽  
S Torii ◽  
T Ijichi ◽  
K Jujo ◽  
M Hara ◽  

Abstract Introduction Intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH) is known to play an important role in plaque vulnerability in coronary artery. However, the biological reaction in IPH and clinical features of patients with IPH remain unknown, since most histological studies of IPH in coronary artery were performed on autopsy cases. Directional coronary atherectomy (DCA) enables the direct pathological evaluation of collected tissue from “living” patients. Purpose We aimed to clarify the clinical presentations and histopathologic features of IPH using specimens obtained by DCA. Method This multicentral prospective observational study included consecutive patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention for de novo lesions using DCA from June 2015 to February 2018. Histopathological sections that were collected from coronary plaques by DCA were evaluated and classified by the presence of IPH. IPH in DCA specimens was defined as clusters of hemosiderin (Figure A, arrows), erythrocytes (Figure B, arrow heads) and fibrin (Figure C, arrows) within the coronary plaque. A total of 154 de novo lesions from 154 patients were ultimately analyzed, and were divided into IPH group (n=37) and non-IPH group (n=117). Result Clinical profiles of patients in the two groups were comparable, except that unstable angina rather than chronic coronary syndrome was significantly more prevalent in the IPH group (32.4% vs. 16.2%, P=0.04). Histopathological analysis showed a significantly higher incidence of cellular-rich plaque (46.0% vs. 25.6%, P=0.02) and spindle-shaped cells (18.9% vs. 6.0%, P=0.02), which indicate active cell proliferations, in the IPH group. The prevalence of necrotic core was also higher in IPH group compared to non-IPH group (48.7% vs. 13.7%, P&lt;0.01). Conclusion Pathohistological analysis revealed that coronary plaques with IPH had an active cell proliferation, and patients with IPH likely to had clinical presentations of unstable angina. Figure 1 Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: None

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